E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2019 No. 176 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was account for more than $1.1 trillion in range of issues. As a volunteer drug called to order by the President pro revenue. In Iowa, there are 26,119 vet- court judge, Judge Tapp has earned na- tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). eran-owned businesses that employ tional praise for promoting long-term f 51,801 people and bring in $10.9 million. recovery in the courtroom. He has also Iowa is working hard to attract vet- developed a sterling reputation for PRAYER erans and help them start and expand fairness throughout Kentucky and The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- their businesses. I honor these hard- around the country. fered the following prayer: working entrepreneurs who have served Now David will bring a lifetime of Let us pray. our country by joining my colleagues public service and achievement to the Eternal God, You look down from in recognizing this week, the week of Court of Federal Claims, where I am Heaven upon humanity’s children, November 4, as National Veterans confident he will continue making us seeking for those to use for Your glory. Small Business Week. all proud. I look forward to voting to May our lawmakers live with such I yield the floor. confirm him later today and hope our faithfulness that they will be Your re- f colleagues will join me. demptive instruments at a time when f truth seems a rare commodity. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME May You find delight in those who by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATION faith trust You to make the crooked the previous order, the leadership time Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, places straight and the rough places is reserved. now, on another matter, last week the smooth. Lead our Senators to a fresh f Nation saw several pivotal moments dedication in their service to You and that shed light on the current state of humanity. Grant that justice will roll RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY the Democratic Party. Here in the Sen- down like waters and righteousness LEADER ate, as I mentioned, Democrats chose like a mighty stream. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- to filibuster funding for our national We pray in Your great Name. Amen. jority leader is recognized. defense for the second time in 2 f f months. This funding was agreed to in the bipartisan, bicameral deal that PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS Speaker PELOSI and the Democratic The President pro tempore led the Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, leader signed onto just a few months Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: this week, the Senate will continue its ago, but now they have walked away I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the work in the personnel business and from the agreement they signed and United States of America, and to the Repub- confirm more of the President’s out- filibustered funding for our military lic for which it stands, one nation under God, standing nominees to the Federal judi- commanders. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ciary. Yesterday, we saw the Iranian regime The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Since our Democratic colleagues celebrate—celebrate—the 40th anniver- HYDE-SMITH). The Senator from Iowa. chose last week to filibuster defense sary of the taking of the American Em- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I funding and block the Senate from bassy and the beginning of the Iranian ask unanimous consent to speak as in even considering legislation to fund hostage crisis. The familiar slogan, morning business for 30 seconds. our Armed Forces, we will turn our ‘‘Death to America,’’ was on full dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without focus to confirmations while we wait play. It was especially sobering to objection, it is so ordered. for progress from them on appropria- watch this display and remember that f tions. our own U.S. military commanders do Leading off the week, the Senate will not have the certainty they need for NATIONAL VETERANS SMALL have the opportunity to confirm an- strategic planning because Democrats BUSINESS WEEK other standout Kentuckian to the Fed- here in Washington found it politically Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, eral bench, this time to the U.S. Court advantageous to block it. veterans, meaning our veterans of war of Federal Claims. Over in the House, Speaker PELOSI or veterans in uniform who have not Judge David Tapp has just about continues to stall the U.S.-Mexico-Can- been in a war environment, have a big done it all since he first became a ada Agreement. USMCA would bring impact on the American economy. State judge nearly 15 years ago. He has tens of billions in new commerce and There are 2.5 million veteran-owned heard cases at multiple levels of the create 176,000 new American jobs, but businesses in the United States that State’s judiciary, ruling on a wide House Democrats would rather pursue ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6365 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:51 Nov 06, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05NO6.000 S05NOPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE S6366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 5, 2019 political theater. So American workers could literally seize—seize—every dol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and farmers are still waiting. lar that Americans have deposited in objection, it is so ordered. However, while our Democratic col- banks and you would have nowhere DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS leagues block these bipartisan prior- near enough money to pay for even the Mr. THUNE. Madam President, let ities, at least they are not shy about first decade of this crazy experiment. me begin by echoing what the leader what they do support. We have seen Democrats are confident they can said earlier about the importance of what Democrats prioritize. We remem- produce this huge sum of money passing the Defense appropriations bill. ber the Green New Deal, an effort to through historic tax increases on job I just came from a meeting with grab unprecedented control over Amer- creators and on the American people. members of our Defense Department ican families’ daily lives. Designing, It would be an enormous—enormous— where we talked about how important building, or furnishing a home or busi- new tax burden dumped on the U.S. it is that the appropriations process ness? Democrats want Washington to economy that would kill jobs, depress moves forward. The Defense authoriza- dictate how you do that. Commuting, workers’ wages, and make America less tion bill, the broader bill that sets the traveling for vacation, mowing your competitive literally for generations to priorities for military spending, is also lawn? They would like you to do that come. stalled out here. That is something without gasoline or jet fuel sooner At the exact time when Republican that both sides have agreed to for 58 rather than later. Make a living pro- tax reform has made the United States years. It sets out how we are going to ducing, refining, or delivering afford- more competitive and boosted pros- make sure that we take care of our able American energy? They want you perity here at home, Democrats want men and women in uniform and that to find another line of work whether to take us backward and make our Na- they have the equipment, the weap- you like it or not. That is the Green tion a less attractive place to create onry, and the training they need to do New Deal. jobs. their jobs and to keep America safe. Here is what Larry Summers, a There is also the matter of Medicare The authorization bill is stalled right former Treasury Secretary under for None. That is the scheme that now. That is the priority bill. would take the program that millions President Clinton, wrote about this The appropriations bill, the part that far-left plan in the Washington Post: of American seniors rely on, throw funds all of that—that, too, has been away everything except the label, and [It] will discourage hiring, particularly of blocked last week, most recently by low-skilled workers. There is . the paste that onto a new, one-size-fits-all, real risk of an economic contraction fol- the Senate Democrats, who filibustered Washington-run insurance plan that lowing a sharp market decline. the Defense appropriations bill. would be mandatory for every Amer- That is Larry Summers, the Clinton So both the authorization bill and ican. Medicare, gone. Private plans and Treasury Secretary. Particularly, it the funding bill are now both stalled the popular Medicare Advantage Pro- would discourage hiring, particularly out here in the Senate because of ob- gram, gone. Every health insurance of low-skilled workers, and a sharp struction and delays by the Senate plan that Americans get on the job, market decline. So in order to take Democrats. That is unfortunate for the which over 180 million people depend away employer-sponsored insurance men and women in uniform in this on, gone. from 180 million Americans, Democrats country because in that Defense appro- This is literally what several of the want to kill American jobs and bring priations bill is the largest pay in- leading Democratic Presidential con- the economy to a screeching halt. crease in a decade for our men and tenders have endorsed—a new nation- Look, I would implore my friends women in uniform, not to mention all wide experiment in socialism.
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