
'Hi ■J-: THURSDAY, JUNE 22; 1OT8 MOOWIOH (A P ) D r. WU- iSanclii^Btier Ett^nftis diaUM from Mlddlahary, wen The Weathelp Gw tiag,BM tip pilw taiay in Cloudy, cori through Satur­ fha OwMi^BHeut Mato Uttory*s day with chance of scattered Ural foaitetty "Mighty rw*- Tiaakfc" showers; tonight’s low near 68— President Plays Global Diplomacy 868 BROAD ST. FRESHER 6Y FAR... tomorrow’s high about 66. MANCHESTER Pinehurst certified FRESH OtllCKBNS, BxeasU and Laga, ap- Maneheeter "A City o f VOtoge Charm (ear ofLm on Manchester tablea and at barbecuea. WAamcRON (AP) — P t m - trie* by latecA count, has been pUalied by more-timdttlonal low- Oonnallsr’ a montti*U»r global temember, pleaae, you gst more alioea of tender ohlokon from Mei* MIxan ia putting on an un- traveling aince June 6. er4evel dlptomacy, tour waa announced aa devoted toe ovisr 8 lb. blrda we feature and they are aa freah aa dally VOL. XO, N a 826 (TWBIjmr-TWO PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1972 Pi«« U) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS uaual dbgilay o< h^li-level per- On July 2, mxon's aoienice Hie facta ot the current Jot- prim arily to current econom ic delivery can make them... aonal dlptomacy by Jetting top adviaer, Dr. Edward E. DavM tripptiHr abroaMl by WhaMi^ton laauea. However, the former > .1 iL.-a: ■***®*'^***^’"*y places around jr., will lead a delegatioa to notahlea do not appear to UiA Troaaury chief alM will be in a ROASTING CHICKEN 900 ^ globe. MOSCOW to woric out solentillo Into any atngle diplomatic maa- poaltlon to dlaouaa with foreign FRYERS — Cut-Up Ib. 9 w 'FMday la the next home- projects wttfa the Ruaatana. ter plan. leadera international develcp- Split to Broil ooming for security adviser EoUomIng David to the Soviet The iniliettve for lOaainger’a meats including Ntacon’a Peking AU at he Same Low Price! Weight 8% to almost 4 lbs. Henry A. lOsainger, retundag capUat will be Secretaxy of visit to Peking, according to and Moscow amalcns. the an- from Ms latest nonsecrec ^ Commerce Peter O. Petenon. administration sources, came nouncement said, KT W king trip. Klasinger returiked'Hls miaelon: to lay groundwork from the Chinese. Periodic vis- The David and Petenon Jour- FRESH CHICKEN LEGS ,June 12 from Thkyo, after fly- for «q>andbig U.S.-Sovlet trade, tts 1^ senior U.S. oftlciaia had noys to Moscow are foUow-upa ' 10 lb. lots 69c lb. State Spared iniThi June 1 from the Moscow lllxon critics are pMtraying been agreed on during Nixon’s to Nixon's agreements with 8o- **”*” ll; this prominent to-and-fro’ing, parley there last February. vlet leaden on expanding a MR. T U R K E Y _____ SELECTED FRESH BREASTS OF Sahirday is take-off day for aS announced by the 'White Rogen' Journey atarta with wide range of dealings between TENDER CHICKEN lb . fleciirtary of State tXTUlam P. House, as umieeesaaxy rasxle- the annual meeting of the South the two countries. 10 lb. lots 86c lb. Rogen on a iS-day nine-nation dasale aimed at keeping Nix- Asia Treaty Organisation, ono VfTLL SnVE YOU MIAKFAST FOLK AND around the world from on’s foreign-peHcy efforts in the of the usual commitmente for H l i Aurtralla through EaM Ikirope. limeiight as the presidential the secretary of state who al- State Bank COFFM MUAKIRS ALL THK FM I COFFU Rogm stopped in parts of West campaign heats tq». - ready haa logged SS2,4M miles Storm’s Fury Europe on Ms wny back from With Peking aitd Moscow overseas since taking ofnee YOU CAN DRINK FROM 6 A .lfl. TO 11 A.M . eENUME SFRim UMB LEfIS Are At Ih r ir Etoring Best. the Moscow parley. qwetacukua bchhid him, they years ago. O perating We Bone Them for Shlsnkabob On Request. At the airport the same day suggest, the President wants to HU East Eurcqpean straps at MONDAY — SATURDAY By THE ABSOOIATEO PRESS Agnes’ woke was 36 with at ed fw all of western Permsylvs' win be Arthur Bums, chairman keep the publtc mindful of bU Belgrade, Bucharest and Buda- The brunt of Tropical Storm leaat a score more missing, and nla, where Gov. MUton Shapp of the Federal Reserve Board, dramatic foreign moves sbioe peat—the first ever by a seere- A t P rofit DURMG RRIAKFAST HOURS Agnes bypassed Oonneeticut, feared dead. declared a state of extreme' heudlngeouth for a fortnight of he himself has no further over- tary of State in Hungary—have Stockholders attending the an but toe heavy rairu that pre- “We have a major 'disaster emergency on Thursday as toe ceded her caused nuntniM of developtog,’’ if the rain contin- torrential storm battered up toe taUs with financial