2245 Trades' Directory, 1895

2245 Trades' Directory, 1895

2245 TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1895. WIN WINE RETAILERS, Dagonet et Fils (of Chalons-sur-Marne Howell Edward James, 16 Yark lane E C ·--B-'- B D .,_ rr - L Champagne) (W. H."Marks & Co. agents), 62 Huyssen Charles, 19 & 20 Water lane, Great ~a..., .... trl; ~r ~·'tat..,rl; c.onfecttoner~ m & 63 Mark lane E c Tower street E C PrutT'!/OooU; DfningRooml; GrocerI; Italla1l Darthez S. (of Reus, Tarragona) (H. H. Rooo;e lmbert & Co. 32 Crntehcdfriars E C Wardlowu; Oilmen; alloRifreshmentR.oo'lru. & Co. agents), 11 & 12 Great Tower st E C Ingham, Whitaker & Co. 11 Trinity square E C Ablitt Charles Erlward 691 Old Kent rd sE de Beuverand & de Poligny, 30 Mark lane E C Irroy Ernest & Co. 66 Mark lane E C Baker Williarn, 746 H~lloway road N De Bossaxe (Reims) (Leakey & Haig), 12 Ivis?n Richard C. 11 Hart street, Crntcbei- Blower Williarn 221 King's road Chelsea SW Mark lane E C fnars E C Burnell Marmaduke, 1 Old Chan'ge E c De Fre;vc~et & Fils (champagne), 27 St. Dun- Jalics Frn.nz A. & Co. (of Budapest, Hungary) C&pe.taz Wine Stores (Thomas Edward Kent, stan s hill E C (PattenharuenBros.agts.),40Gt.Towen;tE C manager) st New Broad street E C De Goni (Damian) (Jerez), 47 Mark lane E C Jobard (Jeune) & Bernard (Burgundy) Cawthome Thos Alex 490 Old Kent rd SE Deinhard & Co. (of Coblenz), 6 Idol lane E C (Grainger & Son, agents), 21 Mincing la E C Denb&m John 7S Au~rt park N Delaforee Geo. H. (Oporto), llO Cannonst E C Jodocius & Co. (Coblenz o/ Rhine & Moselle) Emery Mre. Ellza.beth, 827 Old Kent rd SE Delbeck & Co. (of Reims) (R. R. Mege & Co. (G.Meyer&Oo.agenffi),62&63Gt.TowerstE C Green Frill!. Jsph. 39 Thebertonst. Islngtn N agents), 9 Mark lane E C Johnston James Harvey, 5 Idol lane E C Hmington James 103 Old Kent road SE De Lossy Holden (Reims), London office, 40 Kasten,Rhenius & Co.(claret),16 Fish st.hlE C Kramer Otto 187 City road E C Great Tower street E C Kergarion J oseph de, 11 & 12 Clement's la E C Lansley~ 5 St.Mary's bldgs, Wych st WC De Neuville et Cie. (Saumur) (Spackmo.n & Kingston & Co. (Oporto), 79Ma.rk lane E C J.ilmant Louis Marcial, 331 Edgware road W Dent, agents), 1i Idolla~e E C K~hnstamm Jsph.&Co.52 Graeechnrch st E C Lovibond John 56& Holloway road N De Pontaud H. M. et C1e (Bordeaux) (W. Kopke 0, N. & Co. (Oporto); branch house Moore Murray '& Co.182 Fulham road SW Giffard Devey, agent), 6 Mincing lane E C (Mason, Cattley & Co.), 33 Gt. Tower stE C Pantlin Thos. Dickerson 87 Old Kent rd SE Desbl!rdes (Xer) & fils (Avize, Champagne) Koppenhagen & Co. 7 King's st. Che.apsideE C Pegg George, 80 .A.ubert park N (D, D. Henderson & Co.), 3~ Mark lane E C Kr?hn Bros. & Co. Billiter bnildi,ngs_ E C Ransley Walter, 71 Highbury park N De St. Marceaux & Co. (Re1ms) (Evans & Krtiger & Borrett, 2 St. Dunstan s hill E C Sawyer George, 126 King's road, Chelsea SW Mars hall, ~gents), 6 ~ar~ lane E C Lacaze