BACH'S CHORALS PART I THE HYMNS AND HYMN MELODIES OF THE " PASSIONS" AND ORATORIOS "A httle volume on the sources of the Chorales, the utility of which is out of all proportion to its modest bulk." --Mr Ernest Newman m the Birmingham Post. "An invaluable work of reference."--Guardian. "A great mass of interesting information, collected from all available sources, and brought together for the first time in this convenient form."--Yorkshzre Post. "This useful work of reference."--Muszcal Times. "The result of an extenswe amount of research and erudltion."--Standard. "A careful piece of musical archaeological enquiry, done with thoroughness and care."--Scotsman. "A scholarly pmce of work."--Oxford ll[agazine. "An invaluable volume of reference, and as such it will qmckly become a standard work."--Music Student. "A perfect storehouse of informatmn.'_--gusical News. PART II! THE CHORALS OF THE ORGAN WORKS (In the Press) BACH'S CHORALS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER 1London: FETTER LANE, E.C. ]E_itfl3tt_gIj: ioo PRINCES STREET i_¢_ _or_: G P. PUTNAM'S SONS _ombat_, _;alrutta _n_ _tlra_;: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTV. • _m_te: J. M. DENT AND SONS, LTD. _ak_0: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rlKhls reserved / BACH'S CHORALSj J BY CHARLES SANFORD TERRY PART II THE HYMNS AND HYMN MELODIES OF THE CANTATAS AND MOTETTS Cambridge : at the University Press I917 r_12 i PREFATORY NOTE N melodiesPart I of ofthisthework" Passions"the Hymnsand andOratoriosHymn have been dealt with. In the present volume those of the Cantatas and Motetts are considered. The Hymn melodies of the Organ Works are reserved for Part [I I. The author approaches the Chorals from the historical rather than an aesthetic standpoint. His object is to reveal the origin and authorship - of the Hymns and Hymn melodies which, like jewels, decorate Bach's concerted Church music. " The melodies are printed here in their earliest form and, where possible, Bach's variations of them :L are traced to an earlier tradition or attributed to himself. In similar manner, the text of his Hymn stanzas, as printed by the Bachgesellschaft, has been collated with the originals in Philipp Wackernagel's Das deutsche Kirclaeldied vo_ der altesten Zeit his '- zu Anfang des X VIlJahrhunderts (Leipzig, 5 vols. r (z j ,% 'G vi 1864-77) or Albert Fischer and W. Tiimpel's Das deutsche evangelische Kirchenlied des siebzeknten Jahrkunderts (Gtitersloh, 19o4-16 ). The few Hymns which are not in those collections are marked with an asterisk in the following pages. The author has not had the opportunity to examine their original texts elsewhere. For the help of students and others the author, on the first occurrence of every Choral melody, states where Bach uses it elsewhere in his concerted Church music and Organ works 1. Thus, Bach's treatment of a particular tune can be studied ex- haustively. Since all but a few of the Cantatas are published only with German texts, it has seemed advisable to provide an Appendix of translations of the Hymn stanzas, upwards of two hundred and fifty in number, which Bach uses in the Cantatas and Motetts. Wherever it is available, the text of Novello & Co.'s and Messrs J. & W. Chester's Editions has been used, with the permission of the two firms. Six melodies that occur in the " Passions" and Oratorios are not found in the Cantatas or Motetts. They are printed in an Appendix. This volume thereforocontains all the Choral tunes used by Bach in his concerted Church music. a The references throughout are to Novello's Ed_taon of Bach's Organ Works, Books xv-xlx. vii In the Introduction, besides other topics relative to the subject of this work, there will be found a section on Bach's original Hymn tunes. The subject is one which hitherto has not received adequate attention. Schweitzer does not deal with it, and Spitta's chapter is unreliable. The author thanks the Rev. James Mearns, Mr Herbert Thompson, Mr Ernest Newman, and especially Mr Ivor Atkins, for the valuable help they have given him. He also acknowledges material aid from the Carnegie Trust for the Uni- versities of Scotland towards the publication of this work. C. S. T. KING'S COLLEGE_ OLD ABERDEEN, January, I917. CONTENTS PAGE PREFATORY NOTE V INTRODUCTION I The Cantatas I The Choral Cantatas 26 The Choral Fantasia 35 The Sim_le Choral 37 The Embellished Choral 38 The Extended Choral 4 ° The Unison Choral 41 The Aria Choral 4I Tlze Dlalogus Choral 42 The Moletts 44 The Hymns of the "Passzons," Oratorios, Cantatas, and Motegts. 