SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1952 vt .< ■«; =■ I't.' 4- PAGE TOURTEEN lHantliMtpr iEapnittg lifralii MhnchestBr Stores Will B^JOpen Tonight until 9 O*clock ■" — ~ - t .l— .... - ----------- — .... ..l... lar moment seemed to him to be Festival Service V' too tough to take. Will Sing Here A m «f* Dallr ihriwiJRmi 4 , ‘ N/fi- About Town On these occasions—during an r .ThffWcotlMfe. :, Heard Along Main Street axamination'period in college, for , Set for Sunday a^'Wetnmat iMtance, when he had allowed all UM -pMMMt O. iMoi hla studying to pile up, or when hla The Mancheeter Meaaiah O o ru s And on Some of Manchetter'l Side Streets, Too At St. Mary’s '.'t’k u loVe life had gotten hopelessly cn- will reh^arae Monday **■ snarled, or In busineaa, when, he 1 0 ^ (Tcleck Methodtat ^ u rch , the contrary: It began as a pagan Misfit M i that the pressure of hi* work The annual children’s Christmas J S M L S L tlS B and atain Friday at 7:30 at practice. , • \ - Kmanuel Lutheran Church, in flnai Either his feet aren't mates or waa becoming unbearable — on festiyal service and pageant of the Back in the sixth century. Pope these occasions, he would sigh VAUsa. Hunvh(U»§r.> ' A City F ilia l# Charm preparation for their preae^aUon one of our staff members likes to I . nativity-wHI be held in St. Mary’e i T i T I Gregory I, latei; to be elevated to s^tfully and express the wish Episcopal Church on tomorrow of ’Ttie Meaaalah" at South Church wear shoes that are look allkes.. saintho^i instructed his mission­ on Sunday. Dec. 28. Ladies of the that he would "get hit by a alow- afternoon at 4 :S0. For the past two Anyway, here ife how the story aries not to destroy Innocent pagan moving truck” while crossing the MANCHESTER, CONN.. liONDATi DECEMBER 22, 1012 (TWBNTl^eElGHT PAGBB~IN TWO SECTIONS) ehorua have arranged for a social goes. years this service has been ad­ TOL. LXXH, NO. 70 PRICE nvi. ru.stoms. He referred to. those cus­ street. vanced to $unday from Christmas I hour follow-tag the Friday evening Looking for a new pair of shoes, toms that were not incon.slstent What he meant, of course, was rehearsal. our boy tried on a nice pair in a Eve because many parents are with church doctrine and which that he wanted something to hap­ working on week-day evenings. local .stori this week. would be woven into the fabric of pen that would pul him out of jIUs' Margaret V. Sasiela of Children have been asked to reason or another he liked t Christian ceremony. commission for a short spell. It meet their teachers in the church Norwood street will become the shoe^ even though th^f right on missionary Boniface, who didn't have to ber getting run down Iki^ Claims at least a half hour jn advance of f;- bride of Andrew Winder. Jr.., at a was •a littleiiai-iwi snugger. than. .* the ie» m^ went'to»'“ni vO rell|5JaUtiEngland to picaa^iipreach vmcthe doc by a truck or any other vehicle in candlelight ceremony tonight at 7 Oh well, it will stretch out after a - r . .. service time. RIbbohs. ‘wsefvlng Oh well, it will stretch out aft ^ Christianity, found the particular. A bad cold or minor ail­ pew* for church school members, P robers U rge T ri^ o’clock in the Center Congrega­ little use, he said to hlmseii.blmseU a 1 worshiping the Sacred oak ment of some kind would do just will be taken down promptly at t|\eugion to told the clerk to take them off, tional Cliurch. i of Odin as well - anything that would lay ! 4:1.'5 to allow the general congre­ and wrap them up. i j instead of trying to destroy that him up for a while. The Men’s Fellowship of the W hile un-shoeing our staffer, the gation to fill any unused seals. a u t o m a t ic d e l iv e r y s e r v ic e v.t ■ practice, Boniface persuaded the You see, what tie wanted during ' Parents have'been especfally asked CSiurch of the Nararene will hold clerk suddenly noted that, although Christian converts to substitute the these periods of stress and strain JUST TELL US TO KEEP YOUR TANK FILLED ,I](rfw |Red9 their annual potluck and Orrlst- to be present with their children the shoes wore similar, '"^h one evergreen tree for the oak and to ^on the mind, body and spirit was i on this day. s social Monday evening at 6:30 was a different ms<e. He " 'n t to escape from tne immediacy of ' decorate it in honor of the Christ Folibwing the service and pag­ New York; Disc. the church. Each one attending back to look at the child. The practice endured, parti­ his proolems. and he also wanted ria asked to bring a 60 cent gift tim e--lim e to reflect and to re­ Elisabeth Diinalng eant. all members of the church L T. WOOD CO. E ie e n h o w e r the shoes had, been cularly , in, the Engliah-speakiiig school and their parents are in- fbr the grab bag. took about 10 minutes befoie the coup his energy and reorganize hla TEL. 4498 w ill w in Woild, ,vited to. the de|fartment Christmas 51 ^BISSELL STREET anS right* of each »ho« ■ But the ma.ss use of Christmas sorely tried facilities, so that he Miss Elizabeth Dimning, contral­ g g g in st Offices of the Connecticut State bcMocated from ^fong boxes and to, is one of four prominent New parties W'hich will all be held at •4 trees did not come into being ilntll could have a fresh start in attack­ the same time in different parts of people Kmployrosnt Service, and the Un- •viatMi ftcain. It tiirne^i out me the New World was coloplsed. ing hi* problem of the moment. York soloists U-ho will be heard in the building. ^ nevor the luod«fnen> smployment Compensation Divi- Here, evergreens were found in We feel sure that e a c l^ f us at Handel's "Messiah” Sunday, Dec, where the grwd Jo^ le .altUaii'ta MOB. will be closed on Friday fol 38 at South Methodist Church. There will be no morning ses­ M e of reUgfoL-. ; Croardl Civet Out with O M stm u Song abundance -hr, spruce and pine — one lime or another could make sions of the church school tomor­ eeerel; Ouarda iiav* iwrred tmas tosring Christmas Day. and as “ r s ^ n cleared up and our re­ The traditional Christmastime In the immense Virgin forest*. use of our friend's slow-moving row, which means that two public •Bd aU apdetatonr from that flp(ir. ’ AifMfeaetag the tem M meeting W usual on Saturday morning. porter got his shoe*. „,A nd nowhere is It commercial­ truck, but we don't know how oratorio will be presented by the tOentiw of the t»«ni*n WM not tat .iYaedom rouadatkm at the services will be omitted, those gen­ Wal(ii»t. Aatort* HpWL gaeanhower ised as much as in the United many, would put such a really for­ Manchester Mes.siah Chorus under erally held at 9:25 and 10:0.5. The Which brings '" '" ;i ,,7 '‘in"the a*| d the-nattba’a leadarAhip' muat who liked to buy State*. tunate occurrence as a briei visit the direction of Andrew R. Watson, 7 o’clock aajMce of Evensong will 'Oiigrt D M I ^ ’ hlK city. While attending,* con to a hospital to its proper use. ^f* with .Uarence W. Helsing as 5 Maiawiiile. a dlucroenlp miwM i tevar.te baaed osf'niataHaBgm. also be omitted. These service's . lk | Oouttiry fhuet ba-Mi ettpng, vlntion he purchased a new pair Christmas Smile been our experience that people are organist. ^ — i will be resumed on Dec. 28. x)eliMi«d (Doori hiearinKa ^befoca so keyed up these days that they .Miss Dunning, although she has Ka declgiMv that r’ne falae Yheory The Christmas spirit hit us hard The Junior Choir and Box’s’ Judge WlUlion .T. McCarthy for wouldn't know how to take advan­ concentrated her talents lit ora­ of IS Titopteat witaeoMe attte'ah’OWnttttatam’’ wlll.te mhle for a brief moment the other day. Choir will combine to sing at the te''aiUUca''anjr-teadway. \- We were walking along Main tag e of an enforced immobilization. torio. l»no stranger to llie'concert cited for cofitemi^ifer their ratheal stage. She has appeared as soloist service and pageant, and will later ; to ahsn!er(..queiBions the I*: jBiMtei^ xaaenhower m et ad Street gazing absently into space. At any rate, the accident that provide music at the 10 o'clock V''^ Washinfton, ttec. 22-Mff^— A Contnauonal ”00101111 friends who broke As we passed the nativity scene in .started us thinking along this line under Arturo Toscanini. Arthur ■-grand-Juiyv !atoly wito- a gltmip:ot Negro eiei Rodzinslii, Sir Thomas Bieecham, service on Christmas Day. the jiMlgeM6CArthy w tnttoanotlier Buffrio, N. ■Dte. rfm en and Wttn two laiataete m recommended today that $oVict Russia be arridgiied 1 ht ?n 7 c.7 ilr of" mJtchin'g Center Park we smiled. was an unfortunate one. The girl Senior Choir being responsible for who was hit is so young—she t* Leo Barzin, and other famous con­ reourtrooid to preetde at the natur- judgii todav Uni.
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