Oscar ~ Oo. (Bordeaux), 5 Ma:k la E C liheppard William 6U Great Dover streetS E Devey W. G1ffard, 6 Mmcmg lane E C; sole Lagrange Loms & Co. 24 Crntehedfriars E C V&Ildenbosch Mrs: Lydia, 2 & 3 Southampton agent for Gt.Britainfor F. Dessandier & Co. Latonr Louis (Beaune) (Hine & Son, agents), buildings WC (Cognac) & H. M. J?e Pont~d &_ Co. 60 Mark lru;e E C Wlll'd Crotuz 7 Whittington avenne E C (Bordeaux); telegraphic address, Exhilaro, Leakey & H8lg (clarets &c.), 12 Yark lane E C ' London" Le Capelain & Co. (Reims), 61 Mark lane E C WINE SHIPPERS. Diaz J oaquin Jose ( shel'Ty ), 3 3 Gt. Towr.st E C Lecluse A. J .(Saumur) (Oswald Laston,agent), Diehl Carl H. & Co. (Mayence) (Evans & 8 London street E C Set Gl.lo Wine Gr~rs; also Wine Merchant&. Ma.rshall, agents), 6 Mark lane E C Ledeboer G. A. & Co. (Oporto), 72Mark laE C Domecq Peter & Co. 25 Crntehedfria.rs E C Le Forestier Fils, 48 Mark lane E C !chard .Alexdre. (Bordeaux) (Smith Brothers, Donaldson Robt. & Co. 31 Crntehedfriars E C Lervoire Freres (Bordeaux), export agents, agents), 48 Fenehurch street E C Ducha.tel (F.) & Co. 35 Seething lane E C T. A. Shepherd & Co. 79 Mark lane E C A.ckerman-Laura.nce (of Saumur), sparkling Duchy of Bronte (The), 3 Brabant court, Lopez Genaro & Co. 5 Mark lane E G Sanmur (Dry-Royal) (J, N. Bishop & Sons, Philpot lane E C Lozano M. Perez, 5 Water la.. Gt. Tower st E C general agents), 13 Cooper's row E C Duff Gordon & Co. London house (Osborne, MackenzieKenneth & Co.118 Leadenhll.st E C Aden, Mand& Co.117 & ll8 Leadenl:tall stE C O'Donnell & Oo.), 62 & 63 Mark lane E C McShane & Co.Fedaho (Oporto),port shippers, Adet, Seward & Co. Oate Curcier & Adet), Duminy & Co. (Ay, Champagne), champagne 36 Great Tower street E C Bordeaux shippers (Fickus, Courtenay & Co. agents), Maillauderie Felix de la & P. Germain (late llmeida. &Oo.(of0porto),35Crutchedfriars E C St. Dunstan's buildings, St.Dunstan's hl E C Poulet p(!re & fils) (Beaune, Cote d'Or), 60 An-oba Oo.(The),10 Laurence Pountney laE C Dupont & Dnmatray (Beaune) (Evans & Mark lane E C ; shippers of burgundy Andinet & Co. 36 Mark lane E C Marsha.ll, agents), 6 Mark lane E C (Schluter & Oo. agents) Anstralian Wine Importers (The), 7 East India Duval-Pougeoise (champagne), 30 Mark laE C Maire et Fils (Beaune) (Spackman & Dent, avenue E C ; stores, 3 Dean street, Tooley Duvergier J eune, 2 St. Dunstan's hill E C agents), 5 Idol lane E C street SE ; "Fern Tree," "Golden Fleece" Ellis & Crisp, 3 Cross la. St. Mary-at-hill E C Maison Berton, Reims, 64 Mark lane E C & other brands Earnshaw G.R.B.& Co.o Laurnc.Pntny.hlE C Mambrino y Ca. (sherry), 24 Crntchedfrs E C Ba.rkhausen & Co.(Bordeaux)(Gonzalez,Byass Ewer,Son & Chaneellor,27 St.Dunstan's hiE C Marks & Co. (William Henry) (Jerez de la & Co. agent.