T i"., Vol. XV , No. 25 JOHN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL - SOUTH BEND , INDIANA May 7, 1954 - , KentKeller Elected Council President Green, Golba, Deleury Win MAY14 BIG NIGHT 1 Other Offices FORSENIOR CLASS The election of Student Council o:!'­ ficers for the 1954-55 school year was Next Friday night at 9:00, the 12th held Wednesday , April 28, when the annual Senior Prom will begin in following students were selected: Ken t the main floor ballroom of the Indi­ ... Keller , president; Richard Green, ana Club. vice -president; Janet Golba , secre ­ Tickets have been on sale since tary; and Kath y DeLeury , treasurer. April 30, and they will be on sale An assembly was held prior to the until 4:00 p . m., May 14, at $2.00 a opening of the polls to introduce the couple. Joan Moore , room 205, and candidates. They were: Robert Nel ­ Dave Beiser, room 109, are in charge son, Kent Keller , and Tom Troeger , ; of the sale. No tickets will be avail ­ for president; James Dincolo, Rich ­ able at the door . ard Green , and John Waech ter for Myrna Cordtz and Dick Quealy vice -president; Janet Golba, Janice are co-chairmen of the dance. The Rugee , and Mary Ann Anderson for committee chairmen are: Sally secretary; Naomi Ross, Kath y De ­ Stoops, invitations; Mary Wenger, Leury, and Nancy Maclvor , for trea ­ chaperons; Mary Clark, program s; su rer. All the nominees will auto­ Dave Beiser, tickets; Bob Shula and matically be on next year's Student John Steinmetz , music; Jim Miller, Council Board. decorations; and Ann Williams and Th is slate of officers was drawn .,. Sue Armstrong, publicity. up by a nominating committee com ­ The music will be furnished by posed of one representative from Pictured above are Myrna Cordtz and Di ck Quealy, co-chairmen, who I Ton y Rulli and his band. each class and the present officers of are going over some last-minute preparations for the Seni or Prom. the council. I This year for the first time a vot ­ ing machine was used for the elec­ Dramatics Class P1·esents GIRLS AND BOYS STATE Jr. Waltons Begin tio n. The polls were opened Wednes­ Insomnia, Five for Bad Luck REPRESE NTATIVES day morning at 9:00 and closed at The second hour Dramatics Class, SELECTED Spring Projects 4:00 Wednesday afternoon. Eight which is taught by Mrs. Hazel Mc­ This year the American Legion, Plant Trees and Flowe rs hundred students out of a total en­ Clure, will present two of its pro ­ River Park Post 303, has chosen rollment of 1,000 students voted. ductions to the student body. The Fifty members of the Adams Wal­ T Donald Eberly and Richard Green, An assembly will be held today performances will be held May 13; tons recently spent a Saturday morn­ with John Thilman and Bill Dean as to install the new officers. At this the exact time of the assembly is to ing on the Isaac Walton grounds alternates, to attend the Boys State time the graduating president will be announced later. north of the city planting trees and conference which will be held at flowers . Over 1,500 plants, mull give a summary of the accomplish­ June Bartel s is student director of ments of the present Student Council. the Indianapolis School for the Deaf flowers roses , hearty holly, and hard Insomnia, a serious drama. David from June 12 to June 19. wood trees were planted. Because .,, Engel, Nancy Reith, Nanc y Cham­ the ground is a wildlife ref uge, these . Ticket Winners Announced paigne, Roseann Shafer, Sue Basker, Elaine Brown and Evelyn Fuller, with Pat Bourdon as alternate, will plants will induce wildlife to come The winners in the ticket sale for Nancy Bock , Gloria Flowers and Pat into the area. - the Glee Club production, "Hig h attend the Girls State conference Dickens comprise the cast. Ph yllis Jim Dincolo, president of the club, Jinks," were Elaine Brown and Bet­ Anderson is assistant director. which will be held on the Indiana University Campus from June 27 to was in charge of the outing. ty Clark, Glee Club represntatives A college comedy , Five for Bad July 4. and Nanc;9 Hertel, Billie Jean Wood­ Luck, will also be given. The players Honor Club Sponsor all, and Gail Lock and Carol Locs­ are: Dick Swayzee , Jack Longley, The Boys State and Girls State After a morning of hard work the mo ndy , Drama Club sellers. Charley Morse , Dave Mikesell , Bev­ conferences are planned to give in­ group was served lunch at the club Elaine was given a season ticket erly Shafer, Gail Meyers, Francine tensive training in citizenship and house. This turned out to be a sur­ for .the 1954-55 basketball season and · Horwick, Janice Schwier, Shirley government, and to educate the prise