HETEROCYCLES, Yo1 IS. No 1, 198 1 PAPERS OF PROFESSOR TETSUJI KAMETANJ Studies on the Synthesis of Emetine and Related Compounds. VI. A Synthesis of 4',5'-hlethylenedio~y-6-[8-6",7"~methylenedioxy-3"-methyl-py-tetrahydro- isoqu~nolyl-l")-ethyll-4-rnethyl-3,4,5,6,7,8-hexahydro-(l~,2':l,2-benzoquino- lizine): S. Supasawa and T. Kametani, -Yakugaku Zasshi, 65, 372 - 373 (1945). Syntheses of Irnidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. I. Syntheiss of 9.10-Dimetho- xy-3-(p-aminopheny1)-5,6-dihydr0ben2og1y0xa1001ne: T. Kametani and H. Iida, Yakugaku Zasshi, 70, 258 - 261 (1950). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. 11. Synthesis of 9,10-Dimetho- xy-3-veratryl-5,6-dihydrobenzog1yoxalocoline: T. Kametani and H. Iwakata, Yakugaku Zasshi, 70, 261 - 263 (1950). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. 111. Synthesis of 9,10-Di- methoxy-3-safryl-5.6-dihydrobenzaglyoxalli: T. Kametani and H. Iwakata, Yakugaku Zasshi, 70, 263 - 265 (1950). Syntheses of Papaverine Derivatives. I. Synthesis of 1-(3'-Methoxy-4"-hydro- xyphenyl)-3-meth~l-6,7-methylenediaxyisoquinline: T. Karnetani, Yakugaku --,Zasshi -71, 322 - 324 (1951). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. IV. Syntheses of 9,lO-Methyl- enedioxy-3-(4'-nitrophenyl)-5-methyl-5,6-dihydrobenzoglyoxalcoline, 9,10- flethylenedioxy-3-(3',4'-dimethoxyphenyl)-5-methylbenzoglyoxalocoline and 9,lO- Methylenedioxy-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-5-methyl-5,6-dihydrobenzogly- oxalocoline: T. Kametani, H. Iida, and H. Iwakata, Yakugaku Zasshi, 71, 325 - 329 (1951). Studies on the Syntheses of Aminoisoquinoline Derivatives. I. Sa~anificat ion of Benzyl l-Phenyl-6,7-dirnethoxyisoquinolyl-3-carbmte: T. Kametani, Yakugaku Zasshi, 2, 329 - 331 (1951). Studies on the Syntheses of Aminoisoquinoline Derivatives. 11. A Synthesis of l-Phenyl-3,4-dihydro-4-amino-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline Derivatives: T. Kametani, Yakugaku Zasshi, 2, 332 - 335 (195.1). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. V. Synthesis of 9,10-Dimetho- xy-3-nicotinyl-5,6-dihydrobenzoglyoxaloclie: T. Kametani and H. Iida, Yakugaku Zasshi, c,995 - 998 (1951). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. VI. Synthesis of 9,10-Dimetho- xy-3-isonicot~nyl-5,7-dihydrobenzoglyoxalocoline: T. Kametani and H. Iida, Yakugaku Zasshi, 11, 998 - 1000 (1951). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. VII. Synthesis of 9,10-Di- methoxy-3-picolinyl-5,6-dihydrabenzoglyo~1oco1ine: T. Kametani and H. Iida, -Yakugaku Zasshi, 11, 1000 - 1002 (1951). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. VIII. Synthesis of 9,10;9',10'- bis-Dimethoxy-3,3'-(5,6-dihydroben~0glyoxalocline):- T. Kametani and H. Iwakata, Yakugaku Zasshi, 11, 1002 - 1004 (1951). Syntheses of Imidazoisoquinoline Derivatives. IX. Synthesis of 9,10-Di- methoxy-3-(cinchonyl)-5,6-dihydrobenzoglyoxalocoline: T. Kametani and H. Iida, Yakugaku Zasshi, 11, 1004 - 1006 (1951). Syntheses of Pyrimidinoisoquinoline Derivatives. I. Syntheses of (2'-Phenyl- 4'-hydropyrimidino)-1',6';1,2-(3,4-dihydr-6,7-dimethoxyiquinoline): T. Kametani and S. Kano, Xakugaku Zasshi, z,1007 - 1009 (1951). Syntheses of Aminoisoquinoline Derivatives. 