5T\T! "ARY **t'". Discard?J CS i3W Connecticut Daily Campus;CT!&|T Seruing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVI. No. 95 STORRS. CONNECTICUT .MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1962 v. Daily Campus Elects Editors; 9 f Skitzofunia Application H CO Being Taken At HUB Marfuggi Is Editor-in-Chief At a special elections meeting tions of Senior Associate Editor branchfer English major Irom The Student Senate is again have been comic rather than se- held last Thursday, a new editori- and Managing Editor. Hartford, in her sixth semester, sponsoring Skitzofunia this Spring. rious. However, the content of al staff for the Connecticut Daily Upon election, Marfuggi stated was elected Managing Editor. A All houses who wish to enter the the skits is left up to the discre- Campus w'as elected. Joseph that he planned a closer coordin- resident of West Hartford, she is competition must submit their tion of the houses. Marfuggi, Phi Sigma Kappa, a ation of the various departments. a newcomer to. the staff this applications to the HUB Control Regulations sixth semester English major He hopes to broaden the scope year, bringing her editorial expe- Desk on or before March 25. from Proctor, Vermont, was of the coverage of campus events rience from the Unicon. A few points to keep in mind There will be three areas of elected Editor-in-Chief. Marfuggi and bring the latest of national She stated, "with the re-crea- competition: men's singles, wom- are: served on the Connecticut Daily and international news to the jtion of the position of City Edit- en's singles, and doubles. Tro- 1 Each skit, in its entirety — Campus for three years, in the students. or, it is our hope that the Man- phies will-be awarded to the win- that is setting up through tak- news department, and in the posi- Rosanne Cochiola, Delta Pi, a j aging Editor will be able to ab- ners in each area. ing down—may last no longer sorb part of the editorial load than 30 minutes. and to serve as a link between To Hold Tryouts 2 The skit must be original — [ the editorial office and news Tryouts will be held on April although new words may be room." 2 and 3 in the HUB Ballroom. If adopted to standard melodies. James Bannon. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. a sixth semester student, a house qualifies at these tryouts, 3 Backdrops and limited sets they will be assigned an hour in may be used. was re-elected Business M u which to rehearse in the Little He had temporality moved Into Th atre on April 9 and 10. 4 The contents of the skit should the position at the end of the The actual performance of the be kept in good taste. It is first semester when Dave Beau- Skits will take place in the Little well to remember that before vals resigned as Business Man- Theatre all singles on April 11, the skit is presented in Skit- ager. doubles on April 12. On these two zofunia it must compete in Change in Organisation nights the Judges will choose the tryouts at which time it will Those present at the election winners and the trophies will be be subject to the approval of meeting voted to change the awarded. four judges. ent hierarchy, initiating the post It is ho|K>d that a large num- 5 Each house must have one of City Editor. Ned Parker, Z I 1 copy of its skit to present to Psi, was elected to this ber of houses will enter the com- each of the four judges on the petitions. Skitzofunia provides an involving the coordination 01 the night of the tryouts. In these News. Sports, andFeatu opportunity for each house "to JOSEPH MABFUGGI ROSANXK COCCHIOI.A exercise its talent and creativity copies any un-original matter ree years of C «■ in the skit must be acknowl- i .11t'.i in ( iii.-r Muiluuillg Editor necticut Daily Campus work to in writing, producing, and pre- edged. senting a skit. back him up. two ot them serv- Tickets for the performance ing as Sports Editor ili~ is a Usually Comic will soon go on sale at the HUB sixth semester English major Skits in the past have usually Control Desk. Profits go to the from Daricn, Connecticut included musical numbers and University scholarship fund. Parker stated: "As the f'ity Editor, whose duty it Is to coor- dinate the news room, my major 9 aim will be to increase the staff and thereby Improve the v 'American Photography and news coverage of the p Jerry Krupnikoff. Phi Epsilon Pi. a sixth semester student from Topic Of Talk By Bunnell Hartford, was re-elected Ad\ ing Manager. Krupnikoff has To begin the week's events in lery and the Universities of Syra- served in the same capacity tor the Fine Arts Festival, which