ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY New Series, Vol. V, No. 6 NOVEMBER, 1933 Whole No. 70 CONTENTS PAGE Portrait of Johann Peter Frank.................................................................... Cover Portrait of William Heberden the Younger............................. Frontispiece William Anderson, 1748-1778 . J. J. Keevil ........................... 511 Johann Peter Frank and His “Sys­ tem EINER VOLLSTANDIGEN MEDI- cinischen Polizey” (Part i) . Leona Baumgartner AND Elizabeth Mapelsden Ramsey 525 History of Influenza Epidemics . John F. Townsend .... 533 Graefenberg, the Shepard Family’s Medical School.......................... Roy H. Turner.................................... 548 The Intolerance of Great Men . David B. Radner .... 561 The Two Heberdens (Part ii, Con­ clusion) ........................................Sir Humphry Rolleston . 566 An Introduction to the History of Women in Medicine (Con­ clusion) ........................................Kate Campbell Hurd-Mead . 584 Editorial......................................................................................................................601 Larrey and Mediate Ausculta­ tion ..................................................... George Dock Book Reviews...............................................................................................................603 Monro: The Physician as Man of Letters, Science and Action; Sigerist: The Great Doctors; Opuscula Selecta Neerlandi- corum de Arte Medica, Vols. ix, x and xi. Index...................................................................................................................................607 Original articles are published only with the understanding that they are contributed exclusively to the ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY. Manuscripts offered for publication, books for review, and all corre­ spondence relating to the editorial management should be addressed to the Editor, Dr. Francis R. Packard, 302 South 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Communications regarding subscriptions, reprints, and all matters regarding the business management of the ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY should be addressed to the publishers, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. 76 Fifth Avenue, New York City. [Cable address, Formed N. Y.] The ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY is published six times a year, the six issues comprising one volume. No advertising is carried. The subscription price is $io.ooa year, foreign $11.00. Current single num­ bers $2.50 per copy. A few sets of first series, Volumes I-X, are available in parts as published at $100.00 per set, or bound in boards, paper sides, canvas back, paper label, $135.00 per set. Price on available single volumes or numbers will be quoted on request. Entered as second-class matter, June 2, 1917, at the Post Office, New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879 Copyright, 1933, by Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. INDEX y^delmann, Howard B.: “De ovorum galli- Book Reviews: naceorum generationis primo exordio,” Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragen­ of Volcher Coiter, 327, 444 den Arzte aller Zeiten und American Association of the History of Volker, by W. Haberling, Medicine, ninth annual meeting, editorial, H. Vierardt and Prof. Hii- 406 botter, 204 Anatomy, teaching history of, editorial, 505 d. letzen 50 Jahre, by I. Anderson, William, by J. J. Keevil, 511 Fischer, reviewed by David Anesthesia, local, earliest suggestion of the Riesman, 102, 311 use of cocaine for, by W. F. von Oettingen, Book of delight, by Joseph ben Meir ibn 275 Zabara, 311 Arabian medicine, reflection of, at Salerno of Manchester and Salford, 314 and Montpellier, byLutfi M. Sa’di, 215 Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der Neder- as represented in the memoirs of Usamah Iandsche Maatschappij tot Bevorder- Ibn-Munqidh, by Dana C. Munro and ing der Geneeskunst, 509 Cushman D. Haagensen, 226 Chapters in American obstetrics, by Auscultation, mediate, Larrey and, editorial, Herbert Thoms, 314 by George Dock, 601 Embryologie im Zeitalter des Barock und des Rokoko, by Tadeusz Bilikiewicz, J^aumgartner, Leona, and Ramsey, Eliza­ reviewed by David Riesman, 312 beth M.: Johann Peter Frank and His Gedanken eines Arztes uber Seele, Natur “System einer vollstandigen medicinischen und Gott, by F. P. Weber, 509 Polizey,” 525 Great doctors, a biographical history of Beaumont, William, by William Snow Miller, medicine, by Henry E. Sigerist, 603 28 Heroic age of science, by W. A. Heidel, Beeson, B. Barker: Pierre Joseph Desault, 342 507 Bibliography of the Honorable Robert Boyle, History of dermatology, by W. A. Pusey, by J. F. Fulton, review of, 101 3i3 Bilikiewicz, Tadeusz: Embryologie im Zeital- and epidemiology of syphilis, by W. A. ter des Barock und des Rokoko, review