IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) 1thnomedicinal Sur8ey of Armori, Wadsa, Kurkheda, Korchi Forest Range of Eadchiroli District, Maharashtra State, India. V. S. Khonde, M.C. Kale, R.S. Badere Departme nt of :otany Raje Dharmarao College of Science Aheri. Principal, Anand Niketan College Anandwan, Earora. Post Graduate 2eaching Department of :otany, Campus Nagpur. e5mail85 1ijay.khonde1-0Bgmail.com A2stract 2his paper aims to in1estigate me dicinal plant, used traditionally by the Gond and Madiya community. Re ports from plant informants we re obtaine d during field studies in Ianuary 2013 to Ianuary 201-. 2he botanical names, local name s), me dicinal uses, as well as plant part s) use d, and other uses with method of pre paration. 100 plant species was recorded during this sur1ey. 2he popularity of plant with traditional uses among the tribal people is fading due to migration, restriction from religion and dependence on modern medicine for the therapy. Use of forest land for agricultural de1elopment and timber har1esting is also contributing to the loss of knowledge. Awareness acti1ities in Gadchiroli district among tribal people on the usefulness of medicinal plants has contributed significantly towards the preser1ation of old traditional knowledge of medicinal plants. Keywords8 Medicinal plants, Kurkheda, Korchi. Ethnobotany, Gond ,Madiya. INTR.D0CTI.N Man has been using plants from ancie nt are Predominantly in Etapalli, Aheri, Dhanora, time and research work constantly brings to light Korchi, Kurkheda, Sironcha and :hamragad additional information on the relationship be tween blocks. 2he forest, are rich in 2e ak Tectona plants and man. 2he theme of e thnobotany or gran is), Ain 2erminalia folkloric botany re1eals interrelation of plants and tomentosa),2endoo Diospyros me lanoxylon), man. Plants ha1e played a key role in day5to5day Dha1ada Anogeissus latifolia), Anjan Memecylon life support system of human being from time umbellatum), e tc. Ain and Anjan Simila rly 1arious immemorial. Plants are an important source of plants ha1ing great medicinal 1alues is a1ailable in traditional medicine for the treatment of 1arious large 4uantity and the climatic condition supports diseases. It has been estimated that herbal the de1elopment of these plants. 2he present work medicines are used by more than 80, of the world has been undertaken to identify the medicinal population in de1eloping countries to meet their plants and their part used as medicine and the primary health care needs. In Gadchiroli district, method of drug preparation. especially in backward areas, the a1ailable mode rn ST0DY AR1A he althcare se r1ices are eithe r insufficient or 2he present work was carried with the tribal inaccessible and unaffordable to the majority of community of Gond, Madiaya, Pardhan, 7alba, people. In addition, due to illiteracy and economic 7albi, Gowari. Located in 1illages of Kurkheda status most of the population is dependent on Iungaon patch, :hagawanpur, Kudakwahi, traditional phytomedicine to cure 1arious ailme nts. Pe tedongari, Sawargaon. Korchi, Phakanbhatti, As the country has di1erse socioeconomic, ethnic Nawegaon, Gutekasa, Kochinara, Surwahi, and cultural areas as we ll as uni4ue biodi1ersity, Mohagaon. In Kurkheda and Korchi forest region. knowledge of indigenous medicinal plant and their 2he gadchiroli district which co1e rs the total area of use in treating human ailme nts might reasonably be about 10012 Km2. expected. M1TH.D.L.EY Gadchiroli district is situated on the North5 Re gular field sur1eys we re carried out in the Eastern side of the Maharashtra State in country Kurkheda and Korchi forest range form Ianuary India R is we ll known for de nse forest8 ha1ing State 2013 through Ianuary 201- in orde r to docume nt borders of Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. 2he the habitats and indigenous uses of ethnomedicinal district is co1ered with hills and forests and is plants of the forest 1alley. 2he sur1eys were carried conside red as a tribal area. 2he District falls under out at different seasons so as to obtain identifiable assured and hea1y rainfall zone. 2he rain, are plants and multiple information and also to cross5 mainly recei1ed from South5Eest mansoon. 2he check the information pro1ided by the local a1erage rainfall is 15-2mm. 2he climatic conditions information pro1ided by the local informants during are extreme with temperature reaching 07.3oC in earlier 1isits. Ee inter1iewed a small group of Summe r R ..0oC in Einter. 2he Distric t is blessed chiefly elder people of both Gond and Madiya tribes with huge forest and mine ral resources. 