.fv Read the Herald Read the Herald For Local News For Local News * Serving Summit far 68 Yean RAID Serving Summit tor 68 Yean mi Summit Record 68th Y««r—No.it Umrw* SMUMM) E»t*rH u Metal CtaM Matur tf Ckntvtew SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY it, IfH «t MMWiH, N. 1. OM t) At «f |4 A YtAR Camp Fund Tops $1,000 > Red Cross Holds The Summit Herald tad fan- Honors Bestowed 0* Service Atsoclatiw grateW- United Campaign Told Agency ly acknowledge the foliowing Annual Meeting; coatributioag to the USI Camp On Barttwlonrew Pond, Donations may be tent to the Summit Herald Ctwp Fund Needs to Be $145,800 This Year Re-elects O'Grady c/o Summit Herald, n Bank At Testimonial rtreet. New officers and board mem- The brighter side of being A United Campaign gbal of $145,800 for Summit's bers for the earning year were All contributiuns will be ac- principal of Summit High School eight social service agencies and the USO was recommenced knowledged in The Herald W elected Monday night at the an- for 38 years was reviewed for nual dinrer meeting of Summit less otherwise stated by the Monday night by the Budget Review Committee at the 'Jchapter, Red Cross, held at the donor. Albert J. Bartholomew'lasf Fri- meeting of the Central Committee hold at the YWCA. Merhcdist Church'"parish house," "fOTtutfhlly Chi* - SM«* dayevening-*! a eonwMHiHy In Memory of H. B. Uncv by testimonial held at the. High The suggested goal ia $17,130 higher than last year's About ninety attended the event. S.C.K., it., OM%., T.D.K. I5.M School auditorium and attended The dinner also served to mart Rymmlt Sunshine Satiety IMM goal of $128,YO0 and $»,ioo*more" Mr. and Mn. Uam Siura 2)M than the amount of $116,700 actual- the ?5th anniversary of toe found- by approximately m personi. Mr. ana Mr». Arthur D. ly raised in last year's drive. ing of th« national Red Cross or- Sthwatt 2SM Mr. Bartholomew is ending his Proper Tree Care Jacob L Emdin ,. J.M career as a Summit educator as ganization and featured as prin- Hot»ry Club S9M The Budget Committee explained cipal speaker, Joseph Carter. «• B- K. - MM the first and only principal of the that in arriving at a total for the manager of the eastern area of Anoafrooni , ZiM present High School next month. For Summit Seen fall campaign each agency has Red ""ross^ Mrs. Kexoeth W. ErietoM „ S.M been allocated a greater allow- Anonymoo* <go,M The program featured a "This ance than last year and some At a brief business meeting re- Mr and Mn. Vertion carrier XS.M Anonymou* ., u,|» Is Your Ufe" theme that bad a Costing $26,000 agencies have been allowed con- i ports from all service • commit- Mr. aM Mn. M. W. Mayer .. U.M cast of 56 persons who have been siderably more, tees were distributed in printed W. r. BtnatKhU 25.»# Summit's estimated 13,000 shade Mr. and Mn. Edwin C. Treat« U.M associates, friends or former BU»- The Committee also stated that form and Leo O'Grady, chapter Junior Servlec L«af«* 1M.M dents of the principal and includ- trees can be given professional chairman, 'expressed his appre- Mr. and Mr*. Alfred M. Onr MM and planned care for about $26,000 it suggests that a study be made Anonymou 11M ed three former Summit superin- ciation to aM members and vd- Mr. and Mn. H, 11. Dampman yearly, persons attending a special <>i the fee policy of the various withers who made it possible Convaletcent rand . tendents of school, Dr. Harry meeting on the subject of shade agencies in the Campaign with a Jcnte M. St«p!)eni . Sprigue, John Pougall and Amos view to their possible increase so during th« last year for the chap- Dm 2. f>uk 1«, rruikUa trees were told last week by Tree ter to carry on its many services. 8<hoo] Cubs . Kincald. Also appearing was Pr. Commissioners of neighboring that the agencies may become He also expressed thanks to all Mr. and Mrt. C. W. Tyion .. John Bosshart, former State Coin* communities, The meeting was more self-supporting in the future. Anonymou* 26.M There was unanimous wha nervpd m the March fund Anonymoui M.M missioner of Education. jointly sponsored by the Junior ment," agree- ra'ir? drive. Don O. ft Conrtance W. Given Painting, Porte Service League, Garden Club and the Committee report Mltchtll ronttdationt .... StM stated, "with the soundness of the Carleton W. Pierson, chairman Anonymoui .... J20.QO At the conclusion of the ..pro- Fortnightly Club and held at the of the nominating committee, Junior IHjh School 2J.90 gram Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew Fortnightly clubhouse. philosophy that support of the vari- presented the Hawing slate cf Beacon rire, DAB .... 