Exxon Mobil Corporation 2008 Corporate Citizenship Report 2008 Corporate Citizenship Report Table of contents Sustainability. A key goal of our corporate Managing Climate Change Risks. Meeting Economic Development. Barriers to citizenship strategy is to address the the enormous energy demand growth economic development may be reduced challenge of sustainability—balancing and managing the risk of greenhouse gas through skills development, job creation, economic growth, social development, emissions are the twin challenges of our and investment opportunities. and environmental protection. See page 2 time. See page 30 See page 34 1 A Long-Term Vision 10 Issues and Indicators 24 Environmental Performance A letter from the Chairman and CEO Determining and reviewing material issues Protect Tomorrow. Today. 2 Sustainability 11 Performance Data Table 30 Managing Climate Change Risks Balancing economic growth, social Business highlights and citizenship Meeting growing demand, reducing development, and environmental protection performance data greenhouse gas emissions 4 About ExxonMobil 12 A View to 2030 34 Economic Development 2008 events and operations Outlook for Energy Local actions, global results 6 Performance Overview 14 Corporate Governance 42 Human Rights and Security Progress and plans Managing with standards and systems Fostering a stable business environment 8 Engagement 20 Safety and Health 44 IPIECA/GRI Content Index Activities and outcomes of our Working toward an incident-free workplace stakeholder engagement About this report This report was produced in accordance with the reporting guidelines and indicators of the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) Oil and Gas Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting (April 2005). The majority of these indicators are also consistent with the indicators used by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Our 2008 Corporate Citizenship Report describes our efforts in a range of areas relating to the fi nancial, environmental, and social performance of the Corporation. The report is intended for anyone interested in learning more about our corporate citizenship efforts. We value your feedback on this report and our performance in addressing fi nancial, environmental, and social issues. For additional information and to provide comments, please go to our Web site (exxonmobil.com/citizenship) or contact: Ms. Noa Gimelli Corporate Citizenship ExxonMobil 3225 Gallows Road Fairfax, VA 22037 E-mail: [email protected] LRQA Assurance Summary Statement. Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, Inc. (LRQA) believes the ExxonMobil reporting system is effective in delivering safety, health, and environmental indicators, which are useful for assessing corporate performance and for reporting information consistent with the IPIECA/API Guidance. For the full assurance statement, see the inside back cover. Note: Exxon Mobil Corporation has numerous affi liates, with many names that include ExxonMobil, Exxon, Mobil, and Esso. For convenience and simplicity, those terms and terms such as Corporation, company, our, we, and its are sometimes used as abbreviated references to specifi c affi liates or affi liate groups. The report reviews our corporate citizenship performance as of December 31, 2008. There were no signifi cant structural changes in 2008. Most environmental data are reported in metric units. Financial information is reported in U.S. dollars. “In such turbulent times, successful companies are those that see business discipline and corporate citizenship as interlinked.” Rex W. Tillerson, Chairman and CEO A Long-Term Vision A letter from Rex W. Tillerson, Chairman and CEO By nearly any measure, 2008 was a the components of sustainability—economic In all areas of corporate citizenship, we listen year of extremes. Oil prices reached growth, social development, and environmental to others in order to understand different nearly $150 per barrel and later fell protection. Given the scale of our business perspectives, to regularly assess our prog- and the diversity of cultures in which we oper- ress, and to know where we need to improve. to below $50 a barrel. Our industry’s ate, we find that the best way to achieve this While proud of our achievements, we are not earnings, while near the average of most is to embed the many aspects of corporate complacent. Five contractor fatalities in 2008 other industries’ in relative terms, broke citizenship directly into our global business was five too many, which is why we maintain records in absolute terms. At the same time, processes, so that they are clearly understood a relentless focus on safety at our facilities. turmoil in global financial markets shook wherever we operate. In 2008, our safety performance continued to investor and consumer confidence, and lead the industry. again brought questions of corporate Despite the current economic downturn, we governance, business ethics, free market anticipate global demand for energy will grow The goal of our 2008 Corporate Citizenship principles, and the role of government into significantly over the long term, particularly Report is to detail our performance and the public spotlight. in the developing world. All economic energy commitment in our most significant citizen- sources will be important in meeting that de- ship areas: corporate governance, safety and In such turbulent times, successful compa- mand. This includes sources such as nuclear, health, environmental performance, managing nies are those that see business discipline wind, solar, and biofuels, which will make climate change risks, economic development, and corporate citizenship as interlinked. We important and growing contributions. It also and human rights and security. consider ExxonMobil’s philosophy of invest- includes hydrocarbon energy sources, such ing with a long-term perspective—rather than I hope you find this information helpful in as oil, natural gas, and coal. Because of their reacting to short-term market fluctuations— understanding our commitment to corporate relative availability, affordability, and versatil- as a cornerstone of our successful business citizenship and our progress to date. We ity—and given the enormous scale of global model. We believe companies that retain a welcome any comments you may have. energy demand—they will continue to be systematic focus on corporate governance, the predominant energy sources for the ethics, safety, environmental performance, foreseeable future. and community engagement in the down- cycle will be best placed to succeed in We recognize our responsibility to help meet Rex W. Tillerson the up-cycle. this growing energy demand while working to Chairman and CEO reduce the impact on the environment. To that ExxonMobil’s role is to provide energy to end, we are taking action—improving our own sustain and improve standards of living for energy efficiency, helping consumers improve people worldwide while delivering a return to theirs, and seeking new technologies that our shareholders. We are committed to taking could be the game-changers that tomorrow’s on this challenge in a manner that reflects vast global energy system will require. our own culture of integrity while balancing 2008 Corporate Citizenship Report 1 Citizenship focus areas Corporate Governance. Our respon- Safety and Health. ExxonMobil Environmental Performance. sibilities to our employees, shareholders, protects the safety of our employees, ExxonMobil is committed to conducting customers, and the communities in which contractors, customers, and the public by business throughout the world in a manner we operate are integral to the way we do implementing policies to manage person- that protects the environment. business. See page 14 nel and process safety. See page 20 See page 24 Sustainability Balancing economic growth, social development, and environmental protection Finding, developing, and delivering scale and perceived influence of our business, Environmental Performance and believe that by operating in a responsible reliable and affordable supplies of ExxonMobil is committed to conducting manner we significantly contribute to eco- energy to support economic prog- business throughout the world in a manner nomic and social development. ress have long been the foundation that protects the environment. We integrate of ExxonMobil’s business. By embedding corporate citizenship into our environmental improvement into our busi- business processes, we link our nonfinancial ness plans and strategies, and address key A key goal of our corporate citizenship performance with our business strategy. environmental issues that are specific to the strategy is to address the challenge of This enables us to focus our efforts on long- processes and activities of each business. sustainability—balancing economic growth, term value drivers that contribute to the social development, and environmental success of our company and progress for Managing Climate protection, so that future generations are society at large. Change Risks not compromised by actions taken today. We address the challenge of sustainability Our strategy to reduce greenhouse gas Meeting the world’s growing demand for through six citizenship focus areas: emissions from our operations and consumer energy will not be achieved without environ- use of products includes improving our own mental impact. Reducing this impact, while Corporate
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