total control, it’s very obvious here," the facts." said Smith. "Kemp is said Smith, who is in Detroit for his extremely conservative, he lacks the i.iHu Shepard la u nluff nirmlier first convention. experience of Bush and I'm not sure in I li e K \ r n i n g II e r u I d ' n In this convention with few sur- he would round out the ticket." n atthinglon bureau. She providex prises, little controversy and almost Bush specifically asked Connec- eonlinuoiiM ruverage. of the every delegate echoing the unity ticut delegates not to demonstrate on (iongrexx and goterniiient ugen- theme, the only topic of real interest the "convention floor on his behalf. eiex to the K\ening Herald. She ix is who will receive the fateful phone Newspaper polls are showing Bush in Tielroil covering area delegalex Gen, Haig aloof call today or tomorrow from Reagan garnering 47 perceTtt of the delegate to the Repu III iron National Retired Gen. Alexander Haig, president of United Connecticut (delegate Antonia \Conveiition. -Kd. Parker, <of Glastonbury, said the asking him to be the number two on vote and Kemp receiving 35 percent. Technologies Corp. of Hartford, talks with Bud Day, a highly delegation is almost 100 percent the Republican ticket. Reagan, however will make the decorated war veteran and former P.O.W. Haig's last-minute behind Bush, with the exception of a Tuesday's rumors were fueled by final decision. few members who have jumped the talk that Reagan was going to offer The Connecticut delegation was inclusion with the Connecticut GOP delegation is viewed less former President Gerald R. Ford the somewhat divided last night when to their delegation, while others, like than enthusiastically by the delegates who say his is aloof from fast-moving bandwagon of conser- vative Jack Kemp from New York. spot, but Reagan stilled that with a attempts were made to join the ef- Smith, flatly resent his last-minute presence. the delegation. Haig replaced Nathan Agostinelli of Manchester alternate delegate flat "no ” when he was asked by fort to call for a roll call vote on Manchester who said he had no desire to attend the conven- Curtis Smith, who worked long and reporters if a Reagan-Ford ticket planks in the GOP platform. "It's a plus because he presents tion. (UPI) hard for Bush in the Connecticut was the key to success in November. Delegate Parker wanted the state another view,” said Parker. primary election concurred that the Momentum for Bush picked up delegation to go on record in opposi- " He may be a member of the delegation is strongly rooting for yesterday when the conservative 168- tion to GOP planks calling for an delegation but he chose not to join us Bush. member California delegtion, from abortion ban and for federal judges at the Kingsley Inn (the hotel where “I think all the cards are there for Reagan’s home state, switched its who oppose abortions to be chosen. the Connecticut delegation is Rioters ravage Bush and that it would be a terrible support from Kemp to Bush. "When we took a rough poll of the quartered), said Smith. “That's a mistake for Reagan not to pick him." The Oregon delegation also favors Connecticut delegation, we didn't sarcastic way of saying that he's not very concerned about the Connec- said Smith, who calls himself a Bush, which surprised some Connec- have the votes," said Parker. To get ticut delegation." moderate Republican. ticut delegates who expected the a roll call the rebels needed the sup- Miami again traditional conservative western port of six state delegations. Connec- Haig, however, can barely sit on “However, there is a tremendous states to back Kemp. ticut delegates however refused to go the convention floor for longer than fervor down here for conservatism," along. two minutes before, he is hounded MIAMI (UPI) — Gun-toting, rock- with cuts caused by bullet-shattered added Smith, a life insurance Last night on the convention floor, Adding glamor to the Connecticut by the news media. throwing rioters roamed the ravaged glass. Brick and bottle throwers in- brokerage manager. “Some of the a quick 75,000 effort by Kemp sup- delegation is Alexander Haig, former This afternoon the Connecticut Liberty City area today in a new out- jured a county (ire department of- delegates here don't want anything porters resulted in the first floor delegation will attend a reception break of racial violence that has left ficer and at least 20 civilians, most of other than strong conservatism on demonstration in an otherwise dull Nixon chief of staff and currently hosted by Senate hopeful James more than 25 injured. Rioting in the them white. the issues and in the vice president. convention. president of the Hartford-based Buckley, after they return from a same area two months ago claimed None of the injuries, except for one “Conservatives won, they have “You can spend $75,000 to have a United Technologies Corporation. 