ManiMr o f tks Aodlt Bbtw b of OiroulMtoB VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 345 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Some FUuh Floods France Arid State Drenched By Welcome Showers Took Unauthorized Photos NEW HAVEN — A d a y fch e i. Danlelwm rwselvid aImost«>peraon8 td evacuate an apart­ three inches. ment complex in Rocky Hill, of wet weather Sunday Rain in other secUons of the In Bridgeport, the storm Bomb Plant brought Connecticut its state totaled generally one to caused a temporary power fail Events heaviest dose of rain since two inches, the weather bureau ure in part of the downtown February and prompted said. district. Including Uie police sU Seen Target Although the water brought tlon. flash flood warnings for some relief to the drou^t- Police used flashlights to get In State ■mall streams in the north­ atrlken state, it was expected aroimd the building and did their Of Cameras east comer of th^ state. to have litUe Impact on the long- radio dispatching over a squad The U.8. WeaUier Bureau at run moisture deficit. car. Rainfall at the weather bu­ A county agent said Saturday Smoke Fells Four PARIS (AP) — ’The De- Windsor Locka said last night reau, for instance. Is still 7.69 fruit, com and hay crops had fense Ministry charged to­ heavy rain In that secUon might inches below normal for the been Irreparably damaged in In Hartford Fire day tha.t a U.S. photo cause minor overflows on some year—to say nothing of making spite of any heavy rain that reconnaissance plane that streams and brooks. up the deficits Incurred in 1964 might be on the way. There were B.25 inches of rain and other years since the be­ The crops can’t make up for HARTFORD (AP) — A flew near the FVench nu­ at the Mansfield Hollow dam, ginning of the prolonged dry lost time and moisture, s&dd three-alarm fire in an Al­ clear complex at Pierre- the weather bureau reported. spell. bany Avenue apartment latte was on a mission to __ (See Pago Two) Putnam reported nearly 4.5 in- The deluge forced about 30 building sent four firemen take "unauthorized pie- to the hospital for treat­ turea.” ment of smoke inhalation The nuclear plant there la today. None was in serious working on France’s first hy­ •SI drogen bomb. Soviet Ship condition. A statement from the mtido- Residences of eigM families— try said a protest had been Scientists Analyze htoluding 12 adults and 12 chil­ presented at the U.S. Embaasy Reported OK dren—were damaged by flames in Paris. and smoke. All occupants of Tha atatament ooid eamaraa the buUding were evacuated mo­ aboard tha plana, an RFlOl, had On Sun Tr^p ments after the first alarm was taken 176 ^cturea of the com­ New Mars Photos turned in at 8:66 a.m. plex Friday. Two businesses on the ground Aooordlng to the Defense Mto- PASADENA, Calif. (A P)— Scientists at Jet Propul­ MOSCOW (AP) — The new unmanned Soviet apace traveler floor of toe three - story brick iairy, the U.S. plane, which was sion Laboratory settled down today to an exhaustive struoture were badly damaged baaed at Ramofeto, West Ger­ was reported functioning per- study of Mariner 4’s photographs of Mars, coming in at by .fire. Windows were smashed many, mode four runs over tha fecUy today In its flight to orbit a rate of one every 10 hours, in a search for some hint by firefighters for access to toe atonric Installation. around the sun. fire, Which officials say probably "The French aerial defenee, of Ufe. U.S. experts tended to rule out originated In a grill and pizza having been able rapl<By to de­ Laiboratony director William were smudged. Frame No. 1 has Mars as a target, saying that shop. termine the American boae to B. Pickering beOevee some sort doud-like wlqps above the sur­ planet is no longer in a favora­ Heavy block smoke spread which the plane belonged, asked of Ufe exists on Mars and the face, but these are much higher ble position for another probe quickly through out toe build- the Amertoan military author- agency for which he works, the than the thin Martian atmos­ from earth. !