See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343623378 Two new species of Cinnamodendron (Canellaceae) from Brazil Article in Brittonia · August 2020 DOI: 10.1007/s12228-020-09627-8 CITATION READS 1 257 3 authors, including: Jackeline Salazar Marcos Caraballo Smithsonian Institution 8 PUBLICATIONS 105 CITATIONS 33 PUBLICATIONS 159 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Phenology and seed dispersal of woody plants from the Dominican Republic View project Flora of Puerto Rico View project All content following this page was uploaded by Marcos Caraballo on 03 September 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Two new species of Cinnamodendron (Canellaceae) from Brazil 1 2 3 JACKELINE SALAZAR ,FÁBIO DE BARROS , AND MARCOS A. CARABALLO-ORTIZ 1 Escuela de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Zona Universitaria, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Núcleo de Pesquisa Orquidário do Estado, Instituto de Botânica, Caixa Postal 68041, São Paulo, SP 04045- 972, Brazil; e-mail: [email protected]; e-mail: [email protected] 3 Botany Department, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, MRC 166, Washington, D.C 200013-7012, USA; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; e-mail: [email protected]@protonmail.com Abstract. Two new species of Canellaceae from Brazil, Cinnamodendron brasiliense and Cinnamodendron catarinense, are here described. These species are known from the Atlantic Forest in the States of São Paulo (southeastern Brazil) and Santa Catarina (southern Brazil), respectively. Cinnamodendron brasiliense shares morphological similarities with C. occhionianum, but it can be distinguished by being a shrub or treelet up to 6 m tall with one or two flowers per inflorescence and obovoid fruits up to 1.8 cm long; whereas C. occhionianum isatree8–20 m tall with four or five flowers per inflorescence and globose fruits up to 1.5 cm long. Cinnamodendron catarinense resembles C. sampaioanum, but it has more flowers per inflorescences (6–8), the staminal tube below the anthers is shorter (about 1 mm long), and the anthers are longer (2.2–2.5 mm) than those of C. sampaioanum,which has 1–3 flowers per inflorescence, a staminal tube below anthers of ca. 3.2 mm long, and anthers 1–1.2 mm long. With the addition of these two species, Brazil becomes the country with the highest number of species of Cinnamodendron, holding six of the eight known species for South America. In this work, a key to all the species of Cinnamodendron from South America is also provided, as well as illustrations in photographs and line drawings of the two new species. Keywords: Atlantic forest, Cinnamodendron brasiliense, Cinnamodendron catarinense,S- anta Catarina, São Paulo, South America flora. Resumo. Duas novas espécies de Canellaceae do Brasil, Cinnamodendron brasiliense e Cinnamodendron catarinense, são aqui descritas. Estas espécies são conhecidas da Mata Atlântica e ocorrem nos estados de São Paulo (Sudeste do Brasil) e Santa Catarina (Sul do Brasil), respectivamente. Cinnamodendron brasiliense compartilha semelhanças morfológicas com C. occhionianum, mas pode ser distinguida por ser um arbusto ou arvoreta com até 6 m de altura, com uma ou duas flores por inflorescência e frutos obovoides com até 1,8 cm de comprimento; já C. occhionianum é uma árvore de 8–20 m de altura, com quatro ou cinco flores por inflorescência e frutos globosos menores, medindo até 1,5 cm de comprimento. Cinnamodendron catarinense assemelha-se a C. sampaioanum,maspossui mais flores por inflorescências (5–8), a base do tubo estaminal é mais curta (ca. de 1 mm de comprimento) e as anteras são mais longas (2,2–2,5 mm comprimento) que as de C. sampaioanum, que apresenta 1 a 3 flores por inflorescência, um tubo estaminal com ca. de 3,2 mm de comprimento e anteras de 1 a 1,2 mm de comprimento. Com a adição dessas duas espécies, o Brasil torna-se o país com maior número de espécies de Cinnamodendron, incluindo seis das oito espécies conhecidas para a América do Sul. Neste trabalho, uma chave para todas as espécies de Cinnamodendron da América do Sul também é fornecida, bem como ilustrações através de fotos e desenhos a nanquim das duas espécies novas. Brittonia,XX(X),2020,pp.1–11 © 2020, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. BRITTONIA [VOL Canellaceae (Canellales, Basal Angiosperms) four to six ovules; stipitate fruits with four or less is a small tropical family with about 21 species seeds embedded in a gelatinous pulp; and seeds in five genera (Salazar-Lorenzo 2006;APG up to 12 mm long (Salazar-Lorenzo 2006). The 2016), three of the New World (Canella, only other genus of Canellaceae reported for Cinnamodendron,andPleodendron) and two of South America, Capsicodendron Hoehne, is the Old World (Cinnamosma and Warburgia). In now included in Cinnamodendron (Salazar and South America, seven species have been de- Nixon 2008;Mülleretal.2015), confirming pre- scribed so far belonging to two genera: Canella vious observations by Hutchinson (1964)and P. Browne and