.4-464, 61, t. *7; NOVaft, . A A hir": Nit - L tilk. " 4 . 41. '44001.* t' Fe,,4 4--4-iii--,15) FRL SITI' Ever see a dcwv- fresh, fragrant bed of mint like this? Probably not - be- cause this is special mint, with the sparkling clean, cool flavor you can only find in Clark's Tendermint gum! Clark's fine row -mint is gathered at the peak of early- morning freshness, when nature seals in its true mint - essence. Ask for freshly minted Clark's Tendermint- naturally, it's better! FOR TASTE l A `_ks Cnpyrlght 1947, Clark Brothers Chewing Gum Cmopsuy GIRL: And that, my half -pint pest, is about as close as I get to any man anywhere. CUPID: Maybe you should make like those stars, Sugar. They're practically cuddling your moon -man. But, of course, they sparkle. GIRL: I get it. All but one teeny -weeny point - just how do I put sparkle in this 5-watt smile of mine, Mr. Smarty -Pantless? CUPID: I'll tell you, glum one. But first ... see any "pink" on your tooth brush these days? GIRL: Uh -huh, and blue skies and red sails in the sunset and ... what's my tooth brush's color scheme got to do with my smile? CUPID: Only just about everything, Miss Ignorance of { 1947. That "pink" is a sign to see your dentist. Quick. Let him decide what's the matter. May be simply a case of today's soft foods robbing your gums of exercise. if so, he may suggest "the helpful stimulation of Ipana and massage." GIRL: Smile ... remember, urchin? ... it was my smile we were yappity -yappiting about. «'here'd it go? CUPID: This way: A sparkling smile depends largely on healthy gums. So -o -o, if your dentist advises massage -thats for you. 9 out of 10 dentists do recommend gum massage ... regularly or r in special cases, according to a recent nationwide y survey. And this same survey shows they prefer lit° Ipana Tooth Paste 2 i personal use. to for their own Nver I9or HOW TO MASSAGE YOUR GUMS. Gently massage ',ó at the gum line, always keeping fingertip in contact T with the tooth surface. It's at the gum line, roíjj where teeth and gums meet, that so many troubles start ,87j 4, -where gentle massage can be so helpful. Between regular visits to your dentist, help him guard your smile of beauty. IW n oun o A , Product of Britta-Myers 1 November, 1947 Editorial Director FRED R. SAMMIS Editor DORIS McFERRAN Managing Editor EVELYN L. FIORE NORTH ATLANTIC EDITION Vol. '28, No. 6 Associate Editor MARJORIE WALLACE Bill Berns 4 New Records 6 Art Director Facing The Music by Ken Alden 8 JACK ZASORIN What's New From Coast to Coast by Dale Banks 12 Ed Doyle's Bowling Board 14 Associate Art Director Always the Youngest 16 FRANCES MALY Introducing Betty Garde 18 Introducing Edwin Bruce 19 CBS Is There 21 Hollywood Office The Thing Called 22 ANN DAGGETT, Editor Faith by Dr. Charles Matthews I'm A Juvenile Juror by Peggy Bruder 24 McCULLAH ST. JOHNS, Ozzie Takes a Tuck in Time-An Ozzie and Harriet Story 26 Managing Editor Come and Visit Jack Benny by Polly Townsend 28 Radio Mirror Awards 32 HYMIE FINK, Staff Photographer Shining Knight -Cover Girl by Pauline Swanson 34 Through the Years with Rosemary -In Pictures 36 STERLING SMITH, Between the Bookends by Ted Malone 40 Staff Photographer Look Your Best -In Pictures 42 Life Can Be Beautiful 44 BEVERLY WILSON, Everyday King by Henry Mynatt 46 Assistant Photographer Backstage Wife -In Living Portraits 48 There's A Wife For Your by Dan Seymour 52 In the Name Of Love by Dan Senseney 54 On the Cover For Better Living: EVELYN KNIGHT Pie Is Perfect by Kate Smith 56 Color Portrait by John Engstead Lasting Loveliness 58 Readymade Rooftree 59 Miss Glennon's suit and hat (page Heads Up by Mary Jane Fulton 69 43) by De Pinna, New York; shoes Inside Radio 60 by Delman, New York; coiffure WTIC's Down Homers 64 by Lura de Gez Information Booth -Your Questions Answered 74 8 Want More Flavor? ASK FOR FLEER'S ALSO MAKERS OF FLEER'S DUBBLE BUBBLE GUM FRANK H. FLEER CORP. PHILA. PA. 2 Frank Sinatra, who writes iF P rFe Neta, isn't a Christmas story especially htthresh " effectivee m o st for us, next month syli deed You have 'ver rant. SEE above for the famous teller of a to very special tale for the December Radio Mirror -the story of a man of good will. Christmas comes into it, and a lot of other wonderful things you'll want to read about. i i s Another first- person story is written for us by Al Jolson's lovely wife, Erle. It's "My Husband, Al Jolson" -but along the way it tells a good deal that's pleasant and interesting about Mrs. J. And the color portrait ... ! Good love stories and true are always