NEW TO COME Stand Up, Fight Back! The Stand Up, Fight Back campaign is a way for Help Support Candidates Who Stand With Us! the IATSE to stand up to attacks on our members from For our collective voice to be heard, IATSE’s members anti-worker politicians. The mission of the Stand Up, must become more involved in shaping the federal legisla- Fight Back campaign is to increase IATSE-PAC con- tive and administrative agenda. Our concerns and inter- tributions so that the IATSE can support those politi- ests must be heard and considered by federal lawmakers. cians who fight for working people and stand behind But labor unions (like corporations) cannot contribute the policies important to our membership, while to the campaigns of candidates for federal office. Most fighting politicians and policies that do not benefit our prominent labor organizations have established PAC’s members. which may make voluntary campaign contributions to The IATSE, along with every other union and guild federal candidates and seek contributions to the PAC from across the country, has come under attack. Everywhere from Wisconsin to Washington, DC, anti-worker poli- union members. To give you a voice in Washington, the ticians are trying to silence the voices of American IATSE has its own PAC, the IATSE Political Action Com- workers by taking away their collective bargaining mittee (“IATSE-PAC”), a federal political action commit- rights, stripping their healthcare coverage, and doing tee designed to support candidates for federal office who away with defined pension plans. promote the interests of working men and women. The IATSE-PAC is unable to accept monies from Canadian members of the IATSE. Join The Stand Up, Fight Back Campaign! IATSE Political Action Committee Voucher for Credit/Debit Card Deductions I hereby authorize the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States Political Action Committee, hereinafter called the IATSE-PAC to initiate a deduction from my credit card. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until the IATSE-PAC has received written notification from me of its termination in such time and in such manner as to afford the parties a reasonable opportunity to act on it. Check one: President’s Club ($40.00/month) Leader’s Club ($20.00/month) Activist’s Club ($10.00/month) Choose one: Or authorize a monthly contribution of $________ Mastercard Discover Authorize a one-time contribution of $________($10.00 minimum) VISA American Express Card #: _____________________________________ Expiration Date (MM/YY): ____/____ Card Security Code: ______ Employee Signature_______________________________ Date________________ Last 4 Digits of SSN___________ Local Number_____________ Print Name_____________________________________Email______________________________________ Phone Number________________________ Home Address_______________________________________ City ____________________________ State/Zip Code _____________________________ Billing Address_________________________ City_________________ State/Zip Code______________ Occupation/Employer_____________________ This Authorization is voluntarily made based on my specific understanding that: • The signing of this authorization card and the making of contributions to the IATSE-PAC are not conditions of membership in the union nor of employment with the Company and that I may refuse to do so without fear of reprisal. • I am making a contribution to fund-raising efforts sponsored by IATSE-PAC and that the IATSE-PAC will use my contributions for political purposes, including but not limited to, the making of contributions to or expenditures on behalf of candidates for federal, and addressing political issues of public importance. • Federal law requires the IATSE-PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and the name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. • Contributions or gifts to the IATSE-PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. • Any contribution guideline is merely a suggestion and I may contribute more, less or nothing at all without favor or disadvantage from IATSE. • The IATSE-PAC is unable to accept monies from Canadian members of the IATSE. RETRETURNURN TO: TO: IA IATSETSE P APAC~C ~ c/o207 100 West Centennial 25th Street, Street, 4th #2186, Floor, LaPlata, New York, MD 20646NY 10001 THE OFFICIAL IATSE BULLETIN NUMBER 665 • THIRD QUARTER 2019 Feature FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE IATSE FOR THE YEARS ENDED IN APRIL 2019, AND 2018 ....................8 WORLD PRIDE MARCH IN NYC ....................40 40 REPORT OF THE GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC, JULY 22-26, 2019 ........................46 Departments PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER..................................5 GENERAL SECRETARY-TREASURER’S MESSAGE....................... 