PROGRAMME OF COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2017-2021 Progress Report 2017 REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA COUNCIL OF MINISTERS PROGRAMME OF COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2017-2021 Progress Report Layout & Design Grid Cartels Photography UN Albania Archives Deposit Photos TABLE OF CONTENTS CLICK TO GO Foreword Executive Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Annexes Summary Key Development Delivering Results for Albania The UN Delivering Agenda 2030— o Annex A: Progress Trends in Albania as One in Albania Efforts in Albania against PoCSD results - Outcome 1: Governance and Rule of Law framework Year 2017 in Brief o One Programme Output 1.1 Human Rights Annex B: Administrative o o Common Budgetary o agent financial report o Output 1.2 Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law Framework–One Fund Output 1.3 Local Governance on the One UN o o One Leader Output 1.4 Access to Justice Coherence Fund for o o Operating as One Output 1.5 Mainstreaming Gender and Gender-Responsive Budgeting 2017 o o Communicating as One Annex C: Financial o Output 1.6 Migration and Asylum o overview of 2017 total o Challenges and the Way Ahead budget (USD), including - Outcome 2: Social Cohesion all sources of funding Annex D: National o Output 2.1 Health o implementing partners, o Output 2.2 Education participating UN o Output 2.3 Social Inclusion and Protection organisations, funds o Output 2.4 Child Protection and programmes, and o Output 2.5 Gender-Based Violence their acronyms and o Challenges and the Way Ahead websites - Outcome 3: Economic Growth, Labour and Agriculture o Annex E: UN organisations o Output 3.1 Economic Development publications in 2017 o Output 3.2 Labour Annex F: Mapping of o Output 3.3 Agriculture and Rural Development o government strategies o Output 3.4 Culture and action plans to o Challenges and the Way Ahead PoCSD 2017–2021 - Outcome 4: Environment and Climate Change outcomes o Output 4.1 Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change o Output 4.2 Natural Resources o Challenges and the Way Ahead 6 PROGRESS REPORT 2017 ACRONYMS GDP Gross Domestic Product ADISA Agency for the Delivery of Integrated Services Albania GEF Global Environment Fund AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome GI Geographic Indications ALL Albanian Lek GM Gender Mainstreaming AMR Antimicrobial Resistance GoA Government of Albania AMUN Albanian Model United Nations GRB Gender-Responsive Budgeting ANFI Albanian National Forestry Inventory GREVIO Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence BKH Byroja Kombëtare e Hetimit (National Investigation Bureau) HDI Human Development Index CBS Community-Based Scorecard HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus CCA Climate Change Adaptation HLPF High-Level Political Forum CCR Community Coordinated Response HRMIS Human Resource Management Information System CEDAW Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency CoE Council of Europe ICD International Classification of Diseases CPD Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination ICPD International Conference on Population and Development CPI Corruption Perceptions Index ICT Information and Communications Technology CPU Child Protection Unit IHR International Health Regulation CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child ILO International Labour Organisation CSE Comprehensive Sexuality Education IMF International Monetary Fund CSO Civil Society Organisation INSTAT National Institute of Statistics CSR Corporate Social Responsibility IOM International Organisation for Migration DHS Demographic Health Survey IPARD Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in Rural Development DRR Disaster Risk Reduction IPH Institute of Public Health EC European Commission IT Information Technology ELDS Early Learning and Development Standards JWP Joint Work Plan EPR Environmental Performance Review KAP Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices EU European Union LGU Local Government Unit EVAW Ending Violence Against Women LINAC Linear Accelerator FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations MIL Media and Information Literacy FDI Foreign Direct Investment MIS Management Information System FLA Free Legal Aid MNCH Maternal, Newborn and Child Health GB–DV Gender-Based and Domestic Violence MoARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development GBV Gender-Based Violence MoESY Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth GCF Green Climate Fund 8 PROGRESS REPORT 2017 MoFE Ministry of Finance and Economy SRHR Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights MoHSP Ministry of Health and Social Protection TB Tuberculosis MTBP Mid-Term Budget Programme TLAS Tirana Legal Aid Society MTH Mother Theresa Hospital UK United Kingdom NAVETQ National Agency for Vocational