heartwarming reading. What. then, could be better than a love story all tied up with the Bride and Groom program? Nothing, we think. Not if it's love you're interested in. i * # Just plain living, at Christmastime, is joy enough, but our For Better Living depart- ment is always looking for something just a little bit better. For instance, next month's intriguing ideas about Christmas filfitta delicacies to be made at home. And some even more intriguing ideas, if you've had -11 a sad eye on the revolutionary new fashions, t;t. about what can be done to last year's clothes to give them a boost into the new But now Fresh brings you a new, more party season. Ideas that really work. i effective, creamier deodorant to give you And there will be a second and final Radio carefree underarm protection. Only Mirror Awards Ballot. Remember, radio Fresh can give you this patented combi- will give you what you want in the way nation of amazing ingredients. of entertainment, if you'll just say what New Fresh is the most effective cream de- it is you want -with a vote! odorant you have ever tried ... we think you'll agree! Yet dresses are safe from rot- RADIO MIRROR. published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS. INC., New York. N. Y. ting normal skin General Business. Editorial and Advertising Offices: 205 Eut ... is safe from irritation. 42nd St.. New York 17. N. Y. O. J. Elder. President: Harold Wise. Senior Vice President; S. O. Shapiro, Vice President: Herbert Drake. Vice President; Meyer Dworkin. Secretary and New Fresh is delicately perfumed, delight- Treasurer; Edward F. Lethen, Advertising Director. Chicago Office: 221 North La Salle St., Leslie R. Gage, Mgr. Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street; Hollywood. ful to smooth on ... doesn't dry out. 321 So. Beverly Dr.. Lee Andrews, Manager. Reentered as Second Class matter March 10, 1940, at the Pont Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscrip- tion rates: U. S. and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland, But don't take our word for it. Test Fresh 52.50 per year. All other countries $5.00 per year. Price per copy: United Canada. While Photogreaphs Drawings dare submitted tla the -see if it isn't the best deodorant you've owner's risk. every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first class postage at.d explicit name and address. Contributors are especially ever used. advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions: otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contents of this magasine may not be reprinted either part without permission. wholly or in (Member of Macfadden Women's Group) Copyright, 1947, by Macfadden Publications, Inc. All under International Copyright rights DeG4T7%ES(//, ((/tUt reserved nderi nConventioAlln. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convenclon Pan:.mericana de Propotedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered T in U S. Patent Office. / In U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Co.. Dunellen. N. J. 'R 3 We give you Bill as the Roman on his program, While Berns Roams! Last year WOR sent out two Bills -Berns and Raidt-to 48 states. to collect information on how ex-GIs were getting on back home. BILL BERNS bats .1000 with radio critics. The reason: recorder and go scrouging for goodies. I'd visit a Navy Bill doesn't sound the least bit like a radio an- supply depot or a quartermaster warehouse and do in- nouncer. As one editor put it, "Bill talks like the kid terviews with cooks and kitchen clerks. And I'd always next door." try to get one recorded scene -a jeep being loaded with Bill is batting .1000 with the listeners, too. Which is beer!" one reason why WOR has given him three programs and Bill was in the Philippines with his recorder, waxing a seven - days -a -week schedule. portions of a USO show when Signal Corpsmen rushed One program is The Mutual Music Show, with Bill in- in with the flash that the Japanese were surrendering. troducing orchestral numbers in his familiar, informal Bill flipped the switch and caught a dramatic scene: style. Another program is While Berns Roams, a bright Bandleader Kay Kyser telling the audience the historic spot on Saturday evenings at 6:15 featuring recorded .news and the GIs going wild with joy. Later Bill was interviews Bill has gathered around New York. The aboard the USS Missouri to witness the surrender cere- third is Fifteen Minutes with Bill Berns, a series of chats monies.
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