National Circulation Over 470,000; Denver Catholic Register, 20,957 DENVER NATIVE TO BECOME PRIEST AT 53 Contenta Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1940— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Regigtoriais ||Foriii6T ProsbytOTioR on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Ordained Snbdeacon CAIWOT------------- SEE THE WOODS 'Minister Is Convert FOR THE TREES In April; Will Serve The past week hai been marked by the amazing rescue of nearly DENVER CATHOLIC 350,000 trapped British and After Long Study French troops from Belgium and by the renewal o f Hitler's drive In Texas Diocese towards Paris. The rescue was carried out by sea, using every conceivable type of ship from regu­ ‘Catholicism Is Flexible, Yet Stable,’ He De­ lar transports down to ferries and Serious Breakdown in Health Gansed Long canoes, all operating under heavy REGISTER clares; Ten Received Into Church fire. Although marked by extraor­ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Intermption of Saeordolal AspiraUons; dinary bravery, it was the tag end By Father D’Heron Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, o f a horrible military defeat. Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. lioHior Pionoor in Colorado The correspondents’ boast that (By John A rnold) the Nazis had been halted in their VOL. XXXV. No. 42. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1940. »2 PER YEAR move towards Paris was shown to “ Catholicism is flexible, yet it is so stable when com­ (By Frank L a Tourette) be so much wind when, just as pared with popular liberalized religion that it is almost Colorado U. to Award Degree John Golden, whose ambition to be a priest was once soon as the fighting in Flanders rigid— and there centers the reason for my conversion.” thwarted on the threshold of major orders, will sing his let up, they immediately resumed Thus declared an erstwhile Presbyterian minister, Harvey first Solemn Mass in Loyola church in June, 1941, at the pushing on. Hitler's spokesmen P iltS rS JIBIIEE age of 53. The son of Mrs. Bridget Golden, who has been a boasted that Paris will fall within L. Eisenor of Boston, Mass.^ who was received into the 20 Years’ Study Brings two weeks. Church last Saturday by the Rev. Joseph P. O’Heron, pastor parishioner of Sacred Heart church for 56 years, he will I f it should, it would mark the of St. Louis’ church, Englewood. be ordained a priest for the Diocese of El Paso, Tex., by second time in exactly seventy This former clergyman of nearly a dozen years’ stand­ Ph.D. to Fr. Mahoney, S.J. the Most Rev. Anthony J. Schuler, S.J., Bishop of El Paso, years that Germany defeated ing in Boston, Mass.; Canada, and in that month. He was raised to the subdiaconate in April France. In 1870, the empire o f Nova Scotia, who was reared a of this year by Bishop Schuler. Napoleon III fell aftir a disastrous strict Presbyterian and was grad­ Climaxing 20 years’ study in the taught biology at Oklahoma, Michi­ war against Prussia and the new When he ascends the altar next uated to ministerial rank from field of science, the Rev. Florence gan, and Pennsylvania universi­ republic held him responsible “ for June for his First Mass, he will Allison university in Sackville, J. Mahoney, S.J., professor of bi­ ties. Zoology was the priest’s ma­ the ruin, invasion, and dismember­ New Brunswick, Canada, has satis­ ology and head of the department jor subject; his minors were bot­ have made a reality a dream the ment of France.’’ Bismarck had The Rev. Joseph C. Erger will fied his curiosity and found “ new of biology and division of sciences any and chemistry. pursuit of which has been the in­ maneuvered Napoleon, the nephew be celebrant at a Solemn Mass this Christianity” while attending the at Regis college, will be awarded o f Bonaparte, into the ieclaration Finished High School in 2 Years Sunday at 10 o’clock marking the spiration of his entire life. His Denver de Paul Workingmen’s the degree of .Doctor of Philosophy o f war after the French adventurer Father Mahoney has spent most silver jubilee of his ordination to journey to the priesthood has been club discussions, conducted by Fa­ at the commencement exercises of JBBILEE D I E B had shown jealousy of the growing of his life in Denver. He was the priesthood. Assisting the made unusually long by sickness. ther O’Heron and Edward Qual- the University of Colorado next born here in 1895, completed his Bom in Denver Sept. 21, 1887, power o f Prussia. kenbush, chaplain and manager, jubilarian at the services, which Hitler evidently derided