June/July 2015 • Volume 33, Number 6 • www.archdiosf.org INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2015 Installation and Ordinations ....................................... 2 Archbishop’s Letter: Abide In Christ .................................. 3 God Bless You, Msgr. Francis X. Eggert .............................. 7 Archbishop Sheehan Meets With Pueblo Governors .......... 7 World and National News .................................................. 10 Seven New Priests! ............................................................ 23 Transitional Diaconates ...................................................... 25 Serving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Our New Shepherd Most Reverend John C. Wester 12th Archbishop of Santa Fe 2 PEOPLE OF GOD June/July 2015 Archbishop John C. Wester’s Installation Mass Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Deacon Juan Martinez, Archbishop John C. Wester, Deacon Filiberto “Manny” Montoya, Roger M. Cardinal Mahony, archbishop emer- itus of Los Angeles, and His Excellency Most Rev. Carlo Maria Viganò gather for a group photo after the Installa- tion of Archbishop Wester as the 12th archbishop of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Pope Francis places hands on 2015 Priestly Ordination face while speaking to journalists Pope Francis places his hands on his face while speaking to jour- nalists aboard his flight from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, to Newly ordained priests Rev. William Woytavich, Rev. Valentine Phu Ngoc Au, Rev. Benoit Treu Van Vu, Rev. Jo- Rome June 6. The pope announced on the return flight that a de- seph Van Tao Nguyen, Rev. Edgar Sanchez, Rev. Rob Yaksich, and Rev. Michael Garcia all gather with Archbish- cision soon will be announced concerning alleged Marian appariti op Michael J. Sheehan, Rev. Simon Carian, Rev. Michael DePalma, Vocations director and Rev. Clement Niggel, ons in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) Associate Vocations Director, after the priestly ordination in May 2015. This was largest priestly ordination in 50 years. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for June & July 2015 2015 Transitional JUNE UNIVERSAL: JULY Diaconate Ordination Immigrants and refugees UNIVERSAL: That immigrants and refugees Politics may find welcome and respect in That political responsibility may the countries to which they come. be lived at all levels as a high EVANGELIZATION: form of charity. Vocations EVANGELIZATION: That the personal encounter The poor in Latin America with Jesus may arouse in many That, amid social inequalities, Lat- young people the desire to offer in American Christians may bear their own lives in priesthood or witness to love for the poor and consecrated life. contribute to a more fraternal society. Happy Celine Baca Radigan/ASF Celine Father’s Rev. Simon Carian, Rev. Mr. Ted Butler, Rev. Mr. Leon Vigil, Rev. Clement Niggel, Associate Vocations Director, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Rev. Michael DePalma, Vocations Director, Rev. Mr. John Paul Afuecheta and Rev. Day Mr. Angelo Marquez celebrate the seminarians’ ordination to the Transitional Diaconate in May 2015. June/July 2015 PEOPLE OF GOD 3 My dear brothers and you in the years ahead. Archbish- tradition of our faith in the arch- op Sheehan has been very kind and diocese. I am impressed with the sisters in Christ, welcoming to me and he has been authentic and sincere work that lavish in his praise of the Archdi- has been doneelcome to provide a safe s I made my final prepa- ocese of Santa Fe. There is a real environment for children and rations to move to the joy in the people of the archdiocese the vulnerable, recognizing that W Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and a contagious energy about cel- we must be rigorously vigilant I would like to thank you most ebrating and spreading the Cath- in protecting our precious young hank sincerely for the good wishes and olic faith. I had the pleasure of T people. I am eager to learn about prayers that you have sent my way joining you in 2010 for the 400th the native cultures and traditions in the past few weeks. I was truly anniversary of Christianity in the that inspire and enlivenand our Cath - humbled by your warm and gra- Southwest. This same vital spirit olic faith, giving the Gospel mes- cious welcome when I was with was evident then as now and it ex- sage new vitality and vigor. Most Y you a few weeks ago. Although it cites me to be joining you as your of all, I am profoundly grateful ou is never easy to leave a place that Shepherd. God has certainly bless- for the opportunity to make new has been home these past eight ed you and now through you I am friends as I journey with you on years, your kindness and enthu- blessed. the path the Lord has marked out congratulations Archbishop John C. Wester