John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 10-20-1939 The aC rroll News- Vol. 20, No. 2 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 20, No. 2" (1939). The Carroll News. 370. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/370 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL ·NEWS Edited For and By.the Students of John Carroll University ZSS7-A Vol. XX CLEVELAND, OHIO, OCTOBER 20, 1939 No.2 Homecoming Dance Se~ For .Oc~ober 28 Vincent: Pat:t:ie Furnishes Music W. T. Duffin Replaces Follen in Edi-torship ForDanceAfi:erCase-JCUGame As 1940 Annual Approaches Realization Higgins Heads 13-man Junior Committ:ee; Cleveland Club Site Again This Year Robert E. Mulcahy, Business Manager, Leads Subscription Drive; Jack Heffernan and Joe Follen Named Associate Editors After the Case-Carroll game on October 28, the junior class will spon­ sor the annual Alumni Homecoming Dance at the Cleveland Club, also Possibility approached a step nearer reality this week as the actual work of publishing the 1940 the site of last year's Homecoming Dance. The rhythms of Vincent Pattie Carroll Yearbook began. The staff, which is announced herewith in its entirety, has taken up its duties and his orchestra, including a beautiful gi rl singer, Ruth Maxwell, will with a determination which augurs well for the success of the project. play. The dance begins at ten p. m. Bids are priced at $1.50. A change in editors took place within the past several days as William T. Duffin replaced Joseph William A. Higgins, monogram win­ L. Follen, who was originally placed in ner and varsity hockey player, is chair­ charge. Duffin, editor of The Carroll man of the committee arranging for the Six Facult:y Members News and associate editor of the Annual dance. His date, Miss Ruth Mawby, auto­ matically receives the honor of being Earn Promot:ions, previous to his promotion, was elevated hostess. Gerald ]. Nolan, president of the to the position when Follen was forced junior class, becomes honorary chairman. Effect:ive in '39-'40 to resign due to the pressure of outside Nolan's date, Miss Margaret Tarbell, Six faculty promotions were an­ activity. will be honorary hostess, automatically. nounced this week by the Dean's office, The staff has been divided into two Students may purchase bids from any effective for the year 1939-40. departments - editorial and business. member of the 13-man committee, com­ Rev. William J. Murphy S.J., advanced Those who will serve in either capacity prising Frank O'Brien, Norbert Werner, from associate professor to professor. are the following: Jack Heffernan and Jack Forhan, Bob Hengesbach, Ray Lutz, Rev. Louis J . Puhl S.]. and Mr. Frank Follen, associate editors; Bob Mulcahy, Sam Marcus, Gordon Hanau, Jack A. Bardeen won promotions from as­ business manager; Ray McGorray, Ber­ Schmitt, Henry Simon, Don Meyers, sistant professor to associate professor. nard Petty, Vincent Collins, John Zerbe, Graham Armstrong. Mr. Edward C. Reilley, Mr. John A. Jim McCrystal, George Otto, Jack H iggins predicts confidently that the Seliskar, and Mr. Edmund B. Thomas Brennan, Ray Thomas, Jim Morgan, dance will be the "best of the year." He dropped the title of instructor to become Jack Forhan, Jerry Nolan, Jack bases his claim on the records of recent assistant professors. Schmitt, Bill Joyce, Bob Ress, Frank years and on the popularity of Vincent Rev. E. C. McCue and Rev. L. V. Dillou, Bob Vitek, Carl Seliskar, Chris Pattie's orchestra. Carron, Deans, attended a convention of Fioritto, Irving Blose, Tom Dunnigan, Nolan was also enthusiastic over the educators in Columbus, October 12. Rev. Bob Bambrick. Syl Bobinski, Hanley pm pects of he d:wce, saying, "a la<ge C. M. Ryan, Rev. L. G. Weitzman, and McFadden, Ted Saker and John Whe­ number of freshmen are expected to at­ Mr. J. Donald Roll participated in the lan. Mr. f . Donald Roll, S. f.. vlill be tend." The varsity football players will be convention of teachers o£ speech at Deni­ moderator. Any student who wishes to guests of the committee, Nolan added. William Higgins Ruth Mawby son University, Saturday. (Co1~tim~d on Page 6) "Schools Must J-lelp Democracy," Holidays Jacoby Becomes Soph Pre~ident; Thanksgiving holidays will be­ gin this year on Thursday, Dean McCue Tells Businessmen November 23. Classes will be re­ Ed Sheridan Is Vice-President: sumed on Monday, November 27. William A. Jacoby of Fostoria, Ohio, is the new president. of the "Democracy is at the crossroads, and the schools an_d schoolmen This change was necessitated by must put forth every effort to support what many feared was a crum­ the President's proclamation set­ sophomore class. Jacoby automatically advances from the vice-presidency bling edifice," Dean McCue told the business men's associ ation of ting Thanksgiving on November into the vacancy left by Frank Smith of Lorain, who entered the Society East Cleveland, Tuesday. 