is cuse. Florida, Ohio and Indiana. the past year. being featured during the month Mr. Bunnell is presently a stu- Department Editors Elected ot March, Peter C. Bunnell will dent in the Doctoral Program at Dianne Rader, Spencei A, a give a lecture in the HUB Ball- Yale University in the History of fourth semester English major room tonight at 8. Mr. Bunnell, Art and is Research Assistant in NED PARKKK JAMBS BAXNON j from Westport, Connecticut, "as an expert on photography at Yale the Alfred Stieglitz Archive at City Editor Business Manager elected News Editor. Miss Rader University, has chosen as his top- the Yale University Library. has served on the paper for two ic "Modern American Photogra- years, one year as an Associate phy." Week/a Activities Editor. John Articles. M Featured the rest of the week Open Bid Registration Begins House, a sixth semester branch- Mr. Bunnell received his B.F.A. will be an insight into a new and M.F.A. degrees majoring in fer from Hartford, wai form of art called "Slide Opera," Feature Editor. A resident of Illustrative Photography and which will be given by Robert De- Photographic History. He was Today For Sorority Membership East Hartford, Attlcks is serving voe in the HUB Baliroom tomor- his first year on the Dully Cam- formerly the Editor ot the Sphere row night at 8. Registration for Open Bidding] a regular formal rush before. Magazine and the Ohio Univer- begins today and runs until nexl 3 pus staff; he was Editor-in-CWef The Lukas Foss Ensemble will A second semester freshman of the Unicon at the Hartford sity magazine of the arts. He give a concert on Wednesday Monday, March 26. All girls in- j must have a 20 qpr. was selected as new talent photog- Branch. night, in the Von Der Mehden forested in pledging a sorority at ^ An upperclass woman must Wayne Mortberg, Theta Xi. i rapher by Art In America in Auditorium. Also, Wilbert Snow the end of the Open Bid period, 1959. hfeve either a 20 cumulative fifth semester transfer student is giving a lecture on Modern should' register at Miss McCall'sl qpr or a 20 qpr for the past from the University of Michigan, Past Kxliibitions American Poetry on Thursday. office in Administration. two semesters. This is the last was elected Sports Editor. He The names will IK- sent to each , There have been exhibitions by To finish the week's activities, ; rush period in which a 20 qpr brings experience from the spot - Mr. Bunnell shown at such places there will be a movie shown in sorority, and the rushees o|K»n for the past two semesters will staff of the Michigan Daily. as Ford ham University, DeCor- the HUB Ballroom on Saturday bidding will then be contacted by be accepted as qualifying a Evelyn Marshak, Hollistei A 1 dova Museum, The Rundel Gal- at 6 and 8:15. the sorority. Verbal invitation to girl for Rush. Beginning next fourth semester student and resi- visit a sorority will thus lv ex- Fall, an upperclass woman dent of Waterbury, n as 1 tended. will be able to rush only if she Senior Associate Editor MisS Rushing will continue until has a 20 cumulative qpr. Marshak has served as A- Lukas Foss Chamber Ensemble Monday. April 9. when preferen- tial signing and pledging will take If there are any questions con- Editor and Assistant Feature cerning Open Bid. contact Pan- Editor. place. Al Qualification^ hellenic President, Marge Barrie, Medleros, Commuter, a To Play Wednesday In Recital at CA 9-2936. Sixth semester student in the The qualifications which make School of Business resident of Lukas Foss and his improvisa- Established just five years ago, a girl eligible for Open Bidding Stamford, was re-cieced Circu- tion chamber ensemble, one of the ensemble has attracted pro- are as follows: lation Manager Peggy Karbova- the most remarkable musical at- found interest and enthusiasm at SIK> may open bid if she has nec. Pi Beta Phi. a sixth semes- tractions of his age, wilt appear Tanglewood, Aspen and colleges gone either partly or complete- Inside Pages ter student, was elected Copy Ed- at the University of Connecticut's across the nation. The discoveries ly through a formal rush with- Summer jotm are Increasing itor. Von der Mehden Recital Hall initiated by Mr. Foss and his en- out affiliating with any soro- «ay«t the Placement Office .. This staff will serve for th** Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. semble have led to a new and ex- rity. The only stipulation here.; M"e pane S. remainder of the year through citing form of "music making." is the National Panhellenlc the spring of 1963.
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