1 3 0864 1006 2112 STATE DOCUMENTS COLLECTION 0, // LM : 1 5 1995 Department of Transportation - Aeronautics Division Vol. 46 No. 1 November 1995 Aeronautics Board Meets Winter The Montana Aeronautics Board conducted A request will be made by the Aeronau- Survival a meeting November 3 in Helena. tics Board to the FAA to release the Martin Hale, President, Montana Sea- Yellowstone Airport from a certain deed Clinic plane Pilots' Association, (MSPA) was restriction which prohibits commercial annual present to discuss operating rules imposed overnight facilities, such as motels, hotels, The Montana Aeronautics Division by Montana Power Company for seaplane or private residences on the property. Terry Surratt Winter Survival Clinic will be operations on the Thompson Falls Reser- Board member JoAnn Eisenzimer pre- in the month of January 1996, the weekend to be chosen is still pending (we are waiting voir. It is felt that these procedures are un- sented an aviation education proposal seek- for forecast necessarily restrictive and unrealistic. ing a grant from the National Space Grant wx for true winter survival Martin will be working on workable pro- Consortium. skills). Please watch for upcoming dates. posed rule amendments and the Aero- Byron Bayers reported that the FAA/ The clinic is taught by The Emergency Re- sponse Institute nautics Board will participate in meeting GA committee will be scheduling a meet- out of Olympia, Washing- with Montana Power officials to hopefully ing soon. ton. clinic begins with an come to a more workable solution. The Aeronautics Board will conduct an The evening ses- Reports on airport/airways and safety abbreviated meeting and a questions and sion at the Helena College of Technology survival for pilots and education bureau activities were re- answer session during the Montana Avia- on sense and passengers. ceived, together with updates on the tion Conference scheduled for February 28 An overnight field exercise is also a part of the itinerary, the usual site is the Lincoln Yellowstone Airport and the loan/grant -March 2, 1996. -^* Airport. This very important clinic is con- program. A reminder that there still re- mains $63,000 available in airport develop- ducted in hopes that should you be faced ment loans. with a survival situation, you will have the Fiscal year end budget figures were pre- knowledge and the equipment to enable sented. At this time, the Division has not you to survive. realized any loss of revenue due to the relo- Mr. Terry Surratt was enroute at night cation of the air refueling wing from from Missoula to Billings in the winter of Malmstrom AFB to McDill AFB in 1992 when his airplane went down in the mountains, he survived the crash but died Florida. The facility in Florida is being up- graded with no firm date yet announced for of exposure in the harsh winter cold. It is the move. The United States Air Force our hope that by providing this clinic we (USAF) reports the move to McDill AFB can help to avoid another tragedy. The Terry Surratt Clinic is supported in part by must be completed by December 1, 1996. The Aeronautics Board voted to support his widow. ^^ Big Sky Airlines request to the FAA asking for approval of a temporary waiver for in- stalling terrain collision and avoidance sys- tem (TCAS) in its aircraft by the mandated January 1, 1996 deadline. -. § - : Administrator's Column Condolences: It is with sad regret to report about all of the national aviation organiza- that T.P. Mulvihill of Columbus passed tions strongly supports this bill. away on November 7, 1995. T.P. was a highly decorated World War II U.S. Navy pilot. He learned to fly under Red Morrison in Helena in 1933 and operated his own FAA Reform Hits Snag In Senate: Last flying school in Miles City from 1938 until month I reported on the two Senate bills in- 1941 when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy troduced to reform the FAA, one S.928 and served in the South Pacific where he (very similar to H.R. 2276 introduced by commanded a Navy Flight Squadron and Reps. Lightfoot of Iowa and Duncan of flew combat. After the war T.P. returned Tennessee which is discussed in the above home to Columbus where he became active article) introduced by Senator James in charter flying, flight training, and crop Inhofe, OK and co-sponsored by Senator spraying. He was also involved with his fa- Conrad Burns. The other bill S. 1239 intro- ther in the family business. T.P. remained duced by Senator McCain, AZ is strongly Montana and the Sky very active in the U.S. Navy Reserves until opposed by the national aviation coalition. Department of Transportation retiring in 1968 at the rank of Captain. McCain's bill (S. 1239) just passed out of Marc Racicot, Governor When his father passed