Provided by the author(s) and University College Dublin Library in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite the published version when available. Title Stokes's Fundamental Contributions to Fluid Dynamics Authors(s) Lynch, Peter Publication date 2019-06-27 Publication information McCartney M., Whitaker A., Wood A. (eds.). George Gabriel Stokes Life, Science and Faith Publisher Oxford University Press Link to online version https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/oso/9780198822868.001.0001/oso-9780198822868 Item record/more information http://hdl.handle.net/10197/11244 Publisher's statement This material was originally published in George Gabriel Stokes: Life, Science and Faith by Mark McCartney, Andrew Whitaker and Alastair Wood, and has been reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/oso/9780198822868.001.0001/oso-9780198822868. For permission to reuse this material, please visit http://global.oup.com/academic/rights. Publisher's version (DOI) 10.1093/oso/9780198822868.003.0006 Downloaded 2021-09-04T17:51:59Z The UCD community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters! (@ucd_oa) © Some rights reserved. For more information, please see the item record link above. Stokes's Fundamental Contributions to Fluid Dynamics Peter Lynch Preprint of Chapter 6 in George Gabriel Stokes: Life, Science and Faith. Eds. Mark McCartney, Andrew Whitaker, and Alastair Wood, Oxford University Press (2019). ISBN: 978-0-1988-2286-8 Introduction George Gabriel Stokes was one of the giants of hydrodynamics in the nine- teenth century. He made fundamental mathematical contributions to fluid dynamics that had profound practical consequences. The basic equations for- mulated by him, the Navier-Stokes equations, are capable of describing fluid flows over a vast range of magnitudes. They play a central role in numerical weather prediction, in the simulation of blood flow in the body and in count- less other important applications. In this chapter we put the primary focus on the two most important areas of Stokes's work on fluid dynamics, the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations and the theory of finite amplitude oscillatory water waves. Stokes became an undergraduate at Cambridge in 1837. He was coached by the `Senior Wrangler-maker', William Hopkins and, in 1841, Stokes was Senior Wrangler and first Smith's Prizeman. It was following a suggestion of Hopkins that Stokes took up the study of hydrodynamics, which was at that time a neglected area of study in Cambridge. Stokes was to make profound contributions to hydrodynamics, his most important being the rigorous estab- lishment of the mathematical equations for fluid motions, and the theoetical explanation of a wide range of phenomena relating to wave motions in water. Stokes's Collected Papers The collected mathematical and physical papers of Stokes1 [referenced below as MPP] were published over an extended period from 1880 to 1904. They contain articles originally published in journals, additional notes prepared by Stokes and miscellaneous material such as examination papers. Stokes 1 published about 140 scientific papers. Of these, some 23 were on hydrody- namics. The papers are in chronological order of original publication. The first three volumes, published respectively in 1880, 1883 and 1901, were pre- pared by Stokes himself. Volumes IV and V were published in 1904 and 1905, edited by Joseph Larmor after Stokes had died. The final volume includes an interesting obituary of Stokes by Lord Rayleigh. The majority of papers in Vol. I of MPP are on fluid motion. The vol- ume contains two of Stokes's most profound papers, one on the fundamental equations of motion now known as the Navier-Stokes equations, and one on oscillatory wave motion in fluids. The first paper in the collection, On the steady motion of incompressible fluids is starkly mathematical in style. The paper is concerned mainly with fluid motion in two dimensions. Little is presented by way of motivation or physical background. In this work, Stokes introduced the notion of fluid flow stability. He pointed out that the exis- tence of a solution does not imply that it can be sustained, as there may be many other motions compatible with the given boundary conditions. Stokes wrote \There may even be no steady state of motion possible, in which case the fluid would continue perpetually eddying". He was beginning to grapple with the recondite problem of turbulence. Ever since, stability of fluid flow has been a fundamental hydrodynamical concept. The second paper, On some cases of fluid motion, opens with an ex- pository section of four pages before the author launches into mathematical details. Stokes writes that \Common observation seems to show that, when a solid moves rapidly through a fluid . it leaves behind a succession of ed- dies in the