L BEN EZRA The author of this modest work who e~ercing has the privilege of hi.s mi.s.sion ,I· Synagogue in thi.s beautiful Nile Valley, so well k_no1v.n, fo r its liberali.sm and spiric of rtligiow to•' It is situated in Old Cairo, surrounded lerance is happy to present to the leadeu by 29 Mosques and 20 Churches, the in· of the Revolution, trith thi.s book, hi.s I·. re.s·1 habitants are about 133.000 Mohamedans pectful hommage of loyalty. Patriot•sm 10.000 Copts and 42 Jewish families in and profound watitude . I this locality, (Old Cairo). BEN EZRA SYNAGOGlJE Although this population of different Old Cairo religious yet they are united and love each I ~. other as one family. Ben Ezra Synagogue has an interest· ing history as detailed hereunder : In the tirue of Moses, about l 392 B.C. during the reign of the Egyptian King s Meneptah (19th Dynasty) Jews have lived the site of the Synagogue of the Prophet in the Land of Giza (Goscheo Land) close Jeremiah and Rabbi Abraham Ben Ezra . to the Synagogue in the City of Giza, where the prophet Moses u1ed to pray and To the West of the Synagogue is the worship God. Abou Serga Church, there is a Crypt whose history goes back evt'n to before Christ. Before Moses left Egypt he prayed Historians say that when Herod, the Ro· there for the lut time leaving unmistakable man ruler of Jerusalem, ordered that all traces or mark signes which pron bis ex· the children, of this Kingdom, must be i sten ~e in Egypt in thoae early times. Killed. The Virgin Mary, Joseph and the During the reign of tbe Babylonian Child Jesus, fled to Egypt and sheltered King Nebuchadnezzar (606 · 538 B.C.) the in this Crypt for three months. It is po· Jews who returned with their prophet Jes sitively known that Joseph was Jew and remiab. They accidentally found the Mark· thst tbtl logical thing for him to do was of Moses close to the city of Giza and to go to bis own people for a refuge for there they built a Synagogue in the name bis family and himself. This fact combin· Jeremiah. Within this Synagogue was built ed with many other furnishes definite proof a special place called Guenizeh or Safe of a Jewish quarter around this locality Keeping, fo r the incomplete Torah. over 2000 years ago. The following give proof of the exis­ Many Historians ref er to the Old tt'nce of a Jewish quarter in and around Synagogue located in his area; one of them 7 -~ ,.. ..,.. :'. '• IE§i=;:1J=~~=1:!~~· _.11 • ...- ~ .......-. .... ..,.~, I : "t Benjamin de Tudel, who came from Spain I ' I • ~ , .r-'fl~..... -:; ~i ·)-~ ·1--. '!-. ·' ~ I I in 1169 A.D. said in bis book, written in I .. I ...,;- . ...~ ...... -,.,,,-- - 1\"',,... ...,. " 1170, that be had visited tbe J ewisb Sy· ,.. -...;.. :-,.rw: ---- ---- ~ na~ogue in a place called Old Cairo and ,.:~. __ _...,,. ___ ..,,,._ -- - --::...:. -- ---·----- .-!1 ! • ..• there found the Torah of Ezra the Scribe. ~~·-,• ... ', .•. ,_f_ .. •:·r-- : ~ . --- --·· -- !I' This is further proof that the Prophet ·I . ' Moses lived in tbia locality. .. --c; \-.:.-.· '-';1··~·· ... >"·#·«."'".· .............. ~.·-.· . ' I Another ooe is the famous Italian Je· wish author Jacob de Vette:ioa, who came before him. ' ! . .......... _;., :·: I~:. ~ ~ ' A third is Rabbi Joseph, who said f '-: , • 1j '-·' ,_.,,,.., 1.... ....../ .. / ~ •I - - •. : in his book, written in 1630 A. D. that the ,. r ... • ~ <' I • ~ I 9 \ .. ' ...'"' origi nal inscription of Sambare in the ~- : .. '- . ) i ~- ' ·~ Bod leain University of Oxford contains .. ·-~'~--·._" -- -, ·Li ··.:··.. ::.=--~.:::.:~~-~ ~ many references to the Ben Ez!a Synago· r ..• ---· ..- .... :\°_ ; ~--·"'t"',,,. •, .• .. - I oil. __ .. ,' ...... ' .. •..... -~ ..... -- ... ~ I •. I ·-s~:·:_.--:-~.~: ; ~ . .:.. '. ~-\ • gue of Cairo. L - - ·- - 'r• •""1'iinlll . 't.•' • I• ! . ~~,;. [J Amongst these are lioes written by .... -.... ·.. ·.r.J.:-:-:....:." .."t"J·.:r..-,fl!!!~~~:• ... )· . ..-.·.