1993 85th Year, No. 188 - 8anford, Florida NEWS DIGEST Winn Dixie robbed Armed gunman,accomplice hit Sanford store The manager of the Winn Dixie store would not foot eight, and about 20 years of age." He had no By NICK PPIIPAUP comment on the robbery. description of the other man. but said reports Harald Staff Writer According to police Lt. Mike Rotundo. "At Indicated he did not have a firearm. SANFORD — The Winn Dixie store. 1722 W. approximately 2300 hours last night, (11 p.m.). "After robbing the store." he continued, "they Airport Blvd. In Sanford waa robbed at gunpoint two black males, one armed with a semi­ fled and apparently ran south on foot." automatic hand gun. robbed the Winn Dixie Store last night. Two men reportedly fled with Rotundo said police arc checking on all leads approximately $10,000 In cash. on Airport Boulevard." He said, "The man with the gun waa described and Interviewing witnesses In connection with Early this morning. Sanford police reported the case. onlv nrellmlnarv Information Is being released. ns a black male, approximately 200 pounds, live Two murders resolved Top Warlock’s Mom to serve slaying: Teen 5 years for sentenced starving baby ■y SANOfU 1UJOTT Harald 8tsffWrltsr Harald Staff Writer_________________ SANFORD - A 16-year old Alta­ SANFORD - A 24-year old monte Springs youth was sentenced Oviedo woman was sentenced to to 36 years tn prison Thursday for five years in prison Thursday after the 1901 shooting death of Wayne pleading guilty to manslaughter In Sanxo, national president of the the starving death of her Infant son Warlocks Motorcycle Club. In 1992. Freddie Mathis Jr., who pleaded Under the negotiated plea no contest In February to second agreement. Sheila Powell agreed to Spring alread degree murder, conspiracy to FrMklf* Mathis give up custody of another minor commit first degree murder, armed child In a case pending In Juvenile murder. Mathis faced 25 years In ter Is a lesser included offense of the Daylight 8avlngs Tima baglns at 2 a.m. on burglary and grand theft of a court. She will be credited for 308 prison without parole. charge of first degree murder. 8unday, April 4. Don’t forgat to move clocks firearm, will also be on IS years days served In the John E. Polk forward ons hour. Despite Mathis' age. he was given Correctional Facility and be placed In addition to the other terms of probation following his prison term. adult sanctions by Circuit Court the plea agreement, Powell Is lo He waa credited with the 878 days on ten years probation. Judge Alan Dickey with the concur­ participate In Project Independence he has spent In Jail since the Originally. Powell was indicted by rence of the public defender. a Seminole County grand Jury for through the Department of Health •hooting In September 1991. "Although Freddie Is not as edu­ and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). Mathis' sentence was part of a first degree murder In the starving cated as he would like to be." Judge Powell was Indicted by the grand negotiated agreement between the death or her son. Dominique Lewis. Dickey said. "I find that he Is street Jury in March 1992 alleging that Transportation hub ravoalod state and defense attorneys. If found The baby was bom Aug. 10. 1991 and died Jan. 12. 1992. Manslaugh­ □$•• Powsll, Fags SA SANFORD — The brief ceremony marking the guilty as charged of first degree □ • • • Mathis. Fags BA Inaugural arrival of Am Irak’s Sunset Limited this morning, was also to include the an* nouncement of a future public transportation hub tot Sanford. The project will link Am Irak, light rail and the Lynx bus system, at a single facility, for residents of North Seminole and West Volusia Counties. Findings from a preliminary study, sponsored Jointly by the .City of Sanford, and Seminole County, were to be presented by Mayor Bettye Smith, and County Commissioner Daryl McLain. ■ . Cadi# asks McGregor be removed • . * V * * i t i , i SANFORD — In a surprise move this morning, anil-abortionist leader Bruce Cadle. asked Semi­ nole Circuit Judge Robert B. McGregor to remove himself from deciding whether Cadle and others violated a 1902 injunction against illegal activities at abortion clinics. McOrcgor Immediately recessed the hearing to decide the Issue. Cadle. southwest field director of Operation Rescue, and other Anti-abortion activists are facing Jail terms and fines If McGregor decides they have violated his order. During the recess, about two dozen anti­ HMSfeRKfl abortionists prayed in the lobby of the Seminole |?P. .v^-uV • County Courthouse. "Our Lord, our God. will destroy them foe their sins." one man said. "You are the one who While the Blue Angela, above, practiced will punish the wicked. Lei us rise up against their complicated maneuvers for