siastic faith give me comfort and Please pray for me during these for us together. deepen my excitement about my days of transition. I am asking the Please keep Archbishop Shee- full days for us and I ask the Lord new ministry in your midst. Lord to guide me and to assist me han in your good prayers as well of all mercy and love to raise his Sheehan Archbishop I have had the opportunity to in supporting all the good work as he begins this new chapter in arms of benediction over us now visit the archdiocese several times taking place in the archdiocese. I his life. His love, concern and and always. in the past and have been very im- have observed already priests, dea- affection for all of you are most pressed with the rich cultures of cons, religious and lay leaders who evident and I countWester myself fortu- Sincerely yours in the Lord, Archbishop your for you Thank New Mexico, the vibrant faith, the give generously of themselves in nate to succeed such a dedicated beauty of the land and the warmth service to the church. I have heard shepherd and compassionate lead- of the people. I realize that I have of the rich diversity in our par- er. Again, please remember me past the over leadership a lot to learn and I look forward to ishes, schools and other Catholic in your prayers as I assure you of Most Rev. John C, Wester, listening to you and learning from communities that reflect the long mine. you These are very excitingbless and ArchbishopGod of SantaMay Fe Sheehan. Archbishop years, 22 Mis queridos hermanos belleza de la tierra y la calidez de la se está realizando en la Arquidióce- con ustedes el camino que el Señor gente. Me doy cuenta de que tengo sis. Ya he observadorole a sacerdotes,new ha trazadoyour para in nosotros juntos. you bless God May yA hermanas en Cristo, mucho que aprender y anhelo poder diáconos,. religiosos y líderes laicos Por favor, mantengan también escucharles y aprender de ustedes que dan generosamente de sí shepherd mis - al Arzobispoour Sheehanas en sus bue- retirement. your in ientras realizo los prepar- en estos próximos años. Arzobis- mos en su servicio a la Iglesia. He nas oraciones ahora que comienza ativos finales para mu- po Sheehan ha sido muy amable y oído hablar de la rica diversidad este nuevo capítulo en su vida. Su darme a la Arquidiócesis acogedor conmigo y muy generoso en nuestras parroquias, escuelas y amor, preocupación y cariño para de Santa Fe, me gustaría darles las en sus elogios por la Arquidióce- otras comunidades católicas que re- todos ustedes son muy evidentes y más sinceras gracias por los bue- sis de Santa Fe. Hay una verdadera flejan la larga tradición de nuestra me considero afortunado de ser el nos deseos y oraciones que me han alegría en la gente de la diócesis y fe en la Arquidiócesis. Estoy im- sucesor de un pastor tan dedicado y hecho llegar en estas últimas sema- una energía contagiosa acerca de presionado con el auténtico y sin- un líder compasivo. Una vez más, nas. Me sentí verdaderamente hon- la celebración y difusión de la fe cero trabajo que se ha hecho para por favor, acuérdense de mí en sus rado por su cálida y amable bien- católica. Tuve el placer de unirme a proporcionar un ambiente seguro oraciones mientras yo les aseguro venida cuando estuve con ustedes ustedes en el año 2010 para el 400º para los niños y las personas vul- laswww.thecatholicfoundation.org • mías. Estos serán unos505.872.2901 días muy www.thecatholicfoundation.org • 505.872.2901 hace unas semanas. Aunque nunca aniversario de la cristiandad en el nerables, reconociendo que tene- emocionantes y ocupados para no- es fácil dejar un lugar que ha sido suroeste. Este mismo espíritu vital mos que estar rigurosamente vigi- sotros y le pido al Señor de toda el hogar por los últimos ocho años, era tan evidente entonces como lo lantes en la protección de nuestros misericordia y amor que eleve sus su amabilidad y fe entusiasta me es ahora y me emociona unirme a preciados jóvenes. Estoy ansioso brazos de bendición sobre nosotros confortan y aumentan mi entusias- ustedes como su pastor. Dios cier- por aprender sobre las culturas y ahora y siempre. mo por mi nuevo ministerio entre tamente los ha bendecido y ahora tradiciones nativas que inspiran y ustedes. a través de ustedes yo estoy siendo dan aliento a nuestra fe católica, Sinceramente suyo en el Señor, En el pasado, varias veces he bendecido. dando al mensaje del Evangelio una tenido la oportunidad de visitar la Por favor oren por mí durante nueva vitalidad y vigor. Por encima Arquidiócesis y siempre me han estos días de transición. Le pido de todo, estoy profundamente agra- impresionado las ricas culturas de al Señor que me guíe y me ayude decido por la oportunidad de hac- Reverendísimo Nuevo México, la fe tan vibrante, la a apoyar todo el buen trabajo que er nuevos amigos mientras recorro John C.
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