COST OF DOING BUSINESS IN MYANMAR SURVEY REPORT 2018 Printed in: Yangon in July 2018 (Second Edition) (Also available on the DICA website indicated below) Conducted by: Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) Ministry of Planning and Finance No 1 Thitsar Road, Yankin Township Yangon Tel: 95 1 658134 Fax: 95 1 658145 URL: http://www.dica.gov.mm Supported by: Japan International Cooperation Agency (Myanmar Office) # 701 Sakura Tower 339 Bogyoke Aung San Road Kyauktada Township, Yangon Tel: 95 1 255473 ~ 6 Fax: 95 1 255477 URL: http://www.jica.co.jp/myanmar/index.html Implemented by: Myanmar Survey Research Yangon Central Railways Station Building Kungyan Street, MingalaTaungnyunt Township Yangon Tel: 95 1 370464 Fax: 95 1 254263 Email: [email protected] URL: www.myanmarsurveyresearch.com © COPYRIGHT: Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Planning and Finance, 2018 1 ACRONYMS AGM Annual General Meeting AOA Articles of Association ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BoD/BOD Board of Directors BOT Build, operate and transfer CBM Central Bank of Myanmar CBM Cubic metre(s) CC Cubic capacity CIS Customs Intelligence System CMP Cut, make and pack CO (form) Certificate of Origin CSO Central Statistical Organization CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CV Curriculum vitae DICA Directorate of Investment and Company Administration DISI Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection DUHD Department of Urban and Housing Development ECD Environmental Conservation Department, MONREC ECPP Environmental Conservation and Prevention Plan EI Electricity Inspection EIA Environmental impact assessment (Environmental Research) EMP Environmental Management Plan ESE Electricity Supply Enterprise ESE Electricity Supply Enterprise FDI Foreign direct investment FSD Fire Services Department, Ministry of Home Affairs GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GPS Global Positioning System HO Head Office HP Horse power HQ Headquarters HS (Code) Harmonized System ICT Information and communication technology ID Investment Division, DICA ID Identity IDI In-depth interview IEE Initial Environmental Examination (Environmental Research) IPA Investment promotion agency IRD Internal Revenue Department, Ministry of Planning and Finance IZ Industrial zone JICA Japan Inter JV Joint venture KSEZMC Kyaukphyu SEZ Management Committee kVA Kilovolt-amps kW Kilowatt LDCs Lease-developed countries LTO Large Taxpayer’s Office MACCS Myanmar Automated Cargo Clearance System Mdy/MDY Mandalay MES Myanmar Engineering Society MESC Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation MESC Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation MIC Myanmar Investment Commission MIFFA Myanmar International Freight Forwarders Association MIL Myanmar Investment Law 2016 MITS Myanmar Inspection and Testing Services Ltd MJTD Myanmar-Japan Thilawa Development Co Ltd MM Myanmar MOA Memorandum of Understanding MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOLIP Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population MONREC Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation 2 NA Not available (of data) NPT Nay Pyi Taw NRC National Registration Card (also known as: Citizenship Certificate) Natural Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment Division, ECD, MON- NR-EIA REC OGA Other government associations OSSC One-stop service centre PAT Proposal Assessment Team (meeting) SEZ Special Economic Zone SIA Social impact assessment (Environmental Research) SMS Short message service Sq-ft Square-foot/square-feet SRCC Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion (Insurance) TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit (of container) TIN Taxpayer Identification Number TPL Third Party Liability (Insurance) TSMC Thilawa SEZ Management Committee YCDC Yangon City Development Committee YESC Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation YESC Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation Ygn/YGN Yangon MMK CURRENCY Myanmar kyat THB CURRENCY Thai baht USD CURRENCY United States dollar TERMS U “U” is a Myanmar honorific used before the name of a man—single or married. It is an equivalent of Mr. Daw “Daw” is a Myanmar honorific used before the name of a woman—single or mar- ried. It is an equivalent of Mrs/Ms. Myanma “Myanma” (Myanmar without “r”) is used as an adjective. It is found mostly in the names of the government economic enterprises. Viss Myanmar traditional weight measuring unit. There are 100 ticals in a viss. 1 viss = 3.6 lb = 1.65 kg CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES 20181 Equivalent to 1 unit of the respective currency