1.2 BLESSINGS, CHANTS, AND HOLIDAY SONGS Rabbi Roberto Arbib with Hammutal Zimra Melodic Prayers from Home: Italy and Israel Et Sha’arei Ratzon (A Time for the Gates of Favor) Florence El Nora Alila (God of Wondrous Deeds) Ben Adam Mah Lekha Nirdam (Mortal Man, Why Do You Slumber?) Et Sha’arei Ratzon (A Time for the Gates of Favor) Libya Odekha Ki Anitani (I Thanks You Who Has Answered Me) B’tzeit Yisrael (When Israel Left Egypt) Had Gadya Mah Nishtana Shalom Aleikhim Shral Ha Asabim Merri Lovinger Arian Nefesh Songs for the Soul All the World Sings to You Halleluyah Niggun/Return Again Oh Guide My Steps Lecha Dodi Sim Shalom Adon Olam Ma Tovu Shalom Aleichem Birchot Hamishpacha Mi Shebeirach Od Yavo Shalom T’filat Haderech Marsha Rose Attie The Length of Our Days Kim Hem Chayenu Ma Tovu Rosh Chodesh Sha’alu Shalom Mi Camocha Shir Le’sukkot Yi Hi Yu Le’ratzon The Big Open Yevarechecha Gertrud Baumann, soprano; Paula Lindberg, alto; Joseph Schmidt, tenor; Rederick Lechner, baritone & Hermann Schey, baritone Sacred Service of the Jewish Reform Congregation in Berlin Santification Sabbath Evening Service Sabbath Morning Service Passover Simhat Torah New Year Laura Berkson Vzamru: And You Shall Sing One Heart, One Home Start Fresh T’filah L’shalom Yitzer Or Menorah L’dor Vador Three Stars/Havdalah Round Treblinka Ruach Elohom Esa Einai Miriam Moshe (Moussa) Berlin & Klezmers Playing Carlebach L’olam Lo Eshkach Esso Ainai K’vakorat Moshe V’aharom Mizmor Shir Ufros Aleinu Od Yishma M’loch (Shochein Ad) V’zokheir Nigun Krakov (Akheinu) B’shem Hashem Narrated by Theodore Bikel & Sung by The Western Wind The Passover Story Kadesh Ur’chatz Ha Lachma Anyah The Four Questions Avadim Hayinu The Four Sons V’hi Sheomdo Go Down Moses The Fire Song Par’o Era Estrellero Cuando D’aifto Fueron Salidos The Plagues Dayenu Eliyohu Hanovi Odekha, Psalm 118 B’tzeis Yisroel Mimmitzroyim Ani Maamin Ashrei Hagafrur L’shanah Habaa/Echod Mi Yodea Adir Hu Chad Gadyo Dov Borok, Marin Cosman & Rabbi Efraim Warshaw The Kabbalat Shabbat Service as Chanted at Beth El of La Jolla Introduction Shalom Aleichem #1 Shalom Aleichem #2 Yedid Nefesh L’chu N’ran-nenah Shiru Ladonai Yismechu Nashamayim Zamru L’David L’cha Dodi #1 L’cha Dodi #2 L’cha Dodi #3 L’cha Dodi #4 Candle Blessing Mizmor Shir Intro to Barchu Barchu El Chai Ahavat Olam Intro to Shma Shma/V’ahavtah Hashem Elokeychem And Thou Shalt Love Umalchuto-ga-al Yisrael Me Kamocha Ufros Aleynu V’Shamru #1 V’Shamru #2 Chatze Kaddish Shalom Rav Oseh Shalom Vayechulu #1 Vayechulu #2 Kiddish Aleynu Yigdal #1 Yigdal #2 Marc Cohn et al Festival of Light Rock of Ages-Ma’oz Tzur 1902 The Emigrant Oi Tata Kiddush Le-Shabbat Avinu Erev Shel Shoshanim Dybbuk Shers Bikkurim I See You Shir Amami Lighting up the World Doug Cotler, Julie Silver, Kol B’seder, Jeff Klepper, Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, Yom Hadash & Rabbi Bob Alper Music & Laughter, Tradition & Joy Listen Justice, Justice Cowboy Purim The Things God Gives Shir Chadash Sim Shalom I Am All Around Mah Tovu Shalom Rav In Every Generation Lo Alecha Modim Anachnu Lach Al Shelosha Bayom Hahu Shavua Tov Pitchu Li Modeh Ani Jerusalem Bashanah Haba’ah Stand-Up Comedy Mama Doni Band I Love Purim! The Kooky Cookie