IV™ OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 1936 GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN FROM FEBRUARY 6th TO i6tb GENERAL RULES AND PROGRAMME ORGANISATIONSKOMITEE FÜR DIE IV. OLYMPISCHEN WINTERSPIELE 1936 GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN E.V. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library IOC / CIO du Bibliothèque : Source IV™ OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN FROM FEBRUARY 6th TO i6th GENERAL RULES AND PROGRAMME ORGANISATIONSKOMITEE FÜR DIE IV. OLYMPISCHEN WINTERSPIELE 1936 GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN E. V. Cable address: Winterolympia, Garmisch-Parlenkirchen yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE FOUNDER: Baron Pierre de Coubertin, Life Honorary President of the Olympic Games PRESIDENT: Count de Baillet-Latour MEMBERS: Argentina R. C. Aldao Horacio Bustos Moron Australia James Taylor Sir Harold Luxton Austria Dr. Theodor Schmidt Belgium Count de Baillet-Latour Baron de Laveleye Brazil H.E. R. de Rio Branco Arnaldo Guinle Dr. Ferreira Santos Bulgaria ... -. H. E. Stephan G. Tchaprachikov Canada James G. Merrick Sir George McLaren Brown Central America P. J. de Matheu Chile J. Matte Gormaz China H. E. Dr. C. r. Wang Cuba Porfirio Franca Czechoslovakia Counsellor Jiri Guth-Jarkovsky Denmark H. R. H. Prince Axel of Denmark Egypt H. E. Mohamed Taher Pascha Estonia — Finland Ernst Krogius 3 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS France Albert Glandaz Marquis de Polignac François Piétri Great Britain Lord Aberdare Lord Burghley Sir Noel Curtis Bennett Germany H. E. Dr. Theodor Lewald H. ¥i. Adolf Friedrich, Herzog zu Mecklenburg Dr. Karl Ritter von Halt Greece Angelo C. Bolanachi Holland Lt. Colonel P. W. Scharroo Baron A. Schimmelpenninck van der Oye Hungary Count Geza Andrassy Senator Jules de Muzsa India G.D. Sondhi Ireland /. /. Keane Italy Hon. Carlo Montù Count Bonacossa Count Paolo Thaon de Revel Japan Professor Jigoro Kano Dr. Yotaro Sugimoura Count Mishimasa Soyeshima Latvia J anis Dikmanis Mexico Marte R. Gomez Monaco Count Gautier-Vignal New Zealand Dr. A. E. Porritt Norway Thomas Fearnley Peru H. E. Alfredo Benavides 4 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS Poland H. E. M. Ignace Matuszewski General Dr. Rouppert Portugal Count de Penha-Garcia Roumania Georges A. Plagino Spain Baron de Guell Count de Vallellano South Africa Lt. Colonel Henry Nourse Sweden Count Clarence de Rosen J. Sigfrid Edström Switzerland Baron Godefroy de Blonay Turkey Rechid Saffet Bey United States William May Garland H. E. General Charles H. Sherrill Honorable Ernest Lee Jahncke Uruguay Dr. f. Ghigliani Yugo Slavia General S. S. Djoukitch Prof. Dr. Fr. Bucar EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Count de Baillet-Latour, President Baron G. de Blonay, Vice-President Marquis de Polignac J. Sigfrid Edström H. E. Dr. Theodor Lewald Lord Aberdare Count A. Bonacossa Lt. Colonel A. G. Berdez, „Mon Repos", Lausanne, Secretary 5 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS IV™ OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 1936 GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN PATRON: The Führer and Reich Chancellor ADOLF HITLER ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PRESIDENT: Dr. Karl Ritter von Halt, Member of the I.O.C. VICE-PRESIDENT: Friedrich Döhlemann, Generaldirektor der Bayerischen Gemeindebank - Giro­ zentrale - (Treasurer) MEMBERS: Staatssekretär i. R. Exzellenz Dr. Theodor Lewald, Member of the I.O.C. S. H. Herzog Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, Member of the I.O.C. Geh. Reg.-Rat Hans Pfundtner, Staatssekretär im Reichs- und Preußischen Ministerium des Innern Reichssportführer Hans von Tschammer und Osten Richard Wöllke, Ministerialrat im Reichs- und Preußi­ schen Ministerium des Innern Hans Ritter von Lex, Oberregierungsrat im Reichs­ und Preußischen Ministerium des Innern Arno Breitmeyer, Stellvertreter des Reichssportführers Dr. Karl Gossel, Ministerialrat im Reichsfinanz­ ministerium Hermann Hölter, Hauptmann im Reichskriegs­ ministerium Dr. Frifz Mahlo, Oberregierungsrat im Reichs­ ministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda 6 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS Walter Titel, Hauptmann der Schutzpolizei, Reichs­ ministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (traffic) Dr. Ernst Boepple, Staatsrat im Bayerischen Staats­ ministerium für Unterricht und Kultus Siegfried von Jan, Ministerialrat im Bayerischen Staats­ ministerium für Unterricht und Kultus Karl Fiehler, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt München Landesbaurat Dipl.