September 2015 Proposed Play Area for the Environmental Park Following representation from the public for a new central play area at the Annual Town Meeting in 2014, the Town Council has been negotiating with the Trustees of Knole to take over the management of part of the Environmental Park adjacent to the Leisure Centre. Knole Trustees have agreed to the Town Council having an area of the Environmental Park for a play area for a lease of 10 years on a peppercorn rent. The footpaths would remain a public right of way. The lease will commence on 1st October 2015. An initial working party will take place on 17 October 2015 to clear up the site. All volunteers would be welcomed and appreciated. The Town Council has sought quotations for the provision and installation of play areas to a budget of £100,000. The Town Council has committed to paying half of this and the rest needs to come from external grants and or fundraising. Local Businesses have started the fundraising by holding a raffle at the Annual Business Awards. The designs from the quotations were made available for public consultation during the complete month of July either at an exhibition at the Stag or the exhibition at Sencio or online. A considerable and diverse number of replies were received. The chosen scheme is from Sutcliffe Play and is shown on the photograph. Sevenoaks Community Events Save the Date 3rd 7th October November Sevenoaks Pink Torchlight Parade Party & Fireworks 3 – 5 p.m Evening Vine Gardens High Street 8th 27th November November Remembrance Christmas Lights Service Switch On 10.50 a.m 6.00 p.m War Memorial (7.30 for lights) High Street Improvements to the Vine Gardens Continue Neighbourhood Development Plan Further public consultation in relation to the Neighbourhood Development plan will be held during September and October. The feedback from the public consultation has been divided into key topics as shown below. In addition an Integrated Transport Plan has been published, this can be viewed at STNP.co.uk Comments from the public on all this information would be most welcomed and can be emailed to: [email protected] or posted to Sevenoaks Town Council, Council Offices, Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3QG. The Café on the Vine is due to open Profits from the café will be amused whilst parents are enjoying on Saturday, 26th September 2015. reinvested into the local community. their cup of coffee. The proposed opening hours of Cllr Andrew Eyre, Chairman of Vine Public Toilets the Vine Café are Wednesday to Sevenoaks Town Council’s Open The Town Council has also Sunday 8:30am to 4pm (6pm April Spaces & Leisure Committee said: committed to improved and to September) however it may be “This is another example of the Town refurbished public toilets on the occasionally open later for events. Council’s commitment to making things Vine Gardens. The current disabled better for the people of Sevenoaks. A toilet will be converted into a unisex The Town Council hopes that the welcome rest for those enjoying the toilet and a new disabled toilet will be provision of the Vine Café as well as bandstand concerts the Town Council provided. The project cost of approx. being a public facility will encourage organises or watching the cricket – or £23,000 has been assisted with a more members of the community simply an excellent cup of coffee on the grant of approx. £10,000 towards to use the Vine Gardens; support way to the station for those with less this via Cllr Margaret Crabtree at community events taking place in the leisure time. We heard the people and we Kent County Council. Vine Gardens, particularly in relation are responding. I know that everyone will to the evening economy including Bridge enjoy these new facilities when they open.” Thursday bandstand evenings during The current bridge over the pond the summer and also where possible Toddlers Play Area is quite old and worn and therefore promote Kent produced food and Adjacent to the café will be a toddlers a new bridge is to be commissioned drink products. play area to keep young children and built. Sevenoaks Hanging Baskets 2015 Our thanks to all the generous traders in the Town Centre who contributed to the hanging baskets this summer, who are listed below: Graham Webb Berry & Lamberts Leslie Warren Opticians Helen Breeze Mobile Phone Centre Tesco Sevenoaks Art Shop Paydens Ltd Handelsbanken Especially Health Sevenoaks Bookshop Warners Solicitors Sevenoaks Hearing Francis Jones Jewellers Sencio Centre Go Coach County Perry Specsavers Neighbourhood Development Plan Neighbourhood Development Plan NewNew hourlyhourly NoNo 88 busbus serviceservice forfor accessaccess toto SevenoaksSevenoaks TownTown CentreCentre OneOne ofof thethe issuesissues raisedraised inin thethe consultationconsultation forfor thethe