& iiig. Flames went through hall­ Itlea to surrender the photoa National Aeronautics and Space phere extends. By 4 a.m., the official Soviet ways as far as the top floor, taken right after the UuxUng of AcbnlniiAration, has plans for Laboratory scientists have an news agency Tass reported the but famiUiee hod left the build­ the plane," the alntement said. .ppending hundreds of mtUlons of almost magical way of elimina­ space craft was 140,480 miles ing almost as soon as toa Are Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara awards purple heart to Lance Cjd. The Defenra Mtolotry accused Allans to find It. ting markingB they don't believe from earth. Tass said further started, the plane of three vtaiattcni: No evidence of Ufe showed up are real. They can wipe out radio communications with the David Metoyer of Los Angeles at the Army’s 8th Field Hospital near Nha Firemen worked from Inside flying in a reetrioted zone, ta k . to the first three photographs traces of noiae, make light spots satellite will be carried out in 'Trang. It was one of several he presented. (AP Photofax.) ii^ photographe without author- the restaurant and a clothing ^ I I ail I ■ ■ I I II Ml released l«uU week. They out­ dark and dark spots light to accordance with the program. taaitton, and taking ploturee in a lined a desert-Uke area slm'la.r conform to their concept of shop. Others with air pcu;ks The Soviet space authority aeaiched the apartments to see reatrtoted aone. to the broad plains on eaiPth’s \toat the ploturee ought to show. announced the spacecraft, that no residents remained in Until today the Fraaob mate- Ifeless moon. Mariner 4’s camera is linked named "Automatic Station Zond tained oCftoial siienoe on the Before any more are released, to a device which converts the toe buUdtog. Bandits Hold 3,” was launched Sunday on an U.S. 1st Division affair. all of the poaeihle 21 photo- light values of the picture it orbit aroimd the sun. The first According to French naani grains taken as Mariner 4 flew ttUces Into numbers. Zero is announcement said the space' Couple Killed reports, French fighter pianea past Mars Wednesday are going white, 68 la black. The numbers craft and its scientific gear MIDDLEFIELD (AP)—A man Store Aide^ were sent up to chaae the U.S. to be carefully analyzed. In between represent various were "functioning normally" and his wife were killed when riane out of the area. 'Hie De- Transmitted across 184 mU' ehades of f^ray. and “ preliminary data shows their auto and a truck collided Attacked by Cong tenee Ministry statement sup­ Bon miles of space, they contain The spacecraft radio trana- that the trajectoiy of the auto­ head-on today on Route 6A, state Take $40,000 ported these reporis, but not in many ‘‘gUitcbes,’^ an engineer- mlita these numbers to earth matic station is close to the eX' detail. It epoke only a t an Amah term for eleftronlc errore where they are recorded on pected one.’’ MMriflsd a..Rnb-l SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A P )—'Troops of the new- TOWBON, Md. (AP) — Ttoee and statle. They also ahow aav- top*. The tape Is fed Into a de­ The purpose of the flight, the ertE WWM, 8^ m ?W a witol ly arrived U.S- -1st Division wfure attacked by the Viet swarthy bandits hrid a depart­ (Bee Fage Hlgkt) aral martdnga sdenttsls douht vice which converts the num- announcement said, “ Is to check (5ong for the first time during the night and three ment atora official and hla fami­ actually exiat on Mars. A UkeB- bars back into dots of various the station’s systems in condi­ (Sea Bage Eight) Americans were killed, a U.S. spokesman announced. ly at gunpoint ovamight and ar explanaitian, they say, woiBd ataades of gray, 300 doto to a Une tions of prolonged space flight The spokesman said several^ escaped today wiUi approxi­ State Accidents be some fauK In the camera and and 200 Unee to a picture. and holding of scientific studies more Americans were wounded Cong attack to action around mately 840,000 from the store radio system. If the dots donT make sense in Interplanetary space." in the attack that began with a the Hurtgen Forest, in Germa­ safe. EV>r instance, aU three show a Rusk Seen Take Five Lives to some areas — 11 they show a A solar orbit is required for mortar barrage against forward ny, in 1945. Two of toe bandits appeared dark spot in the same area cf - a I elements of the division’s 2nd U.S. planes pushed the war at the home of Oonrad O. Mc- toe frame, ahnoat as If the lana (See Page Two^^^mb (See Page Two) aung, 31, aaalstant manager of A Mllor stationed at Orotoi tCVCHSOn S brigade ouUlde the Blen Hoa deeper into North Viet Nam to­ and a Hartford man ware killed S ax^TV/aaowu northeast of day, bombing a 10-mile stretch Hutzleni Department Store, and I Saigon. said they were attorneys. tn aeparate car ooeldente tota of railroad track starUng 16 wericend, while two Hartford 11 gvgvgXfiCiYhl* t'ito iBt Division troops had miles north of Yen Bay and 90 Once Inside the home, about 9 broUieri drowned In a boat)watliif S miles northwest of Hanoi, a U.S.
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