Amenities/Parks Gorilla Whale | H5 The Blue Store | L5 Stephen Johnson Barbie Nail | K5 Not Another Eye Store | K5 gorillawhale.ca fb.com/bluestoreinglewood Chartered Accountants | U5 barbie-nail-international-ltd.business.site notanothereyestore.ca The Alexandra Centre Society | E5 Gravity Espresso & Wine Bar | G5 Bricks Wine | D6 Bike Bike | N6 Notorious | K5 alexandracentresociety.org Tenato Strategy | I5 cafegravity.com brickswine.ca tenato.com bikebike.ca notorioushair.ca Bow Habitat Station | U2 Inglewood Drive In | J4 Klacking Bottles | L5 Blooms on 9th | M5 Ollie Quinn | H5 bowhabitat.alberta.ca TL Watson and Associates | U5 inglewooddrivein.com Oak and Vine | H5 bloomson9th.ca olliequinn.ca Inglewood Aquatic Center | N7 Travel Alberta | R5 Jugo Juice | M5 oakandvine.ca Blue Hydrangea | U9 Onyx and Ivory Salon | G5 tinyurl.com/inglewoodswim travelalberta.com jugojuice.com Tokyo Smoke | G5 bluehydrangeafloral.com onyxandivory.ca Inglewood Bird Sanctuary | U5 Ty Reynolds Video Services | U5 Madison 1212 | H5 stores.tokyosmoke.com Boft Fine Rugs | I5 Pazyryk Art | L5 tinyurl.com/inglewood-birds tyreynoldsvideoservices.com madisons1212.com Zyn the Wine Market | P7 boftfinerugs.com pazyrykart.com Inglewood Community Utilitynet | J5 Monki Bistro | M5 zyn.ca utilitynet.net Boss Tattoo | K5 Peacock Boutique Association | U8 Consignment | I5 monkibistro.ca V Stategies | U5 bosstattoos.com icacalgary.com Health/Wellness/Children peacockboutique.ca The Nash | H6 vinc.ca Circa Vintage Art Glass | I5 Jack Long Park | E5 Plant | K5 thenashyyc.com Arcady Holistic Clinic | U5 West Canadian Digital Imaging | R5 circa5060.ca Mills Park | O5 plantshop.ca Pho Minh Chau Vietnamese arcadyholistic.ca westcanadian.com Chin Whiskey | H6 Nellie Breen Park | M3 Restaurant | K5 The Healing Bridge Chiropractic | U2 chinwhiskey.com Poor David’s | I5 Pizza and Italian poordavidsshop.com Architects and Design Rosso | L5 thehealingbridge.ca Cody and Sioux | J5 A visitor’s guide to the boldest rossocoffeeroasters.com Junction 9 | E6 Dominos Pizza | I5 codyandsioux.com ProLine Shooters | N5 BIOI | K5 prolineshooters.com Rouge | J4 junction9.ca dominos.ca Crown Surplus | H6 bioi.co rougecalgary.com Little Treasures Daycare | O5 Inglewood Pizza & Pasta | I5 armysurplus.com Purr Clothing | I5 neighbourhood in Calgary California Closets | H5 purrclothing.ca Salt & Pepper Mexican littletreasuresinc.ca inglewoodpizza.ca Dutil | I5 californiaclosets.ca Restaurant |M5 Marshall Drug Store | J5 Scarpetta Eatery | F5 dutildenim.com Recess | K5 Cameron Brett Studio | P5 saltnpepper.ca marshalldrugs.com scarpettaeatery.com Elysian Alchemy | K5 recessshop.ca cbstudioarch.com Starbucks | H5 Sage Plus Clinical | L5 Spolumbo’s Fine Food and Deli | J5 elysianalchemy.com Recordland | H5 DeJong and Associates | I6 starbucks.ca sageplus.ca spolumbos.com ESPY | F5 recordlandcalgary.com dejongdesign.com Tuk Tuk Thai | G5 Serenity Now Wellness | U5 Without Papers Pizza | H5 espyexperience.com Respect Eyecare | G5 Jerilyn Wright and Associates tuktukthai.com serenitynowwellness.ca wopizza.ca Eternal Image Tattoo | I6 respecteyecare.com Interior Design | M5 Soft Tissue Rehab | U5 eternalimage.ca Rick Rack Textiles | J5 jwadesign.com