50c (GSTII)C.)- Super Swede! Two abducted . RoME: A'penalty five" ~inutes frOM' time by AndreasBr~hme. ended :Argentina's tenacious defence of their title and handed ';..West Germany t,heW orld Cup lUtha f~O victory hi a temPestuous . , -by'Red Eye's? fmal yesterday. , - . '. ,-- . / .. ' Argentina's stubborn smc}theii~g t~ctics 'finally crumbled when Mexican'referee Edgardo Codes~l , sent off two of .th~ir p~ayers, SARAH JOHANNES P(ldro Monzon and Gustavo Deiotti, in a brutal seC.ond half. See sport pages for full report. <'. , . MYSTERY surrounc;ls a yoUng white'couple who appear to ha~e vanished' after being robbed by a gang outside ' the Katutura amphitheatre, where a pop/concert was in progress, ;late yesterday - afternoon. ' '. _'. The robbery took place in broad to another" daylight as people. stood ' by and The couple, flanked by . gang watched helplessly, members, wer~ last seen heading in At around 17h30, people noticed/" theUirectionofKatutura; Some eye- members of a gang, identified as the witnesses said they were later trans- ' n:otQrio~ Red Eye gang, arguing with · ported-on the back of a red bakkie. police parked oui$de the amphitheatre. After they had vanished,' seven ~ ' the pr~ess gang members kicked police cars returned to th~ scene, and at the police vehicle IWd attemp~e<l to went in search of the gang' and their . slash the tyres, . alleged hostages. 'The twopolicemen then sped away. The couple have not reported the As they drove off, a well-known inCident to the police, anfl no one member of the gang fired three shots seems .to know anything about their at the .vehicle. whereabout~ and whether in fact they As people turned to go back into have.1?,een abducted. .the amphitheatre, they noticed gang Menibet;s .of the public who have 'SWEDEN'S Stefan Edberg members had detained a young white lUly information about the couple or (above), slender .and gracetul . couple. They held the man's hands 'the ganS are asked to please call and quietly .dangerous, behind his back, frisked him and iii Constable TerreblariChe 6-2042 absorbed Boris Becker's power Above:-WEST GERMAN JQX: '. .MatthaetlS (right) liftedbis wallet wbich Wu~ ~ ' (office), 22-5.023 <:I!.ome),· 22-Sa-83 in a furious Wimbledon and team ~mate Kailhemz Riedle with looks' th,t say it all. Last along-a line frOIn o~~ g~g niembe~ , , (radj~ -station), '. .' .... 1 ~ comeback, tlien cut him down night's result w.as .,a reversal of, the, 1986 final 'hl.Mexico Ulh. j"h- I with one delicate stroke in tlie Argentina won 3-1 and. gave West Germany a reeord,equaIlfug men'sfi'nal yesterday. third world crown. Photograph,byAgenceFrance Presse. Outjo 2 arrested Optim'ism over extradition prospects CRIMETHE DAVID LUSH TWO of Nam,ibia's three most wanted people,were arrested in a dawn raid by police invest~ating a spate of right-wing bomb bl.asts in South Africa. The arrest of 24-year-old Leonard . Veenendal and Stop forth were NEW ENEMY Veenendal and Darryl Stopforth, 23, detained in the early hours of Friday comes in the wake of "well advanced" . after heavily armed police swooped moves to have the two men 'extra­ on the latter's Johannesburg home. Minister meets with 'people's parliament' over 'criticfJl sltuati0t:l' dited to Namibia where they are wanted In all nine people were picked up by in connection with the murders of a CRIME is the newenellly of' access to daily c~me figUres you policeman and an Untag security guard. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 KA TE BURLING .! ie Namibian people alld would be shocked by reports of house­ breakings, stabbings and shootings," J IIlcreased levels of theft, Only the previous night there had assault, murder and rape He stressed the police representa­ . For the best in quality. and service tives present were there as 'friends . been a killing in Katutura and every since independence have and servants of the community and Sunday morning Windhoek's hospi­ let us develop and print your colour created a "critical situation" were ready to take advice. tals were awash with blood spilt during for the nation~ The most important point for people the previoJ1s night's attacks, film and.you can have a: TIlls' was the bleak summary of to bear' in mind was that police and " This is the blood of human FREE , Namibia's law, order and security community were !llutually respon­ beings," saidPohamba, "Ourmoth­ ers . and sisters are afraid to walk situation presented to a meeting of sible for the maintenance of law and alone at night for fear of being raped • community leaders at Katutura order in soci~ty. * Film Community Centre on Saturday by . "1kre isn't a special COIllltry where . and people cannot walk freely on Fotofile PLUS Horne Affairs Minister Hifikepunye governments go to recruit police- . Independence A venue because they * are afraid of having their pockets Pohamba. men, Our police are sons and daugh~ picked," Photo Album Addressing what