GENERAL ARTICLE Remembering Leo Kadanoff 14 January 1937–26 October 2015 Sabyasachi Bhattacharya Leo Philip Kadanoff, one of the most important theoretical physi- cists of our time, whose work has profoundly transformed how we perceive collective phenomena in physics, passed away on 26 October 2015 due to post-surgical complications. In his pass- ing, the world of physics has lost a great mind, an educator, a champion of the importance of science in our lives and society, an extraordinary mentor and a master of his trade with a driving passion to develop a unique culture of collaborative research that Sabyasachi Bhattacharya is a physicist and works on often unearthed the profound from the commonplace. dynamical aspects of Born in New York City in 1937, Kadanoff received his undergrad- disordered condensed matter uate education at Harvard University from where he also received systems at the Tata Institute his PhD in 1960, with two dissertations under the guidance of of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Apart from physics, Roy Glauber and Paul Martin. In 1962, he co-authored the classic he is interested in higher text Quantum Statistical Mechanics with Gordon Baym during education policy in India his postdoctoral work at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. related specially to science By 1966, while on the faculty at the University of Illinois, Urbana- and technology research. Champaign, he produced his monumental work on critical phe- nomena that led to the profound ideas of universality and scal- ing. Phase transitions in matter such as solid-to-liquid and liquid- to-vapor, a ferromagnet to a paramagnet or more exotic versions of them, a conventional fluid to a superfluid that has no viscos- ity or its charge analog – a metal to a superconductor that has no electrical resistance, had been studied extensively over many decades. Paul Ehrenfest categorized them into numbered ‘or- ders’ depending on which derivative of the free energy showed an abrupt change at the transition point. A first order transition showed such anomalies in the first order derivatives such as en- tropy and specific volume (inverse of density), while a second order transition showed such behavior in the second derivatives such as specific heat, compressibility, thermal expansion coef- Keywords ficient, and so on. Experiments however, threw up two major Phase transitions, critical phe- surprises for the second order (often called continuous) transi- nomena, statistical physics, uni- tions. First, these second order derivatives actually diverged as versality, scaling. RESONANCE | October 2016 869 GENERAL ARTICLE Kadanoff’s work on the transition was approached instead of being merely discontin- scaling provided the key uous. Second, disparate groups of systems behaved identically, insights that led to the but differently from other disparate groups in their divergence as understanding and seen by distinct sets of critical exponents. Kadanoff’s work on classification of critical phenomena. scaling, a mathematical form of recursive coarse-graining, pro- vided the key insights that led to the understanding and classifi- cation of critical phenomena. For a detailed technical review of the work, see the article in this issue by Srikanth Shastry (p.875). Two seminal papers appeared in quick succession, the first was a single authored paper on the theoretical and mathematical frame- work. The second, a multi-authored collaborative review, pro- vided a comprehensive status of both theory and experiment at the time. The pattern of reporting a major discovery followed by a comprehensive contextual view of where the field stood would continue throughout his career. Kadanoff spent nearly a decade thereafter at Brown University. During this period, he became interested in urban planning by recognizing the similarity in the mathematical formalisms in this field with statistical mechanics of condensed matter systems. This work foretold another of Kadanoff’s lifelong interest: finding math- ematical similarity between physical and more complex systems far afield and bringing the power of analogy to gain meaningful insights to a broader problem, in effect, creating generic if not universal classes of problems. His work in this period was judged important enough for the State of Rhode Island of which he was a resident to formally adopt his recommendations. In 1978, Kadanoff moved to the University of Chicago. It was to be his intellectual home for the rest of his life and many of his extraordinary achievements influencing the course of science in Kadanoff’s work general, and physics in particular, took place here. On an indi- spanned wide areas, vidual level, he continued his work on critical points where the including chaos in system suddenly changes character. He worked on the onset of simple dynamical chaos in simple dynamical systems, onset of turbulence in fluids, systems, onset of turbulence in fluids, mathematical characterization of instability-driven pattern forma- mathematical tion and so on. But he also inspired as well as participated in characterization of collaborative research programs, most notably with his colleague instability-driven pattern Sidney Nagel. Of special note among these enterprises is the by formation and so on. now famous problem of a leaky faucet, the process by which a column of liquid breaks up into droplets. 