Financial/ Service / Auto Pubs/Microbreweries/ softtissue.ca Fair’s Fair | E6 rickracktextiles.com Kasian Architecture Interior A & A Paving Ltd | O5 Sweat Science | M5 Live Music Venues/Clubs fairsfair.com Shades of Sleep | I5 Design and Planning Ltd | G5 aandapaving.ca sweatscienceboxing.com The Blues Can | N5 shadesofsleep.com kasian.com Fetish Hair | N5 Alberta Computer Warehouse | U5 Well Inglewood | P5 thebluescan.com fetishhair.ca Shoe Closet | M5 Koregroup | L8 albertacomputer.com www.inglewoodchiropractic.com Cold Garden | I8 theshoeclosets.com koregroupinc.com Flawless Laser Atlantic Auto Sales | Q5 Well Therapy Collective | O5 coldgarden.ca and Body Sculpting | U5 Shoulder to Shoulder | L5 New Century Design | M5 atlanticautosalescalgary.com therapycollective.ca The Dirty Duck | K5 flawlesslaser.ca shoulder-to-shoulder.net newcenturydesign.ca Au-Zone Technologies | L8 Wymbin | E6 swansofinglewood.ca Good Salon | U5 The Silk Road Spice Merchant | L5 New World Interactive | H6 embeddedml.com wymbin.com HighLine Brewery | K5 goodsalon.ca silkroadspices.ca newworldinteractive.com Blue Nova Construction | P6 highlinebrewing.com Imagine Vintage Wear | K5 Smithbilt Hats | I7 Ryan Murphy Construction | U9 Office bluenovaconstruction.ca Hose and Hound | G5 heyvintage.ca smithbilthats.com ryanmurphyconstruction.com Calgary Car Centre | J5 Accelerator YYC | H5 thehose.ca Innova Spa | M5 Stash Needle Art Lounge | J5 Arts/Galleries/Studios calgarycarcentre.ca theaccelerator.tech Ironwood Stage and Grill | I5 innovaspacalgary.com stashlounge.com CIBC Bank | I5 Anne Mahoney | U5 ironwoodstage.ca Switching Gear YYC | H6 4 Cats Arts Studio Inglewood | H4 Kent of Inglewood | K5 CIBC.com bringingawarenesstolife.ca switchinggearyyc.ca inglewoodartstudio.com Lolitas | M5 kentofinglewood.com Double L Motors | O5 Berti Group | M5 lolitaslounge.ca Tail Blazers | M5 Calgary Folk Music Festival Hall | I6 Kim’s Dry Cleaning & Alterations | J6 doublelmotors.ca bertigroup.com tailblazerspets.com calgaryfolkfest.com The Offcut Bar and Lounge | H6 Knifewear | K5 The Gear Shop | U9 Borhot Law Office | J5 offcutbar.com Tease Hair Studio | P5 The Collectors’ Gallery of Art | K5 knifewear.com thegearshop.ca borhotlaw.com collectorsgalleryofart.com Ol’ Beautiful | J7 La Belle Arti | N5 Tea Trader | I5 Hallmark Auto | L5 Civilized Adventures | I5 olbeautiful.com teatrader.com Esker Foundation | F5 lebellearti.com hallmarkautobody.com civilizedadv.com eskerfoundation.com Pedal Pub | M5 Lemonceillo Home | I5 That Old Retro Store | J5 HD Motors | U5 Critical Mass | H5 pedalpub.com thatoldretrostore.com The New Blank | E6 lemonceillo.com hd-motors-ltd.business.site criticalmass.com blankpagestudio.ca The Potion Room | H5 Limitless Calgary | F6 Top Knot Parlour | U5 Kane’s Motorcycle Shop | I5 Cult Collective Ltd | H6 facebook.com/thepotionroom topknotparlour.com Vivian Art | F5 limitless-calgary.com kanesharleydavidson.com cultideas.com vivianeart.com Rain Dog | H5 The Livery Shop | H6 Twitchin Threadz | K5 Lou’s Autobody | T5 High Engineering Corp | L8 raindogbar.com fb.com/twitchinthreadz Workshop Studios | U9 theliveryshop.com lousautobody.com highengineering.com workshopstudios.ca Revival Brewcade | H5 Luna