US 20030178800A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0178800 A1 Fite (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 25, 2003 (54) HAMPER ASSEMBLY WITH LAUNDRY (52) US. Cl. ........................................................ .. 280/47.38 SUPPLY STORAGE CONTAINERS (76) Inventor: David Lee Fite, Miami, FL (US) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: Ruben Alcoba, Esq. A laundry hamper assembly. A hamper, having a bottom 17347 SW 20th Ct ?oor and a top portion, features a container disposed in its MIRAMAR, FL 33029 (US) top portion. The container and the bottom ?oor de?ne a cavity for storing articles of clothing. The container in the (21) Appl. No.: 10/103,341 hamper is con?gured to hold laundry supplies. Ventilation (22) Filed: Mar. 21, 2002 grills are de?ned in the hamper betWeen the container and the bottom ?oor, alloWing air to How from the cavity to the Publication Classi?cation outside of the hamper. Other elements improve the mobility of the hamper assembly, and secure the contents of both the (51) Int. Cl? ..................................................... .. B62B 7/00 hamper and its containers. Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 1 0f 3 US 2003/0178800 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 2003/0178800 A1 44 44 as Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 2003/0178800 A1 FIG. 4(c) US 2003/0178800 A1 Sep. 25, 2003 HAMPER ASSEMBLY WITH LAUNDRY SUPPLY bleach in an encompassing container. Thus, providing a STORAGE CONTAINERS person the convenience of transporting and retrieving every thing involved in the laundering of clothes at one time. This BACKGROUND is an important aspect of this invention, for it alloWs users of the hamper to launder clothes in an ef?cient manner. [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0013] The present invention eliminates the need to make [0002] The present invention relates to a clothes hamper multiple trips from home to car to remote laundry facilities. assembly. More particularly, the present invention relates to An organiZed hamper is especially important at remote a ventilated hamper With containers integrated therein for locations, such as a laundry mat. Over time, the present the storage and transport of laundry supplies. invention Will dramatically save time and money. [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art [0014] Accordingly, it is a principle object of the invention [0004] Laundry hampers are generally knoWn in the art, to provide a convenient storage system for the containing being intended for the convenient collection and storage of and transporting the various supplies required to launder soiled laundry. clothing. [0005] Laundry hampers have been disclosed in US. [0015] It is another object of the invention to supply a patents. US. Pat. No. 5,833,336, to Dean teaches a com ventilated storage space for clothing. partmentaliZed hamper. The compartments hold various [0016] It is a further object of the invention to provide for laundry articles. US. Pat. No. 5,690,217, to Friday discloses the simultaneous transportation and storage of both laundry a hamper With Wheels, a handle and a cover. US. Pat. No. articles and laundry supplies in a convenient and ef?cient 5,118,173, to Proctor, et al. discloses a hamper With an manner. externally disposed clothespin tray. [0017] Yet another object of the invention is to ensure that [0006] There are also many ornamental designs for ham laundry supplies are not forgotten, misplaced, or left behind pers. US. Pat. No. D256,423 to Bacskay, et al., US. Pat. No. When the supplies are transported from a storage location to D348,127 to Van Berne, US. Pat. No. D398,108 to DiaZ, a location for laundering clothing. and US. Pat. No. D431,099 to Douglas are just several eXamples of design patents pertaining to laundry hampers. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The aesthetics of a hamper is a signi?cant consideration for the consumer. Hampers are often placed in conspicuous [0018] These and other features, aspects, and advantages locations in the home. Hampers might be considered furni of the present invention Will become better understood With ture. regard to the following description, appended claims, and accompanying and draWings Where: [0007] Hampers, despite their immediate use for storing and transporting clothing, are ultimately directed to the task [0019] FIG. 1 illustrates a front perspective vieW of the of cleaning clothes. HoWever, prior art hampers are Woefully hamper assembly according to the present invention; inadequate in pursuing that objective. The art cries out for a [0020] FIG. 2 illustrates a rear perspective vieW of the hamper that stores and transports those laundry supplies that hamper assembly according to the present invention; are incidental to, but essential for, the cleaning of clothes. [0021] FIGS. 3(a)-(c), respectively, illustrate vieWs from SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the back, front, and one side of the hamper assembly according to the present invention; and [0008] This invention generally relates to a laundry ham per assembly. A hamper, having a bottom ?oor and a top [0022] FIGS. 4(a)-(c), respectively, illustrate transparent portion, features a container disposed in the top portion of vieWs from the back, front, and one side of the hamper the hamper. The container and the bottom ?oor of the assembly according to the present invention. hamper de?ne a cavity. Articles of clothing are stored in this cavity. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0009] The container in the top portion of the hamper is con?gured to hold laundry supplies. These supplies include, [0023] In order to be better understood, a description of but are not limited to, detergent, bleach, and fabric softener. the invention is hereWith offered, based on a practical The invention further includes a means for supporting the application of the above-mentioned draWings. container in the top portion. [0024] The hamper assembly of the present invention is [0010] Ventilation grills are de?ned in the sides of the generally illustrated in FIG. 1. The hamper 12 has a bottom hamper. The grills are betWeen the container and the bottom ?oor 14, front and rear Walls 16, 18 and tWo opposite ?oor of the hamper. The ventilation grills alloW air to How sideWalls 20, 22. HoWever, the hamper might also be round, from the internal cavity to the outside of the hamper. This or of any other appropriate shape. air?oW prevents moisture build-up in the cavity of the [0025] The main opening of the hamper 12 is at the top hamper. Overtime, moisture might damage articles of cloth portion 24 of the hamper 12. mg. [0011] Other elements of the present invention are fea [0026] Additionally, in the top portion 24 are a plurality of tured that improve the mobility of the hamper assembly, and containers 30, 31. These containers 30, 31 are suspended in secure the contents of both the hamper and the laundry the top portion 24 by a means for supporting the container supply containers. 32. Here, the particular means is a narroWing in the internal circumference of the hamper from the top portion toWard the [0012] The hamper assembly of the present invention bottom ?oor. The narroWing persists until the internal cir alloWs people to place clothes, detergent, fabric softener and cumference of the hamper approximately equals the outer US 2003/0178800 A1 Sep. 25, 2003 circumference of the containers 30, 31. The means for [0035] It is to be understood that the present invention is supporting the container might also be a ledge molded into not limited to the embodiments described above, but encom the sides of the hamper 12. The containers can rest upon this passes any and all embodiments Within the scope of the ledge. The containers 30, 31 do not completely block the folloWing claims. main opening 26, but leave a space through Which clothes might be placed into the hamper 12. The containers 30, 31, I claim: the bottom ?oor 14, front and rear Walls 16, 18, and the tWo 1. A laundry hamper assembly comprising: opposite sideWalls 20, 22 de?ne a cavity. Clothes are stored a hamper having a bottom ?oor, front and rear Walls, tWo and transported in this cavity. The cavity consumes a major opposite sideWalls, and a top portion having an opening ity of the space in the hamper 12, as seen in the various vieWs of FIG. 4. formed there through; [0027] In FIGS. 1 and 2, one sees ventilation grills 28 on ventilation grills de?ned in at least one of the front and the sideWalls 20, 22. HoWever, the ventilation grills 28 might rear Walls, or the tWo opposite side Walls; be located anyWhere that Would alloW air to circulate a means for supporting a container in the top portion of betWeen the cavity 27 of the hamper 12 and the outside of the hamper; and the hamper 12. In this Way the ventilation grills 28 prevent the accumulation of moisture in the cavity 27. Moisture at least one container held by the means supporting a might damage clothes by encouraging mildeW. FIGS. 3(b) container, Wherein the bottom portion of the container and (c) shoW ventilation grills 28 on the front Wall 16 and the and the ?oor of the hamper de?ne a cavity for storing. sideWall 20. Generally, the ventilation grills 28 are optimally 2. The assembly of claim 1, further comprising: siZed to facilitate air?oW, While preventing articles of cloth ing from escaping the cavity of the hamper. a container cover; [0028] The containers 30, 31 have container covers 34, an open portion of the container for receiving the con Which seal over the open portions of the containers 30,31 tainer cover; and With a snap-lock mechanism 38, a variety of snap lock mechanisms are knoW in the art.
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