Costume Conundrum Hey Man The Purim Bash Alan Eder and friends Reggae Chanukah Nyabinghi Skanukah: A Roots, Rock, and Reggae Chanukah Celebration Nes Gadol (You Gotta Be) Shel Chanukah (The Chanukah Blessings) Gota Medley (Hanerot Halalu, S’veevon, Chanukah & Oh Chanukah) Lion of Judah/Maoz Tsur The Latke Song Chanukah, Skanukah (Chag Yafay) Afa Medley Al Haneeseem Rye and Deady (Dreydle) Agbeko Medley Mee Y’malel Shanukah Gerard Edery Shiru Hakadosh L’cha Dodi Adon Haslichot La Ley Estimada Cedars of Lebanon Hashkiveinu Kol Dodi Lie Down Beside Me Eilu V’eilu Modim Eli Eliyahu Yibane Hamikdash Shalom Alechem Senores Mi Ze Yemalel L’cha Dodi #2 Allie En El Midbar Ani Ma’amim Adir Hu Kenny Elllis Hanukkah Swings! Swingin’ Dreidel Medley: Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah/Who Can Retell) Hanukkah Candles Sevivon Sov, Sov, Sov Ocho Kandelikas Children of the Macabbees Hanu-calypso Rock of Ages “Twas the Night before Hanukkah The Fox Family: Shayna, Judy, Herschel, and Shira Karaoke Kosher Style Full Vocal Tracks Ose Shalom #1 Hine Matov Artsa Alinu Hava Nagilah David Melech Yisrael Yisrael V’oraita Tsena Al Shelosha D’varim Simon Tov Silyahu Hanavi Hevenu Shalom Aleichem Erev Shel Shoshanim Ose Shalom #2 Karaoke Tracks, Instrumental Melody Guide Ose Shalom #1 Hine Matov Artsa Alinu Hava Nagilah David Melech Yisrael Yisrael V’oraita Tsena Al Shelosha D’varim Simon Tov Silyahu Hanavi Hevenu Shalom Aleichem Erev Shel Shoshanim Ose Shalom #2 Rav Goldberger et al Zemirot and Nigunim from “Livnot” Boi B’shalom Lecha Dodi Shalom Aleichem Eshet Chayil Menucha V’simcha, Tzur Mishelo Yom Ze Leyisrael Ma Yedidut, Me’ein Olam, Ya Ribon Yom Sabbaton, Yom Ze Mechubad, Ki Eshmera Deror Yikra, Baruch El Elyon, Shimru Shabtotai Mizmor L’David Yedid Nefesth Eil Eli Shirat Ha’asabib Simcha L’artzecha Nigun Carlibach, Keter Melucha U’vne Ota, Shomrim Hafked Lecha Dodi Bo Ha’baita Merkava Ata Takum Eliyahu Hanavi Havdala songs James Stone Goodman Incantation: A Ceremony in Ten Invocation Lamentation The Lost Blessing for Peace Rachamana/Ah Dio Piadozo Open the Door & Allow God to Enter Jam Adon Olam The Heart of the World Everywhere God Dwells Is Whole The Heart of Blessing Behold Her Descending Rabbi Adam Greenwald & Amy Robinson Ma Yafeh Hayom: How Beautiful Is This Day Ma Yafeh Hayom The Sabbath Welcome Friday Night Candle Lighting Shalom Aleichem Family Blessings Friday Night Kiddush Handwashing HaMotzi Shabbat Songs Birkat HaMazon V’shamru Shabbat Day Kiddush Handwashing/HaMotzi Seudat Shlishit Havdalah Introduction Hine El Havdalah Blessings Eliyahu HaNavi Holiday Candles and Shehehiyanu Rosh Hashanah Sukkot Pesach Chanukah Blessings Maoz Tzur/Rock of Ages Yom Haatzmaut Od Yavo Shalom Sholmo Gronich et al Celebrate Passover Circle Chant Avadim Hayinu Go Down Moses Alli En El Midbar Motherless Child Dayenu Miriam’s Song Eliyahu Hanavi Chad Gadyo Pitchu Li Eliyahu Tell the Story Make Those Waters Part I Am Green Richard Kaplan & Michael Ziegler Tuning the Soul: Worlds of Jewish Sacred Music Bar’chu Hallelu Adonai Ki Eshmerah Shabbat Eli Yah Eli Rav’s Niggun Yah Ribon El Adon Kinah Zochreynu L’chaim Hosha Na Niggun of the Besht Tiskabeyl Lacha Dodi Hallelyu Avdey Adonai Psalm 150 Ana B’koreynu