* TOOAY: MEDIAWATCH * TWO TOP NAMPOL MEN ON WAY OUT * NFACUP FIRST ROUND RESULTS * .Violent gang rape .-" . , . A YOUNG woman, aged 19 years, was raped by seven men a t the Tiervlei post in the Buitepos area in the O maheke region on August 13, the police reported on Friday. A police spokesperson at Gobabis con­ firmed that four of the seven men had been arrested. The young woman was allegedly " forced violently". Tiervlei post is approximately 250 kilo­ metres east of Goba bis. The police are ,looking for the other three suspects. 's an ourra e!' President urges courts to get tougher - --- ---,-;;;========================::::::;=::::::;=:;;;-" • CHRISTOF MALETSKY PRESIDENT Sam Nujoma has called Meatco for stiffer sentences for rapists, murderers, robbers a~d "those out to hit by economically wreck the country through the theft of public funds". The President said the sentences for those raping strikes old women and children, those guilty of murder and armed robbery, the theft of diamonds and of public • CHRIS NDIVANGA funds were "outrageously le~ient" . He urged the courts to conSider the victims when CLOSE to 1 000 handing down the sentences. workers downed President Nujoma was speaking at the official tools a t two Meatco opening of a two-day workshop on the administra- plants on Saturday tion of justice attended by Ministers, magistrates, morning after a l>rosecutors and interpreters which ended on Satur- ma ' orit of wor ker s day a~ternoon. ~e workshop was sponsored by the tiJ d . Yf: f Swedish InternatIOnal Development Agency. vo .e m ~v our 0 a Nujoma emphasized that the Government had to strike, durmg secret protect and promote basic human rights and that ballots on Thursday there. was a need for "unwavering supp.ort for the afternoon. judicial branch of Government". Namibian Food and He indicated that the majority ofNamibians were Allied Workers' Union STANDOFF B k R d Z ' ~ h' h . H fi h anxious that a large number of crim inals were not organiser Cuana Angula :" u avu, wan a - alrean. orces soot lOt e air as utu re. ugees t row stones on receiving suffic iently heavy sentences. announced that 624 the bor~er bridge between Rwanda an~ Zaire on Saturday. Refugees and Zalrean paratro?per~ are "It cannot be over-emphasised that lenient sen- o ke s ot d ' f vour locked ID a tense standoff after the Zalreans repelled repeated attempts to storm the malO bridge ~f ~h/ s;ik;, ;~ ~oted crossing into Zaire. See also international news, page 7. Photo: Reuters via Nampa cont. on page 2 against and 150 had ab­ stained in secret ballots held in Windhoek and at More confusion on the 'culling' of seals ••• Okahandja. Windhoek plant man­ • STAFF REPORTER sustainable utilization at as scientific factors. its policy of cutting the However, the Minis- ager Andre Pienaar said present population lev- As a result the seal bi- population. try's expert in his r~port the company regretted THE MINISTRY of Fisheries has admitted els". ologist's recommenda- There is also confu- said that a cull to reduce that the parties had had that it did not inform its main expert on seals Last week the report tion was ignored by the sion surrounding the the population was not to resort to industrial ac­ that it plans to cut down the seal population recOlpmending no seal Ministry's management number of seals off Na- advisable as "due to the tion "which will result by several hundred thousand seals. harvest was leaked to the ·staff. The Ministry did mibia's coast. Accord- 1994 mortality we have losses for both the com­ press. not explain what specific ing to Jan Jurgens, the no idea what the present pany and its workers". In a statement the Min- had decided to cut the The Ministry made its "socio-economic, politi- Ministry's Acting per- population level and "Product losses will istry said that its marine population figure. decision to allow a har- cal or policy influences" manent secretary, the trend is at the moment". occur due to the perish­ mammal expert at Instead ·the statement vest of 55 000 seals, in- prompted it to opt for a plan is to bring the popu- The seal expert went able nature of the fresh Liideritz was against the said that the seal expert cluding 12000 bulls, af- higher quota. Not did it lation down from 800 on to say that seal popu- product," said Pienaar. harvesting of any seals based his recommenda- ter considering socio- say what other scientific 000 seals to 500 000 over lation may already be 500 He said a meeting be- this year as he did not tion for no harvest this economic, political and analysis has been carried the next five to seven cont. on page 3 know that the Ministry year "on the concept of policy influences as well out which recommends