-Ing. Max Brücklmeier (Chief of the Olympic constructions) Dr. Alfred Holl, Rechtsanwalt (Legal Adviser) Adolf Geyrhalter, Oberbeamter der Bayerischen Ge­ meindebank - Girozentrale Regierungsrat Dr. Reinhard Wiesend, Vorstand des Be­ zirksamtes Garmisch Jakob Scheck, i. Bürgermeister von Garmisch-Parten­ kirchen Joseph Thomma, i. Bürgermeister von Garmisch-Parten­ kirchen Anton Reitinger, Kurdirektor von Garmisch-Parten­ kirchen Graf W. W. von der Schulenburg, Deutsches Olym­ pisches Komitee Josef Maier Gustav Räther Erwin Hachmann Hans Edgar Endres Hermann Kleeberg Dr. Max Engelhard Dr. h. c. Carl Diem, General Secretary of the XP'' Olym­ pic Games Berlin 1936 Baron Peter von le Fort, General Secretary of the IV'h Olympic Winter Games Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 7 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS GERMAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Deutsches Olympisches Komitee PRESIDENT: Reichssportführer H. V. Tschammer und Osten VICE-PRESIDENT: A. Breitmeyer MEMBERS: Staatssekretär i. R. Dr. Th. Lewald, Member of the I.O.C. S. H. Herzog Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, Member of the I.O.C. Dr. K. Ritter von Halt, Member of the I.O.C. (Athletics, Track and Field) Generalmajor W. von Reichenau General der Landespolizei K. Daluege C. Steding (Gymnastics) Dr. H. Heyl (Wrestling and Weight-lifting) E. Rüdiger (Boxing) E. Casmir (Fencing) G. Bock (Shooting) H. Pauli (Rowing) G. Hax (Swimming) R. Wolff (Equestrian Events) Dr. M. W. Eckert (Canoeing) R. Hermann (Handball) Fr. Ohrtmann (Cycling) 8 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS c. Unfug (Yachting) G. Evers (Hockey) F. Linnemann (Football) H. Hölter (Modem Pentathlon) /. Maier (Ski-ing) H. Kleeberg (Skating and Ice-Hockey) E. Hachmann (Bobsleigh and Tobogganin Graf W. W. von der Schulenburg Dr. C. Diem Baron Peter von le Fort Dr. A. Jensch Chr. Busch yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS GENERAL RULES APPLICABLE TO THE CELEBRATION OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES /. Definition of an Amateur The definition of an amateur as drawn up by the respec­ tive International Federations of Sport is recognized for the admission of athletes taking part in the Oympic Games. Where there is no International Federation governing a sport, the definition shall be drawn up by the Organizing Committee, in agreement with the I.O.C. The National Association, which in each country governs each particular sport, must certify on the special form that each competitor is an amateur in accordance with the rules of the International Federation governing that sport. This declaration must also be countersigned by the National Olympic Committee of that country. This committee must also declare that it considers the com­ petitor an amateur according to the definition of the International Federation in question. IO yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS 2. Necessary qualifications for Representing a Country Only those who are Nationals or naturalized subjects of a country, or of a state which is part of that country, may represent that country in the Olympic Games. Those who have already competed in the Olympic Games cannot compete in future Olympic Games for another nation even if they have become naturalized subjects of that nation, except in the case of conquest or the creation of a new state ratified by treaty. In the case of natural­ ization, the naturalized subject must give proof that he was an amateur in his native country at the time of changing his nationality. An athlete taking part in the Olympic Games must satisfy the following conditions: (a) Must not be, or knowingly have become, a pro­ fessional in the sport for which he is entered or in any other sport. (b) Must not have received reimbursement or compen­ sation for loss of salary. A holiday given under the normal conditions of a business or profession, or a holiday accorded under the same condi­ tions on the occasion of the Olympic Games, and pro­ vided that it does not lead to a reimbursement for lost salary, direct or indirect, does not come within the pro­ vision of Section b. Finally each athlete must sign the following declaration on his honour: T T yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS "I, the undersigned, declare on my honour that I am an amateur according to the Olympic Rules of amateurism." J. Age Limit There is no age limit for competitors in the Olympic Games. 4. Participation of Women Women are allowed to compete in certain events at the Olympic Games. The programme sets fqrth the events in which they may take part. f. Programme The official programme is laid down in accordance with the classification agreed to by the I.O.C. It comprises: Athletics, Field and Track. Boxing. Canoeing. Cycling. Equestrian Events. Fencing. Gymnastics. Modern Pentathlon. 12 yrarb iL CO I / O IC ud euqèhto i lb iB : ecruoS Rowing. Shooting. Swimming. Weight-Hfting. Wrestling. Yachting. Art Competitions (Architecture, Painting and Sculpture, Literature, Music). The following athletic games «are also included: Football (Association and Rugby), Lawn Tennis, Polo, Water Polo, Hockey, Handball, Basketball and Pelota, from which the Organizing Committee may select those which it can organize provided that the finals are competed during the official period of the Games. Each International Federation must decide in agreement with the Executive Committee of the I.O.C. the events which shall be included in each sport. The I.O.C. reserves to itself the right not to include in the programme any sport in which the definition of an amateur does not fall within the rules of the I.O.C. 6. Demonstrations The Organizing Committee of the Games can organize demonstrations of two sports not included in the pro­ gramme: 1.
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