THE MORNING - OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, NOVE3IBER 8, 1923 lead over Don B. Colton, republican. son, Hersey; all republicans re- - incumbent, on the face of early re elected September 11, 1922. w lead turns. In the second district con ALIO E ROBERTS Maryland Third, Hill, rep. mm gressional race E. O. Leatherwood, Massachusetts Second, GIHett, republican, incumbent, has a lead rep.; 12th, Gallivan, dem.; 13th, Luce, of several hundred votes over David rep.; 16th, Gifford, rep. II IOWA BY30,0QQ Dunbar, the democratic candidate. LOSES HOUSE SEAT Michigan Ninth, McLaughlin, rep.; tenth. Woodruff, rep. DULUTH, Minn., - Nov. 7. Mrs. Mississippi First, Rankin; second, Washington at Tenth Anna D. Olesen, running for the Lowrey; third, Humphreys; fourth. United States senate on the demo Busby; fifth, Collins; sixth, Wilson; your choice! cratic ticket, carried Cloquet, iier seventh, Quin; eighth. Collier; Offers 67 votes. city all Lodge Is More Than home town by The Only democrats. Busby and Wilson are 3000 complete gave Mrs. Olesen 542, Kel Woman Representative new members; others logg 475 and Shipstead 4o8. Minnesota Second, Clague, rep. Behind Democratic Rival. fur-trimm- ed . Beaten for Congress. New Hampshire Second, Wason. CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov. 7. rep. 50 handsome suits In returns from 797 precincts, more New York 1st, Bacon, rep.; 2d. than one-thir- d of the state, tonight Kindred, dem.; 3d, Lindsay, dem.; William Neely, democrat, main- 4th, Cullen, dem.; 5th, Black, dem.; BEVERIDGE FAR IN REAR tained his lead over United States CHICAGO WOMAN WINS 6th, Stengle, dem.; 8th. Cleary, dem.; have had their prices cut Senator Howard Sutherland in the 10th, Cellar, dem.; 12th, Dickstein. fight for the senatorship. The fig dem.; J.8th, Carew.idem.; 23d, Oliver, ures were: Neely 78,681, Suther dem.; 25th, Wainwright, rep.; 26th, land 73,714. Fish, rep.; 27th, Wood, rep.; 28th, by Corning, dem.; 31st, Snell, rep.; 32d, Hitchcock Concedes Ills Defeat ST. LOUIS, Nov. 7. (By the Asso- Daughter of Iate Member Ahead Mott, rep.; 34th, Clark, rep.; 36th, Republican in Nebraska, But ciated Press.) With more than a on Face of Early Returns, But Taber, rep.; 38th, Jacobstein, dem.; of precincts 39th, Sanders, rep.; 40th, Dempsey, third the in Missouri rep.; rep.; TTlah Kace Is Close. heard from, James A. Reed, United Thompson Slate Is Beaten. 41st, Macgregor, 42d, Mead, dem.; 43d, Reed, rep. We've room to only give you States senator, democrat, held a lead North Carolina here straight facts, hut those facts of more than 16,500 votes over R. R. First, Ward, Brewster, his republican opponent. dem.; second, Kitchin, dem.; third, are so strong that we know you'll need no other incentive to buy Abernathy, dem.; fourth, Pou, dem.; for to the senate. Un OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 7 (By fifth, Stedman, dem.; sixth, Lyon, the new suit you want here and now ! - official returns from 1361 precincts the Associated Press.) Miss Alice dem.; seventh. Hammer, dem.; RESULTS OF SENATE CON- out of 3873 in the state give: Reed, eighth, Doughton, dem.; ninth, TESTS. 148,901; Brewster, 132,287. Robertson of Muskogee, republican, See them in our windows! Two score the only woman member of the 67th dem.; tenth. Weaver, dem. more are on display in (By Associated Press.) North Dakota Burtness, the ALBUQUERQUE, N. M 7. congress, First, store i Results 1n the elections for Nov. was defeated for rep. the United States senator, so far A. A. Jones, United States senator, by the man over whom she won Ohio First, Longworth, rep.; sec- as they are shown or Indi- democratic candidate for in the republican landslide of 1920, ond, Stephens, rep,; seventh. Brand; cated by the returns at 1:30 was leading his republican oppo Incomplete returns indicated late tenth. Foster; 12th, Speaks; 22d Duvetyns Yalamas Marleens A. M., eastern time, today, nent, Stephen B. Davis, Jr., on re Burton. (All,-yo- u tonight. ' will recognize as the season's finest fabrics) were as follows: turns from six scattered precincts. W. W. democrat, veter- Oklahoma Third district, Carter, Arizona, unreported; Cali- Hastings, dem.; Swank, dem. The vote was Jones 458; Davis 181. an of three terms, who was un- fifth. fornia, Johnson, rep.; Con- Mrs. A. Otero-Warre- n, republican Oregon First, Hawley, rep. Dela- seated by Miss Robertson in the last Gray Wolf, Squirrel, Caracul, Beaver, Seal necticut, McLean, rep.; candidate for New Mexico's lone 2 Pennsylvania First, Vare, rep.; Tram-mel- election, had a lead of almost to y, ware, in doubt; Florida, l, seat in the national house of rep second, Graham, rep.; third, Rans-le- dem.; Georgia, George, 1 with 117 precincts reporting out rep.; fourth, Edmonds, rep.; Blended Squirrel, Nutria resentatives, was running behind of 266 in The count dem.