-.... .. ·r~~ ' El Makrizi who lived io the Hoth century (in bis book KHETAT) 0 "When visited the Synagogue of Old C&. '"o than the Jews they convinsed Amro lbn [ found, in the southern side of it, the El'Aes and the land was handed over to place, where the Old Torah was put many them. years befou, Ezra the Scribe." The Copts built a church on the land Dr. Soliman Shicbter of the Columbia referred to, by El Makrizi as the Angle Univereity, who came to Egypt during Lord Gabriel's Church, and refe rred to by the Cromer'• time, tndorsed tbe ~tatements of historians as St. Michatl's Church. the previous writers about the Synagogu~. Dr. Richard Gothiel, When they invaded Egypt 30 8 . C., Columbia Univers i1 y. the Romans destroyed the Synagogue of the Prophet Jeremiah. Prof. \Villiaru Wortll, University of Michigan. In the year 6-4·641 A.O. Anno lbn In the Book Fragemenh of the Cairo el'Ass deftated the Romans in Babylon and Genizah in the freer collect ion. returned all the properties which he had been taken from the rightful owners. The And it has been destroyed by El Copts claimed th e land of Jeremiah's Sy· Hakem be Amr Allah Abo Aly El Mansour nagogue on the ground that in their New El Fatimi 996 · 1021 A.D. Testament Jeremiah was named nR on of their Propbet:1. Their number being greater lo 868 A.O. Ahmed Ibo Tuluo became 10 11 I 189-1!, the Amencan lhstorian, Proressor Shichter came to Egypt and when he visi· the ruler of Egypt and be taxed the Copts ted the Synagogue he found the Guenizeb 20.000 dinars io gold annualy. In the year in which the Old Torah had been kept. 1115 A.D. the great Rabbi Abraham Ben A dtfinile proof of the existence of tbe Ezra came to Egypt from Jerusalem and Old Synagogue io that arett. He also found visited the Holy Palace where Moses and 100.000 books of various dates, the Ben Jeremiah had worshipped: he then went to Sira's Book and the marriage documeot of notabilities and told them what he knew Maimonidi's son. Professor Sbicbter al~!O about ihe Synagogue aod why this land found traces of the Maimonidi'a Synogo· should be their own . He iotervewed His ~ue which is now the St. Barbara Coptic Eminence the Patriarch Alexander the 56th Cemetery. and asked that Synagogue should he re• turned to the Jews. The Patriarch told By special permiesion of the Jewish Rabbi Ibn Ezra that the Arabic ruler would Congregation, Profeesor Shicbter took part insist on the annual tax of 20.000 dinars of the Old Torah back to America with in gold. After some bargaining it was that him. agreed so long they paid the tax, the Sy· nagogue should be returoed to the Jewa. The Old Torah is now !pead over the Western world part in the Columbia Uni· Ben Ezra rebuilt the Syoagogue which veuity, part in the cemenery of new York is still called after bis name . part of the British Museum and the Bod· Many centuries passed, and then, io 13 12 7. -The spring (Mikva), 9o0 years leiao University College and iurther part o]d dating with the Synagogue. in Austria and Torin6. 8. Dwellings built for the poorer Among the attractions in and around Jews thy the Jewish Congeration the Ben Ezra Synagogue area are : of Cairo. 1. Moses Atlas which is called the Communaute Israelite Miracle Rock or Jeremiah's tomb. du Caire 2. An Old Torah (written on deer skin about 475 B. C.) 3. An arabeeque ciling built in 1115 A.O. 4. The Guenizeh P1ace. 5. A clock of wood in which is car· To whom comes the merit of ved Korie writting referring to the actual state of the the visit of Amro lbn El' Ass to Synagogue and the Dwelling1. that area. 6. A drawing of seven branched can· delebra on deer skin. lS 14 lo all Oriental countries, including Egypt which were conquered by Amro Ehn El'Ass in 6'1, the Jews were granted comp· plete frtedom . This wa8 laid down in the Roman Arabic Pact, Article 5, duly iiigoed in 10112/Ml, in Babylon by Amro Ebn El'Ass and Mokaukas (Cyrus). That free· dom bas been maiotaioed up to the actual r~'fga ''. of the Leaders of the Revolurion. 17- ~- "Life ia passing shadow, say the scrip· ture. It is the shadow of a tower, or a tree? A shadow that prevails for a while? No, it is the shadow of bird in its fli2bt Sayings ·from - away flies the bird, and tbeJ."e is a neither the Talmud bird no shadow." .. -Repent one day before the death. " Even when the gate of tbe heaven There y,·as a king who bade all his servant are shut to prayer, they are open to tears. to a great repast, but did not indicate the Prayer is Isra el's only weapons inherited bour r some went home and but on their from bis fathers a weapon tried in a t.~ou· best garments and stood at the door of the sand battles." palace ; other said. .. fhere is ample timt: the king will let us now beforehand''. But "When the righteous man dies, it -is the king summonded them of a sudden; the ear th that loses. The lost jewel will 1\ and those who came in their best grameuts always be a jewel but the possessor wbo were well r ec~ived, but the foolish ore!\, bas lost it-well may be weep." ' who came in there slovenliness, were tur­ " To one wlio denied ressurrection ned away in hie grace.
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