23. This shift from, November 30 of Jesus in September. Edward S. Sheridan Jr. of Chicago, a center on Addressing the business men after a luncheon at Hotel Alcazar to November 23 was made too the varsity football team, moves up from secretary to vice-president of late for inclusion in the Univer­ the class of 1942. in Cleveland Heights, the Dean said educators fear the fu ture of sity catalogue. democracy because they "see the pow­ In turn, Frank Talty, formerly treas­ erful appeals of other forms of govern­ urer, and the only Clevelander elected to Archbishop Speaks Sodality Stresses ment." Hengesbach Follows oJ;ffice by the present sophomores last "In a democracy the state exists for May, J>ecomes secretary. These three men At JCU Assembly Rosary for October the people, not the people for the state. Nalley as President: will represent the sophomore class in the Government then, is the servant of the Carroll Union. Jacoby as sophomore Visiting Carroll for the first time Under its energetic new moderator, people. In order that this might work Of Debating Society president, fills the office of Carroll Union this school year, Archbishop Schrembs Father James C. McQuade, S. ].. Car­ harmoniously, there is needed a deep treasurer, an office allotted by tradition addressed the student body Monday, roll's Sodality of the Blessed Vi(gin sense of responsibility in each and every Robert W. Hengesbach, a junior and custom to the head of the second­ October 2. Rev. E. C. Horne S. J . swung deeper into a vigorous spiritual citizen; there is needed in a high degree, from W illoughby, O hio, became presi­ year men. opened the program by reading a and activities program with a concerted common sense, a recognition of law dent of the O ratorical Society at the be­ The ~vering Jacoby is a substitute lengthy Latin version of a "Profession drive to promote frequent use of the apart from and above the state," Father ginning of the current semester. H en­ tackle on the Blue Streak football squad. of the Catholic Faith" and "An Oath rosary here during the month of Octo­ McCue said. gesbach succeeded to the office vacated He made a close race of the freshman Against Modernism." Following Father ber. To attain its objectives of making by George J. Nalley, the choice of the class elections for president last year, Horne's example, the priests and scho­ Catholic Carroll more Cath olic, the Communistic: Life Society last May. John D owling, of and then won the sophomore vice-presi­ lastics of the faculty placed right hands Sodality will present a balanced spirit­ Based On Idealogy Cleveland, a sophomore elected secre­ dency by an overwhelming vote. on the Gospels and solemnly pledged ual program directed by representatives tary last May, will combi ne the duties Sheridan was the unsuccessful candi­ fulfillment of the promises recited by "The policy of the Communistic and of every phase of Carroll activity as well of vice-president and secretary of the date of the "dorm bloc" for freshman the president. Nazi regime is no more than a logical as by the regular officers and commit­ Oratorical Society. vice-president, losing by a narrow margin In a commentary on the ceremony, outcome of their philosophy of life . teemen of the Sodality. In the first meeting of the year, Mr. to Thomas Corrigan. Sheridan scored a Archbishop Schrembs stressed the ef­ Fundamentally it is the dictum that men J . Donald Roll, S. ].. Moderator, pre­ ficacy of Jesuit tutelage, and its value One of the chief points of the Sodal­ decisive victory in the election for sopho­ exist fo r society, that the state is the sented a new Constitution drawn up by in combatting the trend of modern im­ ity's activities program of the month is more class secretary. In the May elec­ be-all and end-all of man's existence; Mr. Roll and Rev. William F . R yan, S.]. morality. The archbishop drew an an­ the campaign for subscriptions to the tions, Talty supported Smith, Jacoby that the individual does not count; that Hengesbach appointed Charles Maurer, alogy between the oath of office ad­ "Queen's Work," official Sodality news and Sheridan, and gained the office of he can be and must be sacrificed for T homas K ucko, and D owli ng to con­ ministered to the President of the Unit­ organ.
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