-- ; Indiana, Ralston, dem.; John Morrow, democrat. The vote the district. fifth, Connelly, rep.; sixth, Welsh, Iowa, Brookhart, rep.; Maine, in same stood: rep.; seventh, Darrow, rep.;. eighth, the six precincts was: Hastings 12,338; Miss Robertson, finish them exclusive Hale, rep. (elected last Sep- Morrow 419, Otero-Warre- n 177. Butler, rep.; ninth, Watson, rep.; in beautiful, ways, not shown by any other tember); Maryland, in doubt; For governor James F. Hinkla, 6665. fifteenth, McFadden, rep.; sixteenth, store, and. even here, you'll find Massachusetts, Lodge, rep., in 461 143 Kelss, rep.; Kreider, but very few duplications. democrat, had votes to for 7. nineteenth. Townsend, CHICAGO, Nov. The first five rep.; twenty-firs- t, rep.; doubt;. Michigan, C. L. Hull, republican. Kurtz, down-sta- on twenty-fourt- h, rep.; Minnesota, Kellogg, te precincts reporting Kendall, rep.; twenty-f- Woodsy rep.; Mississippi, Stephens, DALLAS, Tex.. Nov. 7. W. E. Tal representative in congress at large ifth, Temple, rep.; twenty-sevent- h, Navy, Browns, Reindeer, Black, Genoese, dem.; Missouri, Eeed, dem.; bot, director of the republican or- gave Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck. re- Strong, rep.; thirty-secon- d, rep.; thirty-thir- d, Kelly, Electric Blue! A nd in Sizes 16 to 46 Montana, in doubt; Nebraska, ganization Texas, 11 publican, 450, Allen D. Albert, Porter, in at o'clock and rep.; thirty-fourt- h, Howell, rep.; Nevada, no re- 181, contest to fill Morin, rep.; tonight conceded the election of democrat, in the thirty -- Campbell, turns; New Jersey, Kdwards, the unexpired term of Mrs. Huck's sixth, dem.; 26th, Designing workmanship dem.; New Mexico, no returns; Earle B. Mayfield, democratic candi Mason. Phillips, rep.; 30th, Kent, dem.; 35th, and are excellent! Yes, and a number date for senator, over George E. B. father, the late William E. Magee, rep. New York, Copeland, dem.; is a dry, who recently broke of them three-piec- e Peddy, republican and independent Albert Christopher-so- n are suits! Fifty of them at 25 reduction. Dakota, O'Connor, dem.; Anti-SaIoo- South North with the n league. Dakota First, Ohio, Fess, rep.; Pennsylvania, democratic candidate. Returns at Early returns give the present (rep.); 2d, Johnson (rep. Fepper and Reed, reps.; Rhode that time showed practically a 3 to congress in South Carolina First, Logan, 1 lead Mayfield. republicans in the Byrnes, Island, Gerry, dem.; Tennesee, for 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Illi- dem.; second, dem.; third, McKellar, dem.; Texas, May-fiel- d, Colonel Henry D. 'Lindsley, Ped- - Dominick, dem.; fourth, McSwain, dy's nois districts leads over their demo- Slip-o- n dem.,; Utah, in doubt; campaign manager, while he cratic opponents. dem.; fifth, Stevenson, dem.; sixth. Sweaters a sale at $5.85 Vermont, Green, rep.;, Vir- would not concede Mayfleld's elec Repre- Casque, dem.; seventh, Fulmer, dem. Knitted Jacquettes are here! Wash- In the 11th district where Tennessee ginia, Swanson, dem.; tion, said: C. Copely was defeat- First, Reece, rep.; A dozen new lovely color Vir- sentative Ira fourth, Hull, dem.; Davis, and combinations They're new! They're ington, no returns; West 'From partial returns It seems by R. Reid for the repub- fifth, smart! They're dis- ginia, in doubt; Wisconsin, quite certain that on the face of it ed Frank dem.; sixth, Byrns, dem.; ninth, that you may "match up" with anything rep.; Wyoming, lican nomination, Reid is leading Garrett, tinctive! And they're low La Follette, Mayfield has a large majority of O'Beirne, his opponent, dem.; tenth. Fisher, dem. sursprisingly in doubt. the vote." Edward J. Second Taylor (rep.). you wish! priced Republicans, 13; by 1463 to 694, on the basis of re- Texas Black, at $7.50 and $9.50. Totals 22 210 precincts. First district. dem.; 12; unaccounted INDIANAPOLIS, 7. turns from out of second, Box, third, Sanders, democrats, Nov. Returns The democratic ticket In Cook dem.; for, 10; a republican loss from from 1208 out of 3395 precincts in reports dem.; fourth, Rayburn, dem.; fifth, New York and a democratic county took the iead on first Sumners, sixth, Johnson, Indiana for United States senator over the republican nominees in- dem.; loss from Nebraska. In the give: Ralston, dem 221,548; Bever- - dem.; seventh, Briggs, dem.; eighth. representatives the rep., dorsed by Mayor -- William Hale Garrett, house of idge, 209,744; Henry, soc., 149. Thompson. dem.: ninth, doubtful, things democrats, at the same hour, tenth, Buchanan, dem.; 11th, Con- Buy the new you want Livestoek Exposition Night 28 and, County Judge Righeimer, one of nolly, and had gained seats lost DETROIT, Noi 7. Returns from or- dem.; 12th, Lanham, dem.; defeated were: 640 7906 the mainstays in the Thompson 13th, Williams, dem.; now and "use your credit" if Horse none. The out of precincts at midnight ganization, was running 5147 behind 14th, doubtful; Show all week! Go! It London, socialist; Rossdale, give Senator Townsend, rep., 46,338; 15th, Garner, dem.; 16th, Hudspeth, you wish! Pierson, Lee, on reports from the first 200 out of (dem.): is the biggest, best one Fairchild, Kl'ne, Ferris, dem., 38,011.
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