J* ;it& State Libr. °£C J 7 1952 'i * <£ztLtzmlj£% 1952 Littlejohn Buick Inc. Webb Produce Cream, Pouultry and Eggs We Appreciate Your Business Phone 177 315 Choctaw Clinton — Phone 1234 Clinton, Oklahoma Clinton, Oklahoma GREENS Cleaning Works Seven-Up Bottling Co. Clinton, Oklahoma 207 South 4th Clinton Calmez Coffee Shop ROSS DRUG STORE Best Coffee on 66 Bryan Hyder Cecil Hite Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hamm Phone 38 Clinton Phone 183 PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Compliments of KERN & SCHNEIDER Funeral Home LEMON PAINT Ambulance Service Phone 272 Clinton, Okla. Phone 140 Clinton K N. B. Nash Clothier Compliments of Store For Men and Boys New Fall Suits, THE COLLINS-MADDOX CO. Sport Coats and Top Coats Manufacture of Nunn-Bush Shoes Triple C Products Arrow Shirts 611 Frisco Phone 167 GILCHRIST Bestway Market Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Heating and Air Conditioning One Stop Food Store "Where Service Is Best" CLINTON, OKLAHOMA 817 Frisco Clinton "We Serve to Serve Again" Leo Collier Carl Walton ROBERTSON'S RECORD SHOP Collier & Walton Record Headquarters Wholesale Co. 408 Frisco Phone 684 Drugs Sundries - Candies - Candies Clinton, Okla. Cigarettes 715 Frisco Clinton SAMMY'S CAFE Marshall's Cleaners Cleaners, Tailors, Hatters Lee and Inez Pitman PHONE 75 41S FRISCO AVE. 114 N. 4th, Clinton, Okla Clinton, Okla. EDITORIAL STAFF Claudine West Editor Louise Carrel Assoc. Editor Dolores Sabedro Sec, Treas. Arnett Cross Adv. Dept. To the professional men and women whose ads you see in this magazine, we extend our hearty thanks. When in Clinton, patronize these estab­ lishments when at all possible. Thank you. MEDICAL STAFF Vol. 4 SEPTEMBER 1952 No. 6 Glenn P. Dewberry, M.D. Superintendent Paul Lingenfelter, M.D. Thoracic Surgeon "FOR THEY CONQUER WHO BELIEVE W. B. Lain, M.D Res. Physician THEY CAN." Virgil. Chan S. Lee, M.D Res. Physician Michael Orlow, M.D Res. Physician Published monthly as an educational Kristian Arne Nielsen, M.D. Res. Physician measure and recreational diversion by the patients of the Western Oklahoma Tuber­ Thelma Horrell, R. N. Supervisor of nurses culosis Sanatorium, Clinton, Oklahoma. John Bailey Laboratory Technician Mary Bailey Laboratory Technician Address all communications to The Ola Lee Doshier X-ray Technician Conqueror, Clinton, Oklahoma, Box 131. Arnett Cross Social Worker SUBSCRIPTION RATES BUSINESS OFFICE $1.50 for 1 Year, .80c for Six Months. Oscar B. Stone Chief Clerk £>efdeml&i, Go*ttentl Hospital Bulletin 3 September Birthdays 3 A Tour of Your Lungs 4, 5 The Lab Says 5, 6 Thoughts From A New Arrival 6 Questions and Answers 7 Library News 7, 8 Ex-Chasers' Exchange 8 Poetry 9 Jokes 10 San Blast 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Admissions and Discharges 18 Devotional 19 A Shut-Ins Prayer (poem) 19 -2— CHURCH SERVICES SHOW SCHEDULE Nondenominational Service 7:00 P. M. Chaplain Jones In the Auditorium Each Wednesday 8:00 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. Just This Once (C) Sept. 17 In the Auditorium each Sunday Peter Lawford - Janet Leigh Singing in the Rain (M) Sept. 24 HOSPITAL BULLETIN Gene Kelley - Donald O'Connor Invitation (D) Oct. 1 Van Johnson - Dorothy McGuire VISITING HOURS Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick Week-days (M-C) Oct. 8 Alan Young - Dinah Shore 11.00 AJVT. to 12:00 Noon Red Mountain (W-D) Oct. 15 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 PJVf, Alan Ladd - Lizabeth Scott 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Anything Can Happen (C) Oct. 22 Sundays 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon Jose Ferrer - Kim Hunter 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. About Face (M-C) Oct. 29 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Gordon MacRae - Eddie Bracken CHILDREN UNDER 16 ARE NOT PER­ I'll See You in My Dreams (M-B) Nov. 5 MITTED IN THE WARDS. Doris Day - Danny Thomas Room for One More (C-D) Nov. 12 THE LIBRARY Cary Grant - Betty Drake Bedside library service is available once Starlift (M) Nov. 19 a week. Donated books are welcome. Doris Day - Gordon MacRae Winning Team (D) Nov. 26 Doris Day - Ronald Reagan RADIO PROGRAMS —o— SUNDAY SHOW SCHEDULE 8:00 to 8:45 A. M. — Chaplain Jones (For the Wards) (Nondenominational) A short scheduled for each showing MONDAY She Gets Her Man Oct. 2 Thanks A Million Oct. 9 7:30 to 8:00 A. M. — Excelsior Separate You Were Never Lovelier Oct. 16 School Program — Glen R. Smith. Riders of the Northwest Mounted Oct. 23 TUESDAY Pardon Us Oct. 30 8:00 to 9:00 A. M. — Assembly of God. —o— THURSDAY September Birthdays 7:30 to 8:00 P.M. - Pentecostal Holiness Wayne McLaughlin Sept. 29 FRIDAY Albert Duvall Sept. 9 10:15 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. - Assembly of Lennis Gilmore