4660 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 18 district No. 6, with headquarters at Bridge- The message also announced that the ous or unsafe buildings and parts thereof, port, Conn. Senate had passed, with amendments and for other purposes", approved March 1, Harold R. Becker, of New York, to be col­ in which . the concurrence of the House 1899, as amended; · lector of customs for customs collection dis­ is requested, bills and a joint resolution S. 3100. An act to provide transportation trict No. 9, with headquarters at Buffalo, of the House of the following titles: on Canadian vessels between ports in south­ N.Y. eastern Alaska, and between Hyder, Alaska, Josiah A. Maultsby, Sr., of North Carolina, H. R. 7153. An act giving the consent of and other points in southeastern Alaska or to be collector of customs for customs col­ Congress to a compact between the State of the continental United States, either directly lection district No. 15, with headquarters at Oregon and the State of Washington estab­ or via a foreign port, or for any part of the Wilmington, N. C. lishing a boundary between those States; transportation; Jessie Dixon Sayler, of Georgia, to be col­ H. R. 8437. An act to· amend the act of S. 3243. An act to permit certain foreign lector of of customs for customs collection August 3, 1956, to authorize certain person­ students to attend the District of Columbia district No. 17, with headquarters at Savan­ nel of the Armed Forces to accept and wear Teachers College on the same basis as a resi­ nah, Ga. decorations conferred by the Philippine dent of the District of Columbia; Government; S. Con Res. 71. Concurrent resolution to •• ..... •• H. R. 10843. An act to amend section 114 print the proceedings in connection with the of the Soil Bank Act with respect to com­ acceptance of the statue of Maria L. Sanford, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pliance with corn acreage allotments; and late of Minnesota; and H. J. Res. 347. Joint resolution authoriz­ ing and requesting the President to invite S. Con. Res. 72. Concurrent resolution TuESDAY, l\1:ARCH 18, 1958 the several States and foreign countries to' favoring Congressional recognition of the 20th anniversary of civil aviation under the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. take part in the Fourth International Auto­ mation Congress and Exhibition to be held Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, in the New York Coliseum at New York, D. D., offered the following prayer: N. Y., from June 9 to June 13, 1958. POSTAL POLICY ACT OF 1958 Psalm 33: 12: Blessed is the nation The message also announced that the whose God is the Lord. Senate had passed bills and concurrent Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Eternal God, our Father, grant that resolutions of the following titles, in unanimous consent to take from the during this day we may walk and work which the concurrence of the House is Speaker's table the bill <H. R. 5836) to in the fear of the Lord as we strive to requested: readjust postal rates and to establish maintain the high idealism .of our Re­ S. 532. An act to revise and modernize the a Congressional policy for the determi­ public. fish and game laws of the District of Co­ nation of postal rates, and for other May all who serve our beloved country lumbia, and for other purposes; purposes, with Senate amendments in the affairs of Government bear clear S. 602. An act to provide for the acquisi­ thereto, disagree to the amendments of and courageous testimony to their faith tion of additional land to be used in con­ the Senate, and request a conference in Thy divine providence which is ever nection with the Cowpens National Battle­ with the Senate. 'round about us. ground site; S. 847. An act to amend the act of June Mr. ALLEN of Dlinois. Mr. Speaker, We earnestly beseech Thee that our 5, 1944, relating to the construction, opera­ reserving the right to object, has the chosen representatives may discharge tion, and maintenance of Hungry Horse gentleman from Tennessee consulted faithfully the duties which demand the Dam, Mont.; the ranking minority member, the gen­ dedication of their noblest manhood and S. 1843. An act to amend the act en­ tlemen from Kansas [Mr. REES]? womanhood. titled "An act to create a Recreation Board Mr. MURRAY. Yes; that is correct. Give us a reassuring vision of how for the District of Columbia, to define its The SPEAKER. Is there objection to truly great and blessed our Nation will duties, and for other purposes," approved April 29, 1942; the request of the gentleman from Ten­ be if we avail ourselves of the inex­ S. 1984. An act to provide for the trans­ nessee? [After a pause.] The Chair haustible resources of Thy grace. fer of the Civil Service Commission Build­ hears none and appoints the following May Thy holy name be glorified. ing in the District of Columbia to the conferees: Messrs. MURRAY, MORRISON, Amen. Smithsonian Institution to house certain art DAvis of Georgia, REEs of Kansas, and collections of the Smithsonian Institution; CORBETT. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ S. 1987. An act for the relief of Richard terday was read and approved. K. Lim and Margaret K. Lim; S. 2115. An act to amend the act of June THE UNEMPLOYMENT SITUATION 7, 1897, as amended, and section 4233 of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the Revised Statutes, as amended, with re·­ Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask A message from the Senate by Mr. spect to lights for vessels towing or being unanimous consent to extend my re­ McGown, one of its clerks, announced overtaken; marks at this point in the RECORD. that the Senate had passed without S. 2557. An act to amend the act granting The 'SPEAKER. If the remarks are the consent of Congress to the negotiation not over 300 words, without objection amendment bills and a joint resolution of certain compacts by the States of Ne­ ()f the House of the following titles: braska, Wyoming, and South Dakota in order the gentleman may do so, otherwise H. R. 3486. An act to provide that the Uni­ to extend the time for such negotiation; not. form Simultaneous Death Act shall apply in S. 2630. An act to authorize the Secretary Is there objection to the request of the the District of Columbia; of Defense to lend certain Army, Navy, and gentleman from Oregon? H. R. 7696. An act to authorize certain Air Force equipment, and to provide certain There was no objection. persons to wear the uniform of a reserve ofii­ services to the Girl Scouts of the United cers' training corps; States of America, and to permit use of cer­ Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I am to­ H. R. 8250. An act to authorize the estab­ tain lands of the Air Force Academy for use day introducing legislation to assist un­ lishment of the Petrified Forest National at the Girl Scout Senior Roundup Encamp­ employed railroaders whose unemploy­ Park in the State of Arizona, .and for other ment, and for other purposes; ment insurance has expired or is about purposes; S. 2713. An act for the relief of Abbas Mo­ to expire. It would extend the present H. R. 9653. An act to provide that the Fort hammad Awad; benefit period of 26 weeks to 39 weeks. Gaines loclt and dam on the Chattahoochee S. 2735. An act for the relief of Sayo Ono Current statistics show 155,503 rail­ River shall hereafter be known and desig­ · Taylor; roaders are drawing unemployment in­ nated as the Walter F. George lock and S. 2807. An act for the relief of Johanna dam; Dippold; surance. An additional 14,000 have H. R. 10242. An act to permit articles im­ S. 2813. An act to provide for certain exhausted their benefits since the first ported from foreign countries for the pur­ credits to the Salt River Valley Water Users' of the year, the Railroad Retirement pose of exhibition at the Chicago Interna­ Association and the Salt River Project Agri­ Board tells me. I am informed the num­ tional Fair and Exposition, to be held in cultural Improvement and Power District in bers are unprecedented. July 1959 at Chicago, Ill., to be admitted consideration of the transfer to the Govern­ Cost of this extension of weeks would without payment of tariff, and for other ment of property in Phoenix, Ariz.; be borne by the United States Treasury. purposes; and S. 2937. An act to provide equitable treat­ H. J. Res. 439. Joint resolution to permit ment for producers participating in the Soil The legislation proposed would expire articles imported from foreign countries for Bank program on the basis of incorrect March 31, 1959. It is a privilege for me the purpose of exhibition at the Washington information furnished by the Government; to introduce this bill which is identical State Seventh International Trade Fair, S. 3059. An act to amend the act entitled to one introduced March 11 by my dis­ Seattle, Wash., to be admitted without pay­ "An act to authorize the Commissioners of tinguished colleague, the gentleman ment of tariff, and for other purposes. the District of Columbia to remove danger- from Pennsylvania [Mr. VAN ZANDTl. 1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 4661 I am also filing today a bill to provide ized to be issued to refugee-escapees pur­ provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty for unemployment reinsurance grants to suant to section 15 of the act of September of a misdemeanor and upon conviction the States to revise, extend, and improve 11, 1957 (71 Stat.
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