' 'kl^iitiid M ft^iim a few weeks' stay at Ann Arlmr. —FredHaynes of Lansing Is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. A. Hoes-Mrs A VAAORD Fanula-Biahnp and daughter Haael biive returned from their atay at Bat­ To tell you that we have the most complete line of tle CreeK.-i-Mrs. Ed. Morrison bad the . ;> Owing to Miver'itl cniiiiler attrMtloiiN Every Item a Money Saver vnitinlMn «ru very turdy, III getting ^to^ misfortune to fall down cellar Sunday (fltber. Tlia niHrketH mihI Mittie lulnor morning and break her arm. Mub|eota were ooiiHltlcri'il but the euh' Christmas ^oods Alaledon. ' • • Jeot for tbe day witH held over unill MASON. MICH., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1897.-TEN PAGES. WHOLE NO. 'iOJIl. uextSaturday when tlie iiitfetlilB will Ever shown in Mason, and nt prices within the reach of nil. Now VOL. XXXIX-NO. 49. Clark Doollttle is verv III with ty­ PRICES THAT SPE« FOB THEMSELVES. 1)0 held Ht the cotirt lionse nt 2 p. m. phoid foyer at bis home In Plltsburgli. is the time to buy, before the rnsli, while you can have the first Mr.NelHun wUI with ihealilofH blank- —James Austin and wife and two chil­ choice. We are already laying awiiy Xmn,') Presents. Let us save board, ftlve HI) 'HluHtriitiiHi how a barn PEBIIOWAI. MBWTIOll. dren spent Thanksgiving at tbeir one lor you. Our line of ON'T spend two or three weeks looking Scolt Waldo of Wllllamstoii la win­ Society Elections. Bbould be built for the convenience iniitber's, Mrs.' Marlu Pierce.—Rose Yot4 Don't i<f)tl) for atoek iind for feeinng. The about and then be disappointed by tering 900 sheep. Since last Saturday the followInK S. Straeter orODondaga waa In town jreiter- Beardsley is visliing friends in LuinKs- IT IS TIMEa D finding the article you determined to day. •llo and other linporlant qiiestloiiR con­ burgaiid St. Johns.—MrH. Chas. Mc- Fancy China, Lamps, In October, 1890, Nellie M. WhIteleT Booletlea have elected ofHcers - for the Want to cerning the dairy will be diacufised. buy Bold when you call for It. Make up of Lansing was married to Wm. F. Mrs. C. Rice of Lanslog was la town yeater- Carrick fell one day lust week bruising your mind uow and have your aeleotiou laid ensuing year. Offlcera of Phil. Mo- You were Zimmerman, a music teacher. This Kernau Poet, Q. A. B. elected Deo. 8, day. The intertialifi iiicreHMiug and It 18 herself quite badly.—Mra. Alice Celluloid Novelties, aside for Forget Great Bankrupt Sale selectlag your week Judge Q. A. Smith, as attorney were: • Mill MyraX. Wood has returned from De. expected a lar^e iiuuilier of farmers Teaboldt was a guest at the "Maples" troit. will be present. The public are cor.recei^tly . ^ ^ CHRISTMAS DELIVERY for Zimmerman, has commenced a case p. G.-T. M. Suraw. XHat, Art Medal Goods, Boolcs, -AT THE- asking $50,000 damages agalnat the 8. V. O.-O, L, Barnaby, MlsHjenole Curry vlsltod Iitnilns nrlendi dialty invlied. L H. Ives. We have hundreds of useful and ornamental J. V. 0.-Ara J. ITenn. lastnweek. articles that make appropriate gifts, such aa wife's mother Mrs,Ellzubetli Wblteley, Eden. Adit,—W. J. Adiiina. Mrs. a. N. Jones went to ItoBrldra, MIcb., Feit»r~ Bibles, Fan6y Stationery, Bonks, Bibles, Fancy China, Medallions, for alienating from the husband the QuurtermHSler—A. Tlcburat. HOMER B. HENDERSON affections of her daughter. Hurg.—Win. QreKK. last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hester of Grand Holiday Lamps, etc. But It would take a whole Tom Mitchell is visaing In northern RuoldS ,'3|i(fiit Thanksgiving with tbeir Cbup.—Enoii BKldwln, Hon. O. K. Hammond was In Masou on bus­ FORD'S BUUR Albums, Leather Goods, newspaper to enumerate and describe them. The News would like this |ob. Give O. DV-M. Warboy. iness laxt Friday, ^ Miobigan.—J. Kelly hihI fMoo'ct.lit.'-c- I iiaif it>-.. Mi, iiiid Mrs, James Chase.— Come in and let us show you the line. O. Q.-J. QarrlHon. „. , ly have moved Into their new. iioiiises. us all the money spent in Mason for ColrKute to Uopt. Encampinanl/-W. J. Df. F. D. Woodwortb of Onondaga was lo ' Tb3 Tiltufksgiving dinner at the de­ Dolls, Toys. etc. THE PEOPLE'S STORE —OrvlUe Varieli lias returned from pot netted the ladles $11,—Miss Clam tobacco and cigars aud all spent here Adumii. Haaon yesterday. for spirituous aud malt liquors and we Alteriiuto to Dept. Encftmpmcnt—George Alleiran county.