18 lives and caused more than $100 policeman shot at the beginning of good show but that doesn't change Some delegates say Haig is a plus tour of Windsor, Ontario. million damage. the uprising, were serious. ' At least seven people were Fire officials said at least four arrested in the rioting that began late fires were set before midnight. GOP women Tuesday. Early today, young blacks fired Authorities suspended municipal bullets, rocks and bottles at a slow- bus service in the riot zone and moving freight train. During the reassured canceled today’s summer sessions in melee, the dieseltrain engine hit a Liberty City schools. More than JOO dumpster truck that had rolled onto by Reagan helmeted police cordoned off the 170- the track, and separated from the square-block area. cars It was pulling. The engineer es- Gunfire Tuesday sent five Dade caped with slight injuries, police DETROIT (UPI) — Rep. Astrid County policemen to hospitals — said. Hanzalek Tuesday emerged from a three with bullet wounds and two “I saw people with guns. 1 looked meeting with Ronald Reagan saying right at them," said Georgia Ayres, she was satisfied the presidential one of several Black Community candidate had a proper concern for Relations activists trying to bring women's issues. Iran seals calm to the area, But she said it would be up to “These are mainly young people Reagap to broadcast those concerns and they insist they still have their to the voters before they condemn missiles (weapons, etc,)," she said all borders him and the Republican party as after a tour of the area about 1 a.m. anti-women. By United Prexx International Trying to explain the renewal of “We told him the ball was in his Iran sealed itself off from the rest May 17-19 violence that left IS dead, court,” Rep. Hanzalek said following of the world today, canceling flights hundreds injured and more than $100 the meeting with 11 other women. “It out of the country to prevent the es- million in damage, another black is up to him to tell people how he cape of more “hirelings" involved in community leader said, “The anger feels — maybe by adding a few words last week’s abortive coup, the official is focused at the police and just in his acceptance speech." Pars news agency said. general community conditions.” The platform, she said, contained a The announcement came as lot of substance for women, "but it rep o rts from Ir a n ’s w estern Federal, state and county officials didn't have those three magic words provinces said artillery fire con- have promised over $100 million in — Equal Rights Amendment. So, peo- tinued along the border with Iraq, aid to rebuild the area, but Marvin ple see him as being insensitive to Tehran Radio said four Iraqi Dunn, a vice president at Florida needs of women and inflexible in his positions were wiped out and four International University, said the im- philosophy.” Iranian soldiers killed in the pact of promised aid from The group included seven women exchanges. Washington "hasn't drifted down to who fought unsuccessfully to retain Pars said President Abolhassan this community. People are still very Bank robbery suspect language in the party platform sup- Bani-Sadr ordered the sealing of upset. porting the ERA. Joining the discus- Iran's land, sea and air borders for 48 “The community can’t continue Carl Thomas Westover, 20, of Strathmore the Bolton Notch branch of the Savings Bank sion was Reagan's daughter. hours, following a decision by the like this," he said. “It's just too Street, Springfield, Mass, is led into the of Manchester. His brother. 25-year-old Maureen, who has worked hard to Rockville Superior Court to answer first- Revolutionary Council to shorten its traumatic for the black community ratify the ERA. She was sporting a Richard E. Westover is being sought by originally announced one-week ban on and too frightening (or the white button which read “ERA — Elect degree robbery and larceny charges Tuesday police. (Herald photo by Foley) travel abroad. community," Reagan Anyway.” in connection with the July 9 armed hold up at And in a move seen as bolstering The latest violence was touched off Iran’s self-imposed isolation, a bill by police attempts to arrest three restricting Iranians traveling abroad black juveniles caught in an has been submitted to parliament, attem pted robbery of a white the Tehran Tim es new spaper motorist Tuesday afternoon, Referen d u m decision must wait reported today.
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