Alrmhow the wicked." Orlando which will be in Sanford this Abortion clinic operators have testified pro­ weekend, the seagulls, at left, soared testors have obstructed their access to clinics along the Lake Monroe waterfront in and picketed at their homes and hotel rooms. pursuit of a lunch of bread slices provided Cadle had called up to 40 anti-abortion bv a driver who was eniovlng the view. protestors and clinic employees to testify today. Alrshow Orlando-will take place at the McGregor has restricted him to lowlinesses. Central Florida Regional Airport tomor* McGregor stated he hopes to reach a decision row and Sunday. Tickets are SO for today and may decide to expand his injunction adults and $5 for children if they are restrict kins. purchased in advance through Tick* etmaater. at local Barnett and Sun Banks and at the Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce. They will be $12 for adults and $7 for children at the gate. Parking will be $2. Oates open at 8:30 a.m. with air demonstrations beginning a t 1 2 :3 0 p .m . a t Clsar sklM foreastad Cable television cost cut draws criticism He continued. "Though critical details will not • y M O K | The Commission has clearly be known for several weeks, it seems certain the HaraM Staff Writer FCC has misinterpreted the 1092 Cable Act In pushed the outer bounds of Its several key provisions and imposed heavy* SANPORO — The Federal Communications Mostly sunny. High authority and in some critical handed regulation on programming services and Commission has ruled cable television companies new technology that was not contemplated by in the mid to upper must cut their monthly bills for basis subscribers. 70s. West wind 10 to aspects appears to have Congress." The decision, made yesterday, is already drawing IS m p h . exceeded that authority. | "We suspect that much of what was done may criticism from at least one cable official. not survive Judicial scrutiny." he added. Storer Cable covers Lake Mary aa well as -S t fr S fM t r V lo t P fu K w H W tStt Thomson CablevW on of Central Florida serves Sanford. Altamonte Springs and several unincorporated Longwood. and other unincorporated areas of the areas. Storer has 17.500customers. county. Manager Jim Rosier could not be reached Local Storer manager Jeff Walker said he has The Commission has clearly pushed the outer bounds of Us authority." Thomson said in the for comment. not studied the FOC decision cloaly. but has The reduction is due to a Federal Communlca- received a statement from the Storer Senior Vice release, "and In some critical aspects appears to have exceeded that authority." □ I SUBSCRIBE TO THE SANFORD HERALD FOR THE BEST LOCAL NEWS COVERAGE. Call 3 2 2 - 2 6 1 I NEWS FROM THE REGION AND ACROSS THE STATE All aboard Sunset Limited Felon sentenced to electric chelr First transcontinental passenger train welcomed FORT LAUDERDALE — A •even-time convicted felon who exclaimed Gov. Lawton Chiles when the telegraph operator In Ohio, and he blew a beat and strangled two women for a Pontiac Trana Am and two silver double-decker pulled Into Talluhnsacc. wooden whistle that simulated the wall of a bracelets has been sentenced to die In the electric chair. " It beats w alking." steam engine's whistle. David Pangbum, 33. his legs shackled and his left arm ABOARD THE SUNSET LIMITED - The He Is known as "Walkin' Lawton" Chester Davis, who worked for 40 years handcufTed to a chair, did not move or even blink Wednesday nation's first transcontinental train has because of hts campaign hikes across the for the Louisville A Nashville Railway, wore as Broward County Judge Paul Backman decreed his death. received a rousing welcome In closing the state. an LAN cap to the Pensacola ceremony and A Jury on Dec. 10 found Pangbum guilty of the Nov. 20, "missing link" In Amtrak's passenger rail Chiles, the son of a railroad worker, was recalled his days as a coach cleaner and lose, murders of Nancy Danata Matlawskl, 32. of Pompano system. Instrumental in getting $6.8 million in state eventually a car Inspector. Beach, and Nancy Marilyn Cole. S I, of Wilton Manors. A special inaugural version of the Sunset money for rail Improvements and station Davis, now retired, said the return of By a 7*8 vote, the same Jury on Fab. 1 recommended Limited restored east-west passenger serv­ construction on the North Florida route. But passenger service will enable him for the Pangbum die for Matlawskl's murder and be sentenced to life ice across North Florida Thursday after a he turned down an offer to ride the train first time to use a pass Amtrak gave him 10 In prison for killing Cole. 22-year lapse. The train was scheduled because he wanted to remain In Tallahassee or 12 years ago.
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