2014 Veritas Scripturae The Bulletin of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild Annual Edition ■—■—■—■ A publication that focuses upon the doctrines of Biblical inspiration and inerrancy — Volume 6 in light of Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth” (Jn 17:17) From the Director: Papal Motivation for the Task The discovery of Pope Benedict Spiritus Paraclitus focuses upon XV’s papal encyclical, Spiritus the “Father of Biblical Studies,” Paraclitus (On the Fifteenth St. Jerome; an influence behind Centenary of the Death of St. Veritas Scripturae. Some of the Jerome), decades ago, was a highlights from the document: turning point in my intellectual • St. Jerome and his work. formation. Divine Providence • His teachings on inspiration, used this document to train and authority, and inerrancy. encourage me, with a Catholic • The errors of the Modernists. mindset, to read and study and • The uses of Holy Writ for the meditate upon God’s Word. Church Militant. www.sjbg.me • The graces derived from the Promulgated in 1920, Spiritus knowledge of the Scriptures. Scripture Memorization and Exegesis Paraclitus falls under the ordi- from the Old Testament: nary and universal Magisterium Much could be written about this Sirach 2:1-6 ……….....…………………… 2 of the Catholic Church. Available forgotten papal dispatch. Please Scripture Memorization and Exegesis in pamphlet form, the length is read it; Spiritus Paraclitus is the from the New Testament: about 40 pages. Written in plain Magisterium at her finest. Jude 3 …………………….…………………. 3 Inerrancy Basics: language, the encyclical is the Counsels from St. Francis de Sales .… 4 right blend of history, doctrine, Godspeed, The Church Fathers and Scripture: and practical application. Salvatore J. Ciresi, M.A. The School of Antioch …………….…….. 5 St. Thomas Aquinas and Revelation: Commentary on John 8:58 …………….. 6 The Magisterium Speaks: St. Jerome (A.D. 343-420) says: Pope Pius XI’s Bibliorum Scientiam: Timeless Directions for Today ..……….. 7 “Read assiduously and learn as much as you can. Let sleep find you The Pontifical Biblical Commission: holding your Bible, and when your The Response of 1908, Part IV ……….. 8 head nods let it be resting on the Addressing Bible Difficulties: sacred page” ( Letter 22.17.2; A.D. Daniel 1:1 ...…………..…………………… 9 384). The Biblical World: “Constantly read the Bible; in fact, St. Peter the Apostle …………....…….. 10 have it always in your hands. Learn what you have got to teach” (Letter The Life of Christ: 52.7.1; A.D. 394). The Parables of the Savior ….……….. 11 “Ignorance of the Scriptures is igno- Book Recommendation (out-of-print): rance of Christ” (Commentary on The Virgin Birth: An Evaluation Isaiah bk. 18, prologue; A.D. 408- of Scriptural Evidence …………………. 12 410). Book Recommendation (in-print): ”Love the Bible and wisdom will love Bible Basics for Catholics: you...” (Letter 130.20; A.D. 414). A New Picture of Salvation History …. 13 Scripture Memorization and Exegesis from the Old Testament: Sirach 2:1-6 “My son, if you come forward to serve Secondly, following the first point, is the the Lord, prepare yourself for tempta- call to be “steadfast” (karterēson) and tion. Set your heart right and be stead- to “cleave to Him” (kollēthēti). Related fast, and do not be hasty in time of ca- concepts are found in Sirach 6:7 and lamity. Cleave to Him and do not de- 44:19-20. The New Testament mirrors part, that you may be honored at the this thinking in James 1:2-4: “Count it end of your life. Accept whatever is all joy, my brethren, when you meet brought upon you, and in changes that various trials, for you know that the humble you be patient. For gold is test- testing of your faith produces steadfast- ed in the fire, and acceptable men in ness. And let steadfastness have its full the furnace of humiliation. Trust in Him, effect, that you may be perfect and and He will help you; make your ways complete, lacking nothing.” straight, and hope in Him” (Sir 2:1-6). Thirdly, one’s resignation to God’s will The book of Sirach goes by the Latin with docility, and by longsuffering, is title, “Ecclesiasticus,” in older English brought home with a popular Biblical translations. On the book’s value, “St. illustration (“gold is tested in the fire”). Augustine professed himself to have As precious metal is refined to bring ‘discovered more essential material in out its best qualities, so the disciples of this work’ than in any other of the the Lord are humbled as a means of Scriptures” (N. McEleney, gen. ed., sanctification. The result — they are Pamphlet Bible Series 40:13). The called “acceptable men” (Gr. anthrōpoi