MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE ST ATE OF MAINE. 1867. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1861. MAINE LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. 1867. Compiled by the Secretary of the Senarte and Clerk of the House. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1867. STATE OF MAINE. IN SENATE, January 29, 1867. ORDERED, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to prepare a. Legislative Manual for 1867, containing a. diagram of the Senate Chamber and the usual statistical matter, and that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 23, 1867. On motion of Mr~ PERKINS of Kennebunkport, 0RDEREJ>, That the Clerk of the House be directed to prepare a Legis­ lative Manual for 1867, containing the usual statistical matter, rules and diagram of the House, and cause the usual number of copies of the same to be published for the use of the House. :F. M. DREW, Clerk. CONTENTS. PAGE. Civil Government, 1 Heads of Departments, 2 Senators by Districts, 3 Senate of Maine, . 4 Representatives by Counties, 6 House of Representatives, 11 Rules of the Senate, 16 Rules of the House, 24: Joint Rules of the two Houses, 40 Memoranda., 45 Standing Committees of the Senate, 47 Special Committee of the Senate, 48 Standing Committees of the House, 49 Joint Standing Committees, 62 Joint Select Committees, . 61 Executive and Legislative Officers of Maine from the organization ~~·~ M Judiciary of Maine, 71 Table showing the Tuesdays on which the several terms of the Supreme J udiciaJ Court a.re to commence, 73 Reporters of Decisions, 74 United States Senators, 75 Representatives in Congress from Maine, 75 State Institutions, 77 County Officers, 79 Councillor Districts, 85 Length of Sessions of Legislature, 86 . iv CONTENTS . PAGE, State Governments, 88 United States Government, 90 Congressional Apportionment, 91 Senatorial Apportionment, 92 Representative Apportionment, 94: State Valuation of 1860, • 100 Census of 1850 and 1860, • 127 Presidential Vote of 1864, 14:3 Presidential Vote of Maine from 1820 to 1864:, 158 Governor Vote of 1866, 159 Gubernatorial Vote of Maine from 1820 to is66, 17S Congressional Vote of 1866, 177 Senatorial Vote of 1866, • 181) Colleges in Maine, 205 Declaration of Independence, 21S Proclamation of Emancipation, 217 Constitution of the United~States, 219 Oonstitution[of .Maine, 234 CI Vl L GOV Ji HS J\l E:·d' OF Triiil FOR THE POLIT!CI.L YEAR 18 6 7 0 ---·;,.~-- GOVERNOR: JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, OF BRUNSWICK. COUNCILLORS: HIRAM RUGGLES, CAmrnL. MARSHALL PIERCE, SAco. EVERETT W. STETSON, D.rnARISCOTT.A. GEORGE W. RANDALL, FriEEPOR'r. AARON P. EslERSON, On.LAND. J0.3EPH A. SANBORN, READFIELD. JOHN S. BAKER, BA-rrr. EPHRAIM FLINT, DOVER, Secretary of State. CYRUS H. RIPLEY, PARIS, llfessmger to Governor anrl Council. GOVERNOR'S ST.A.FF: SELDEN CONNER, FAIRFIELD. THOMAS W. EYDE, BATH. GEORGE VARNEY, BANGOR. JOHN M. BROWN, PORTLAND. GOVERNOR'S PPIVATE SECRET.A.RY: CHARLES H. TRUE, AUGUSTA. HEADS O.F DEPARTALENTS. SECRETARY OP STATE. EPIIRAL\:1 FLINT, Dover. Deputy Sccretary--J ames II. Cochrane, Monmouth . • Chief Clerk-J. IL Milliken, Portland. TREASURER OF STATE. NATHAN G. HICHDORN, Stockton. Chief Clerlc-Williarn Caldwell, Augusta. ADJUTANT GENERAL AND ACTING QuA_RTERltfASTER GENERAL. ,JOHN L. HODSDON, Bangor. May"or General First Division, M. V. 