birthday party for Mr. Litweil­ Betti · was awarded a year's sub­ Jester, June Harmon, June Bartels, young people of our generation as to er, sponsor of the Jr . Waltons . scription to the Tower . Nancy will Mildred Lantz, and Bonnie Smith. the main functions of the govern ­ Purchase Books for Library also receive a subscription to the ment . During the week city, county , Barb ara Koto is in charge and Larry Seventy -five dollars has been Tower . and st ate officials are nominated and Meyers is her assistant. donated by the club to purchase The Glee Club was divided into elected by the "Staters." two teams, the "High Jinkers " with books for an outdoor life section in Bob Johnson and Jim Dincolo as co­ SENIOR CALENDAR the library . These books will be captai ns , and the "Fr imilites" with May 14-Senior Prom June 7-Senior Class Picnic place d in a special section in the David Engel and Terry Rothermel as June I-Afternoon Finals Pottawatomie, 11:30-2:30 west side of the library and may be the co-captains. Elaine, who sold 66 June 2-Morning Finals June 8-Report Cards che cked out in the usual manner . tickets, and Bett y, who sold 65 tick­ Senior Awards Assembly Commencement The money for the books was raised ets, were Frimilites . Nancy sold 26, Senior Class Punch Rehearsal-8:30 A. M. during the school ye ar by both ac­ Bill ie Jean 15, Gail and Carol 14 June 6-Baccalaureate Commencement- tivities at games and by membership tickets each . 4:00, Adams Auditorium 8:00 P . M. fees . Page Two JOHN ADAMS TOWER May 7, 1954 Ten Easy Ways to Kill Your Grandmother What's Did you ever stop to ponder the state men t "Your manners are showing?" at the When the school and teachers sponsor field trips or other outside-of-school Gertrude's Secret? excursions, your conduct is of primary importance. People are quick to judge Announcer: "No, don't turn your such a group by their first impressions. You are expected to leave with them dial. Stay turned for "I've Got a a good impression of your school, of your interest, of your appreciation, and Secret ," a program through which of your conduct. Usually a good deal of preparation must be made by your we find out the truth about some sponsor before such a trip may be taken. They should be able to feel that, very "awf ul " people, presented to four although you are away from school all third hour, you will return as quickly you by the Cavalier Bird Seed Com­ --corners as possible to your fourth hour class, instead of stalling or loitering downtown pany . Cavalier has had a big job . until fifth period . There seems to be a saying going Your attitude and conduct toward tions entirely. It is up to those of around that things are for the . Prom, prom, prom - everybody's the people in charge will cause addi­ you who have the opportunity to well, I'd better not say, but it isn't talking about the prom. "Who's he tional trips either to be continued or further your knowledge of city gov ­ true ... I mean it is ... I mean­ taking ?" Does she have a date ?" discontinued permanently . If Adams' ernment, housing areas, wildlife, and Oh , well, on with the show! "Who in the world am I going to reputation of orderliness and man­ buildings to keep your best foot for­ "Who is our first contestant?" (A take?" "Oh well, who wants to go to ners must suffer as a result of these ward at all times and present a good young girl appear s. She is wearing an old prom, anyway ." "Fix me up outside trips, they will be eliminated picture of the Adams' student body. a man 's shirt, which hangs below her will you?" from the class plans and prepara- -Wendy Heron. knees , and a straight skirt. On her So far here's the dope: Dick Smith , feet she is wearing loafers and no Kathy DeLeury; Sue Armstrong, Paul socks . She also has a pair of horn Elliott (steady again); Joan Moore , College Joe and High School Jane rimmed glasses. This description is Bob Shula; Fran Horwick, Dave Being one of the lucky tribe whose better half resides on a college campus, for you home view ers who have a Rogers; Liz Tarvin, Bob Johnson ; I can speak truthfully of a girl's trials and tribulations at home. Those who bad tube , flutter, flopover, or just a Janice Henson, Ed Thompson; Sally ar e quite as fortunate feel that the "college going" girl is barred from all cheap set). Buchanan, Steve Gumz; Jewell Reitz , social act iviti es, but in my opinion th e social sta tus of the female definitely Chuck Sonneborn; Sue Angus, Tom Young girl : "My name is Ger­ depends on her personality and out­ Betts; Jean Freshour, Jerry Flanagan ; trude." side interests.
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