Greek translation is the canonical text. dektoi points to the Heb. ’anšê rāṣôn). This purification has a rich testimony in The decision to “serve the Lord” (recall the Old Testament (cf. Ps 66:10; Prov the Heb. phrase na‘ăvōdh ’eth-yᵉhwāh 17:3; Wis 3:6; Is 48:10; Zech 13:9; Mal from an earlier study of Josh 24:14-15) 3:3). is the main theme in the pericope of Sirach 2:1-6. Here are three points. Ending this brief study, Fr. J. Cevetello gives an incentive for further reading Firstly, a believer’s commitment to the and meditation upon Sirach: “This book one, true God comes with the warning aims to point out a way of life for those about “temptation” or “testing” (the Gr. who seek wisdom and strive to live ac- peirasmon equals the Heb. nissāyôn). cording to the Divine Law” (Getting to The “lead us not into temptation” line in Know the Bible,” p. 92). It is no surprise Matthew 6:13, from the mouth of the that Sirach was quoted so often by the Savior, comes in relief. St. Peter also: Church Fathers. “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring In addition to the sources mentioned lion, seeking some one to devour. Re- above, this column drew assistance sist him, firm in your faith, knowing that from P. Skehan and A. Di Lella, The the same experience of suffering is re- Anchor Bible 39:148-151, and L. Keck, quired of your brotherhood throughout et al., The New Interpreter’s Bible the world” (1 Pet 5:8-9). V:653-655. Veritas Scripturae Page 2 Volume 6 www.sjbg.me Scripture Memorization and Exegesis from the New Testament: Jude 3 “Beloved, being very eager to write to The term “faith” (pistei) used in Jude 3 you of our common salvation, I found it signifies that collection of immutable necessary to write appealing to you to truths known as the deposit of faith. contend for the faith which was once These divine teachings are “incapable for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). of increase or diminution” (J. MacEvilly, An Exposition of the Epistles of St. The epistle of St. Jude is one chapter Paul and of the Catholic Epistles II: of 25 verses; approximately 461 words 466). Such unalterable instructions are in the Greek text. This fills about two non-negotiable for St. Jude: “In the pages in a vernacular translation. Such face of danger, he exhorts the Chris- a small missive may appear trivial, but tians to contend for the purity of the the book is both inspired and inerrant; it faith… preached by the Apostles as an rates our attention. unchangeable doctrine for all times” (Catholic Biblical Association, A Com- “Beloved” (Agapētoi), the opening word mentary on the New Testament, p. in the extract, is a familial name for the 651). This deposit is described as “the members of the Catholic Church. The standard of teaching” in Romans 6:17, term is used in like manner in Jude 17 “the faith” of Colossians 2:7, and “the and 20. Outside the epistle, the New word of God” per 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Testament employs this same tender (cf. E. Kevane, gen. ed., Resources for description (cf. Rom 1:7; 1 Cor 10:14; Catechetical Teachers: Teaching the 2 Cor 12:19; Phil 4:1; Heb 6:9; 1 Pet Catholic Faith Today, pp. xix-xx). 2:11; 2 Pet 3:8; 1 Jn 4:7; 3 Jn 5). In a related way, “beloved” also designates The pivotal expression “delivered to the the Church’s head; Christ Himself (cf. saints” (paradotheisē tois hagiois) is Mt 12:18; Eph 1:6). likely a reference to “catechetics”: the passing down of Catholic truth. The The words “our common salvation” (tēs cognate Greek term paradoseis, which koinēs hēmōn sōtērias), according to is rendered “traditions” in 1 Corinthians St. Bede the Venerable, conveys the 11:2 and 2 Thessalonians 2:15, and unity among the Church Militant with the related word paradosin, given as respect to “one common salvation, one “tradition” in 2 Thessalonians 3:6, lends faith and one love of Christ” (G. Bray, confirmation to this interpretation. St. ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Jude’s divine opus gives testimony that Scripture, New Testament XI:249). the Church of the New Testament took This unity or “oneness” is a mark of the seriously the Master’s command to Catholic Church. A “mark” is a quality teach all the nations (cf. Mt 28:18-20). or endowment that is attributed to the religious society founded by Jesus Fr. E. Maly tells us that “Jude wrote to Christ (cf. P. Parente, et al., Dictionary bolster the traditional faith and morality” of Dogmatic Theology, p.174). One (New Testament Reading Guide 12: may conclude, after reading St. Jude’s 26).
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