he' referred to as ters of Namibia and they can't do * .. a people's parliament" , packed with their job without the cooperation of On a larger scale, armed groups representatives ofoommunity groups, the community," the Minister said, were committing acts of theft and . Pohamba sliid he wanted people to That job had 'become increasingly then intiIl'idating people into keep- ing quiet. speak freely and honestly about the difficult since independence, ,he In other words, said the Minister, state of securit);: in WindhOek. continued. "Some people in our so· gerhard botha people were living in an "insecurity Accompanied by Deputy Minister ciety seem to have misunderstood situation"; they were living in fear. Nangolo Ithete and Permanent Sec- the words freedom and independ­ photography '. retary Ndali KlIJl.lati, the Minister ence, taking them to. mean they can L"witmg the meeting to.express its 44 .KAISER STREET opinions unreservedly, Pohamba said admitted: "We are new in this field, ' do exactly as they like." . PO BOX 21907 . "we must work together to find a we·don't have experience. in running 'lndependence was sOIpething ev­ , solution, We, the police, arid we, the WINDHOEK this Ministry and.we have decided eryone had a right to enjoy, Pohamba that from time to time We should ' said. "Weare all supposed to feel community, must reco'gnize our Tel (061) 3·5551 problem and find a soJution," consult wi~ community leaders on free from intimidation against our our course of action." persons or property, But if you had . • See aisopage 3. "':I' Two cOrltinents, two summits Concern about a no 'disintegrating' African continent.. ADDIS ABABA - African leaders today open an annual summit during a three-day meeting last week. meeting that will be overshadowed by the collapse of communism Ina review of Africa, the _sters in Eastern Europe. painted a grim picture of a continent that is "disintegrating". Noting political shake~ups from ministers declared in a draft state­ Food output is down and popula­ the Baltic to the Balkans, the 51- ment f~r the summit. tion growth up, the draft notes. Per member Organisation of African Unity The heads of state ~eet for their capita income has plunged. Exports ministerial council resolved that i.ts 26th get-together from Monday have dropped. Standards of living governments pledge themselves to through Wednesday. have fallen in tandem with spending "full democratisation" in a conti­ Main issues for discussion will be on health, housiI}g, education and ! r: nent dominated by one-party ·states. efforts to end South Africa's racial other social services. Many OAU countries at independ­ policy of apartheid, member states' But by the end of 1989, foreign ence from European colonial powers . foreign debts, the growing plight of debt had swollen to 257 biUion dol­ adopted political systems entrenched refugees, and the Middle East. lars. The ministers proposed that at the time in Eastern Europe, and But the winds of change in Eastern foreign powers restructure their econo­ ousted by people's power in the past Europe "constitute major parame­ mies to help poorer nations. ' year. ters which should govern Africa's Apart from events in Eastern Eu­ "A pdmitting political environ­ collective thinking about the chal­ rope, a highlight of the summit will i. ment which guarantees human rights lenges and options before her in the be an address by Nelson Mandela, I., .and the observance of the rule oflaw 1990s and beyond" , according to the deputy president of the guerrilla­ would assure'high standards of pro- draft declaration, backed African National Congress . bity and accountability on the part of The draft was prepared by foreign that is at the forefront of efforts to THE dissident Chinese astrophysicist Fang Lizhi (on couch) on ' . those who hold public office," the ministers who set the summit agenda end apartheid. Friday called on US President George Bush to push China to become more democratic without isolating it, and accused Bush of . using double standards on human rights. Seated next to Lizhi is his physicist wife, Li Shuxian. The couple took refuge in the US embassy in Beijing after the Chinese army crush~d student-led pro­ Rodeos and .East-West democracy prot.ests in June last year, and currently live in Britain. Meanwhile, a Chinese newspaper reported yesterday that China plans to double the number of students it sends to a military . I, I; academy in Shijiazhuang to eradicate anti-communist tendencies, relations in Houston part of its crackdown on dissent since the crushing of unrest last year. (Photograph by AgeTii:.:e France Presse) HOUSTON - Starting With rodeo antics then settling down~to such weighty topics as support for economic reform in Eastern Europe and China, leaders of the Group of Seven major industrialized democracies meet this week in the ad~pted home of US President George Bush.
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