fluid” (MPP, Vol. I, p.54). He then presents a comprehensive account of some fourteen problems in fluid flow. In this paper, Stokes begins to consider friction in fluid flow, discussing no-slip boundary conditions and their consequences. The issue of internal friction is central in Stokes's monumental paper, On the theories of the internal friction of fluids in motion, and of the equilibrium and motion of elastic solids. This paper2 extends over 55 pages. Stokes notes that it is commonly assumed that the mutual action of two adjacent fluid elements is normal to the surface separating them. The resulting equations yield solutions agreeing with observations in a range of applications. How- ever, there is an entire class of motions for which this theory, which makes no allowance for the tangential action between elements, is wholly inadequate. This effect arises from the \sliding of one portion of a fluid along another, or of a fluid along the surface of a solid". Stokes notes that the tangen- 2 Figure 1: Title page of Stokes's Mathematical and Physical Papers, Vol. 1. tial force plays the same role in fluid motion that friction does with solids. Stokes gives the example of water flowing down a straight inclined chute. The then-current theory of fluid flow would indicate a uniform acceleration of the water, something that is completely at odds with experience. In his masterful paper in 1847, On the theory of oscillatory waves3, Stokes investigates the dynamics of surface waves in the case where the height of the waves is not assumed to be infinitesimally small. In a supplement to this paper, also included in Vol. I of MPP, Stokes showed that, for the highest possible wave capable of propagation without change of form, the surfaces at the crest enclose an angle of 120◦. Vol. II of MPP contains three sets of Notes on Hydrodynamics. These 3 were part of a series of notes for students prepared by William Thompson and Stokes. The three sets by Stokes are entitled \On the dynamical equations", \Demonstration of a fundamental theorem" and \On Waves". In the first of these, on the dynamical equations, Stokes gives a homely illustration of fluid viscosity: \The subsidence of the motion in a cup of tea which has been stirred may be mentioned as a familiar instance of friction . ". In the third set, on waves, he revisited his paper on oscillatory waves. MPP, Vol. III opens with an extensive study of the effects of air friction on the motion of a pendulum. This paper4, published in 1850, is 141 pages in length. Surprisingly, it was considered by Stokes to be one of his greatest contributions to science. The remaining papers in Vol. III are on the physics of light. Vol. IV of MPP contains little of relevance to fluid dynamics. In Vol. V we find \On the highest wave of uniform propagation"5, published in 1883, which considers the waves of maximum steepness that can propagate without change of form. The volume also contains a second supplement to Stokes's great 1847 paper on oscillatory waves. Finally, the questions for the Mathematical Tripos and Smith's Prize for the period from 1846 to 1882 are included in Vol. V. In the Smith's Prize paper of February 1854, Question 8 asked for a proof of what is now known as Stokes's Theorem, a standard result in vector calculus. It is abundantly clear from MPP that Stokes's greatest work was done before he had reached his 35th birthday. Stokes's work on fluid dynamics was done during two distinct periods, from 1842 to 1850 and, after a thirty year gap, between 1880 and 1898. In his obituary, Lord Rayleigh remarks that \if the activity in original research of the first fifteen years had been maintained for twenty years longer, much additional harvest might have been gathered in". The Navier-Stokes Equations The Navier-Stokes equations are the universal mathematical basis for fluid dynamics problems. Navier's original derivation in 1822 was not immediately accepted, and gave rise to some heated discussions and debate. An excellent review can be found in Darrigol6. There were several attempts, following Navier's publication in 1822, to develop a rigorous derivation of equations for viscous fluid flow. Most notable were those of the French scientists Poisson, Cauchy and Saint-Venant. George Green also made substantial contributions to the problem. Although Stokes was not the first to derive the equations in 4 their final form, his derivation was founded on more general and physically realistic assumptions. Stokes also found several particular solutions to the viscous equations. Euler had obtained his fluid equations in 1755: @V ρ + V · rV = −∇p + F @t Unfortunately, these equations produced absurd results in a wide range of practical situations where fluid resistance was important. This was recog- nised by d'Alembert and by Euler himself.
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