Education, Training and Qualification UN United Nations NCD Non-Communicable Disease UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS NCCPI National Centre of Cultural Property Inventory UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development NDC National Determined Contribution UNDP United Nations Development Programme NEET Not in Employment, Education and Training UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe NES National Employment Service UNEP United Nations Environment Programme NGO Non-Governmental Organisation UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation NLC National Licensing Centre UNFPA United Nations Population Fund NSDI National Strategy for Development and Integration 2015–2020 UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees NSGE National Strategy on Gender Equality UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund PHC Primary Health Care UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation PISA Programme for International Student Assessment UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime PoCSD Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development UNRC United Nations Resident Coordinator PPP Purchasing Power Parity UN Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women RES Renewable Energy Source UPR Universal Periodic Review REVALB Recording Violence in Albania USA United States of America SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation USAID United States Agency for International Development SDG Sustainable Development Goal USD United States Dollar SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment VAC Violence Against Children SHPP Small Hydropower Plant VAW Violence Against Women SIGMA Support for Improvement in Governance and Management VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing SIIG Statistical Indicators and Integrity Group VET Vocational Education Training SILC Survey on Income and Living Conditions VNR Voluntary National Report SLM Sustainable Land Management VSD Vocational Skills Development SPAK Struktura e Posaçme kundër Korrupsionit dhe Krimit të Organizuar WB World Bank (Specialised Structure against Corruption and Organised Crime) WEAP Water Evaluation and Assessment Planning SPS State Probation Service WHO World Health Organisation SRH Sexual and Reproductive Health WISDOM Wood-fuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping 10 PROGRESS REPORT 2017 CONTRIBUTING PARTNERS IN 2017 European Union Government of Albania Government of Austria Government of Netherlands Government of Italy Government of Slovenia Government of Switzerland Government of Sweden Government of Turkey Government of United Kingdom Government of United States of America The Council of Europe Development Bank Global Environment Fund Climate Green Fund Swedish national Committee Swedish National Committee for UNICEF global thematic fund Global Thematic Fund for UNICEF Global Fund to End Violence Against Children The David Beckham UNICEF Fund Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Terre des hommes 12 PROGRESS REPORT 2017 FOREWORD In our capacity as the Co-Chairs of the Gov- declaration to support SDGs, and some of Ti- A National Health Strategy 2016–2020 was ments, to move Albania towards an increas- ernment of Albania–UN Joint Executive Com- rana’s most well-known companies, including developed, responding to the growing calls ingly sustainable energy future. Meanwhile, mittee, we are pleased to present the 2017 Sophie Café and Telekom mobile, led private for strengthening of the health system in Al- an important new programme was estab- Annual Progress Report for our Programme sector advocacy and action. bania. Implementation of Albania’s Demo- lished to protect and develop sustainably the of Cooperation for Sustainable Development graphic and Health Survey 2017–2018 has marine protected area around the Karaburun 2017–2021. The Programme features four key Of course, the heart of the report describes started, thus contributing to the EU accession Peninsula. pillars—Governance and Rule of Law, Social concrete results of our cooperation across the requirements regarding provision of stan- Senida Mesi Cohesion, Economic Growth, Labour and four agreed Outcomes. dardised and valid health information. These are just a few of the highlights of the Brian J. Williams Deputy Prime Agriculture, and Environment and Climate present report, and we encourage you to Resident Minister Change—with activities designed to promote In the area of governance and rule of law, for A new law on social housing, prepared in con- browse through Chapter 2, which provides Coordinator European Union integration and accelerate example, the formulation of the Criminal Jus- sultations with a large array of partners, aims sector-specific details. United Nations in achievement of the Sustainable Development
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