Cinnamodendron Endl. The for- Barroso et al. (1978). Consequently, mer is a monotypic genus represented by the Cinnamodendron comprises six species: species C. winterana (L.) Gaertn., which is wide- C. axillare (Fig. 1B), C. dinisii Schwacke (= spread in lowlands across the Caribbean basin Capsicodendron pimenteira Hoehne) (Fig. 1A), from Florida, Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula), Co- C. occhionianum F. Barros & J. Salazar (Fig. 1C), lombia (San Andrés Island), Venezuela (Maracai- C. sampaioanum Occhioni, C. tenuifolium bo), and the West Indies (Zanoni 2004;Salazar Uittien, and C. venezuelense Steyerm. The first and Nixon 2008;Murciaetal.2016). Although four of the above-mentioned taxa occur in Brazil, the genus Canella is currently restricted to a few while C. tenuifolium is found in French Guiana sites of the northern coast of South America, and Suriname, and C. venezuelense is endemic to fossil leaf impressions from the Tertiary discov- Venezuela (Barros and Salazar 2009). ered at the Aramary Formation in Bahia, Brazil Here we describe two new species of have been described as C. winterianafolia Hollick Cinnamodendron from Brazil: C. brasiliense J. & Berry (Hollick and Berry 1924). However, this Salazar & F. Barros and C. catarinense J. Salazar fossil morphospecies has characteristics that also & F. Barros. The former taxon is found in the state match taxa from other families such as extant of São Paulo, while the latter is restricted to the species of Myrsinaceae, and the limited material state of Santa Catarina. With the addition of these available makes it difficult to confirm that two species, Brazil contains the highest diversity C. winterianafolia really belongs to Canellaceae of Cinnamodendron for a total of six species. (Salazar-Lorenzo 2006). The second genus of South American Canellaceae, Cinnamodendron, currently com- Methods prises 10 species present in Brazil, French Guia- na, Suriname, Venezuela, and the Greater Antilles The descriptions and measurements for (Cuba, Hispaniola [Haiti and the Dominican Re- C. brasiliense werebasedonbothherbarium public], and Jamaica). Recent studies have shown specimens and living plants, while only dried that the taxa from the Greater Antilles form a specimens were used for C. catarinense. Charac- well-supported clade distinct from the South ters used in the dichotomous key such as color of American one, suggesting that members from flowers were based on living plants when avail- both clades should not be classified under the able, or inferred from dried tissue if fresh material same genus (Salazar and Nixon 2008; Müller was not available. In Canellaceae, measurements et al. 2015). Nees and Martius (1821) described of floral structures such as anther size present a the type species of Cinnamodendron as Canella short range of variation within species and have axillaris Nees & Martius, which was posteriorly been used as a reliable character to separate spe- transferred to Cinnamodendron by Endlicher cies by previous authors (Verdcourt 1954). (1842)asC. axillare (Nees & Mart.) Endl. ex To infer the phylogenetic position of Walp. Since the type for Cinnamodendron was C. brasiliense, we selected ten taxa within based on a species from Brazil, this genus should Canellaceae representing four species from South be conserved for all members of the South Amer- America (C. axillare, C. brasiliense, C. dinisii, ican clade. and C. occhionianum), four from the Greater An- The South American species of tilles (C. corticosum Miers, C. cubense Urb., Cinnamodendron are characterized by the follow- C. ekmanii Sleumer, and Pleodendron ing combination of characters: flowers with six to macranthum (Baill.) Tiegh.), one from Eastern 10 petals (usually 10, rarely six); eight to 10 Africa (Warburgia stuhlmannii Engl.), and stamens (usually 10); two or three carpels with Canella winterana, which represents the most 2020] SALAZAR ET AL.: CINNAMODENDRON (CANELLACEAE). FIG.1.A.Cinnamodendron dinisii. Fasciculate inflorescence with flower bud and flower with petals removed showing staminal tube. Inset shows a flower at anthesis. Arrow points the multiple imbricate bracteoles present at the base of a floral pedicel. B. Cinnamodendron axillare. Infructescence with immature (green) and mature (orange) fruits. C. Cinnamodendron occhionianum. Branch with fasciculate inflorescences showing a flower bud, flowers without petals where staminal tubes are visible, a flower at anthesis (right inset) and a ripe fruit (left inset). Reference specimens: A. Barros s.n. (SP); B. Fraga s.n. (RB); C. Barros et al. 3080 (SP). Photo credits: J. Salazar. basal lineage in the family (Müller et al. 2015). (Table 1), were aligned using the MAFFT plugin One member from the sister family Winteraceae, (version 7.388; Katoh and Standley 2013)imple- Drimys granadensis L. f., was selected as an mented in Geneious Prime 2019.1.3 (https:// outgroup. Cinnamodendron catarinense was not www.geneious.com, Searched 22 July 2019).
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