years. cont. on page 2 , > 2 Monday August 22 1994 THE NAMIBIAN Courts must give Seal issue tougher sentences nFR6MPAGE1~ Green light for return FROM PAGE 1 Speaking at the same 000 or below. ocassion the Minister of Jurgens told The tences have the negative Justice, Ngarikutuke Namibian in July that Tjiriange, acknowledged more than .107 000 seal of former Koevoet men eff~c tofdemoralisingout pohce force and other law "the glaring inadequacy ~ups had died of starva­ enforcement agents who, of the judicial work". tIOnandanother40-50000 • JOSEFMOTINGA of the High Court to hear appeared to have quali­ despite severe logistical "Scathing accusations were s~tt? starve to death. THE High Court on Friday 'or(Jered the when the Supreme Cou~ fied it later, Van Wyk and other constraints, do are levelled over th€ al- He said It was better to . said. their utmost to bring al- .leged ~lackness of the ju- harvest. the pups than let Namibia~Governmenttocompiywiththe " would be' aVaI lable to leged criminal~ to.b'ook."diciary, the inordinate de- them die. The Ministry's , , .• . hear the appeal. He had . Coleman also based court s earhe~ ruhng and secure the return bee'n informed that the The President said light lays in finalising cases, seal expert said also in his objections to a sus­ sentences also tended to the .imposition of outra- July ,that there were not 'of e~-K?e~oet members ,to Namibia, in ne~t sitting , would be pension of the court weaken the public's con- geously lenient sentences enough pups left at the spite of G~v~rnment lodging an· appeal during the first week of order on the fact "that ~ide.nce in the criminal , disappearances ,of cas~ t~~ee seal colonies to jus- against the ruling. October. However, the the chances that the JU~~lce system. ?ockets and the pathetic ufy a quo~ of 43 000 .. roll was already full. Government will suc­ The upshot of thiS re- mcompetences of judicial . Accordmg to the Mm­ The court has fixed for the fonner Koevoet Van Wyk contended ceed during an appeal grettable situation is that officers," Tjiriange said. Istry statement, the ' seal August 23 as the re­ members, George that as the court had not hearing are minimal". the public feels that the Another concern the expert at Liideritz had turn date for the final Coleman, agreed that the yet handed down the rea­ He added that the courts are prepared to pro- Minister noted wa~ the been visited by a senior order. Government should pay sons for its decision, Government would tect the rights of the con- "alleged crjppli~g incom- staff member since his victed criminal and not petence, inefficiency, in- report .and. had accepted Several hours after only minimal costs as far Governmnent 's decision not be prejudiced those of the victim." experience and the"sclentJficgroundsfor the High Court handed as the application was to lodge an appeal was should the court deci­ Bail was another issue indiscipline" of a certain t~e management ~eci­ down its order on Au­ concerned. not based on the merits sion be implemented on which Nujoma voiced group of magistrates and slOns" on the quotas. gust 18, Government Originally Coleman of the court decision. as the applicants, the concern. prosecutors. appealed the ruling. had submitted that Gov­ Further, Government former Koevoet mem­ Hesaid the law had been Tjiriange said their be- Following the ap­ ernment should pay costs had lodged the appeal bers, posed no threat. amended to widen the dis- haviour . had a negative It's truel peal, the legal repre­ on an attorney and c li ent against the entire order The conditions un­ cretionary powers of ju- effect on the productivity sentatives of the scale. This request too despite the fact that two der which the ex­ dicial officers and to em- of the courts and the qual­ VANCOUVER, Canada: fonner Koevoet mem­ was granted by the court of the rulings were Koevoet members It happened at last. A 28- power them not to grant ity of judicial work. On bers returned to court on Friday. uncontestable. were staying at bail in certain circum- the other how, however, year-old Canadian was on Friday and asked Coleman also read out These were ,that the Langklip, 700 meters stances. the group under fire had convicted on Thursday of the court not to grant a an affidavit by the Attor­ decision to refuse entry from the South Afri­ "lam constrained to say accused their more expe­ cruelty to an animal - he that either some judicial rienced colleagues of al­ bit a dog. Earl Metro told postponement of the ney of Record for the to ex-Koevoet members can border, also neces­ officers have not informed legedly contributing to the a court in Kelowna, Brit­ order.
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