on his Monday evening at Boulder. grammar school education in will be held in St. Helena’s church, John Golden attended ^ Sacred respectively, of the club. He was Though the exact honors that present campaign against Paris to JUNE 1/ seven years and high school in Heart grade and high schools and mw one of ten converts added Satur­ Fort Morgan, where Father Erger his work will receive have not as remove the threat of an attack in two years at Regis high school. He is pastor, will be the Very Rev. Regis college. He obtained his col­ day to the swelling ranks of new yet been announced, the depart­ the rear when he turns with full attended Regis college for two B. J. Froegel, assistant priest; the legiate education at the price of Two Denver priests studying in Catholics instructed and baptized force against England. ment of biology at the university years, and then entered the So­ great sacrifice, according to mem­ Rome, the Rev. David Maloney and by Father O’Heron. Obviously the Allies are still ciety of Jesus at Florissant, Mo., bers of his family residing in Den­ Plans to make the Bishop’s jubi­ the Rev. Richard Hiester, cabled Activity Broke Health lee banquet June 12 the greatest lacking in first-class military lead­ in 1913. After four years at ver. It was a price, however, that their parents in Littleton and His background as a minister tribute ever offered by laymen of ership. Their statesmanship, also, Florissant, he taught Greek at he willingly paid in order to fur­ relates from 1917, when he was the Diocese of Denver to their is of a pedestrian nature. Hitler, Denver, respectively, that they Creighton university for two ther his sacerdotal aspirations. were sailing on the S.S. President appointed to the pastorate in St. Bishop neared completion this it is said, is personally planning years. He returned to St. Louis When he was graduated from the Harrison from Genoa early this John, Canada. Later he was sent week. Representatives from every his troops’ campaign. One is re­ university, where he received the college in 1908, he left for Floris­ week. It is presumed that two to pastorates at Cape Britain, parish in Denver and from cities minded, in his superiority over his degree of Bachelor of Arts in sant, Mo,, to enter the Jesuit no­ other Denver diocesan priests, the Mahou, and finally to Boston, 1919 and spent three years in vitiate. throughout Colorado are ejected! own generals and his success in where he remained four years. to be present at the testimoniil outwitting the Allies, o f the story Rev. George Spehar and the Rev. philosophical and scientific John Kelly, are on the same Extreme activity broke his health; Taught at Regit banquet in the Shirley-Savoy told about Alexander Graham Bell studies. In 1921 he became a steamship, which is transporting he left his ministry and came Master of Arts with a cosmology His life from that time on fol­ Lincoln room at 7 p. m. Wednes­ and the telephone. If Bell had west to Denver in 1934. lowed the pattern cut by all Jesuit day. Among the distinguished known more about electricity, he American and other refugees or­ major. Each of these summers Mr. Eisenor averred that “ no students for the priesthood. After guests expected to be present are would have never been able to dis­ dered out of Italy owing to the he attended summer school, as he one ever persuaded me to enter completing two years as a novice the Most Rev. Patrick McGovern, cover the telephone; at least if possibility of Italy’s participating also did while teaching, 1922-24, a new religion or even attempted at Florissant and making his philo­ Bishop of Cheyenne; Governor he had known all that men of his in the European war. According at Regis college. to; it was a matter of pure convic­ sophical studies at St. Louis uni­ Ralph L. Carr, and Mayor Benja­ day thought they knew. Military- to press dispatches the President In 1924 he returned to St. tion, mainly the result of disgust versity in St. Louis, Mo., he was min Stapleton. men nowadays do not seem to be Harrison is scheduled to dock in with the liberalized and vari­ (Turn to Page S — Colum n S) transferred to Regis college, Den­ At the committee meeting held able to see the woods for the trees. New York city on June 17. ver, where he taught for five years. at the K. of C. clubhouse hkinday They know so much about tech­ Father Hiester’s cable to his par­ colored beliefs held by different ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hiester sects.” He then returned to St. Louis for evening, June 3, the Rt.
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