2he forests who were highly esteemed in their societie s, due to SHRI SHIVAJI SCIENCE COLLEGE, NAGPUR 602 ICRTS-2017 IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) their sound knowledge of medicinal plants. ingredients, the prope r dose and right duration of Structured 4uestionnaires, formal and informal medication. According to tribal people their inter1iews and participatory obse r1ations we re used knowledge of folk me dicine was ac4uired mainly plant part and the process of remedy preparation. through parents and expe rience about medicinal 2his kind of information about medicinal plants 1alue of plant. Species were identified using rele1ant indicates how a gi1en medicine can be and standard literature. therapeutically efficient in term of the right Ta2le. 1. Studies on 1thnomedicinal plants from Armori, Wadsa, Kurkheda, Korchi Forest Area. Sr :otanical Common Gondi / Madiya plant part Uses Against Disease . 9amily Name Name Name used / for Disease No 1 Asteracanth Acanthaceae 2alimkhan 2alimkhan Root, Urinary problems, a longifolia kate marrha Lea1es, Iaundice. L.)Nees. kolasa) Seeds. 2 3arleria Acanthaceae Katekorant Sonerimarrha Lea1es, paralysis prionitis e 9lowers L.ssp 3 Agave Aga1aceae Ghaypat Ghaypat Le1es, Cough a mericana marrha L.1ar.americ ana 0 Achyranthus Amaranthaceae Kuthri Kuthrimarrha Root, Mouth Ulcer, a spera L. :ark, Eye disorder cough 1ar. aspera Lea1es. and in digesti1es Ehole plant snakebite , piles 5 Amaranthus Amaranthaceae Kathemath Doggelkusari Lea1es Constipation spinosus L. a or Cha1lichi :haji - 3uchanania Anacardiaceae Char 7erkamarrha Root and Arthritis, lanzan Lea1es wound healing Spreng. 7 Annona Annonaceae Shitaphal Shitaphalmarr 9ruits, :one marrow, sHuamosa L. ha Roots, 7ealing of wound, Lea1es, Seed. Eorms. 8 Rauvolfia Aopcynaceae Sarpagand Sarpagandham Dried Root Snake :ite, serpentina ha arrha powder hypertension, L) :enth. Insomnia and Ex. Kurz. insanity. ,entella Apiaceae :rahmi :rahmimarrha Plant Iaundice, 2onic,Skin a siatica L.) disease Urb. 10 ,orian rum Apiaceae Dhane Dhanemarrha Seed, Carminati1e sativum .. 9ruit Rhumatic pain 11 ,arissa Apocynaceae Kar1and Kar1andmarrh Root, 9ruit Maleria Digesti1e congesta a 6ight var.congesta 12 ,atharanthu Apocynaceae Sadafuli Pungarmarrha 9lowers, Leukemia, s roseus Lea1es, whole plant used as remedy L).G.Don. Plant. for diabetes. Mensturation cycle. Roots, Cancer. Diabetis. 9lower. 13 Holarrhena Apocynaceae Safed kuda Safed kuda, :ark Dysentery anti ysenteri Marrha ca sensu. Eall. Ex. DC. 10 ,alatropis Apocynaceae Rui Ruimarrha Milk Cough and Cold procera Ait R.:r SHRI SHIVAJI SCIENCE COLLEGE, NAGPUR 603 ICRTS-2017 IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) 15 Phoenix Arecaceae Sindhi Sindhimarrha 9ruit, Pails, syl1estris L.) :ark, Arthritis, 7eadache, Roxb. 9e1er, 2onic, Cold flu, Pain killer 1- ,olocasia Arecaceae Dhopa Dhopamarrha Lea1es, Earache, Sex power esculenta /..0 Rhizome Schott 17 4ymnema Asclepiadacea Gudmar Gudmar Lea1es , Diabetis, sylvestre marrha Ehole plant, Asthma, Snake bite, /Re tz.0 R.3r.ex Schultes 18 Tri ax Asteraceae Kambarmo Kambarmodi Lea1es, Cracking foot wound, procumbens di ar1i Entire plant Stomach problems L. 1. Ageratum Asteraceae Mukhra Mukhramarrha Entire plant stomach discoders conzyoi es 20 Oroxylum :ignoniaceae 2attu 2attumarrha 9ruits and Digesti1e problem, in icum /.0 9lower Musculine Vent 21 3rassica :rassicaceae Mohari Mohari marrha Lea1es, boil. Night 2uncea L.) Seeds blandness. Skin Czern. R diseases. Coss. 22 Opuntia Cactaceae Nagphani Nagphani 9ruits, Cancer, Deli1ery, elatior Mill. marrha :ark, Root. cough , Skin disease 23 ,assia Caesalpiniacea :aha1a :aha1a marrha Leaf, Piles,Asthama, fistula L. Amaltas) Seeds, Cough, Diuratic, :ark Cancer, Ghatsarpa 20 Spinacia Chenopodiaceae Palak Palak marrha Lea1es, :lood purifier, 2onic oleracea .. 25 Terminalia Combretaceae :ehada :ehadamarrha 9ruits, Skin complaints, bellirica :ark, Cough, Asthma and /Gaertn.) Gastro5intestinal Roxb problems. Unripe fruit Piles, Cough, Diuretic, 2- Terminalia Combretaceae 7irda 7irda marrha 9ruit, :urning chebula Sensitization, Cough, Retz. Asthma and Gastro5 intestinal problem, Cardiac problems. :ark, Eorms, Piles, Acidity, Cough. 27 Kalanchoe Crassulaceae patharchat Panfuti marrha Lea1es, Kidney Stone. pinnata .. ta or Stomach pain. Panfuti 28 ,occinia Cucurbitaceae 2ondale 2ondale marrha Lea1es, Stem Skin diseases, gran is .. Smallpox Voigt 2. ,uscuta cuscutaceae Adharwel Adhrwel Ehole plant Duratic, Eorm, Pain reflexa Roxb. marrha 30 Dioscorea Dioscoreaceae Dukkarkan Dukkarkandam Roots prolonged illness, bulbifera L. da arrha Piles :aichandi) 31 Dioscorea Dioscoreaceae Kadukanda kadukandamar Lea1es, Skin Diseases. hispi a rha Roots R Stomachcleaning, Dennst. Seeds Purification of blood. 32 3ri elia Euphorbiaceae Kashi 2elhamarrha :ark Root 2onic retusa L.) Sprang. 33
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