v-:.-;-.' Is-' MARY CHEHEY l i b r a r y ' I ’ 1SCX8DAT, CEdfiMBSK 1%, fAoa9in«STt iSanrif^atrr Emttins Ifrrald Manchester Stores Will Be Open Until 9 O’clock For Xmas WUUaa Munale, Jr., o f 43 Ben­ Miss Halana Waohtel, daughter Edwart T. Lucas, Sreman ap­ ton street wiU preside at the or- of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wachtel of prentice U. S. N., aon o f M ra . About T«wm^ ,|sn at the CSiurch School Ouiat- 41 Pioneer Circle, was chosen Catherine Lucas o f 117 North ■•Cinderella" at the WTIC party School street Is serving aboard Avaraga Dally Net Prcee Rnn BOSa service In the South Metho­ rsr Ihs Month nt Nsvsiqber, IMS tl» W. ». A. wll dist church, Sunday at 0:80 a. a . Sunday evening, sponsored by the the light cruiser, U. S. 8. Hunting- FOR ttMt rM ay «v«nU« at 7:80 at The prelude will be “Qesu Bam­ Slsteriiood of Temple Beth SHo- ton, which has Just completed a tto iieoM w tko OMiMJn, Mr». bino" and the posUude will be *‘In lom, and revived a beautiful coat. four-month tour of duty in the let* White oC 88 *lne street ThU Duld Jubllo" traditional. WlUlam These were seven or eight other* Mediterranean, and a two-month 9,635 « m he the C hrM tau party and has been studying'' the organ un­ wtje^^wre Iwdiy enough to win good-wlU cruise o f port* in Africa THE .Msmbet *f e l eteiiUiet* at* i*Boliided to brine der the superWsion of George p.' piwes' o f various kinds. The pro­ and South America, covering 28,- ^Ashton, organist and choir direc­ gram was In charge of Floyd 807 miles. Mimehamar^A CHy of VUIaga Charm tor of ^e South church. This Richard and Bob Ti^ol who have foaJS^iSltwS^^aa for rtidey service will be held a the Sanctu­ managed slmUar affairs for sever­ Advertisement-^ Tht** new nembera ary. a l - o t h e r local organizations. VOL. LXVUL NO. 66 (Clsssiasd Advertising an Pngs 1$) Ma n c h e s t e r , co n n .. Fr id a y , De c e m b e r i 7. i »48 (Tn’ENTY-SIX PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE POUR GIN1B win l eealved into the club. “Vicky" as Mias Wachtel Is known The welcome gift . for every be occasion. .Gorgeotis baskets of King David and Sunset Rebekah to her friends Is a student In Man­ chester High school. luscious fruits from Plnehurst pattMaan WUUaa Pearson win lodges will have a Joint Christmas Grocery, Inc. iunre Saturday from IT Runtlnf* party for members and their fami­ Soviet Radih Tower To^iples ten street to UT Hemlock street lies In Odd Fellows hall tomorrow The Past Mistress Club of News Tidbits evening at eight o’clock, each Daughters of Liberty No. 25, L O Nationalist Units Truman W ill Request lanior aeabera of It Mary’s person attending to -bring a 28- U I., at Its meeting last night at . Colled Froa (A*) Wires OUla Friendly Society will meet cent gift. The Odd FeUows wlU the home o f Mrs. Joseph Johnston tomorrow cvenine at 7:80 in the have a short business meeting at of HaWley street, aet the date of Monday, December 20, for its an­ pAHeh house. seven n’clo:^ HALE’S Begin Evacuating U.' N. launches $30,000,000 pro­ nual Chriatmaa party at the Sher­ gram of aM to Palestine war raf- The monthly meeting of the dls idan restaurant Dinner will he Headquarters ugaes . Strlka of gao wark' Congress to :eii trict committee Boy Scouts Md served at 6:80 and the members or* in St Louis ends after all- committee chairmen will be held have the privilege of inviting a FUR night session beriveen union nego­ tomorrow evening at 7:30 In the guest. “Shadow” ladies Win be re­ Pengpu Positions tiators and gaa company offi­ Asthmatic? Municipal building. Scout Adrian vealed at this time and a good From HALE'S SELF SERVE cials . A 46-year-oia New Jer­ Schmidhauser who attended the time Is anticipated. Tlie lodge held sey father who sent baakethall tot- a successful gift and food sale Laws Covering Spies Scout Jamboree In Switzerland Withdrawing to Chuh- OMO to hospital for calling foul on SANSON'S last summer will give an account Tuesday evening, followed by a Labor Croups son la ordered to undergo psycho­ o f his experiences. Christmas pageant and gifts from and HEALTH MARKET sien, Only 30 Miles analysis and keep away from a grab-bag. sports contest for a year . Hour ASTHMA NorA of Nanking; Ac­ strike called by Cbmmuniata In darik Makes Stateneut The combined membership sup­ Land O' Lakes An Sweet Likely to Go Favors Raise Video Tests per and Chrlstmia party of the tion Coincides With Re­ Roma to protest police setUm Afk«r Attending Od»- REMEDY American Legion A^liary will HEALTH MARKET against demonstrating war veter­ take place Monday evening at 6:80 ans and unemployed turna late inet Meeting; WiR ffaa broufht relief to Johnson's liable Reports' of Wip­ Varied Ways For Employes Will Reveal In tte I/eglon ball. The meal flop. Hevie Some Reeomnien- iMiiy by renorioB the wlU be followed by a brief busi­ Poultry Form Butter OLEO Lean Meat Farorita ing Out of 12th Army Duck hunter found dead in drift­ synptons of uthins. ness meeting and the Christmas ing rowboat in Delaware bay with M ind Quirk dationa Ready R i^t Fresh Drened Chlckeiu, CIO* No Nearer Success o f Railroads program, with Mra Emile Leves­ Nanking, Dec. 17.