Annual Report 2017 A sustainable investment in green electricity from wind. ANNUAL REPORT 2017 • 3 rise manages the entire value chain – from exploration and permitting, to financing, con- struction, sale and long-term management A of its own and customers’ wind farms. Contents Calendar Summary of 2017 • 4 Notes to the consolidated ARISE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2018 The Annual General Meeting will be held on This is Arise • 6 financial statements • 46 3 May in Halmstad Portfolio overview • 8 Parent Company income statement • 76 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2018 Message from the Ceo • 10 Parent Company balance sheet • 77 3 May • Annual General Meeting Parent Company cash Market and business environment • 14 flow statement • 78 3 May • Interim Report for the first quarter Development and Management • 20 Parent company equity • 79 18 July • Interim Report for the second quarter Own wind power operations • 22 Notes to the Parent Company’s 9 November • Interim Report for the Co-owned wind power operations • 24 financial statements • 80 third quarter Sustainability Report • 26 Auditor’s Report • 86 15 February 2019 • Interim Report for the fourth quarter Directors’ Report • 34 Corporate Governance Report • 92 Consolidated income statement • 42 Ownership structure • 96 DISTRIBUTION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 The Annual Report is available from our Consolidated statement Arise’s Board of Directors • 98 website, www.arise.se. It will be sent by post of comprehensive income • 42 Arise’s Group management • 99 to those shareholders who have notified the Consolidated balance sheet • 43 Annual General Meeting company that they wish to receive it. Those Consolidated cash flow statement • 44 and 2018 calendar • 100 wishing to receive a printed copy are wel­­- come to order copies via a form on the Group equity • 45 Financial information in summary • 102 website or call the Arise switchboard Definitions of key ratios • 45 Overview of wind farms • 103 number +46 10 450 71 22. 4 • SUMMARY OF 2017 Production, GWh 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Q 1 Q2 Total income, MSEK • Preferential rights issue of converti- • All unsecured green bonds 2014/2017 bles amounting to SEK 245 million were redeemed corresponding to a 600 was completed. total of MSEK 350. 500 • The acquisition of Kraftö’s project • A 15-year full-service agreement was 400 portfolio of up to 370 MW was signed with Vestas, meaning that 300 completed. service and maintenance of all of the 200 company’s Vestas wind farms has 100 been outsourced. 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 • Environmental permits for Kölvallen were denied – Arise is initiating a new EBITDA, operating profit permit application process. before depreciation, MSEK • The acquisition and subsequent dispo- sal of the Svartnäs project (115 MW) 300 to a fund managed by BlackRock. 250 200 150 100 50 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Own Total wind power production operations 635 348 GWh GWh SUMMARY OF 2017 • 5 Q3 Q4 • Arise assumed management of the • Repurchase of secured bonds at a Tellenes wind farm (160 MW) in Norway nominal amount of about MSEK 52. on behalf of BlackRock. • An option agreement signed with • The company’s own wind farms were Dala Vind concerning the right to impaired by MSEK 139 due to lower acquire the Enviksberget project long-term market prices and the project (app. 35 MW). portfolio was impaired by MSEK 14 since two projects were abandoned. Co-owned wind power operations 287 GWh 2017in summary We aim to develop renewable energy for a sustainable future! ÅRSREDOVISNINGTHIS IS ARISE 2016 • 7 rise’s business concept is to be the obvious partner to investors in wind power and to create added value throughout the life cycle. We aim to maximise the value of our green electricity production through Aprofessional operation, management, sales and financing. We are also one of Sweden’s leading players in about 650 MW of onshore wind power, of which onshore wind power managing the entire value 241 MW is still owned by the company. Arise’s chain – from exploration and permitting, to own wind farms, in total 10, are all located in the financing, construction, divestment and long- southern Sweden. term management of its own and outsourced Arise’s total portfolio of managed wind wind farms. farms amounts to 770 MW. Of this, 241 MW is for We have divided operations into three ourselves and 529 MW for external customers. segments: This breaks down into 610 MW in Sweden and • Development and management which com- 160 MW in Norway, and constitutes a significant prises project development, construction and share of the total wind power market. sales of wind farms, and the management of We have developed an efficient business our own and others’ wind farms during both model where we provide complete solutions for construction and operation. our customers, including responsibility for opera- tion and maintenance, technical management, • Own wind power operations. Production and environmental reporting and administration. sale of electricity and electricity certificates. In the past few years, we have also developed • Co-owned wind power operations. Produc- and constructed a number of wind farms for tion and sale of electricity and electricity investors and today have customers such as certificates. BlackRock, various companies within the Ger- See also our business model in our Sustainability man insurance group Allianz, Fortum, Skellefteå Report on page 28. Kraft, Whitehelm Capital and municipally- Since its start a decade ago, Arise has con- owned company KumBro Vind AB among others. structed, or currently has under construction, See our portfolio overview on pages 8–9. 