DIHECTORY.] CORNWALL. PAR. 973 Lan~ Betsy (Mrs.), leather cutter, Lanadwell street Roberts William Harvey, farmer, Tregirls Liddieoat Joseph, boot maker & shopkeeper, South quay Runrlle Elizabeth (::\Irs.), butcher, Duke street Maegregor Moses, drill instructor Salmon Loveday (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Market place Marley Henry Frederick L.R.C.P.LOnd. physician & surgeon, Sleeman John, ironmonger, Lanadwellstreet medical officer 2nd district St. Columb union; medical Spear John, farmer, Trerisker officer of health, Padstow, The Nook Spear John, sen. farmer, Crugmeer Miners William Henry, plumber & tin man, Market place Spear John, jnn. farmer, Trerisker Nicholls William & Kalie, grocers & drapers, Duke street Stone George, pilot Nieholls James, land & estate agent & accountant, agent to Stephens Mary Jane (Mrs.), London inn, Lanadwell street the West of England Fire & Life, Provident Clerks & Stribley Annie & Jane (Misses), ladies' school Imperial Live Stock Insurance Co.s & assessor & collector Stribley John, cabinet maker, Duke street of taxes, Duke street Stribley William, rigger, Limekiln hill Old Richard, pilot Thomas Edward, steam packet agent, North quay Osborne Thomas Knight, farmer, Traetor Tom Gregory, farmer, Dennis Padstow Gas Go. (Robert England, sec.) ; works, Church la Tom Johnson Paynter, farmer, Dennis Padstow Harbour Association (Robert Langford, secretary) Tom William James, farmer, Trerisker Pearce Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper & tailoress, .Market place 'fonkin Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Broad street Phillips William Henry, lessee of Gas Works, Church lane Tonkin Peter, boot & shoe maker, Mill street Pope Silas, blacksmith, Cross street • Tregaskis Samuel T. corn &c. merchant Pope William Henry, clerk & collector to the local board, Udy James, earthenware dealer, Broad street Church street Williams Henry, farmer, Treniow Power George, farmer, Crugmeer Williams John, farmer, Porthmizen Rawle Charles, shipbuilder, broker, chandler, sail & rope Williams John, jun. farmer & cattle dealer maker &e. Upper dock Williams William, farmer Reevely James, pilot Wills Jane (Miss), Commercial hotel tf po~ting house, South Reynolds John, watch maker, Lanadwell street quay. See advertisement Reynolds William, jobmaster & farmer, New street PAR is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1847 from por­ St. Blazey Gate, St. Blazey Highway and tions of the parishes of St. Blazey and Tywardreath, with a Biscovey, are villages in this parish; they extend from station on the Cornwall railway, in the Eastern division of one to three miles west, on the road to St. Austell. Near the county, western division of the hundred of Powder, the turnpike gate is a curious sepulchral stone, erected in union and county court district of St. Austell, rural deanery 920, and now used as a gate post; it is 7i feet high, xi feet of St. Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of wide, and 8 inches thtck, and bears the inscription " Alroron, Truro, distant from London 281! miles, Plymouth 35, Ullici filius." Penzance 45, Bodmin 9, I mile south from St. Blazey, and There are Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels at St. includes the villages of BisCOVEY, ST. MARY's or ST. Blazey Gate BLAZEY GATE, ST. BLAZEY HIGHWAY, and other hamlets. Pa,"ish Clerk, William Pope. Par is a thriving port, and owes its origin as such entirely PosT, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Bank, to the untiring perseverance of the late J. T. Treffry Par.-Wm. Stephens, postmaster. Letters arrive through esq. who converted this place from an open bay into a safe Par Station at 7.10 a.m., 1.30 & 6.45 p.m.; dispatched at port, constructed the breakwater and quays, and connected 5.15 & 11.45 a.m. & 5.15 p.m. week days only the port with the mines by railways and canals, undertak­ PosT OFFICE, Par Station.