Sept. 26 God, Sunday School Lesson. Valentine Parsons Sept. 6 8:00 to 8:30 P.M. - West Side Pente­ Willie Bolden Sept. 23 costal Holiness. Leon Baker Sept. 24 Junior Sanders Sept. 23 Alfred Ray Smotherman Sept. 18 OUT-PATIENT CLINIC Fay Buchanan Sept. 14 Mondays and Wednesdays Charles Reeves Sept. 7 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Ruth Gordon Sept. 20 For examination please have a letter from Alma Greenwood Sept. 17 your family physician. A charge of $2.50 is Edward Lee Moore Sept. 11 made for each x-ray and chest examina­ Rosie Lee Nichols Sept. 7 Betty Lee Barbour Sept. 10 tion. Rosalia Negrete Sept. 4 Dolores Sabedro Sept. 15 POST OFFICE HOURS Carl Tucker Sept. 7 Claude Morrow Sept. 14 8 AM. to 6 PM. Alice Rowell Sept. 8 Howard Johnson Sept. 15 Bedside mail delivery twice daily. Mary C. Hoffman Sept. 15 -3— and blood vessels described. A Tour of Your Lungs This bleeding, which results in blood- To get the proper perspective you should spitting or blood-streaked sputum, alarms take an imaginary trip through the the patient perhaps more than the other labyrinth of your chest symptoms of tuberculosis. It is not an in­ frequent symptom of lung disease, as by GEORGE W. POST, M. D. about one-fourth of all persons with tuberculosis will hemorrhage or have If a perosn could shrink to the size of a bloody sputum at some time during their tuberculosis germ and enter the windpipe illness. While pulmonay hemorrhage is a or trachea for a trip into the lung, he serious condition, it is seldom fatal to would find the job of traveling rivaled tuberculosis patients. that of searching the trackless jungles of When the germs of tuberculosis are the Solomons. breathed in, they usually come to rest in The adventurer would struggle through one of the fine branches of the bronchioes. a dense and slimey undergrowth which Nobody knows why, but the junction be­ covers the floor and lofty arched walls of tween the bronchioles and the respiratory this large tunnel in the form of cilia, bronchioles is the site where tuberculosis mucous and dibris. Gopher holes where most frequently developes. the funnel-like gland openings enter would The germs irritate the lining of the increase the hazards. As he turned down tubule and the nearby lung tissue, causing a main bronchus to struggle through the wall of the capillaries in the neighbor­ thousands and thousands of endless hood to allow not only blood plasma but branching connections, each connection many blood cells to pass through and come tunnel smaller than the last, his journey to the point of the irritation to fight the would take several days. invading cells. The first cells to arrive are Outside the tunnel and running within the white cells. its walls are two seperate sets of blood As tuberculosis advances, the red cells vessels. The giant pulmonary vessels, like may also be allowed to leave the blood hugh holes as large as the bronchus it­ vessel and the mass of cells, plasma, genus self, carry blood from the right side of the and dead tissue become reddish colored. heart throughout the lungs, back to the This is called hemorrhage exudate anu the left side of the heart and from there to sputum coughed up from this area will all parts of the body. be streaked with blood. Running mostly within the walls, the When the blood cells are unable to des­ other set, the bronchial blood vessels, form troy the tuberculosis germs, the germs mesh-works which carry food to the destroy the cells. If the reaction is severe bronchi and waste away from them. enough the mass of destroyed cells and The tunnels become smaller with each dead lung and scar tissue becomes liquifi­ division, so that the first pulmonary ed. A cavity or hole in the lung results. arteries which follow the bronchi, branch­ More often than anywhere else pulmon­ ing every time they do, become smaller ary hemorrhages start in the walls of much more rapidly than the bronchi do in these cavities. Usually the blood vessels the finer branches of the tunnels are only become blocked off as a result of the tissue about a quarter of the size of the tubes. reactions before they are exposed to the As the final branches of the tunnels are destructive action of the germs. approaching, small pocketlike shell holes appear in the walls marking the boundary Then when the walls of the blood vessels between the bronchioles and the respira­ are destroyed no bleeding takes place. tory bronchioles. The name respiratory When this does take place, however, the bronchioles is given because in these poisonous products of the germs cause pockets air may pass from the tubule the outer layers of the blood vessels to be through the thin wall in the fine net­ destroyed just as the tuberculosis germs work of capillaries covering the walls.
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