1rf., James H. Butler, Bangor. Second Wm. II. Titcomb, Rockland. Third Wm. W. Virgin, Norway. ATTORNEY GENERAL. WILLIAM P. FRYE, Lewiston. LAND AGENT. ISAAC R. CLARK, Bangor. BANK Co:r.r21rrssroNERS. AUGUSTUS C. ROBBINS, Brunswick. FRANCIS E. WEBB, Winthrop. SUPERINTENDENT OF CoMllroN SCHOOLS. EDWARD BALLARD, Brunswick. STATE LIBRARIAN. GEORGE G. STACY, Kezar Falls. SuPERINTENDFJN'r OF Punuc BUILDINGS. GILMAN TURNER, Augusta. SENATORS. NATHANIEL A. BURPEE, PRESIDENT. COUNTIES. DfSTl,ICTS. NA)rnS. UESIDENCE. YORK, First, Nathaniel Hobbs, North Berwick. Cbr..rles E. Weld, Buxton. Jeremiah M. Mason, Limerick. CmrnERLAND, Second, George W. Wooclrn:.m, Portland. S:i.,muel A. Holbrook, Freeport. Frederick Robie, Gorham. ,.'• Luke Brown, Bridgton. OXFORD, Third, Jonas Greene, Peru. ,John G. Hamblin, Lovell. ANDROSCOGGIN, Fourth, Adna C. Denison, Poland. FRANKLIN, Fifth, Joseph W. Fairbanks, Farmington. SAGAD.A.I!OC, Sixth, Frederick J. P:.irks, Phipsburg. KENNEBEC, Seventh, Thomas B. Read, Wayne. George W. Perkins, Hallowell. Joseph T. Woodward, Sidney. So;,rnnsET, Eighth, Henry Boynton, Detroit. Isaac Dyer, Skowhegan. PISCATAQUIS, Ninth, John H. B.2.msdoll, .Atkinson. :PENOBSCOT, Tenth, Joseph W. Porter, Burlington. Samuel F. Hersey, Bangor. Josi:i.h Crosby, Dexter. LINCOL1,, Eleventh, Isaac T. Hobson, Wiscasset. KNOX, Twelfth, N[l,thaniel A. Burpee, Rockland. Moses R. Ludwig, Thomaston. WALDO, Thirteenth, Adonir~.m J. Billings, Freedom. Parker G. Eaton, Prospect. HANCOCK, Fourteenth, John C. Caldwell, Ellsworth. Alex:J.uder Fulton, Bluehill. WASHINGTON, Fiftrrnth, Pa.rtmon Houghton, Eastport. George Winga.to, Cherryfield. AnoosTOOK, Sixtrcnth, Eben Woodbury, Houlton. NATHANIEL A. EU.RPEE, PRESIDE::rr. TIIOM>~S P. CLEAVES, SECRRT.l..RY. SE?iATons. RESIDENCE. P. O. ADDRESS, 1idonir::1m J. Billings, Frccclo::n, Freedom. Henry Boynton, Detroit, Detroit. Luke Dro,rn, BriUgton, North Bridgton. Nathaniel A. Burpee, Rockland, Rockla,nd. John C. Calchvoll, Ellswo;:tb, Ellsworth. Josiah Crosby, Dexter, Dexter. Adn[1 C. Denison, Pobnd, Mechanic Falls. Isaac Dyer, Sko,,hcgan, E:-b,.rhcgan. Pa,rker G. E11ton, Prospect, Prospect. Joseph ,V. Fairban kc:, Farmington, Farmington. Alexander Falton, · Bluebill, llluchill. Jonas Greeno, Peru, Peru. John G. Hamblin, Lovell, Lovell Centre. Samuel F. Hersey, Bangor, :Bangor. Nathaniel Hobbs, :North Berwick, North Berwick. Isaac T. Hobson, \Vfrcitset, Wiscasset. Samuel A. Holbrook, Freeport, Freeport. Partman Houghton, Eastport, Er,stport. 1Hoses R. Lnclwig, Thomaston. Thomaston. Jeremiah H. Mason, Liir.erick. Limerick. Frederick J. Parks, Phipsburg, Winnogance. George W. Perkins, Hallowell, Hallowell. Joseph W. Po:'ter, Burlington, Burlington. John II. Ibmsuell, .Atkiuson, Atkineon . Tbom;:i,s B. Read, \Yayne., Wr,ync. Froclcrick Rubio, Gorbn,m, Gorham. Cha.rles E. ,Ycld, Buxton, Wc:'t Buxton. George \Vinga.te, Chcl·ryfield, Cherryfield. Window. Window. NATR'L A. BURPEE. President. Woodman of 20 Cun1berland. Fulton Tnos. P. c LEAVES, P. M. FOGLl'.:R, of Hancock. Secretary. Ass't Sect'y. ri 0 "C rf.l~ 14 .s z ~ ~ i:q ~ ~ j .... ~ !"1 f-:, ~ SENATE CHAMBER. ]867. l Stove. L Messengef. 1Jooi'. Door. SENATE. 5 SE:S.ATORS. RE:,IDENCE. P. O. ADDRESS. Eben V{oorl.bury, Ifoulton, Houlton. George "\V. "\Voodman, Portland, Portland. Joseph T. Woodward, Sidney, West Sillney. -~---------------------------------- OFFICERS. NA11E AND OFFICE, RESIDENCE, P. O. ADDRESS. NA1'IIANIEL A. BURPEE, Presidmt, Roc1dand, Rockland. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary, Brownfield, Brownfield. PRENTISS l\f. FOGLER, Ass't 8ecrelr!ry, Augusta, South Hope. JABEZ MARRINER, Messenger, C. Elizabeth, Portland. JAMES II. BANKS, Ass't JYiessenyer, Freeport, Freeport. HERBERT M. HEATH, Page, Gardiner, Gardiner. l* REl>RE8ENTATI VES BY COUNTIES. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Bailey, Oscar D .. Auburn. ,,,., >. Bradford, Phillips Turner. '.:, ;..· i--:•.... Bucknam, J. A. l\finot. Farnham, R. D. Groene. ,;"'t·· Frye, William P. Lw;viston. ft Holland, Daniel Lewiston. Jordan, J. B. Webster. /' Pulsifer, J. R. Poland. c~ AROOSTOOK COUNTY, r~ Haskell, G. W. Hodgdon, "\· 1~ollard, Joseph .Marnrdis. Teague, J. D. Lyndon. ViolcttP, Bellonie Van Buron. Weed, John R. Litl,leton. Whidden, G. F. Presque Isle. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Allen, Daniel R. Cumberland. Chase, G. l\f. Portland. Files, Albion P. Gorbam. Gibbs, C. E. Bridgton. Goold, William Windham. Henley, George F. Cape Elizabeth. Hall, Alvin Falmouth. Jackson, S. R. Brunswick. Lord, Tobias Standish. Messer, F. G. Portland. Merrill, David W. N cw Gloucester. Morris, Charles J. Portland. Pennell, Thomas Harpswell. ·- 142 143 144: 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 1 I I Willia~~ewett, 1 James Perry, John T. Peaslee, A. P. Coffin, J. C, B. Packard,, Ebenezer Wells, Jonathan Sterling.I David Lord, Simon A. Fish, Elisha Chick, Onin Hall, Alfred. Camden. Alna. ,\dclison. mane Freeport. Caratunk. Porter. Hope. Clifton. I ~~ew Vineyard. I I , , 1 _J_ ..,_,......,.,~ ~~~ 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134: 135 136 137 I 13s 139 140 I Isaac Libby, .Josiah F. Morrill, Jeremiah Roberts, George W. Ellis, :John P. Saunders, Wm. Kenniston, ! William Goold, Nahum Pinkham, j S. A. Wilcox, Jacob P. )lorse, [ George F. Henley, Isaiah Chick, qark M. Marden, .John R. Weed, I Daniel Allen, I I Swanville. Bradford. ) Fairfield. Chelsea. Waterboro'. Bristol. Aurora. Booth bay. I Windham. Anson. Tre~cott. Bath. Cape Elizabeth. Madrid. Littleton. ~~~'~ ------ I - - ---,------ ~~ I 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 I ! 122 123 124 109 110 I i I I Ebenezer Otis, \Gf,orge W. Walton, I A. D. Merrow, Phillips Bradford, Jacob W. Swett, Isaac Pierce, Wm. Atkinson, j David W. Merrill, Albion P. Files, Cyrus Bishop, G. W. Blanchard, Charles Gordon, Calvin Bickford, Am brose Beal, Phineas Tolman, J. H. West, 1 St. George. ! Wayne. Warren. Acton. Monmouth. Milo. Turner. Arrowsic. Etna. Franklin. Embden. I New Gloucester ....: Gorh:i,m. I Franklin Pl. ! I I .c. -- - ~--- I I 108 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 I 100 ~o~~ 103 104 105 106 107 i Ezekiel Prescott, Oliver Allen, i F. G. Messer, Dependent Merry, : Lewis Frost, Isaac I. York, W.W. Parsons, Joseph Pollard, F. M. Howes, J. W. Wyman, I Wm. Philbrick, John M. Merrill, I Joseph L. Haines, Elbridge Wagg, 1' John H. Gilman, Alsworth Tainter, I Carthage. Liberty. :Edgecomb. I Sweden. Grafton. Waldoboro'. Masardis. New Sharon. Chester. Skowhegan. Surry. I Nobleboro•. Yarmouth. Orono. 1 I I _,..._,-..._.,-.,...__~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~8~5~~t~ __i:=·-1~:~-·~- 84 89 90 91 92 71 78 79 I 80 81 82 83 1 Chas. J.
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