-George Lias, postmaster. ings which have since been further developed by his trustees; Letters arrive at 6 a.m., 12.14 & 12.39 & 6 p.m. it is now an important shipping place for china-clay, st.one, Newquay mails arrive at 12 & 5.50 p.m.; dispatched at granite ; the imports being coal, timber and general mer­ 6 a. m. 12.45 & 7.30 p.m. St. Colomb mails arrive at 12 & chandise. The Great Western railway directly connects the 5.50 p.m. ; dispatched at 12.45 & 7.30 p.m. St. Colomb harbour of Newquay on the north with those of Par and minor mails arrive at 5.50 p.m. ; dispatched at 6 a.m Fowey on the south-coast, thus opening communication PosT OFFICE, Biscovey.-Mrs. Betsey Penalurick, post­ with the various china-clay and stone works, tin, copper mistress. Letters through Par Station, arrive at 7.40 and iron mines, and the granite districts of the interior, a a.m. & 7-45 p.m.; dispatched at 4·45 a.m. & 4-45 p.m. branch line being also extended to the extensive iron lodes week days only. The nearest money order & telegraph in the Perran district. The church of St. Mary, situated near office is at Par Biscovey, and built in 1849 from the designs of the late G. INSURANCE AGENTS;- E. Street esq. R.A. is a structure of stone in the Early English Lancashire, T. H. Evans, St. Blazey station style, and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle, and a tower Ro.11al Farmers', ,V. Rundall, Lanscott with spire : there are eleven stained windows. The register PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS ;- dates from the year 1849. The living is a vicarage, net Par ·Harbour, John Moyse, Tregaskes, harbour master yearly value £160 with residence, in the gift of the Crown Custom House, Thomas Lincoln, principal coast officer and the Bishop of Truro alternately, and held since r872 by Great Western Depot ( Cormoall .Hinerals District Railwa.v); the Rev. Frank Garrett M.A. of ·worcester College, Oxford. Charles K. Ste\·ens, traffic manager; George Ed ward Here is a Mission Room, used during the day as a school Louth, c.E. engineer; Edward Swinney, chief of loco­ for children of the parish, and at times for divine service. motive department The Wesleyan Chapel is a plain building of stone, erected ScHooLs:- in r864, and seating about 400 people. There is a good Board (mixed), St. Mary's (at old Church school), holding Sunday school in connection. The Primitive Methodist 180 children ; average attendance, 140; William Tonkin, chapel, erected in 1875, is a similar building, holding master about 250 people. The extensive works and chief d~pot School (girls' & infants') (at Mission Room, Par), holding of the Cornwall minerals district branch of the Great 90; average attendance, 20; (supported by school pence Western railway are situated here, and have a frontage & grant of £5 annually from Bellows charity of Iron­ of about 500 feet, and a water tank holding 36,ooo mongers Co. London), Miss Louie Hewett, mistress gallons. The buildings are of brick, and were erected by Railwa.11 Station, George Lias, station master Sir l\Iorton Peto hart. in 1872-4. The smelting works at PLACES oF WoRSHIP, with times of services:- Par (not at present in use) have a chimney 235 feet in St . .~.Jfary's Church (Biscovey), Rev. Frank Garrett M.A.. height. The 5th lnttery of the (1st) Duke of Cornwall's vicar; 9 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6 p.m. Holy days 9 a.m. mid­ Artillery Volunteers have a battery at Par, on the coast, winter n a.m.; certain week-day evenings at 7 p.m their head quarters being at St. Blazey. The principal land­ Bible Christian, St. Blazey owners are Charles Ebenezer Treffry esq. J.P. ; Major Wesle11an, St. Blazey Thomas Tristrem Spry Carlyon J.P., D.L.; Jonathan Rash­ Primitive .ilfethodist, Par (St. Austell circuit) ; 2.30 & 6 p.m lei~h esq. J.P., D.L. and Lord Robartes. The soil is killas ; We.~leyan, Par, Rev. William Ball, minister; 11 a.m. & 6 subsoil, various. The area is 1,82:> acres ;and the population p.m.; week days, alternate thurs. at 7 p.m in 1881 was 1,520. Evans Thomas Henry, Rose cottage Leaman Mrs Par. Garrett Rev.Frank M.A.[ vicar],Vicarage Louth George Edward C.E. Par station PRIVATE RESIDE~TS. Gill ~Irs Polsue Mrs Congdon Jonathan Graae Niels, Lamb park Rogers Mrs. Lambpark Dingle William Jenkins John, Holly cottage Runule 'Villiam, Sea View cottage Elliott John IKitt Thomas Stephens John, Parklamb place .
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