Page Two THE SPOTLIGHT Marrh is»:« NKW TOURNEY IS Office Piles Show Great Many- INAUGURATED HERE Scene of Sectional, Regional Battles Brothers. Sisters in Central Freethrow Tourney Cup to Be Presented to Central Looking thruugh thg tiles in tin* ..trice of the pupils attending Central, Tins year, for the tirst time, I'en­ il lias lieen discovered tliat there arc iral has bad a free throw tournument a great many iiinre stuilt'Mts line wl... lie's the Host for all l.oys not on the varsity and hav.* either a brother or aiaterai tha reserve basketball squads. Batch '•">' shoots twenty shots, and then one same school than ..lie VM.IIIII think Quite a few '.ill's have a Inntlici* or staking tha ireateet auiabtr out it sister here, so I hey may nut he so the twenty li Judged th* winner, lu green after all. case ul a in* each boy shouts live Here is a list of Ihese In*..tilers and more fouls. A trophy will be placed sisters uf Central: in ('entral's well tilled trophy ease Martha and Paul Abbott, William with Ille niinncr's name eiiK'avcd and (ortrude Adler, Mary Alice antl upon it. Each year B new name will Puul Anspach, I'tui Joyce anil Ken be added. •ath Hangs, .Mose and Emily Hedree The preliminary rounds huve al- Orvey and -Wilbur Btaaaing, Ttei re::.l.v been nm oil' in the gym elasses, anil the four finalists frum eaeh cluss Helen and Thelma Hot-Inn, Charles have been announced. and Kred Hojrah, 11..si,- and Albert Bojrah, Kita, Harry, umi Cecelia Bol­ All boys n..t takiiiK gym who wish son, Nurman nnd Tillie Hosell, Harry to compete ill this event run (b> Ba bf and Ruth Bosell, Robert and K.lvvanl living their name to .Mcliily or Hob Hradlmiller. Htihert and Margaret Naif. Tha preliminary winners in tin* Hiaiilsch, Lawrence antl Leonard gym classes an* as follows: Bresler, Ned, Willard, and Donald Monday, Wednesday, und Friday Bnara, Harry and Charles Buckman classes: Kirst period. Vincent Carlson. ter, Isabel antl Paul Bundy, Robert Kugene Cage, Howard Jacobst, and Bonita, and Treva Burton, Willard Claude Reese; seeond period, William and Edward Byers. Curt iss, Robert llemsoth, Oaorgi Arthur and Susie Calland, Calvin Keener, and James Mending; third Charles, und Koliert Cantwell, Kleanor period, Claude Benward, Cyrant Cross und William Charlton, Donald and Robert l.aunier. anil Frank Sitko; Kenneth Christie, William und Mil fourth period, Kdward Bobilya. Earl .lied Cliristnian, Howard and William Bnahirk, Hilly VerBryck, and Willi* Clem, Bernice and Wilda Click, Beat­ Wilder; sixth period, Joseph Adam­ rice and Rosemary Clinton, Lane and R. Nelson Snider, principal of South ski, Alfred Miller, Charles Stevens Fredrick Crimm, Loui9. Maude, and Side, who i-, very well known I.y the and Jack Sehreck; seventh period, Ilorothy Daler, Raymond and (lirtrud.* students. After live yi-ars of eollege William Doell, Lewis Michels, Stoyan Dane, Thomas and Amelia David, work, he Logan teaching in a high Skekoff, and Howard Watkins; eighth Herman and Joe Deck, Mary Ellen school, after which he became princi period, Alfred Lantz. Ray Garrison and Lois Dennis, Fred and Wayne pal in a country school antl then a eon Harold Wiedman, and Charles Wil Seating approximately 21(111 people, the South Side gymnasium will house the fans who MM to see the Dey, Hilda and Arnold Dicke, Mary si.li.lated grade sclionl. Hefore l.ecoin liunis. annual Sectional and Regional Tournaments, Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5. Kach year a different high Klizabeth, Charles, Christopher, and ing principal of Jelferson school he Tuesday and Thursday classes: school in Fort Wayne is chosen as the host of the tournaments, this year's honor falling upon South Side. It is Martha Dixie, Edward and William was principal in a consolidated school First period, Arnold Dicke, Edwin in this gymnasium that the South Side Archers fought many of their battles, losing hut two of tho home hardwood Doell, Mary and Helen Doswell, in Randolph County. Mr. Snider IK- Richardson, Clarence Pfister, and Wil­ encounters. Franklin and Emmanuel Doenges, came principal ..(' Soutli Side after lis Thompson; second period, Chester Olen and William Dowden, Lefa and three years of service at .lames II. Hednoi'ski, Harry Buckmaster, Blair Georgia Downing. Lorene and Wayne Smart School. Rattertler, and Elmer Kcims; third (LASS HASKETBALL Eggiman. period, Stassie BirchotT, Orland Foltz, Much Ado About Something Jerome V, eikert, and Lowgll Reed; GAINS POPULARITY Hubert and Donald Eme, Dorothy {With So Ai>ologk* to Shakespeare) fourth period, Derrell Nunamaker, and Lucille Emerson, Robert and Presents Movie lack Seigle. Arthur Rose, and Max Two Net Teams, Headed by Mc­ Phyllis Farrell, Rudolph and Adolph Motion Pictures (iiven I'nder Barrett; fifth period, Robert Butler, Miss Pence has a student common­ Ferber, William and Ned Frankart, Kee and Romano, Tie for And so Dwight said, "Cod Mess Lloyd Meyer, Booker Green, and Ralph ly called Arthur, but to certain Cen­ Fredrick and Charles Freiliurger, Auspices of Co-Op Indus­ Honors of First Place you," ami went home. Oh, that's right, BiddeU; seventh period, Howard Do­ tral fcmnies, his nume is "Paper". Mac and Harriet Fuelber, Adell and trial Club, Friday we're not supposed to tell you. so .i.