of, Pusey, 510 by David Riesman, 312 of urology, by American Urological Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Association, 506 Arzte aller Zeiten und Volker, Kongress fur innere Medizin, by Georg by W. Haberling, H. Vierardt Klemperer, reviewed by David Ries­ and Prof. Hubotter, review of, man, 102 204 d. letzen 50 Jahre, by I. Fischer, Manuscripta medica, by Warren R. review of, by David Riesman, Dawson, 204 102,311 Medicine in Canada, by William B. Blanton, Wyndham B.: Washington’s medical Howell, 407 knowledge and its sources, 52 Memoirs of Sir Robert Sibbald, by Book of delight, by Joseph ben Meir ibn Francis Paget Hart, 407 Zabara, review of, 311 Nutrition, by Graham Lusk, 506 of Manchester and Salford, review of, 314 Opuscula selecta neerlandicorum de arte Book Reviews: medica, vols. ix, x and xi, 604 Antony von Leeuwenhoek and his “little Pharmazeutsiche Altertumskunde und animals,” by Clifford Dobell, 202 die Schweizerische Apothekerwesen an Aus der Medizin des Rinascimento, by der Universitat Basel, by Joseph Paul Strassmann, reviewed by David Anton Hafliger, reviewed by David Riesman, 202 Riesman, 312 Bibliography of the Honorable Robert Physician as man of letters, science and Boyle, by J. F. Fulton, 101 action, by Thomas K. Monro, 603 Book Reviews: Doctor as diplomat, editorial, by C. S. Roundabout Harley Street, the story Butler, 306 of some famous streets, by Cyril Phillips Bryan, 311 J? ditori als: Uberlieferung der Hippocratischen Schrift IIEPI AEPQN YAATQNTO- Doctor as diplomat, by C. S. Butler, 306 nQN, by Hans Diller, 408 Larrey and mediate auscultation, by George Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, by Adolph A. Dock, 601 Walkling, 428 Luesiana in the library of the College of Brunschwig, Alexander: Jean Frederic Lob­ Physicians of Philadelphia, by E. B. stein, 82 Krumbhaar and E. V. Garner, 96 Bryan, Cyril Phillips: Roundabout Harley Most interesting newspaper in the United Street, review of, 311 States, by David Riesman, 197 Bryan, Joseph Hammond: History of laryn­ Ninth annual meeting of the American gology and rhinology and the influence Association of the History of Medicine, of America in the development of this 406 specialty, 151 Teaching history of anatomy, 505 Butler, C. S.: Doctor as diplomat, editorial, Embryologie im Zeitalter des Barock und des 306 Rokoko, by Tadeusz Bilikiewicz, review of, by David Riesman, 312 ^Jatalogus van de Bibliotheek der Neder- Epidemics, influenza, history of, by John F. Iandsche Maatschappij tot Bevorder- Townsend, 533 ing der Geneeskunst, review of, 509 Chance, Burton: Goethe and his theory of jpischer, I.: Biographisches Lexikon der colors, 360 hervorragenden Arzte d. letzen 50 Jahre, Chapters on American obstetrics, by Herbert review of, by David Riesman, 102, 311 Thoms, review of, 314 Frank, Johann Peter, and his “System einer Chaucer, why I read, at seventy, by James vollstandigen medicinischen Polizey,” by B. Herrick, 62 Leona Baumgartner and Elizabeth M. Cocaine, earliest suggestion of the use of, Ramsey, 525 for local anesthesia, by W. F. von Oettin- Fulton, J. F.: Bibliography of the Honorable gen, 275 Robert Boyle, review of, 101 Coiter, Volcher, “De ovorum gallinaceorum generationis primo exordio,” by Howard B. Q.arner, V. C., and Krumbhaar, E. B.: Adelmann, 327, 444 Luesiana in the library of the College Colors, Goethe and his theory of, by Burton of Physicians of Philadelphia, editorial, 96 Chance, 360 Gedanken eines Arztes uber Seele, Natur und J^awson, Warren R.: Manuscripta medica, Gott, by F. Parkes Weber, review of, 509 review of, 204 Gibson, Thomas: Account of Theodore Tur- “ De ovorum gallinaceorum generationis primo quet de Mayerne’s “Praxis medica,” exordio,” of Volcher Coiter, by Howard B. 438 Adelmann, 327, 444 Sketch of career of Theodore Turquet de Denninger, Henri Stearns: Paleopathological Mayerne, 315 evidence of Paget’s disease, 73 Goethe and his theory of colors, by Burton Desault, Pierre Joseph, by B. Barker Beeson, Chance, 360 Goodfellow, George E., frontier surgeon and 342 Diller, Hans: Uberlieferung der Hippocratis­ soldier, by Miley B. Wesson, 236 chen Schrift IIEPI AEPQN YAATQNTO- Graefenberg, Shepard family’s medical school, IIQN, review of, by David Riesman, 408 by Roy H. Turner, 548 Dobell, Clifford: Antony von Leeuwenhoek Great doctors, a biographical history of and his “little animals,” review of, 202 medicine, by Henry E. Sigerist, review of, Dock, George: Larrey and mediate ausculta­ 603 tion, editorial, 601 Guillotin’s idea, by James Hendrie Lloyd, 120 J-Jaagensen, Cushman D., and Munro, Dana J^eevil, J. J.: William Anderson, 511 C.: Arabian Medicine as represented in the memoirs of Usamah Ibn-Munqidh, Klemperer, George: Kongress fur innere 226 Medizin, review of, by David Riesman, 102 Haberling, W., Vierardt, H., and Prof. Kongress fur innere Medizin, by Georg Hiibotter: Biographisches Lexikon
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