PAGE SIXTEEN T H E LEADER PRESS THURSDAY. JTTNE 4.1070 Leader-Free Press Romanski Appointed Commercial Leader Official Newspaper of the Samuel H.. Woolley, chairman And The îsouth Bfrgen Review Wall Street West Picked In Meadows Boroughs of and chief executive officers of Lyndhurst’s Official Newspaper F.a»l Rutherfnril * r*rl*t*ill Wall Street West. New Je r Hudson, according to John I. Merritt, All are in need of added office The Bank of New Ydrk today Since 1921 *7« Orove SI.. East Rutherford sty's embryonic financial ceil Anticipating the strong likeli- president, is in the process of space, at a premium on Wall 417 «nnnil St Curlstmlt announced the following new Publication Office tcr located in Lyndhurst Office hood of such a trend, the Belle completing plans for the next Street, to centralize and stream Telephone 4M-8700 — 8701 a|»pointments: Edward V. Flet 251 •*Mre Ro.id I vndhurst. N.J. Park. Routes 3 and» 17. Lynd mead Development Corpora office building at the site, with line operations. For these rea Telephone 488-8700 — 8701 Editor John Savino cher was appointed to the post Publication Office hurst, was officially recognized t'on is proceeding with plans a total floor space of 180.000 sons, plus the high costs of op of assistant corporate trust Second Class Postage Paid At May 21 when Lyndhurst Mayor for growth of a gigantic office sfiuare feet. Merritt said he ex­ erating in the city, Merritt fore Rutherford, N. J. !S1 Ridge Knad. I.yndhurst. N.J officer; Ronald J Brown. Tho Editor John Savin« Second flaw Postage Paid At Peter Russo installed street park in the Hackensack mead pects that this building will be sees a mass movement to exur mas J. McCloskey. Jorge E. ^ a ’Of Rutherford, N. J. sign bearing that name. owlands. occupied as soon as completed bia bv auxiliary operations of Subscription $3.00 Per Year Subscription S2 50 Per Year Ramos. Anthony R. Riotto and Ten Cents Per Copy and that four more similar the Wall Street financial houses. Raymond L Romanski T.n rents Per Cop»______ Said Mayor Russo. “ Today Blair ar>d Company. Inc... the ^ ^ g- ■ buildings will follow to create James B. Ramsey, president marks a mi'estone in Lvnd tuition's 12th largest brokerage named assistant operations or 7 0 0 0 * Weekly some one million square feet of of Blair and Company, cited hurst's steadily increasing at house recently signed a 15 year ficers. "The LEADER rentable floor space. substantial rental savings and a traction to all types of business U ase for occupancy of 52.000 larger pool of potential employ Mr. Romanski joined the bank SPEAKS for square feet of office space in No. Arlington Leader and industry." Merritt speculates that other ees as two of the biggest rea in 1963 and was named a dc- SOUTH BERGEN' licllemead's Lyndhurst Office And The Kergen Sunday Leader brokerage firms in addition to sons for the move to Lyndhurst partment head in the corporati' The new street was named in Hark, to house Blair's ‘‘back of Blair and Company will look at r i. /v*#* « . e Office Park. Initial recruiting agencies division in 1968 . He at North Arlington's conjunction with the move of fice” operations — the monu­ Official Newspaper Lyndhurst Office Park west of pfforts by K]air aml Company tended Pace College from 1963 Plair and Company. INC.'S mental paperwork burden fac­ 157 Ridge Rd. No Arlington. N J the Hudson for space. Security pr(xjucr<1 2no job applicants in ti. 1965 and the American Insti Advertising Representative ' back office" operations to the ing all major stock brokerage brokers in general have been Telephone 438-8700 — 8701 the first four days. tute of Banking Trom 1966 to office Park, the first such move overwhelmed with the in Editor John Savino A m e r ic a n P ress A sso ciatio n iiouses. 1S68. Romanski served in the Social Editor — 991 1839 bj a financial house out of the cidental paper — work accom In venturing the opinion that traditional New York location. The Wall Street company will I ’ S. Army from 1960 to 1965. Second Class Postage Paid At New York - Chicago • Detroit Philadelphia pan.ving stock and bond trans erf her brokerage firms would occupy a comolete wing and one He is a member of the Knights Kearny, N J. 0*032 actions, enough so that the New follow B lair’s move, 'merritt re Subscription $3 00 Per Year John I. Merritt, president of of Columbus. He, his wife. Bai- flirfir of an adjoining wing of the called that Lyndhurst was ser Ten Cents Per Copy Bellemead Development Corp- York Stock Exchange until re­ bara. and their two sons, live at office park's first building, a un iouslv considered as