I Giant-Fordham Football Rally At 11 A.M. In Gym THE FORDHAM RAM lol. 46, No. 16 Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. 10458, October 9, 1964 401 Twelve Page* lialogue Lecturer Gives Gould Gets Post With ASGUSA O'Doherty to Speak; iews On Birth Control P.R. Committee Keating Reschedules Rev. George Hagmaier, C.S.P., speaking on "Marriage John Gould, a College junior, As the large division loblcm's and Agglonmmento," Wednesday night told a-Cam- has been named chairman of a political loyalties among Ford- is Center audience that Catholic parents "are not obliged committee to study public rela- tions for the Associated Student ham students is being record- I have as many children as God may send, but must take into Governments, United States of ed in this week's RAM straw 'nsidcration the economic, social, and psychological factors" America. Gould -was among tm-ee poll, Senatorial and Congres- which a child would he raised. Foidham men who attended the sional hopefuls of all parties ,'A moral responsibility," Fa-'* ' ASGUSA charter meeting last are planning to bring their jor Hagmaier continued, "is ex- April. battles to the Fordham cam- Iciscd in the sexual act, the At that time, student govern- pus. eminent of love," which, is the ment leaders from 62 colleges The American Age Lecture tal giving of one's total self. met in St. Louis to consider Series announced that Sen. Ken- a'viiagc : is ' not contained in the formation of a new "non- neth Keating and Robert F. Ken- ly this act, however, but is political" union of college gov- nedy, Republican and Democratic interaction of many eino- ernments in the U.S. Gould, with nominees for tihe Senate from New \ml and spiritual, as well as junior Dan Tynan and sopho- York, will make appearances in [i.v.siciil aspects," he added. more Bob Haddock took a major the Fordham gym. role in the three days of inten- Sex Instruction Conservative Speaker 'Father Hagmaier stressed the sive investigation and debate. aiiortanco of family life in form- The final draft of a charter The Conservative club revealed he attitude of children toward was passed by a vote of 486 while that Conservative candidate Kie- larriaee and sex. He .pointed out Fordham played a leading role ran O'Doherty will speak in the in the movement for ratification. Campus Center ballroom at 11 ic inability o! many fathers and o'clock, a week from today. Kiotan O'Dohorty miners lo instruct children in According to Gould, ASGUSA Irani matters. Part of any par- is "designed to open and promote Senator Keating originally tied up on the original date. In- channels of communication and Planned to make his appearance stead of bMng in New York as it's responsibility is to see that here on that day. This week he hilcl will liave the proper at- cooperation among student gov- planned, the Senator will be in • ernments Of American colleges postponed liis appearance until the Rochester. uclc and behavioral instincts following Fri., Oct. 23, three days I lie enters the married life. and universities." In that capac- Kennedy's scheduled appear- ity it will encourage and in some after Kennedy's showing. ance Is "definite." according to There is a great need for better instances facilitate an attitude Joseph Hunt, chairman of the in .seminaries by behav- Fafhcr Hagmaier Hunt. more satisfactory and beneficial American Age Lecture Series, ex- Sen. Hubert Humphrey, Dem- specialists to instruct the conceptions, young people must be (Continued on Page 3) plained that Sen. Keating will be ocratic Vice-presidential nominee, ture religious in teaching mar- instructed in "planned parent- definitely wants to maka "a major i»e courses. In addition, those hood", which Father Hagmaier address" at Fordham before the aiming to be instructors in the defined as "the unselfish control election, Hunt said. However eld need further knowledge of by rational methods of sexual Father Lynch To Celebrate Humphrey, who <had tentatively ic parts played by medicine powers." scheduled Ms appearance for Sept. IXiology, and psychology in this Father Hagmaier, in reference Golden Anniversary Mass 24, has not yet decided on an al- bjcct. ' to pre-marital intercourse, stated ternate date. Also mentioned by Father Hag- Nestled alongside of Freeman Hiidson, Poughkeepsie, in. 1914, 1 that trie personalities of the people just one year after he [irst arriv- Rep. William E. Miller, Repxib- siei were several other things involved determine its effect on Hall is a small, unlmposing stone at "need to be cleared up," on structure, which most Fordham ed in the United States. The 69- lican Vice-presidential nominee married life. It may well make year-old priest was born in Lon- has given American Ago a "ten- r subject