—(A*)— hla companion lying unconsdous que and the other past presidents Friday night and Saturday. FRE5H PORK Than Ever With Re­ on bottom of craft . Chlnase At_B^(inning of Try It Today! In charge. The latter group will Rangea, Refrlgeritora Supreme headquarters ^ of Communist spokesmen say that F r^ qnkk frozen poul­ Presidential Board Rec­ Tidevision *Lookers* Go­ lion; Refnsea to 'Go furnish dessert, coffee and cream, try. any ttauc. Chiang Kai^hek’s east China newed Plea for United Fu ’Tso-Yl, governor of Suiyuan fbr «lo at tiw laOewIng rolls and butter and the favors. Washers and ^ Oth­ 5HOULDER5 ROAST command today began with­ province, la using Peiping to build ing to Be Shown They Into Detail on Shifts The other members are asked to Order C^pona Now for Front by All Unions ommends Seven Cents aiaMbsslar Dree Starasr er Appliances drawing from threatened up his bargalaing power . Son bring a hot dish or a salad. Each Chriitfoas. Gold Medal Confectionery of Church of England's highest Hour Increase Now Can*t Believe Their QHDnra PRAH8UOT member a also asked to provide Pengpu to Chuhsien, only 80 Washinfton. Dec. 17.—(A*) 847 Middle Tnruplke, West Bulletin! ranking clergyman will marry Ro­ IW. 4181 a llftjMwnt gift for the grid>-bag. lU JiW tIM M cOti lb , miles north of this uneasy man Catholic artist in London And Cut to 40 Hours Eyes in Experiments —Attorney General C ) ^ MOVra BM» PHAHMACT Mrs. Howard Halsey of Windsor, Near HodMinum River At Waahlngton, Dec. 17—(P)— ceremony as result o f romance capital. Pengpu, 105 miles The White House said today Mid today the adminiatratioB XbL IM S department membership chair­ Love Lane \Phone 2-0065 FLOUR SUGAR that blossomed despite strict nmr- northwest of Nanking, was Piealde*t Trumaa’a \iewa on Washington. Dec. 17—(P) — A Baltimore, Dec. 17—(P) — -Tele­ will ask for tighteninff of the p r a h i a c t man will be a guest. riage rules of two churches. i i a m a 8 SMALL, LEAN SMOKED the anchor for the government’s labor legislation will be clear­ presidential board today recom­ vision “lookers” are going te be XWL 4888 new Hwal river defense line. It be­ IT. S. Army investigators in naUbn's espionage laws as ly stated In hi* state of the mended thst the railroads give ahown they can’t believe their | soon as WBLOON DBDO came • Nationaliat- headquarters nnlon message to Congieso Austria report that woman who the new CMigzeas M . 8881 5HOULDER5 ' LI). 49c after the abandonment of the once Said four Russian soldiers their “non-operating” employes a eyes. And it isn’t because' many meets next month. Clark ~ Jan. A William Green, head seven cents an hour wage Increase 1 1 ’ stronghold of Suchow, 100 mUes of tho American Federation slew Irving Ross how tells them— sets are in bars. made the statement after at­ rtee Dehrery immediately and put th «n on a 40- farther north. of Labor, said after a call oa after more than six weeks In Rus- Soberly sclentiac experiments by aisn custody—that she raa’t Iden­ hour week next Septemoer with­ tending a meeting o f fteai- LEG O ' LAMB . Lb. 65c The withdrawal coincided with Mr. Tramaa yesterday that out loss in pay, . Johns Hopkins university p sy ch o l-jdmt__________ Truman's. eahlaet at tea RADIOS Cat reliable report* that the the preeldent still favor* re­ tify the nationality of the killers. The non-operating enBployea— ogists will set out to demonstrate i W*hite House, ment’a battered 12th Army group, peal of the Tett-Hartley law . Finding of accidental death re­ the clerks and mechanical work­ Walnut LEAN BONELESS trapped by the Chinese Commu­ aad re-lnstatement «f the turned by Bridgeport coroner In thst: I, told his news can- ers who do not operate trains— nists northweat of Pengpu for 18 Wagaer act Thafa what the A large Sovtet-coatrolMI BerHa radio topples toward the case of Truman S.
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