leaders in seas Journey planned before bem long proposed as part nual meetliig of the Manchester Argentina, Peru, Venesueia and November. the admlnUtmtlan’a undet^ state Bank (MSB) Monday were dollars worth of damage in toe ues. National Weather Service Eastern seaboard. aUte. hydrologist WUUam Long warn- T.n«hing force winds and Administratton supporters taking to Improve relatlans told by Andrew Ansaldl Jr., FRICIDAIRE • SONY * ADMIRAL * ZENITH gale These same Lntin American paint a different picture, laud- with the COmmimiat E!aat. board chairman, that "toe hank The National Weather Service ed to Pittsburgh. He said toe leaving up to a toot of rain, toe canceled toe flood watch Ohio waa rising at toe rate of a lands have JuM been vistted by tog each of the V.I.P. mlasiona Bums, the White House says, U operating at a profit after still potent remains of Hurri­ early morning for Con- foot an hour at 4 a.m. and former Secretary of Treasury as meritoclous to its own right, was Invited to visit Argentina only 15 months to (^ration.'’ cane Agnes forced toe evac­ necUcut as toe storm stayed to would pass the 26rfoot flood John B. Oonnafiy, who U now Aral they say that toe direct, by the head of toe central bank He said also that toe bank uation of thousands, including 2 c- has assets of $9-15 million and toe west in toe Hudson Vallsy stage by mldmomlng. in Aria on a globeMiircItog Nix- personal contaei with foreign there and f elt it would be useful and caused only minor flooding Flood warnings were extend- (Bee Page Nine) on asBignmmtt. Ocnnally, wfaoae leadens adds a valuable dtmen- to g o to same otoer Latin na- that he, toe otoer board mem- itinerary will include 18 coun- sfarn to what can be aocom- tlons while on toe trip. bars and the officers “are all Thursday night in Oonneeticut. greatly pleased with the prog­ But official* in cities along ress of the bank and Its contri­ toe coast estimate that toe downpour earlier this week bution to toe Manchastor econ­ M day & $*rtai4ay M y ‘I om y." c aused extensive damage as Edmond Parker, bank presi­ toe state was hit with heavy dent, said “the bank will con­ rains Sunday and Monday. tinue to make prime rate loana The Oreenwldi and Bridge­ 3 (/iilaqiL ^iwJtmufL available to downtown mer- PiTuinm &ad rescue work«n Assist vlctinis of floods in HsrrMiuyg, Ps. in wake of storm IVidsy. (A P idMto) port areas were toe hardest Ut chanta for the bettermmt of E liR E K A with Greenwich officials esti­ Main St, and a stronger and Ughtwviglit HIGH POWERED!' mating about $3.6 m illion in active aponaorahlp ef service SUPER damage Bt Greenwich about f i n u t i n u o and civic acUvitlea will be one 400 Hom es were flooded Man- of cur< prime efforts in toe com­ VAC A LL S T E E L ! Tolland Injunction day, offloiala said. ing yea r." E lM t r ic States Commuter Bus Bridgeport officials i>ut the Parker said tfaa bank will con­ 10 ,L1)S.LIGHT! damage from Monday’s flood at tinue, with even greater involve­ S w M p e r $3 m illion as there was exten­ SUMMER FASHION ment eponaorehip of such plvic Dissolved by Court sive damage around toe Roost­ eventa as toe chlldroi's swim­ er River which had been divert And Low Price! Look To Funds Okayed ming m eet flatatog derby, and i The teatyonaxy ex-parte in- between toe local budget dls- ted for a road construction aU' races. Our own freshly made, daily frocen JunoMon ianed last weak in TM- pate and last year's legislative project. V Re-elected to the board of dl- CHUCK PATTIES 95^ land.Obunty Uaperlor Oourt was action approving a riata income Officials in Norwalk and CLEARANCE rectora were: Artaaldl, Parker, dissolved today, paviag the way tax which was subsequently Fairfield reported more than $1 4 lb. box lb . Sharing Paul J. Aceto, Stephen J. Cav- for toe town's saomd hodget overruled by a qwclally called By Bond Unit million damages in each of toe agnaro, Richard Cobb, Thomaa DELUXE CHOPPED SIRLOIN retoreridiim 'Hnirsday from 8 session of the general assembly, WASHINCraON (A P ) — The towns. J. Crockett, Antluaqr Dsen, PATTIES 4 lb. box (b. 1.15 to 8 p.m. at toe Hick’s imiUying U toe state could do it, Senate is erq^eoted to Join the By DOUG BEV1N8 Gov. nom as J. Meskill said Frank Outolpero, Rcnald Jac­ Mamorlal SchooL Thlland could. House in iqqftrovlng toe sharing (Hereld Reporter) Thursday the SmaU Businesa A U IN Or buy tlrim fresh . one, a dosen or 100 at the of im e 990 billion with toe Administration will provide obs, Nichoias A.
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