-* 'H-iitani' %wMi]mmwsmm)iuimsh l"_*^"_M ^'w.^#_i _._»:-'.t_R Member Associated Press Devoted to Developing die Great Bey District Established Oct 13, (875 TEMPT. BATCHES FORECAST High fl (past 31 hours, t a. m.l Bee LPair tonight sad Tuesday; moderate tem- ptr.tor*; moderate northeast winds: fresh S A. M. READINGS IK OTHER q_-_D*^__ § to strong over the mountains. Los Angeles 4, Salt Lake Cttr _ -8M OCEAN TIDES Rn-tnn ._; _»|rjoTiv. £ i -» 32 High Low - • -«jfr_-___' cit» 6:61 a.m.; 8:51 pro ,12.13 an.; 2 27 p.m. Pittsburgh _, -se - SUN RISES Slftt SETS Des Moines _ -4S EVEHiHl New Orleans _. __ Chl...n .34 6.59 o'clock I "4:58 o'clock LOOK (CPA)—Consolidated Press (CNS)—City News Service (UP)—The United Press (AP)—The Associated Press VOLUME LVIH NUMBER 3 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1931 PRICE TWO CENTS Capper Steps Out*± fl> * * * Peggy LooksOn... • s e CTTY COMMISSIONERS SCRAP CIVIL SERVICE Profit in Stamps.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII.IillllMIHI.i llllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiMininiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiin imiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WASHINGTON, Jaa. 4 (U.R)—The ! New Year revelry was at its height, j the midnight climax near at hand. A fraternity| house door open- ! HOOVER DEMANDS EARLY RELIEF ACTlONp* Ota* to , ed. and an el­ derly man—in evening dress Borah Bill Would Here Are Needs Senate Accepts entered. He was unobserved for Put AxtoSalaries Jlrged by-Hoover— Free Wheat Plan several moments. HuntiorPairrf- Finally one of Congress Asked WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 OPv- WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 '...' WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 __*- the gay young Salary reductions for members —Here are the measures Presi­ A resolution authorizing dis­ of congress, the cabinet sad dent Hoover named as requir­ dancers saw a tribution of 40,000.000 bushels ShakeupQeared stranger was in tbe farm board were proposed ing immediate action: . their midst. in measures introduced todav Rothless Slayers Strengthening of the federal Will Alacrity lo Lof farm board wheat to the To Replace Fear by Sen. William E. Borah land bank system, already unemployed "was adopted today "Hey," he ex­ irep.i, of Idaho. passed by the house. Carter Greeted by Great claimed, "we Borah also introduced a bill Creation of the $500,000,000 by the senate. Ovation at First have a guest!" taking away from members of reconstruction finance corp­ The house has yet to act. Advancing congress allowance 108 mileage oration . similar proposals being—under Council Session upon the new­ With Confidence on their trips to and from con­ | Turns to Texas Creation of a home loan dis­ Crush GaiuS-'rsIs committee consideration there comer, the col­ gressional sessions. count bank system to revise now. lege boy deliv- He proposed to cut tbe sal­ employment and stimulate As adopted, the resolution Santa Monica's civil service Senator Capper ered a h e a r t y Special Message Appeals aries of the vice president, the Abandoned Auto Believed home building * With Mahatma in Jail, carried amendments, .providing ordinance was swept aside to* slaipn uDoupon thpe narback and criecriedd : • •_•_»'-•»'•--» •«_—- o — rr speaker and members of the Clue to Brothers Who Enlargement of the' discount More Troops Embark to that 5.000.000 bushSB of the day to permit an immediate "I'm Milt Dennis! And who are for Cooperation in cabinet from $15,000 to $12,000. facilities of. federal —reserve amount be available for animal reorganisation of the police you?" -Hi would slash salaries- of Killed 6 Officers banks. Hold India in Check feed In the drought areas, that department. Moving with a "I'm Senator Capper," was the Recovery Plan members of congress from $10- Development of a plan to the board be allowed to credit the wheat on its books at the force and swiftness that brooked no reply. 000 to $8,000. SPRINGFIELD. Mo.. Jan. 4 restore part of the money in Bl'LLETIN opposition. Mayor William H. Car­ The Kansas senator, an honorary WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 Another bin would reduce . closed banks to depositors. ALLAHABAD, India, Jaa. 4 <** market price at the time of salaries of members of the I (AP)—Search for the ruthless Revision of laws relating to delivery, that Indians in dis­ ter presented an ordinance that member, had been on the fraternity (AP)—President Hoover, in a j Young brothers who slaugh­ —One man was fatally wounded mailing-list for some time, but ft surprise special message to farm'board from $12,000 to transportation "to restore con­ aad another was trampled to tress be included as benefic­ eliminates nil civil service provisions was the first of its "parties be had 89,600. tered six besieging officers