a location oration, developers of the Office cently had curtailed trading 376 Wilson Ave.. Lyndhurst. ir;ue three — wing, three story for the New York Stock Ex T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 4, 1970 Park, speculated that the move moc)ern offjce building, which, hours to permit brokerages to catch up. Some have turned to change a few’ vears ago when a bv Blair to New Jersey may noaring completion is 79 percent well be the beginning of an en ri ntec) more modern alternated eoiro move out of the c'tv was con tirely new. completely modern nirnt to handle nar>er — work, tt-molated to avoid additional Promotion For About Time On Inspections financial district west of the Bellemead Development Corp. others have added personnel taxes William Anderer When auto inspections were introduced vehicles which now are not screened. William D. Anderer rrf 62'J in New Jersey in 1935 the obvious weak­ The putting of 400 inspectors on the was recently promoted to engin ness of the concept caused South Bergen highways in marked cars would have a curing plant supervisor in the residents to rise in their wrath. Led by most beneficial effect. Some of the cow­ Public Relations For Meadowlands T» r»*en Division. Electric Dis Jack Licitra of Lyndhurst and sparked by boys who now make the highways so tribution Department of Public The PR f’rm will try to make Period of Review developed land in the nation, The Leader a citizens’ fight was carried dangerous would be put back into the The Hackensack MeadTwlards Service Electric and Gas Com tlK work of the commission less cou’d best be accomplished on on for several years. corral. Development Commission, Following announcement of pany. He was first employed by funny. a coordinated basis by one re r 'e* tually the bureacratic weight pre­ What has made the inspections an ab­ which is trying *o win friends the final mas*er plan, a com Public Service on June 1. 1962 p*>(i influence peoole. has dee d gional agency rather than picce vailed and the Scuth Bergen opposition surdity are the studies conducted by the The commiss'on. the constitu* m^tee of mayors from the 11 cd to hire a publ’C relations meal by 14 separate municipali­ Recently Mr. Anderer com cried up. New Jersey State Department of Motor ‘:rnality of which still is under meadowlands municipalit-eis ties. p'otod his service with tho Uni T w e n tv five years and perhaps a quarter Vehicles. These studies point out that the firm to he’p in the job. legal attack in Superior Court w ill have 120 days to review the real killer on the highways is booze. ted States Marino Corps Re bil.ion dollars later, the state is now be­ Judging from the negative re ir Hackensack, adopted a first- plan and either approve it o»* How does an inspection once a year serves and is presently attend ginning to perce-ve what South Bergen- suon«e that has greeted the com stage master plan a month a.zo veto it. The mayors’ veto c^n curb the drinking driver? Inspectors on ing Newark College of Engineer ites saw a long time ago. mission since its inception* tho five months after it had been he overridden by five of the se CAREFULLY the highways could check them, however. iivg. The auto inspections are a lime-con­ PR firm will have its work cut made puWic. The commission von meadowlands corrmrss’on It is essential that the money New Je r­ sum ing, non-productive, costly operation, out for it. SH:d then that ‘he final master members, as was the case with Mr. and Mrs. Anderer have ihese ue ects were apparent a long time sey pours into inspections goes into real plan would he adapted within the first stage master plan. DRIVE ago. highway safety — patrolling. Drinking Anyway, the commission »'»vs two years, and perhaps within a Eiffht of the 14 Bergen and It has been apparent that what is need­ drivers, faulty lights and poor brakes can it now is readv to make wiWic year. ed are inspectors on the highway. Spot be detected better on the highway than a master plan for the meadows. Hudson County municipalities checks of vehicles is a possible alternative in an inspection station. That plan established interim are formally oooosed to the Tt is awaited w;th interest. —since it would include out-of-state zoning and subdivision regu'a commission, claiming the ena Not long ago the planners of tions. as well as a building code bling legislation unconstitut'on ANCO the meadowland uplift and do for 8 000 acres of the meadow ally strfps the towns of their v i’ooment were talking about lands which it declared develop power to zone.
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