ACTA ICHTHYOLOGICA ET PISCATORIA (2010) 40 (1): 71–74 DOI: 10.3750/AIP2010.40.1.10 TETRAODONTID COLONIZERS IN THE AEGEAN SEA; SECOND RECORD OF THE SPINY BLAASOP, TYLERIUS SPINOSISSIMUS (ACTINOPTERYGII: TETRAODONTIFORMES: TETRAODONTIDAE) Maria CORSINI-FOKA 1*, Panagiotis MARGIES 2, Gerasimos KONDILATOS 1, and Panos S. ECONOMIDIS 3 1 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research/Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Rhodes, Greece 2 36 Niriidon Street, 85104 Kremasti (Rhodes), Greece 3 79 Karakasi Street, 54453 Thessaloniki, Greece Corsini-Foka M., Ma rgies P., Kondilatos G., Economidis P.S. 2010. Tetraodontid colonizers in the Aegean Sea; Second record of the spiny blaasop, Tylerius spinosissimus (Actinopterygii: Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae). Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 40 (1): 71–74. Abstract. A second record of the small Indo-Pacific fish Tylerius spinosissimus (Tetraodontidae) (known as spiny blaasop) was documented at the beginning of 2009 in the waters of Rhodes Island (south-eastern Aegean Sea, Gr eece). The finding shows the putative establishment of a population of this alien fish in the Mediterranean with a centre the Dodecanese plateau. Keywords: Tylerius spinosissimus, spiny blaasop, Tetraodontidae, non-indigenous fish, Lessepsian migration, Mediterranean Up to date, seven species belonging to the family Mediterranean (Golani 1998, Mavruk and Avsar 2008). Tetraodontidae occur in the Hellenic waters, the only Furthermore, the feeding strategy of foraging in a group, native oceanic puffer, Lagocephalus lagocephalus (L.) as observed on L. sceleratus in the aquarium facilities of and six non-native species—one of the Atlantic origin: the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes and in situ, clearly blunthead puffer, Sphoeroides pachygaster (Müller et demonstrate the advantage of such behaviour (unpublished Troschel, 1848) and five of the Indo-Pacific origin: half- data). Anti-predator adaptations of tetraodontids, like smooth golden pufferfish, Lagocephalus spadiceus inflation of the body and toxicity (Golani et al. 2006a, b) (Richardson, 1845); spiny blaasop, Tylerius spinosissimus and burrowing habits, such as those observed on T. flavi- (Regan, 1908); Suezian pufferfish, Lagocephalus suezensis maculosus by Bilecenoglu (2005) have to be furthermore Clark et Gohar, 1953; silverstripe blaasop, Lagocephalus scel- considered as factors contributing to successful invasion. eratus (Gmelin, 1789); and studded pufferfish, Torquigener The evolution of the EMT (Eastern Mediterranean flavimaculosus Hardy et Randall, 1983. According to Corsini- Transient) (Theocharis et al. 2002, Rilov and Galil 2009) Foka and Economidis (2007), the last four species are very and the increase of the Aegean sea water temperature recent introductions (from 2003 to 2006), while the other two (Theocharis 2008) could have furthermore contributed to are older colonizers (Ananiadis 1952, Zachariou-Mamalinga the enhancement of their introduction, establishment and and Corsini 1994). In Greek seas, among the 34 non-indige- spreading, favouring the dispersion of their planktonic nous fish species distributed along 24 families, eggs and larvae. Tetraodontidae presents the highest score of species, account- Concerning the Mediterranean Sea, tetraodontid fauna ing for the 18% of the total (Corsini-Foka et al. 2008). The is actually represented by ten species, adding to the above: success of tetraodontids in colonizing the Aegean waters prickly puffer, Ephippion guttiferum (Bennett, 1831); could be attributed to a combination of factors, like a par- Guinean puffer, Sphoeroides marmoratus (Lowe, 1838); ticular ability of adaptation to the new ecosystem, over- and bandtail puffer, Sphoeroides spengleri (Bloch, 1785) coming environmental impediments like temperature, (see: Vacchi et al. 2007). salinity, currents, the ability to occupy available and Currently, the species L. suezensis is abundant and diversified niches, life history strategies and food habits, T. flavimaculosus has an increasing occurrence in the as already discussed for fish invasions in the south-eastern Aegean Sea; L. spadiceus is present also * Correspondence: Dr. Maria Corsini-Foka, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research/Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes. Cos Street, 85100 Rhodes, Greece, phone: (+30) 22410 27308, fax: (+30) 22410 78321, e-mail: [email protected]. 