111. Synthesis of 1-Phenyl-3,4- dihydro-4-(4'-dimethylaminophenyl)-6,7-dimethoxyioquinoline: T. Kametani and T. Oda, Xaku~akuZasshi, 2,1009 - 1011 (1951). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XV. Syntheses of Some Nitro Compounds as Synthetic Materials for Isoquinoline Derivatives: T. Kametani and Y. Masuda, Yakugaku Zasshi, 72, 81 - 85 (1952). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XVI. Synthesis of 1- Phenyl-3-veratryl-b,7-dimethoxyisoq~in~line:T. Kametani, Yakugaku Zasshi, -72, 85 - 87 (1952). Studies on the Antibacterial Substances. I. Antibacterial Activities of Iso nicotinic Acid Hydrazide and Isonicotinylglycine Hydrazide: 2. Horii, T. Kametani, and Y. Yamamura, Yakugaku Zasshi, 72, 971 - 972 (1952). Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XVII. Studies on the Syntheses of Papaverine Derivatives. (2). Syntheses of I-(2' ,4'-Dihydroxypheny1)- and 1- (3',4'-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-methyl-6,7-methylenedioxyisoquinoline (Benzylation of 6-Resorcyclic Acid): T. Kametani and S. Kano, Yakugaku Zasshi, 2,1081 1084 (1952). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XVIII. Syntheses of Papaverine Derivatives. (3). Synthesis of 1-(3'-Methaxy-4'-hydroxybenzy1)- 3-methyl-6.7-methylenedioxyisoquinoline: T. Kametani and J. Serizawa, Yaku- gaku Zasshi, 72, 1084 - 1087 (1952). HETEROCYCLES, Vol 15, No I, 1981 Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XIX. Synthesis of 1- Phenyl-3-benzylisoquinaline: T. Kametani, K. Ninomiya, H. Iida, and J. Seri zawa, Yakugaku Zasshi, 72, 1087 - 1090 (1952). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XX. A New Method for the Preparation of Isoquinaline Derivatives (1). Reaction of Safrol on Acid Am~dein the Presence of POC13: T. Kametani, Yakugaku Zasshi, 72, 1090 - 1093 (1952). Studies on Antibacterial Substances. 11. Antibacterial Activities of Various Hydrazides for E. tuberculosis in vitro: T. Kametani, Y. Yamamura, and H. Uchida, Yakugaku Zasshi, 2,1093 - 1096 [1952). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinaline Derivatives. XXI. A New Method for the Preparation of Isoquinoline Derivatives (2). Reaction of Methyleugenol on Acid Amide in the Presence of POC13: T. Kametani, Yakugaku Zasshi, 3, 1537 - 1539 (1952). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXII. A New llethod for the Preparation of Isoquinoline Derivatives. (3). Condensation Agents. Mechanism of New Syntheses, and a Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydroneupaverine: T. Kametani and K. Ninomiya, Yakugaku Zasshi, E,1539 - 1541 (1952). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXIII. A New Method for the Preparation of Isoquinoline Derivatives. (4). Reaction of Allyl- benzene Derivatives and Oximes: T. Kametani, Yakugaku Zasshi, 73, 12 - 15 (1953). Syntheses of Thiophene Derivatives. I. Modified Synthesis of 3-Dimethylamino- 1,l-di-(2'-thieny1)hutene-1: T. Kametani and Y. Akazawa, Yakugaku Zasshi, E, 649 - 650 (1953). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXIV. Migration of the Double Band of Isoquinoline Derivatives. (1): T. Kametani and H. Iida, gaku Zasshi, 73, 677 - 680 (1953). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinaline Derivatives. XXV. Migration of the Double Bond of Isoquinoline Derivatives. (2): T. Kametani and K. Ninomiya, Yakugaku Zasshi, 13, 681 - 685 (1953). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXVI. A New Method for the Preparation of Isoquinoline Derivatives. (5). Reaction of Various Allylbenzene Derivatives and Aldoximes or Acid Amides: T. Kametani and K. Otsuki, Yakugaku Zasshi, 73, 685 - 687 (1953). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives XXVII. Synthesis of 3-lLlethyl-6,7-methylenedioxy-3,4-dihydroisoquinolyl-1-carboxylicAcid Ethyl Ester: T. Kametani, Yakugaku Kenkyu. 2,451 - 453 (1953). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoqulnoline Derivatives. XXVIII. Synthesis of Papaverine Derivatives. (5): T. Kametani and M. Inagaki, Yakugaku Zasshi, -74, 417 - 419 (1954). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXIX. Synthesis of Papaverine Derivatives. (6): T. Kametani and K. Ohtsuki,Yakugaku Zasshi, 74, 621 - 625 (1954). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXX. Synthesis of Papaverine Derivatives. (7): T. Kametani and M. Inagaki, Yakugaku Zasshi, -74, 1040 - 1041 (1954). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXXI. Synthesis of Furo[3,Z-clpyridine Derivatives: T. Kametani, Y. Ito, and H. Isaka, -Yaku- gaku Zassh~,74, 1298 - 1299 (1954). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives. XXXII. Synthesis of Thieno[3,2-5lpy.ridine Derivatives and Their Pharmacological Action: T. Kametani, Y. Ito, and S. Aonuma, Yakugaku Zasshi, 74, 1301 - 1304 (1954). Studies on the Syntheses of Synthetic Analgesics and Antispasmodics. 11. Synthesis of Procalne Amide Analogs: T. Kametani, T. Katagi, T. Fujiwara, and Y. Akasawa, Yakugaku Kenkyu, 26, 544 - 548 (1954). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives and Their Analogs. XXIII. Mechanism of the Cyclization of 3-Phenylisoquinoline Derivatives: T. Kametani and K. Ohtsuki, Yakugaku Zasshi, 75, 705 - 709 (1955). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives and Their Analogs. XXIV. Pyrimidinoisoquinoline Derivatives. (2): T. Kametani and T. Katagi, Yakugaku --Zasshi, 75, 709 - 713 (1955). The Effects of Benzylamine Derivatives on Bloodvessel and Heart: S. Aonuma, T. Hama, and T. Kametani, Yakugaku Kenkyu, 11, 607 - 611 (1955). Studies on the Syntheses of Heterocyclic Compounds. XLII. Synthesis of Imi- dazoisoquinoline Derivatives. X: H. Iida and T. Kametani, Yakugaku Kenkyu, -27, 774 - 778 (1955). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives and Their Analogs. XXXV. Migration of the Double Bond of Pyrimidinoisoquinolines and Presumption of Their Structures by the Infrared Absorption Spectra: T. Kametani and T. Katagi, Pharm. Bull. (Japan), 3, 253 - 259 (1955). HETEROCYCLES. Vol IS, No I, I98 1 Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives and Their Analogs. XXXVI. Deamination of 2'-(p-Aminophenyl)pyrimidinoisoquinoline Derivatives: T. Kametani and T. Katagi, Pharm. Bull. (Japan), 3, 259 - 262 (1955). Studies on the Syntheses of Isoquinoline Derivatives and Their Analogs. XXXVII. A New Method for the Preparation of 1-Substituted 3-Methyl-3,4- dihydroisoquinoline Derivatives by the Reaction of Allylbenzene and Hetero- cyclic Ac~dAmide or Oxime: T. Kametani, K. Ohtsuki, and M. Fukui, Pharm. Bull. (Japan), 3, 263 - 266 (1955). Studies on the Syntheses
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