away T.P. took the Senate Commerce Committee with Marv Dye, Director over and continued operating the family some amendments, but the key amendment business. I know many of you knew T.P. offered by Senator Stevens of AK to re- Official monthly publication Mulvihill during his many years of active move the 100 percent user pay for the FAA of the aviation involvement. T.P. taught many failed. Senator's Dorgan of ND and Snowe Aeronautics Division Montana pilots to fly, he even soloed me of ME were successful in their amendment Telephone 444-2506 many years ago and hopefully never regret- to remove the termination date of Septem- 2630 Airport Road ted doing so. It was a privilege to have ber 30, 1998 for the Essential Air Service Helena, Montana 59604 flown with T.P. and I know many of you program to make EAS an obligated expen- will join me in extending our sincere con- diture, and to fund EAS for a figure not to Michael D. Ferguson dolences to the T.P. Mulvihill family. exceed $50 million dollars. The $50 million Administrator would come from a fee imposed on foreign air carriers. Senator Stevens included the Aeronautics Board same language on the program in his EAS Ron Mercer, Chairman FAA Reform Advances In House: De- unsuccessful proposed amendment so it ap- Byron Bayers, Vice-Chairman spite strong opposition and Presidential pears that the big difference was the 100 Fred Booth, Member veto threats by Department of Transporta- percent user pay for the FAA which the Joel Fenger, Member tion Secretary Federico Pena. Both the Stevens amendment would have abolished. Jo A nn Eisenzimer, Member House Aviation Subcommittee and the full The vote was 7-12. 1 guess the next step is Leland Ford, Member House Transportation and Infrastructure to attempt to lobby the Senators into sup- Douglas Freeman, Member Committee have approved bill (H.R. 2276) porting the Senator Inhofe bill (S.928) in- Robert Hector, Member introduced by Reps. John Duncan of TN stead of the Senator McCain bill (S.1239). Arnie Lindberg, Member and Jim Lightfoot of IA. H.R. 2276 has This is a lose lose situation for the Montana strong aviation industry support because it Senators because if they vote to support the Montana and the Sky is published monthly addresses much needed reform for the McCain bill they are voting against the in the interest of aviation in the FAA, such as returning it to an independent Montana aviation community and if they State agency, streamlining procurement and per- vote against the McCain bill they are voting of Montana. sonnel practices, taking the aviation users against the Montana communities receiving Third Class postage paid at trust fund out of the unified budget, creates essential air service. It is just a shame that Helena, Montana 59604 a management advisory committee to meet the Senator Stevens amendment did not quarterly to provide advice to the FAA, es- pass as it would have been a win win for Subscription: $5 per year tablishes a chief executive officer's posi- our Montana senators if they were to have Editor: Debbie Alke 4 tion to oversee day-to-day FAA operations, voted for it. ^C Editorial Assistance: and much more. The nearly 30 member na- Q Communications Group tional aviation coalition which represents . ALOA Scholarship Calendar A Love of Aviation Scholarship (ALOA) on applications in the form of a letter ex- November 3—Aeronautics Board established in 1993 by an anonymous do- plaining the reasons for applying, future Meeting, Helena. nor due to the retirement of the Van De careers goals, past aviation experience and November 20—EAA Chapter 517 Riet Flight Scholarship, will again be any outstanding achievements. Meeting, Northstar Air Express, awarded in 1996. Letters of application should be sent to Missoula, 7:30 p.m. For info call scholarship is to be used to Montana Aeronautics Division, P.O. Box The $250 Zane Rebenstorff 542-621 1 help defray costs of flight instruction and 5178, Helena, MT 59604 or call 444-2506 November 26—Beartooth Compos- will be presented during the 1996 Montana for more information. Letters must be post- ite Squadron's Cadet Orientation Aviation Conference in Helena. marked on or before February 2, 1996. Flight, Laurel Airport. Contact 2Lt Award of the scholarship will be based Robert Gilleland at 656-6596. February 2-3—Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic, Helena. February 28-March 2—Montana Aviation Poster Contest Aviation Conference, Helena. March 3-6—Upper Midwest Avia- The 1996 Aviation Awareness Art Contest A grande prize for entrants 15-17 years tion Symposium, Bismarck, North sponsored by the Aeronautics Division is of age will include paid tuition to attend the Dakota. currently underway.
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