7 IATSE & LABOR MOVEMENT NEWS ............................ 22 MOTION PICTURE & TELEVISION PRODUCTION ..................... 24 46 STAGECRAFT ......................................... 26 EDUCATION AND TRAINING................................. 28 GREEN COMMITTEE ..................................... 39 SAFETY ZONE ......................................... 42 IATSE WOMEN’S CONNECTION................................44 LOCAL UNION NEWS.....................................108 CREW SHOTS .........................................114 IN MEMORIAM ........................................ 117 DIRECTORY OF LOCAL SECRETARIES AND BUSINESS AGENTS ............121 108 WWW.IATSE.NET James B. Wood The OFFICIAL BULLETIN (ISSN-0020-5885) is published quarterly by the General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Editor Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada, (IATSE), 207 West 25th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Telephone: (212) 730-1770. FAX (212) 730-7809. Email: [email protected] MaryAnn Kelly Material for publication must be received before the first day of January, April, July, and October, to meet deadlines, respectively, for the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarter Assistant to the Editor issues. POSTMASTER: Send address change to the OFFICIAL BULLETIN, 207 West 25th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Entered as periodical postage paid matter at the Post Office at New York, NY and additional locations. Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40845543. Canada Post: Return undeliverables to P.O. Box 2601, 6915 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, ON L4T 0A9. Subscriptions: IATSE members receive the OFFICIAL BULLETIN as part of their IATSE membership services. Nonmembers may subscribe for $10.00 per year. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Matthew D. Loeb James B. Wood International President General Secretary–Treasurer NEW LOCATION! Thomas C. Short Edward C. Powell International President Emeritus International Vice President Emeritus The IATSE West Coast Office and the Training Trust Fund has moved! The new address is 2210 W. Olive Avenue, Michael J. Barnes John M. Lewis 1st Vice President 7th Vice President Burbank, CA 91506. Thom Davis Craig Carlson 2nd Vice President 8th Vice President Damian Petti Phil S. Locicero 3rd Vice President 9th Vice President Michael F. Miller, Jr. C. Faye Harper 4th Vice President 10th Vice President Daniel Di Tolla Colleen A. Glynn 5th Vice President 11th Vice President John R. Ford James J. Claffey, Jr. 6th Vice President 12th Vice President Joanne M. Sanders 13th Vice President TRUSTEES Patricia A. White Carlos Cota Andrew C. Oyaas CLC DELEGATE FIND US ONLINE Siobhan Vipond GENERAL COUNSEL Samantha Dulaney Visit us on the Web: www.iatse.net GENERAL OFFICE 207 West 25th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001 Tele: (212) 730-1770 FAX: (212) 730-7809 WEST COAST OFFICE IATSE: www.facebook.com/iatse 2210 W. Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91506 Tele: (818) 980-3499 FAX: (818) 980-3496 IATSE Canada: www.facebook.com/iatsecanada CANADIAN OFFICE Young Workers: www.facebook.com/groups/IATSEYWC 22 St. Joseph St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9 Tele: (416) 362-3569 FAX: (416) 362-3483 WESTERN CANADIAN OFFICE IATSE: @iatse 1000-355 Burrard St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2G8 Tele: (604) 608-6158 FAX: (778) 331-8841 IATSE Canada: @iatsecanada CANADIAN Young Workers: @iatseywc ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY RETIREMENT PLAN 22 St. Joseph St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9 Tele: (416) 362-2665 FAX: (416) 362-2351 www.ceirp.ca IATSE: www.instagram.com/iatse I.A.T.S.E. NATIONAL BENEFIT FUNDS OFFICE 417 Fifth Avenue, Third Floor, New York, NY 10016 Tele: (212) 580-9092 Toll free: (800) 456-FUND FAX: (212) 787-3607 Our Flickr stream: www.flickr.com/groups/iatse www.iatsenbf.org IATSE TRAINING TRUST FUND 2210 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 300, Burbank, CA 91506 IATSE Training Trust Fund: www.iatsetrainingtrust.org Tele: (818) 738-1802 FAX: (818) 738-1803 4 OFFICIAL BULLETIN MATTHEW D. LOEB D. MATTHEW Giving Back One of our Four Pillars of Success is activism. Activism takes many shapes and, in turn, has many advantages for us. The basic notion is that we, as union members, and the organizations to which we belong (Local and International unions) have a moral responsibility to be part of the communities in which @matthewloeb we work and live. And to do our part as citizens and union members to the IATSE and unions in general may succeed. This is done advance the social and economic conditions of workers, and by supporting politicians and legislation
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