AllowingAllowing forfor legallegal routeroute registrationsregistrations etcetc itit isis hopedhoped thatthat NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood DevelopmentDevelopment PlanPlan waswas forfor thethe accessaccess thethe NoNo 88 busbus serviceservice willwill commencecommence 2nd2nd NovemberNovember 2015.2015. toto thethe towntown centrecentre byby publicpublic transporttransport andand alleviatingalleviating MayorMayor ofof Sevenoaks,Sevenoaks, CllrCllr StephenStephen ArnoldArnold saidsaid “I“I amam veryvery problemsproblems forfor carcar parking.parking. pleasedpleased thatthat withwith thethe supportsupport ofof KentKent CountyCounty Council,Council, SevenoaksSevenoaks SevenoaksSevenoaks TownTown CouncilCouncil hashas beenbeen workingworking onon solutionssolutions TownTown CouncilCouncil has,has, onon thethe backback ofof ourour veryvery successfulsuccessful seasonalseasonal forfor thisthis andand otherother relatedrelated mattersmatters andand commissionedcommissioned anan No.7No.7 service,service, establishedestablished thethe No.No. 88 busbus toto provideprovide anan additionaladditional IntegratedIntegrated TransportTransport StudyStudy whichwhich isis nownow availableavailable forfor publicpublic serviceservice routeroute aroundaround Sevenoaks.Sevenoaks. ThisThis isis aa furtherfurther exampleexample consultation.consultation. ofof ourour commitmentcommitment toto provideprovide residentsresidents (and(and employees)employees) allall yearyear roundround accessaccess toto ourour retailersretailers andand businessesbusinesses inin thethe towntown centre.centre. SpecificallySpecifically inin relationrelation toto thethe publicpublic transporttransport accessaccess intointo OurOur continuingcontinuing andand successfulsuccessful partnershippartnership withwith GoGo CoachCoach thethe towntown centrecentre thethe TownTown CouncilCouncil isis delighteddelighted toto reportreport isis anan importantimportant factorfactor inin thisthis initiative,initiative, aa locallocal busbus operatoroperator thatthat anan agreementagreement hashas beenbeen reachedreached withwith KentKent CountyCounty developingdeveloping locallocal routesroutes forfor ourour community.”community.” CouncilCouncil andand GoGo CoachesCoaches forfor thethe provisionprovision ofof aa regularregular hourlyhourly busbus serviceservice MondaysMondays toto Saturdays.Saturdays. ChairmanChairman ofof SevenoaksSevenoaks TownTown PartnershipPartnership andand DirectorDirector ofof Specsavers,Specsavers, CllrCllr MaxineMaxine ChakowaChakowa said:said: “It“It isis greatgreat thatthat TheThe busbus serviceservice hashas beenbeen givengiven thethe NoNo 88 asas itit followsfollows aa moremore peoplepeople willwill bebe ableable toto enjoyenjoy thethe Highhigh streetStreet and and not not worry worry figurefigure ofof eighteight routeroute aroundaround Sevenoaks.Sevenoaks. aboutabout parking.”Parking.” PleasePlease seesee detailsdetails ofof thethe proposedproposed timetabletimetable ShaneShane HymersHymers fromfrom KentKent CountyCounty CouncilCouncil said:said: “It“It hashas SevenoaksSevenoaks TownTown PartnershipPartnership && GoGo CoachesCoaches havehave beenbeen anan absoluteabsolute privilegeprivilege toto bebe involvedinvolved withwith suchsuch aa proactiveproactive successfullysuccessfully operatedoperated thethe VintageVintage BusBus NoNo 77 busbus serviceservice partnershippartnership inin launchinglaunching thethe newnew serviceservice 8.8. BusBus traveltravel mustmust duringduring thethe summersummer monthsmonths howeverhowever thethe newnew additionaladditional bebe accessibleaccessible andand affordableaffordable toto allall andand withwith thethe modernmodern vehiclevehicle provisionprovision SevenoaksSevenoaks NoNo 88 willwill bebe anan allall yearyear roundround allocated,allocated, reasonablereasonable faresfares andand aa routeroute thatthat linkslinks upup thethe heartheart ofof service.service. thethe town,town, II amam suresure aa reciperecipe forfor successsuccess hashas beenbeen found.”found.” FundingFunding forfor thethe newnew NoNo 88 busbus serviceservice willwill bebe fromfrom s.106s.106 GoGo CoachCoach Director,Director, MatthewMatthew Arnold,Arnold, said:said: “Following“Following onon fundingfunding (planning(planning condition)condition) andand shouldshould covercover thethe fromfrom thethe successsuccess ofof thethe seasonalseasonal vintagevintage busbus routeroute 77 whichwhich thethe serviceservice forfor approx.approx. 33 years.years. ItIt isis hopedhoped thatthat duringduring thethe locallocal communitycommunity havehave wholeheartedlywholeheartedly embraced,embraced, we’rewe’re delighteddelighted firstfirst threethree yearsyears ofof operationoperation thethe NoNo 88 busbus willwill bebe
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