8 • PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW Arise Portfolio overview Own wind Managed power operations wind farms 1. OXHULT, 6. IDHULT, 11. JÄDRAÅS, 16. MOMBYÅSEN, LAHOLMS MUNICIPALITY MÖNSTERÅS MUNICIPALITY OCKELBO MUNICIPALITY SANDVIKENS MUNICIPALITY Turbine type: Vestas V90 Turbine type: Vestas V90 Turbine type: Vestas V112 Turbine type: Vestas V126 Quantity: 12 Quantity: 8 Quantity: 66 Quantity: 10 Yearly production: 56.8 GWh Yearly production: 36.2 GWh Commissioned: 2012/2013 Commissioned: 2016 Commissioned: 2009 Commissioned: 2011 Owner: Arise AB/Platina Owner: Fund managed by Partners LLP Allianz Capital Partners 2. RÅBELÖV, 7. SÖDRA KÄRRA, KRISTIANSTAD MUNICIPALITY ASKERSUNDS MUNICIPALITY 12. STJÄRNARP, 17. RYSSBOL, Turbine type: Vestas V90 Turbine type: Vestas V100 HALMSTAD MUNICIPALITY HYLTE MUNICIPALITY Quantity: 5 Quantity: 6 Turbine type: Vestas V100 Turbine type: Vestas V110 Yearly production: 22.8 GWh Yearly production: 37.4 GWh Quantity: 3 Quantity: 6 Commissioned: 2010 Commissioned: 2011/2012 Commissioned: 2013 Commissioned: 2016 Owner: KumBro Vind AB Owner: KumBro Vind AB 3. BRUNSMO, 8. BLEKHEM, KARLSKRONA MUNICIPALITY VÄSTERVIK MUNICIPALITY 13. BROTORP, 18. BOHULT, Turbine type: GE 2,5 XL Turbine type: Vestas V100 MÖNSTERÅS MUNICIPALITY HALMSTAD MUNICIPALITY Quantity: 5 Quantity: 6 Turbine type: Vestas V126 Turbine type: GE 1,6-100 Yearly production: 24.5 GWh Yearly production: 30.1 GWh Quantity: 14 Quantity: 8 Commissioned: 2010 Commissioned: 2011/2012 Commissioned: 2015 Commissioned: 2014 Owner: Fund managed Owner: Fund managed by by BlackRock Allianz Global Investors 4. KÅPHULT, 9. GETTNABO, LAHOLMS MUNICIPALITY TORSÅS MUNICIPALITY Turbine type: GE 2,5XL Turbine type: Vestas V90 14. STORRUN, 19. EKEBY, Quantity: 7 Quantity: 6 KROKOM MUNICIPALITY KUMLA MUNICIPALITY Yearly production: 40.6 GWh Yearly production: 30.3 GWh Turbine type: Nordex N90 Turbine type: Senvion MM100 Commissioned: 2010/2011 Commissioned: 2011 Quantity: 12 Quantity: 3 Commissioned: 2009 Commissioned: 2016 Owner: Fund managed Owner: KumBro Vind AB by Whitehelm Capital 5. FRÖSLIDA, 10. SKÄPPENTORP, HYLTE MUNICIPALITY MÖNSTERÅS MUNICIPALITY Turbine type: GE 2,5XL Turbine type: Vestas V112 Quantity: 9 Quantity: 1 15. SKOGABY, 20. TELLENES, Yearly production: 55.4 GWh Yearly production: 8.5 GWh LAHOLMS MUNICIPALITY ROGALAND, NORGE Commissioned: 2011 Commissioned: 2012 Turbine type: Vestas V100 Turbine type: Siemens Quantity: 4 SWT-3,2 MW Commissioned: 2013 Quantity: 50 Owner: Fund managed by Commissioned: 2017 Allianz Global Investors Owner: Fund managed by BlackRock PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW • 9 Co-owned wind 14. STORRUN power operations 22. SOLBERG 21. JÄDRAÅS, OCKELBO MUNICIPALITY Turbine type: Vestas V112 Quantity: 66 Yearly production: 572 Gwh Commissioned: 2012/2013 Owner: Arise AB/Platina Partners LLP (50/50) 11. JÄDRAÅS 21. JÄDRAÅS 16. MOMBYÅSEN 23. SVARTNÄS 20. TELLENES 19. EKEBY 7. SÖDRA KÄRRA 8. BLEKHEM Wind farms 17. RYSSBOL 6. IDHULT under construction 5. FRÖSLIDA 18. BOHULT 10. SKÄPPENTORP 12. STJÄRNARP 15. SKOGABY 13. BROTORP 1. OXHULT 4. KÅPHULT 22. SOLBERG, 23. SVARTNÄS, 9. GETTNABO ÖRNSKÖLDSVIKS MUNICIPALITY FALU MUNICIPALITY Turbine type: Vestas V126 Turbine type: Vestas V136 2. RÅBELÖV 3. BRUNSMO Quantity: 22 Quantity: 32 To be commissioned: 2018 To be commissioned: 2019 Owner: Fortum and Skellefteå Owner: Fund managed Kraft by BlackRock 10 • MESSAGE FROM THE CEO MESSAGE FROM THE CEO Wind power is rapidly gaining ground in Sweden. Wind power’s share of total electricity depopulation is often a reality. The expansion of wind production is more than 10 per cent and power is helping to curb and even reverse this trend. And let me stress this: we have only utilised a small part of the is rising at a good rate. This is shifting us geography and wind resources that Sweden has to offer. from being a special interest to more and We are also a potential new export industry that can assist the climate and energy transition throughout Europe more of a public interest. Quite simply, even further. If we can become a green battery for Europe, wind power is fundamental for growth, this will also generate income and provide major, long-term socio-economic benefits for Sweden while creating environ- jobs and green transitioning. We are key mental benefits for other parts of Europe. to attracting foreign investments in the Sweden also has a unique opportunity to attract new industries with its sound availability of competitively priced billions to Sweden, and we are laying the green electricity.
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