10.00 were presented with a purse to Mayor C. Philip Dean and mem- ous agencies should come to the Mn. Thomas A. Lend, it. .. 11.00 fullest extent from those indivi- officers, ?H e-f which were unani- Mn. Albert I. Stilei 10.00 be used for a trip to Europe the bers of the Common Council were Anonymous — 1S.09 present. duals receiving the agencies' serv- nrurly elected: Franres Waterman ISM couple will make this summer, a ices, without denying any of the Mr. O'Gr?dv, chapter chair- Grace E. Jonei \%M portrait painted by Mrs. Fred- A PA*T OF HIS LIFE - Albert J. Bartholomew monial program last Friday evening that featured Speakers were Harry E. Turner, secretary of the East Orange services, to any individuals who man; Robert S3r«ent, vice chair- Totd $Mo? erick G. Eberhardt that will be right),- High School principal who ends 38 years »-'"ThisJta Your Life" skit that included 56 former are unable to pay." man'; Mrs. B. S. B'«!?s, se-retary; hung permanently in the school with the Summit schools next month, receives con- Shade Tree Commission, and Rich- associates, alumni and friends. At the mike is Nick Members of the Budget Com-: Mrs. J. Fra'-'-'i" Perry, treasur- corridor, and a lifetime mem- gratulations from Freeholder Ernest S. Hickok «td ard Walter, superintendent of DeRienzo, author of the scrip and master of cere- parks and shade trees of Maple- mittee are John J. Summersby, er; Edmond B. Pigeon, assistant 1 bership to the PTA. Mayor C. Philip D?an (left) as part of the testi- monies. All are former students. (Wolin photo) treasurer/ wood. Both of these communities chairman; Mrs. Carlton A. Fox, iimSjermens Sets The climax of the presentations maintain full-time municipal Mrs. Arthur D. Schwarr, Leo V, Vice-chairmen: Mrs. F. S. was the announcement that an S»hi'bert, New Providence: Mrs. workers to tend their shade trees. O'Connell and Darwin C. Hand. additional 110,000 had been raised Summit Arrangement Poor All Agencies Cut F. G. H"»as, Bertelev Heights; Up S3,000 Study among alumni and friends for the Drive Begins Next Month Moving Permits M-i. A. R. Joy, Passaic Town-- Albert J. Bartholomew Scholar- In introducing the speakers and In all instances agency budget shin. ship Fund, making the total $16,- the program, Mrs. Harold S. Bell, requests were trimmed or slash- IVrectors elected wpre Perry Srant for Summit Issued to 27 declared that Summit's present ed. For example, a request of $5,- 000. The fund was established For 1,000 Pints of Blood 26* by the USO Was cut to $1,500, F. U«vt, Mrs. Choking R. D**lev A $3,000 four-year college schol- eight years ago on the occasion arrangement of a Shade Tree Ad- M's. Sanford KetcNm, E. J. The Summit Area chapter s>t through a blood donor program visory Committee is highly un- which is $500 more than the USO 1 arship grant for a member of the of Mr. Bartholomew's thirtieth received from last year's drive. Senders- ard .'M * N. May, Jr., 1956 Summit High School graduat- anniversary with a $6,000 con- American Red Cros* will launch until affected personally. I do During April satisfactory and although it has all to s«rvff wtil 1959. a community-wide campaign June hope that you will call upon me been in existence for three years The YMCA's request for $46,000. ing class yet to be designated, tribution from the community. Moving.permits were issued to was trimmed to $44,000 and the (Jerald F. C^wan, fund drive was made by The James S. Proceeds of the fund are used to 7, 8, 9, and 10 in an effort to ob- to assist in any way that I can it has no executive authority or jurisdiction over funds appropri- YWCA request for $38,523 was re- ch-irmaij: Mr, Pi«eon, vice chair- Kern per Foundation last week, provide a college education each tain the names of J>09 to 1,000 po- with the blood program of the 27 Summit residents during April, ated by the Council for shade tree duced to $36,500. man, fund drive; Harold M. Hand- at the open house held at Lumber- year for a local student. tential donor* willing to give blood Summit Chapter. I will be only it was reported this week by the %v?rk,New Providence fund cYive; carei Last year and this year The total of agency requests was mens. when callrd upon too glad to give blood in any Receiver of Taxes, Mrs.
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