—D. C. Meeoli and Hazeltnii ia very sick with typhoid Cotton. Mr. anil Sfrs. Oria Hoyt spent lafil Sunday Will be headquarters for all Was never so complete and we desire .vnnr insnecilnn and will take BOOK will puy all the expenses of the city wife have been vigitiiig in Ovid anil fever.—Mr. and Mrs. Seatou of Fenton witb Lftnalng friends. kinds of Holiday Goods pleasure in sliowiug you our line. SANTA CLAUH writes us from AIASON, A\ICH. schools and churches and give the peo- INoUAlM Chapteb, No. 51,11. A. M. vicinity.—Clark and (Garnaou have visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank f Marsh Gifts. Mra. C. Burns and daugbter Sadie visited in and it will do you as well bouKlit a quantity of timber in Ing- the North Pole that he will again make Klinniel's Bopartnient Store BROWNE'S STORE. free water and free lights. And ir. P.-J. T. Campbell, liunsing last Saturday. over Sunday.—A daughter was born his headquarters, for we have the Liirgost Lino at the Lowest Prices. K.—C. a. HuutlDKtoii. as the children good to bam tnwnablp.-Hugh Blakely haa to Mr. and Mra. Ben. Hall last Satur- Con Is not an exception among cities S.—Qeo. W. nrlfstol. Mra, J. M. Dresser Is witb ber busband in rented bis farm to Mr. Bay of Unadit- Come in and get our burgulns In Crockery, Wall Paper, Window in tills respecl. C. ofH.—Oco, A. Mlnnr. Louisiana lor a few weeks. come in and see the new di'iy.—Mrs. R, A. Fay and son UaA-y SILKS. la.-Mra. J. W. Potter will entertain are visiting in Norwalk, Ohio.-Miss Shades, Tinware, 5u and 10c Goods, DBESS GOODS. W. VV. Sputch was the first Muson A Jackson dispatch says: "A month B. A. C.-C. J. Riiyner. 0. J. Rayner and Roy C. Vandercook were Hec'y—A. L. Uosfo. In LunsiuK lust Saturday. the L. A. S. the tbird Wednesday lu Mary Lee of Mason spent Thanksgiv­ Black Satin Itliad, 27 Inches, wide, SO-lnch extra tine quality Navy and mun to pay his taxes. ago liurt Tuter of Onoiiduga rented a 'i'rctt>.—II, U. llaUtfiaa. Miss Nina Bristol apeiit last Sunday and December. Everybody invited. ing in Ellen. former price f 1, now 72Jo Bro, Serge, former price $1, now 50o Ladies wishing hair cleaning done, room here and later a stylishly dressed !«.,•) V,-r,,». UitteH. young woman turned up whom he in­ M. 2 V.-K, U. Htitnlon, Monday witb Lansing frluuda. Kimmers Dep't Store. BUck Satin Rliad, 24 inches wide, 4G-lnch extra fine quality Navy and cull on Mrs. James Lyon.' * M 1 v.—J. P. Siiiltli. Webberfllle. Fetrevllle. troduced as his wife. A few days after Sout.—A. A. Howard. Misa Dora D. 1f:inicr visited Hlsa IlatUe former price U, now 72Jo Bro, Serge, former price C5c, now 35o D. L. Cudy was Inirt this week by tliat a woman and a child inquired for Hasty of Lansing last Saturday. Just received and now on Mrs.-Lizzie Dieterle sold a business Mrs. Ai;nes Polhemus and baby are ItASON LODQK No. 70, K. OF P. Black Satin Rhad, former price 87An, Silk Finish Henrietta, A Nu-Brooffl being thrown from Ills buggy. Tater, wlioowiied up that she was his Miss Mario MoCrosson (toes to Bay City next exhibition, A large in­ lot OH Grand River street to Fred Tay spendiiiv her vacation with ber pa­ now 07Jc wife. The strange woman disappeared C. C.-S. H. Culver. Saturday morning to visit ber frlenda. lor Monday.—Abram Biker, who has former price 59c, uow 35o The C. L. S. C. win meet with Mrs. V. C—O. K. nrowu. voice of new goods will rents in OKeinos.—Mrs. Jecks and son Black Satin Brocades, English CoafTng, Navy Blue, and Tater went buck to the farm with P.—J. U.Snnok. Mr. and Mrs, E, N, Wllkins liave returned been visitiiiff in Jackson and vicinity who have been visiting W. A. Jecks F. L. Stroud next Monday evening. his wife." M.rfr W,—W. L, Clark. from Nortb Wheeler where tlioy spent the be here in a few days, foralyear, has returned home.—Mr. former price $1, now 72Jc former price 50c, uow 32o sum mar, of tills place returned to their hniiie O. n. Crane lias just placed In llie K. of B. ,t 8. making the Bazaar the Nand Mrs. James Haynes of Haiiiburg M.i)|- V. B. C. Vandercoolc. near Chicago Munilay,—Mr. and MiH, Black Satin Brocades, 40-luch Bro. Serge, Sweeps clean City Milia the new roller process for A few good carpet sweepers left, nt F, E, Cady has roturnml from Ariniiila, Mn- desirable place for Holi- kte visilliigffriends here.—Kenry Fill­ former price 05c. now 33o $1.2.5, atUeo. A. Eurle's. * M.of ID.-K. * . Wnilaiiis. oomb Co,, und will spefiil tbe winter with bis .Chas. Betiily entertained company former price 85c, now 65o buckwheut Hour. M. at A.—J.
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