~), 3 Brabant et. Philpot la E C Faye & Co. (Macon) (Leak&y & Haig, agents), Frontem), 62 & 63 Mark lane E C Barnett John & Son, 21 Mincing lane E C 12 Mark lane E C Martinez. Gassiot & Co. (Oporto), 37 & 38 Barrington Frdk.G. (claret), 27 Jewry st E C Feist H. & C. J. 26 Crntehedfriars E C Mark lane E C Bertin .A.rmand & Co. 47 Mark lane E C Feuerheerd D. M. jun. & Co. 32 Mark lane Mason, Cattley & Co. 33 Great Tower st E C llu!hop J. N. & Sons, 13 Cooper's row E C ; E C; wine &general merchants( of Ooorto) Mather John & Son (Glasgow) (Rivers & Co. agents for Ackerma.n-La.urance, sparkling Florio & Co. (Marsala) (Seeretan Campbell & sole export agents), 46 Grcsham street E C Sa.umur (Dry Royal.,) Co. agents), 24 Rood lane E C Matthiessen Hy. & Co. 32 Great Tower st E C Bizaro & Co. (Tarragona), 47 Mark lane E C Flouoh Freres(ofBordeaux) (claret)(H.Riviere Maufonx P. (Burgundy) (Santenay & Mer- Blimdy Brothers & Co. 16 Mark lane E C & Co. agents), 25 Crntehedfriars E C eurey,Beaune) (James H. Johnston, agent), BocquetLe6nce(Beaune)(FrozenBurgundies), Flouch Frercs (Bordeaux),Meeke & Meissner, 5 Idol lane E C proprietoroftheCh:l.teauduclosdeVougeot agents for England; London excepted, 74 Merritt T. & Co. 36 Mark lane E C & 10 & 11 (Wm. Finke & Co. agts,), 270lement's laE C Great Tower street E C Mincing lane E C BonbOO Freres (Bordeaux) (Henri Gros & Co. Flude, Woodhouse & Co. 11 Billiter sq E C Meyer & Coblenz (Bingen-on-Rhine) (Blandy London agents), 16 Mark lane E C Forrester & Co. (Xerez de la Frontera), 66 Bros. & Co.), 16 Mark lane E C ionMe Freres (Bordeaux) (Blandy Brothers Mark lane E C M ever Manrice (Bordeaux), 7 Savage gdnsE C & Co. country agents), 16 Mark lane E C Freminet & Fill<, 11,12& 13 Great Tower stE C Michaud Pierre, 38 Trinity sq. Tower hill E C Bouchard Aim\ & Fils (Beaune, Cote d'Or) Gaden & Klipoch (Bordeaux) (Evans & Mar- Misa Mannel, 41 & 42 Crutchedfriars E C (J&mes F. F. Sintzenieh, agent), 108 Fen- shall, agents), 5 Mark lane E C Monnier Veuve et ses Fils Limited (cham- chureh street E C Garvey & Co. 33 Mark lane E C pagne), 92 Great Tower street E C Bon!e Jose (Tarragona), 2 St.Dunstan's hlE C Gate R. H. & Co. 28 Grncechurch street E C; Morgan Brothers, 39 Trinity sqnare E C lloullay(E.)(Macon)(R. R.Milge & Co.agents), Eagle brand, Australian Morot Albert (Beaune) (Henri Gros & Co. 8 Mark lane E C Gauthier C. & C'o. 36 Mark lane E C London agents), 16 :Uark lane E C Brack Henry & Co. 5 New London street E C Gevers(E.)& Stehelin (Bordeaux) (R. R. Mege Morot Albert (Beaune) (Blandy Brothers & Bnmdenburg Freres, 38 Trinity square E C & Co. agents), 9 Mark lane E C Co. country agents), 16 Mark lane E C Brooks, Oldham & Bodle, 36 Mincing lane E C Gironella E. 20 Bucklersbury E C Mortimer Joseph Edwd. & Co. 21 Harp la E C Butler, Nephew & Co. 24 Crntehed friars E C GlassAlex. &Co.(brandy), 4 New Londn.st E C Miiller Matheus (of Eltville-on-Rhine) (Mecke Oalvet Jean & Oo. 36 Mincing lane E C Goblet Freres, 1 Fins bury square E C & Meissner, agents), 74 Great Tower st E C C&mroux & Co.

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