to fidence in the bonds of our death, many am Injured aad iaries and that organizations I from the statute, books and secured attended,. Ha remained for two congress today, urged imme­ He also proposed a $15,000 escape their mother's farm "railways;" 30 were arrested today in the first' receiving the wheat shall not its adoption by .he city council on hours, apparently enjoyed himself diate action upon his emer­ limit on say salary paid under house near here Saturday was Revision of banking laws in use any of it to pay the cost of a unanimous vote. among the pretty girls and youth­ tbe administration of tbe farm order- better to safeguard de­ clash between the government transportation, distribution or ful revelry and then departed with gency economic program. Mr. board. | spread throughout- the Southwest to­ positors. and tbe Indian nationalists milling. Plans Direct Action the remark: Hoover declared emphatically the day as the result of the" story of a Reduction of federal expend­ "No man who haa done his Work "I'm not quite so young as I used need is "even more evident' than it Kansas City garage owner and the itures, "adequate increase of NEW DELHI.-India, Jan. 4 honestly and well need fear for hie to be." taxes" and "restriction of. is­ I Job.*' Carter said, in explaining bis was first laid before congress. Identification of a wrecked car aban­ I (AP):—The working commit- j doned Jo Texas. | gg .~.J sues of federal .securities.:'—,.- J ; program. "The repeal ts strictly for Pegay.. Ann Soon after it reached the senate t j tr?- •-._ tl.?. Indian aaMo.otf.Ust.: , -^*«- -»-•rtifr-i-K-"- */» oc-'« i«, HUlf WHT EiiKfpiiK Tata The overturned motor car, which j congress was declared illegal I *m Herbert and nouse, reading of the document mmsMMMimms* m «•* asmmtajf 'am VMfl V Boarbns Agree I enable us to accomplish by direct Hoover III saw was begun. The chambers began to was abandoned-near Streetman, Tex., today by British officials. The ) action the changes which have to the hew year's fill when word spread around. by its two occupants, proved to be order was Issued under a new ordl- I be made. It simply means that we reception held the automobile stolen from Harry J nance of enabling the government I avoid tbe delay and the contro­ Must Replace Fear Rogers, motor-car dealer, in the by- the president ~~ "We can and must replace tbe Bohanon-Robson to declare any association unlawful versy which would be Involved lit and Mrs. Hoov­ Rooms at Tech business section of Springfield after On Tariff Plans achieving the same end through the er, their grand­ unjustifiable fear in the country by dusk Saturday night. in its campaign to combat the na­ confidence," the president said. mechanism of civil service hear­ parents, from an tionalist movement. ings." The change affects the fire observation post Enumerating the measures "re­ Most Authentic Clue Give Up Hopeless Task of Ned Waddle, chief of police, re­ Policy Statement to Bean d police departments only. in the doorway quiring immediate action," he said Team Leads GoK BEIT1SH TROOPS TO SAIL Enactment of the repeal, which of the white; they were "designed to check tbe Finding Suitable garded it as the most authentic clue ' FOR INDIA TOMORROW Brought Up Thursday house Green to the whereabouts of the despera- goes into effect immediately upon further degeneration in prices and I DEVONPORT. Sag,. Jan. 4 i.V>—A Its publication in the Evening Out­ room. House for Rent flooa Marry,-37, -and-. Jennings detachment of 100 men from the] in Lower House values, to fortify us against contin­ Young, 35—who put up such deadly Wind Makes Low Scores look tonight, was the biggest Sum "There's ued shocks from world instability 2nd battalion rifle brigade left today undertaken by the new mayor since Grandpa!" Her­ PASADENA, Jan. 4 Of) — The resistance when Sheriff Marcell for Southampton to embark tomor­ WASHINGTON. Jan 4 (_.'>—The and to unshackle the forces of re­ Hendrix sought to arrest the former Unlikely in Closing bis assumption of the office Friday bert III exclaim­ covery." Athenaeum at the California- Insti­ row for India. democratic senate-house policy com­ ed when the for the slaying of Marshall Mark Round of Tourney mittee today agreed on a tariff bill. night. Emphasizing. Mr. Hoover said. "I tute of Technology added to its reg­ Noe of Republic, Mo. Preparations also were made here Changes Made president— and would be derelict—in my -duty if -1 ister today its most distinguished for the departure of 140 noncommts- The measure was drafted during Mrs. Hoover Convinced the trail, of the slayers Playing tn a high wind which J stoned officers and-men of the 2nd the Christmas holidays by Speaker In the building department and Peggy Ann came down the did not' inform the congress of the guests, Prof, and Mrs.
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