E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 2001 No. 105 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Tours in Jackson, Pennsylvania, where The Reverend Thomas A. Cappelloni, The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman he restored the church into a beautiful Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Scranton, from Florida (Mr. PUTNAM) come for- house of worship and served there until Pennsylvania, offered the following ward and lead the House in the Pledge recently when he was transferred to prayer: of Allegiance. Holy Name of Jesus in Scranton. Father, all powerful and everloving Mr. PUTNAM led the Pledge of Alle- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to say God, we praise Your oneness and truth. giance as follows: that not only has Father Cappelloni We laud You as the God of creation earned the respect of his parishioners I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and the father of Jesus our Saviour. He United States of America, and to the Repub- for his altruism and kindness but also enriches us with His witness of justice lic for which it stands, one nation under God, his peers have recognized his intel- and truth. He lived and died that we indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ligence and wisdom by naming him the might be reborn in the spirit and filled f Dean of Catholic Clergy for all of Sus- with love for all people. quehanna County. Once You chose a people, gave them ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Mr. Speaker, the good Father is an a destiny, and when You brought them The SPEAKER. The Chair announces accomplished chef, an excellent musi- out of bondage to freedom, they carried that there will be 10 one-minutes on cian, a host without par and a humani- with them the promise that all nations each side. tarian above all. I thank him for being would be blessed and all people could f here today. His presence and blessing be free. What the prophets pledged has on this House means so very much to WELCOMING THE REVEREND come to pass in every generation. Our me and the people I represent. THOMAS A. CAPPELLONI fathers came to this land as of out of f the desert, into a place of promise and (Mr. SHERWOOD asked and was THE CHECK IS IN THE MAIL hope. In our time You still lead us to a given permission to address the House blessed vision of peace. for 1 minute.) (Mr. FOLEY asked and was given per- You guide everything in wisdom and Mr. SHERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, it is mission to address the House for 1 love. Accept the prayer we offer for our my privilege to welcome as our guest minute and to revise and extend his re- Nation. By the wisdom of our rep- chaplain Father Thomas Cappelloni of marks.) resentatives and the integrity of this the Holy Name of Jesus Church in Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, in the next Congress, may harmony and justice be Scranton, Pennsylvania. I would also couple of weeks, Americans will be re- secured in lasting prosperity and peace. like to take this opportunity to thank ceiving a tax refund of moneys paid to These men and women stretch out him for that wonderful invocation as the Federal Government. The other their hands to share with You the gov- well as to offer the Father my con- side of the aisle claimed America could ernment of Your holy people. Protect gratulations. This year marked 25 not afford it, we should not do it, it is them by Your grace. Look upon this years since Father Cappelloni was or- not right. assembly of our national leaders and dained as a priest and gave his life to Ladies and gentlemen, when that give them Your spirit of wisdom. May God and the community. check arrives in the mail of those mil- they always act in accordance with Father was born in Scranton, Penn- lions of Americans, I think they will Your will and let their decisions be for sylvania, where he attended high thank the House of Representatives for the peace and the well-being of all. school and continued his education at their efforts in restoring faith in gov- We ask this through the holy name of the University of Scranton. Then he ernment. We are returning surplus to our Lord. Amen. continued his studies and his desire to them and making certain our economy become a priest led him to Mount St. can be reinvigorated by that $55 billion f Mary’s College and Seminary where he of revenue we are sending home to earned a master’s in systematic the- them. Not our money, not our money THE JOURNAL ology and in theology in counseling. here in Washington, but the money of The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- When Father Cappelloni returned to the hardworking taxpayer. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- northeastern Pennsylvania, he spent The minority leader recently said if ceedings and announces to the House time on the faculties of several schools he had a chance to do it again, he his approval thereof. and took the time to guide and counsel would raise your taxes. Ladies and gen- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- young students. He received his first tlemen, that is the difference of the po- nal stands approved. pastoral assignment to St. Martin of litical parties in power. Republicans b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4545 . VerDate 25-JUL-2001 02:53 Jul 26, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.000 pfrm01 PsN: H25PT1 H4546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2001 would like to give you your money The Lidskys fight valiantly each and counts help people get the care they back. Others on the other side would every day by broadening their network, need from a doctor they know. You like to take more and waste more of working closely with scientists and or- choose your doctor. You choose your your hard-earned cash. The economy is ganizing events to help raise research hospital. struggling. Unemployment, layoffs are funds. On Sunday, September 9, to- Increase the number of insured occurring throughout America. Let us gether with the Foundation Fighting Americans. Support medical savings signal to our constituents whose side Blindness, the Lidskys will host the accounts and the Fletcher bill. we are on. Generations Luncheon and Bazaar. The f Ladies and gentlemen, we are on Foundation Fighting Blindness is rated your side, hardworking Americans, giv- by the National Health Council as the PATIENTS’ BILL OF RIGHTS— ing you faith in government, restoring leading charity for the percentage of DIRECT ACCESS TO OB–GYN CARE freedom, and making certain your program dollars spent on research. (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and hard-earned dollars are not wasted in At present, 80 million Americans are was given permission to address the the Capitol. If we keep it here, you can at risk for developing diseases that can House for 1 minute and to revise and be assured it will be wasted. If we send potentially lead to blindness. But for- extend her remarks.) it home, you will buy clothes for your tunately through the efforts of the Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- kids, take your summer vacation, put Foundation and of families like the er, I rise today to talk about a key dif- your money in your savings account, Lidskys, the pace of research has accel- ference between the Ganske-Dingell bi- but, after all, God bless you, it is your erated. As a result, the once distant partisan patients’ bill of rights and the money. goal, a cure for blindness, is now with- Fletcher alternative: direct access to f in sight. OB–GYN care. RECOGNIZING 150TH ANNIVERSARY I ask that my colleagues help me in During my tenure in the State as- OF THOMASVILLE, NORTH CARO- congratulating the Lidskys and the sembly, I wrote California’s law that LINA Foundation for their dedication in gives women direct access to their OB– fighting eye degenerative diseases. (Mr. WATT of North Carolina asked GYN. This is a simple issue. A woman and was given permission to address f should not need a permission slip to see the House for 1 minute and to revise JUDGE RULES BONUSES IN ORDER her doctor. and extend his remarks.) IN WAKE OF CALIFORNIA POWER Women have different medical needs Mr. WATT of North Carolina. Mr. SHORTAGE than men. OB–GYNs often have the Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to most appropriate medical education (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was the city of Thomasville, North Caro- and experience to address a woman’s given permission to address the House lina, part of which is located in my health care needs. Statistics in fact for 1 minute and to revise and extend congressional district, as residents show that if there are too many bar- his remarks.) begin to celebrate the 150th anniver- riers between a woman and her doctor, Mr. TRAFICANT. Even though Cali- sary of the founding of their city. The she is less likely to get the medical fornia consumers are suffering the name Thomasville might sound famil- care that she needs.
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