Blue | H5 Willow Park Florist | M5 MMG Mortgages | U5 Lane Quinn Benefit drinkrevivalbeer.com shoplunablue.com willowparkflorist.com mmgmortgages.ca Consultants Ltd | H5 Dining/Cafes Man of Distinction | M5 lanequinn.com Shops/Beauty Public Parking Ari Sushi | H5 Servus Credit Union | K5 manofdistinction.com servus.ca Morad Media Inc | H5 Adorn Boutique | H5 300+ on-street parking spaces arisushicanada.ca Moonstone Creation | J6 moradcreative.com adornboutique.ca Bea’s Eatery in Bite | G6 Star Building Supplies | U9 moonstonecreation.ca PARK PARK | H5 starbuilding.ca NOBAL Technologies | H5 All Things Jill | F6 beaseatery.com Murphy’s Mid Century | I5 calgaryparking.com nobal.tech allthingsjill.ca Blackfoot Truck Stop Restaurant | T4 Watson Refrigeration | M5 murphysmidcentury.com Surface Parking Lot | J5 watsonrefrigerationltd.com Pasquini and Associates Amaswiss Diamond blackfootdiner.ca Nerd Roller Skates | J6 9th Ave and 12 Street Consulting | H6 Watches & Jewellery | L5 Café Wisk | J5 Westkey Storage | N7 nerdskates.com Underground Parking | H5 westkeystorage.ca pasquini.ca amajewellery.ca cafewisk.ca The Next Page | H5 Atlantic Arts Block Pattison Outdoor Advertising | H5 Antiquaire Vintage Boutique | I5 Deane House | D6 nextpageyyc.ca Grocery/Liquor/Cannabis pattisonoutdoor.com antiquaireboutique.com Inglewood Business deanehouse.com Ninth and Brick | J5 Aylmer Nelson Cannabis | J5 Ranger Land Services | L8 The Apothecary in Inglewood | F6 Improvement Area Dragon Pearl | I5 ninthandbrick.com aylmernelson.com rangerland.ca the-apothecary.ca Inglewoodyyc.ca InglewoodYYC.ca dragonpearl.ca North American Quality Bite Grocer and Eatery | G5 Rayacom | P5 Artesano Galleria | I5 The Eden Bistro | H5 Purveyors | I6 Twitter: @inglewoodyyc biteyyc.com rayacom.com artesanogalleria.com edenbistro.ca shopnorthamerican.com Instagram: @inglewoodyyc Facebook: fb.com/inglewoodcalgary Welcome to Calgary’s Boldest Main Street! Inglewood, established in 1875, is Calgary’s oldest main street and neighbourhood. Its west entrance is across of the Esker Foundation Art Gallery. It is adjacent to the river pathway and features multiple parks and public from Fort Calgary, at the confluence of the beautiful Bow and Elbow rivers. Inglewood is situated on traditional spaces, including the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, an urban wildlife refuge. Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) territory, and for centuries was an important Indigenous gathering place. The historic main street consistently wins Calgary’s ‘Best Of ’ Awards! It is home to shops selling vintage furniture, Today, the neighbourhood is a lively shopping and arts district, the heart of Calgary’s Music Mile and the home fashion, and rare vinyl, and has a vibrant microbrewery, live music, and dining scene. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U 1 Bridgeland ZOO RD NE 1 Bow River NEW ST SE 2 Bridgeland Bow Habitat 2 Calgary Zoo Station Station Wolfe & Nellie Breen Bow River Rouge the Sparrows Park 3 15 ST SE 3 Inglewood Drive-In INGLEWOOD Mountie On Blackfoot Diner Horseback PARKPARKPARKPARK e Blue Recordland Store Transit Stop 4 7 AVE SE 8 AVE
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