of marriage and sex. marriage difficult for certain students hardly notice in their stated that most theologians four years here. Most simply find don of Irish parents. It was there tative acceptance" in the light of I people. But others might be able out its name, the Spanish seismic that he spent his early years and Humphrey's intentions. ilied that the argument against to maintain a truly Christian mar- |tiliclal birth control was self- station, and leave it at that. received his education, graduat- riage even after such an experi- ing from St. Ignatius College in Nixon Here to anyone. In reality, ence. But there is one man on cam- Four years ago, Fordham •wit- louah, it is really a highly com- pus who has devoted a great deal 1911. Two years later, he came Individual Res-potisibility to the United States to study at nessed another colorful campaign. ?:< .subject that is very difficult of effort and not a small portion The whole problem of respon- of his life to the station in par- St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia. ] Richard M. Nixon addressed 6,000 ( comprehend fully, he said, Shortly afterwards he entered students in the gym. Other ap- M-.miiUT Planning sible parenthood may well take ticular and to science in general. three or more years to investigate He is Rev. J. Joseph Lynch, direc- the Jesuits. pearances that year were Kenneth Necessary is a more precise fully. A statement by the Church tor of the Fordham University Philosophy and Physics Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. aluation of the reverence for seismic station. This Sun., Oct. and Sen. Eugene McCarthy, on birth control may well cut off After three years at Pough- e and its relationship to mar- progress m this field .1! it is 11, at 11:00 a.m., Father Lynch spokesmen for the liberal •wins o£ J plamiing. The prevalent will offer a "Golden Jubilee" Mass keepsie, Father Lynch studied America. negative in attitude. Even a very philosophy and physics at Wood- tUosophy that "life Is .lx-tter liberal statement would not re- in the University Chapel celebrat- Kleran O'Doherly is the Conser- an non-life" must to reviewed ing the 50th anniversary of his stock College, Maryland, where vative Party's candidate to un- move the ba^ic problem of indi- he received his B.A. and M.A. seat Congressman JoVm V. Lind- f regard to the present popula- vidual responsibility and more entrance into the Society of Jesus. The well-known seismologist say, a Rockefeller Republican, in w. pressures to be found in tunny progressive education in marriage Manhattan's upper Knst Side "silt 'it-; of the world. and sex, according to Father Father Lynch entered the Jes- first came to Rose Hill in 1920 (Continued on Page 2) stocking" district. Mr. O'Doherty flu' ireimlng ->f sexuality to Hagmaier. uit seminary at St. Andrew-on- is a charter member and former '«»" People miL-.t also be re- chairman of the Conservative tted. It is mislradlng to consider Party. 'v-ifiU sexual actions as sinful IlieuiH'lvts. In order to correct their mis- Fr. Janssens, Jesuit Superior, vain until 1929, and then rector Pep Rally Today The Rev. John Baptist Jr.ns- of the Jesuit scholasticate in .spiis, Superior General of the Louvain until 193B. For 'the For N.Y. Giants Macapagal Gels .Society of Jesus since 1946, following two years, he was in- died last Monday in Rome. structor to the Tertian Fathers There will be a 2! minute rally Doctorate Today The 74-year-old Jesuit leader at, Tronchiennes. extravaganza today in the gym, ilv> had suffered a stroke on the at 11:00 a.m. where all Fordham 'Inn. Diosrtudo MacapaKUl, previous Wednesday and died From 1938 until his election students can express their "feel- will president of the Iiepub- shortly after receiving a visit to the post of Superior General, ings toward tcotball." i( " »»' Philippines, will be anil special blessing from Pope Fr. Janssens served as Jesuit The main purpose oi the rally ""tal the honorary decree- of I'a ul VL Provincial for North Belgium is to exhibit Fordham spirit and w of Laws this mominp in during its German, occupation. e Fr. JniisKfiis, a Belgian, was confidence in the New York Foot- Campus Center at 11:00 a.m. elected to the post on Sept. lfi, In accordance with the ball Giants, who must leave at '^Philippine president, v;hi, wishes of Fr. Janssens as en- 11:24 to catch a train for Dallas M m New York yesterday for 194(! by an international l "iWJierlm: of Jesuits. The meet- pressed in a letter written in where they will play the Cowboya r ;ss with UN Secretary Gun- ing had been postponed for October, 1959, the Rev. John on Sunday. •hint nnd Mayor Robert four years, because World War L.
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