870 RESONANCE | October 2016 GENERAL ARTICLE In Chicago, Kadanoff’s role as an extraordinary mentor fully Kadanoff was a physicist blossomed. His individual accomplishments came very early in and mentor par life and placed a burden on him to continue producing such path- excellence, who breaking work. As it became clear in his later-day conversations championed collaborative research. and interviews, he had wondered about the likelihood of mak- ing theoretical breakthroughs comparable to the early ones. He had very consciously taken upon himself the task of building peo- ple, programs and a distinct work culture of collaborative research across fields. I joined the James Franck institute at the University of Chicago as an institute postdoc in 1979, a year after Kadanoff (Leo to all around him) did. For those of us present at Chicago during the early years, it was an extraordinary experience to watch first hand, a style and a culture of physics taking shape even though many of us were unaware of it till years later. Kadanoff had an office strate- gically located at the south-west corner on the ground floor of the L-shaped low temperature wing of the James Franck Institute. His neighbors included young members of the faculty – John Hertz, Sidney Nagel, Kathy Levin, David Oxtoby, Gene Mazenko and my co-postdocs – Larry Fleishman, Dah-min Hwang and Steve Shenker. A large number of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from all parts of the building and from across the spiritual divide with the Enrico Fermi Institute for high-energy physics, milled about. Everyone gathered at the Monday bag-lunch seminar series Leo started. He was already a celebrity with informal manners and was easily the center of attention, viewed with awe, admiration and a bit of hero worship. Visitors flowed in from all corners of the world and presented bag-lunch seminars in addition to their more formal lecture-duties at the institute colloquia. When there were no outsiders, it was upon one of us to talk about our work. The talks were not always lucid, the central motivation not always apparent, the significance of the results not always clear. In some cases, the speaker would lose the audience within the first few minutes. It was then invariably Leo’s task to rescue the situation, which he would achieve by politely asking an innocent sounding question. The answer if given, would unfailingly lift the fog, re- vealing the shores one is navigating towards, accompanied by a collective knowing sighs and murmurs in the room -“now I see!” Sometimes that would be true of the speaker too. It was some- RESONANCE | October 2016 871 GENERAL ARTICLE “You cannot times said that Leo’s very presence in the room made everyone underestimate how else smarter. I later felt that we knew that Leo would be genuinely happy people are if you happy if we did well and not so happy if we did not. Both would start by telling them be apparent on his face. We wanted to make Leo happy because it something they already know.” was an important marker of how we were doing. He was a master communicator and took this matter seriously. He could communi- cate the nearly incommunicable: good judgement and good taste. Those of us lucky to be around him, have carried these lessons, to the extent we learned them, throughout our professional lives. He would often make interesting comments about the art of sem- inar presentations, some of which I pass on to my students even today. Here are two examples: “You cannot underestimate how happy people are if you start by telling them something they al- ready know.” And the other: “People do not much care to figure out how smart you are but they are happy if they learn something from your talk.” The emergence of the now famous Chicago school in statistical and soft matter physics took place after I left the University in 1982. Leo’s mark on this enterprise was visible in the choice of colleagues he helped recruit and chose to collaborate with and also in the directions of research, both theoretical and experimen- tal that took place there, sometimes quirky, far off the beaten path, but always profound and always beautiful. Decades later, our professional paths crossed again. For one year, we overlapped on the Council of the American Physical Society – he, as the President and I as the International Councilor. A major controversy broke out over the Society’s firm position on global warming. Leo took the society through that difficult period with firm hands, uncompromising on the position based on what he was convinced to be sound science, with a command of its essence and his sense of fairness to those who disagreed.
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