Yigdal Bar’chu Reprise Helene Kates The Baal Shem Tones Ani Shelach All Our Lives L’cha Dodi Ivdu Et Hashem Anim Zmirot Chaya’s Quartet Daniel Leanse at al Gesher: The Hebrew Word for Bridge L’cha Dodi Candle Blessing Bar’chu Sh’ma Mi Chamocha V’shamru R’tzei Shalom Rav Yih’yu L’ratzon Oseh Shalom P Love et al The So-Called Seder: A Hip Hop Haggadah Pesach Zeit 1st Cup Four Questions L.M.P.G. The Ten Plagues Dayenu 2nd Cup: Bless the Wine Who Knows One? 3rd Cup: Yahu To the Red Sea The Miriam Drum Song (Chad Gadya) Passout for Passover Sheldon Low On 1 Foot On One Foot Heveinu Hinei Mah Tov V’ahavta Mi Chamocha B’makom Zeh Bazeh Oseh Shalom Selah Pitach Libi Danny Maseng Wasting Time with Harry Davidsowitz Vay’hi Erev Welcoming the Bride Medley: Shabbess & L’cha Dodi My Angels Medley: Shalom Aleichem, Shalom Aleichem Z’chor Davar The Lion, the Eagle & the Dove Yesh Li Gan Song of Songs Medley: El Ginat Egoz, Dodi Li, Et Dodim, Ana Halach Dodech & Yonati Mizmor L’David K’she Elohim Amar Flika Fron Bakarfal See No Evil Tzadik Katamar Raki Oh Lord, My God Ken Bakodesh Vetaher Libeinu Havdalah Shavnu Tov Hamavdil, Eliyahu Steve Meltzer Rock with Ruach! Lo Alecha Shalom Rav Lecha Dodi Doda Mollie Chanukah Pajamika Chanukah Chag Yafe Judah the Maccabee The Dreidel Song Eight Days of Chanukah Banu Choshech Oh Chanukah Levivot S’vivon Spin Along Ocho Kandelikas Soufganiot The Latke Song One Little Two Little Latkes Al Hanissim Blessings Maoz Tzur Doda Mollie Shabbat Bim Bam Shake Another Hand Ki Eshmera Shabbat We Sing Shabbat Shabbat Light – Lecha Dodi I’ve Got That Shabbat Feeling Erev Shabbat Shabbat Shalom to You Shabbat Is Here Five Round Challahs Shalom Aleichem The Shabbos Angels Penny in the Pushke Mi Ohev Et HaShabbaat Chiri Bim Bam Narrated by Leonard Nimoy and sung by The Western Wind Chanukkah in Story and Song Chanukkah Oy Chanukkah Mi Ze Malel Hayo Haya Mi Y’malel Al Hanissim Maoz Tzur Rock of Ages/Maoz Tzur Lo V’chayl Psalm 30 Los Siete Hijos de Hanna Hanerot Hallalu O Ir Eleyne Likhtelekh Hanerot Hallalu Boruch Ate, Zingt der Tate Tzindt On Likhtelekah Mi Ze Hidlik Akht Kleyne Brider Lichvod Hachanukkah Kemach Min Hasak Hazeremos Una Merenda Quita’l Tas Ocho Kandelikas We Come to You Children/Gut Yon-tef Aykh Kinder S’vivon Drey Zikh Dreydele I Have a Little Dreydle/Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl Zeji Ozeri Arvit: When Holidays Begin Birkat Nerot - Shabat Avinu Malkeinu – Rosh Hashana Hine Patish - Sucot Sisu Vesimchu – Simchat Tora Maoz Tzur - Hanuka Hashkedia – Tu Bishvat Leitzan Katan - Purim Ma Nishtana - Pesach Vahaer Libenu - Shavuot Matai – Yom Haatzmaut Rick Recht with Dan Nichols Peri Smilow, and CraigTaubman Shabbat Alive! Hinei L’cha Dodi Modeh Ani Mah Tovu Barechu Sh’ma You Will Love Mi Chamocha Al Shlosha El Na R’fa Na La Yihyeh Shalom V’shamru Y’vatrech’cha Tomorrow Today Salaam/Ki Va Moed Havdalah Rick Recht Tov Shalom Baolam Anachnu M’vorachim Yinyeh Shalom You Will Love Suka Im Ayn Ani Li Mi Li Al Shlosha Adon Olam Zeh Bazeh Nigun Chaim Y’varech’cha Anachnu M’vorachim 2 Shalom Baolam 2 Carmelita B’yachad Rick Recht Band The Hope Shalom Baolam Anachnu M’vorachim The Hope Adon Olam Mi Chamocha
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