-iin. N'a-li. Fnil Burton, Albert Janninaja, Elijah McDonald, Arthur Payne, Jo* dane. Joe Ceccanese, Clark St evens, You see. they needed a pretext to go Doris Gettys, Ruth and Robert Gil­ Every year Central has class bas­ M won't. d'limmc, Howard I' Kneeling, front left to right: ttoherl Nal ml coach; Dr. Ifl. A. King, trainer; and Donald Keener; eighth period, into her room (lie was in there), so lette, Cleophas and Anna Golembiew- "The Span Supreme," a seven-reel ketball teams. This year Mendy antl iy Mendenhall lied for if wim were absent when the picture waa taken sre Ralph Sheets, Kdward Trott, ami Kay Hostler. Merle Griffith, Vernon Kies, George "Who is this fellow Babson?" they asekd for fSWeW. Paper? Sure, ska, William and Harold Graft, Lewis moving picture was presented last Bob Nulf have chosen several of the Thornburg, and Christopher Dixie. Paper? and Louise Guenther, Mary and Rose Friday the fifth and sixth periods in outstanding boys in their classes and Seen together going places: Frank The liat I (in* Redskins the auditorium. put them on class basketball teams. II<ia*iand'.H Contendere Ann Hoffner, Helen and Dorothy Has­ and Joan—stell!.... Louis and Iran Krv seems a littlt- better satisfied san, Robert and Mildred Hawkins, The picture was of the building of FRIENDSHIP CLUB These teams play Monday, Wedtus gene . Hetty Lo and Mac. .. .Pooch day, and Friday after school in the now that Betty Jane is up and around. Edward and Carl Hayes, Robert and the great Hutlson River bridge. Ev­ and,--whoops, almost gave away the She looks great, feels I'm,,. (Ireat, ol' ery detail was shown vividly from the INITIATES MEMBERS gymnasium. There are eight different John Haielet. Esther and Robert name of that South Sitle girl! Sorry, kee.I'. Heine, Esther and Mary Hemrick, very beginning to the end. The mak­ teams, and each team has played six I',..*.!, won't d» it again , ..W games. There have been many inu-i Mary Elizabeth and June Herman, ing of the large coils, putting them Juniors, Seniors Join Club; Commit siiiiieone please do something so we Mr. Hines doesn't serin to exactly &.t**m ^fftffsf esting overtime games. Bowman is James and Rachel Hoagland, Anne together and stretching them across tee Presents Washington Skit can put it in this column? No on*! is approve of the way < 'enlralites come hy far the outstanding scorer with a and Ned Hoffman, Robert and Doro­ several miles of water was pictured to at Meeting doing anything, or anything, SKI— into the session MM fifth period. He total of 60 points. McKee and Ro­ thy Holben, Robert and Richard Hop­ the audience. Mamie Zilch and Eli Cumberson. ... suggests having a talking contest in Initiation of the new memliers was mano's teams are tied for first place per, Ray and Elda Hostler, William The building of the bridge was very Katherine and Melvin talking, talking. order to see which can talk loudest, the outstanding event at the regular with five games won and only one de­ and Edward Hunsaker, Clare and dangerous work. It took skilled men. talking . Mow does Miss Harrah most, and funniest. meeting of the Friendship Club held feat. Last week's results are as fol­ Eather Imbody. and careful men to build it. It also know Jim Kruse is in love with Mar* in the club rooms last Tuesday, Feb­ lows: Thoughts while strolling around: Elizabeth and Elva Edna Jackson, took three years. The result is that ji.ric Biltz? ruary 2.1. This ceremony was in Joan of Art sitting, smiling, dreaming, John and Frank Jackson, Ralph and the greatest step in suspension bridges Monday—Troyer. 20; Warfield. 16. has been successful. charge of the membership chairman, Buckmaster, 17; Myers, 10. thinking. Reminds us of some of these Erwin Jensen, Dick and Harry John­ Wyrick says that now she's j ust Betty Hogle. Wednesday -McKee, L'I ; Miller, K. lovelorn grils... Elsie Waltke says son, William and Lillian Jones, Eu­ The picture was shown mainly for like the rest of them. Tish, tish! Kckleberry, 14; Romano, 6. that as a gym teacher Ceal Romary gene, Mary Jane, and Fredrick Ka­ the benefit of the boys in the shop A short skit depicting the famous The ten leading scorers so far are would make a g'.n.l dishwasher.
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