Other currencies In short Myanmar kyat (MMK) 25 April 7 May 16 May 1 June United States dollar USD 1,331 1,343 1,342 1,354 Chinese yuan CNY 211.05 211.07 210.42 211.22 Thai baht THB 42.321 42.339 43.061 42.247 Indian rupee INR 20.042 20.099 19.858 20.080 Japanese yen JPY 12.208 12.348 12.168 12.434 Korean won KRW 1.235 1.251 1.240 1.258 Singapore dollar SGD 1,006.8 1,007.8 997.73 1,012.0 Euro EUR 1,628.2 1,607.9 1,589.1 1,583.3 British pound GBP 1,860.8 1,819.9 1,812.4 1,799.7 Reference exchange rate – Central Bank of Myanmar 1 http://forex.cbm.gov.mm/index.php/fxrate 3 INFLATION RATES OF MYANMAR – 2012 TO 20222 12.00% 10.04% 10.00% 2012 2.83% 2013 5.72% 8.00% 2014 5.11% 6.77% 6.50% 6.50% 6.40% 2015 10.04% 6.10% 6.30% 6.00% 5.72% 5.70% 2016 6.77% 5.11% 2017 6.5% 2018 6.1% 4.00% 2019 6.5% 2.83% 2020 6.4% 2021 6.3% 2.00% 2022 5.7% 0.00% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 The Statista – The Statistics Portal 2 https://www.statista.com/statistics/525770/inflation-rate-in-myanmar/ 4 CONTENTS Acronyms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Terms, currency exchange rates 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Inflation rates of Myanmar (2012-2022) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Preface by Director-General of DICA ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Executive summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 INFORMATION ON YANGON REGION & GENERAL INFORMATION 1 LAND, SPACE AND BUILDING 1.1 Land lease 1.1.1 Industrial land lease in Yangon ------------------------------------------------ 15 1.1.2 Commercial land lease in Yangon -------------------------------------------- 15 1.1.3 Government land lease ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 1.2 Space lease 1.2.1 Office space for lease in Yangon --------------------------------------------- 16 1.2.2 Commercial space for lease in Yangon ------------------------------------- 17 1.2.3 Warehouse for lease in Yangon ----------------------------------------------- 17 1.2.4 Residential space for lease in Yangon -------------------------------------- 18 1.2.5 Space for lease for holding events in Yangon ----------------------------- 18 1.3 Land sale 1.3.1 Industrial land for sale in Yangon --------------------------------------------- 19 1.3.2 Commercial land for sale in Yangon ----------------------------------------- 19 1.3.3 Residential land for sale in Yangon ------------------------------------------ 20 1.4 Space sale 1.4.1 Office space for sales in Yangon ---------------------------------------------- 20 1.4.2 Commercial space for sale for opening shops in Yangon --------------- 21 1.4.3 Warehouse for sale in Yangon ------------------------------------------------ 21 1.4.4 Residential space for sale in Yangon ---------------------------------------- 21 1.5 Construction costs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 2 HUMAN RESOURCES 2.1 Employment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 2.2 Human resource development ---------------------------------------------------------- 33 3 COMPANY INCORPORATION 3.1 General information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 3.2 Type of companies and basic requirements ----------------------------------------- 35 3.3 Required documents for registration --------------------------------------------------- 35 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) -------------------------------------- 36 4 INVESTMENT PROCEDURES 4.1 MIC Permit and Investment Endorsement -------------------------------------------- 38 4.2 Navigational checklist for investors ---------------------------------------------------- 38 4.3 Tips to foreign investors ------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 4.4 Investment application process maps ● An overview of the procedure -------------------------------------------------------- 40 ● Process map for applying for an MIC permit ------------------------------------- 41 ● Process map for applying for an Investment Endorsement ------------------- 44 4.5 Checklist of documents: MIC Permit dossier package ---------------------------- 47 4.6 Checklist of documents: MIC Endorsement dossier package ------------------- 49 4.7 Checklist of documents: Dossier for Investment Endorsement at Region/State offices -------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 4.8 Service fees ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 5 4.9 Guideline for PP presentation for MIC Permit and Endorsement --------------- 55 4.10 Post-Permit/Endorsement activities ● Investment/capital ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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