72 Corsini-Foka et al. Table 1 Morphometric measurements and meristic characters of Tylerius spinosissimus specimen from Rhodes Character Value Total length 30.3 Standard length 23.3 Maximum body depth 10.1 Caudal peduncle least depth 1.5 Caudal peduncle length 4.4 Head length 10.1 Eye diameter 3.1 Preorbital distance 2.8 Postorbital distance 4.2 Interorbital distance 3.8 Dorsal fin length 4.8 Anal fin length 2.4 Morphometric measurements [mm] Pectoral fin length* 4.3 Predorsal length 16.9 Preanal length 17.3 Dorsal ray count 8 Anal ray count 6 Pectoral ray count 15 Meristic characters Caudal ray count 10 * First pectoral fin ray very short, 1.1 mm in length. Fig. 1. The defrosted specimen of Tylerius spinosissimus (total length 30.3 mm) from Trianda Bay, Rhodes, January 2009 northern, since its first record was from Samos Island This species and the blunthead puffer, S. pachygaster, are (Ananiadis 1952) and recently collected from the Sea of listed among the most successful invasive species in the Marmara (Tuncer et al. 2008), while S. pachygaster is well estab- Mediterranean, negatively affecting biodiversity, fishery lished in the whole Mediterranean (Golani et al. 2002, 2006a), and public health (Streftaris and Zenetos 2006). the Aegean Sea included (Eryilmaz et al. 2003, Zenetos et Τhe spiny blaasop, Tylerius spinosissimus, is a tropi- al. 2007). On the other hand, the highly toxic L. scelera- cal, bathydemersal species (between 250–435 m) in its tus invaded the whole Aegean Sea in a few years natural range of distribution, the Indo-West Pacific (Anonymous 2008) and it shows actually a population (Froese and Pauly 2009); it is a small sized tetraodontid, explosion in the Levantine coasts (Golani et al. 2007). reaching 12 cm in total length and it has been reported as Tetraodontid colonizers in the Aegean Sea 73 a food item for the bathypelagic species—longnose Papadopoulou et al. 2005, Anonymous 2008). Although lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox Lowe, 1833 (see: Romanov ship-mediated fish introduction is very rare in the and Zamorov 2007). The species was recorded for the first Mediterranean Sea (Ben Rais Lasram et al. 2008), this time in the Mediterranean Sea from the waters of the island type of vector was recently suspected for the occurrence of Rhodes (south-eastern Aegean Sea) (Corsini et al. 2005). of an alien fish—Champsodon nudivittis (Ogilby, 1895) Since no other specimens have been signalled from the at Iskenderun Bay, Turkey (Çiçek and Bilecenoglu 2009). Mediterranean, this occurrence was considered as casual The second finding of the spiny pufferfish at Rhodes, (Pancucci-Papadopoulou et al. 2005, Corsini-Foka and six years after the first record, places T. spinosissimus Economidis 2007). However, on 20 January 2009, anoth- among the alien species of the Mediterranean, i.e., species er specimen, 30.3 mm in total length, was collected in the sighted no more than twice so far, as proposed by Golani bay of Trianda, NW coast of Rhodes Island, in a sandy- et al. (2006a) and suggests that its occurrence has no more muddy bottom, at a depth between 50 and 80 m, at the to be considered casual in the whole basin. same location reported by Corsini et al. (2005). The col- lection was performed by boat seining (also named REFERENCES Danish seining) (Jennings et al. 2007), a common method Adamidou A. 2007. Commercial fishing gears and methods operating in Hellenic coastal fishery (Adamidou 2007). used in Hellas. Pp. 118–131. In: Papaconstantinou C., The specimen was identified following Smith and Zenetos A., Vassilopoulou V., Tserpes G. (eds.) State of Heemstra (1986) and Matsuura (2001) and had the fol- Hellenic Fisheries, SoHelFi. HCMR Publications, Athens. lowing meristics: dorsal fin rays 8, anal fin rays 6, pec- Ananiadis C. 1952. On the appearance of the fish Tetrodon toral fin rays 15, caudal fin rays 10. The above counts, spadiceus (Rich.) in Greek seas. Praktika of Hellenic along with the measurements of morphometric characters, Hydrobiological Institute 6 (1): 73–74. appear in Table 1. Morphometrics were: standard length Anonymous 2008. ELNAIS-Ellenic Network Aquatic Invasive 1.3 (in total length); head length 2.3; predorsal distance Species. version (02/2009) https://services.ath.hcmr.gr. 1.4; preanal distance 1.4 (all three above in standard Ben Rais Lasram F., Tomasini J.A., Guilhaumon F., length); caudal peduncle least depth 6.7; caudal peduncle Romdhane M.S., Do Chi T., Mouillot D. 2008. Ecological length 2.3; eye diameter 3.3; preorbital distance 3.6; pos- correlates of dispersal success of Lessepsian fishes. Marine torbital distance 2.4 (all five above in head length). Body Ecology Progress Series 363: 273–286. features and colour as in previous description (Corsini et DOI: 10.3354/meps07474. al. 2005) (Fig. 1). The fresh specimen was not inflated and Bilecenoglu M. 2005. Observation on the burrowing behaviour the spines on the body were not evident; being the back of the dwarf blaasop, Torquigener flavimaculosus dark and the belly whitish, it is easy to be confused with (Osteichthyes: Tetraodontidae) along the coast of Fethiye, L. sceleratus or L. suezensis. The sample, fixed in 70% Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East 35: 29–34. ethanol,
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