46 The Hymn Tunes used by Bach . 56 Bach's original Hymn Tunes 67 THE CANTATAS I29 THE UNFINISHED CANTATAS 477 THE CANTATAS OF DOUBTFUL AUTHENTICITY 479 THE MOTETTS 483 APPENDIX I. Hymn Melodies that occur in the "Passions" and Oratorios, but are not found in the Cantatas and Motetts 49t APPENDIX II. Translations 497 APPENDIX III. The Original Texts of Bach's Ora- torios, "Passions," Masses, Cantatas, and Motetts 573 MELODIES PAGE A solls ortus cardlne (I537) 367 Ach Gott und Herr (I625 & I655 ) 237 Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein (1524) 132 Ach wie fluchtig (I652 & 166I) . 193 Ainsi qu'on oit le cerf bruire (1542) . I64 Alle Menschen mussen sterben (1652 & x715) 434, 435 Allein Gott in der Hoh' sei Ehr' (I539) 3o5 Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (c. 1541 & I545) 2o5 Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (I682) 269 Auf meinen lieben Gott (I6O9) I42 Aus tlefer Noth schrei ich zu dlr (1524) 213 Bleiches Anthtz, sel gegrusset (i686) . 218 Christ ist erstanden (I535) . 265 Christ lag in Todesbanden (I524) I37, 138 Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (I524) 149 Christe, du Lamm Gottes (I557). 188 Christum wlr sollen loben schon (1524) 368 Christus, der ist mein Leben (I6o9) 326 Christus, der uns sehg macht (153I & 1598) 491 Da Christus geboren war (1544) . 465 Danket dem Herrn, heut und allzeit (I594) 145 Das neugebor'ne Kindeleln (16o9) 369 Die Wollust dieser Welt (I679) • 231 Dies slnd die hefi'gen zehn Gebot' (I524) • 287 Du Friedefurst, Herr Jesu Christ (16oi) 268 Du, O sch6nes Weltgeb_.ude (I649) 245 Dui'ch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt (I535) I78 Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem (I543 & 1553) 26I, 262 Ein' feste Burg (1535) • 297 Einen guten Kampf hab' lch (I713) 218 Erhalt' uns, Herr, bel delnem Wort (1543) 147 xi PAGE Ermuntre dlch, mein schwacher Geist (I64I) I58 Erschlenen ist der herrhch' Tag (I56o) 266 Erstanden ist der heil'ge Christ (1555) 267 Es ist das Hell uns kommen her (I524) 154 Es ist genug (1662) 253 Es sind doch selig alle (I525) 492 Es wolf uns Gott genadig sein (1525) 271 Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle (1646) • 220 Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (1524) 257 Gieb unsern Fursten (I566). 226 Gloria in excelsls Deo (I545) 305 Gott des Himmels und der Erden (I642 & 1687) 493 Grates nunc omnes reddamus (I524) • 257 Hast du denn, Lmbster, dem Angesicht (1665). 247 Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen (I575 [I569]) i6o Herr Christ, der einig' Gott's Sohn (1524). 186 Herr Gott dich loben wlr (I535) I73, 365, 366 Herr, ich habe missgehandelt (1649) • 435 Herr Jesu Christ, du hochstes Gut (I593). 239 Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir (1525) . 426 Herzlich lieb hab' ich dich, O Herr (1577) 417 Herzlich thut reich verlangen (1601) . 395 Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen (I64o) 494 Hilf mir, Herr Jesu, weil ich leb' (16o2) 134 "Ich dank' dir, heber Herre (1662) 212 Ich freue reich in dir (c. I735) 391, 392 Ich hab' mein Sach' Gott helmgestellt (I6O9) 344 Ich hort ein Fraulein klagen (I549) . I86 Ich ruff zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (I535) 451 Ich weiss mlr ein Roslein hubsch und fein (1589) 343 I1 n'y a icy celluy (c. I551). 385 In dich hab' lch gehoffet, Herr (I58I) 242 In Gottes Namen fahren wlr (1536) . 287 Ist Gott meln Schild und Helfersmamx (t694) . 3o7 Jesu, der du meine Seele (I64I). 434 xii PAG_ Jesu Kreuz, Leiden und Pein (I6o9) . 43I Jesu, meme Freude (i653) . 260 Jesu, nun sei gepreiset (1591) 222 Jesus, meine Zuversicht 0653 ) 412 Komm, Gott Sch6pfer, heiliger Geist (i524 & i535). 479 Komm, hefliger Geist, Herre Gott (I535) . 25o Komm, Jesu, komm 489 Kommt her zu mir, spncht Gottes Sohn (I53o) 283 L:ebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben (I713) 15I Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen (I679) 372 Lob' Gott getrost mit Singen (I544) . 2II Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich (I554) . 4i 9 Mach's mlt mir, Gott, nach deiner Gut' (I628) . 402 Meine Hoffnung stehet feste (I68O) 218 Meinen Jesum lass' ich nicht (I659) . 274 Mit Fried' und Freud' ich fahr' dahin (I524) 302 Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist (1524) . 445 Nun danket alle Gott (1648) 293 Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein (I535) . 277 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (1524) 208 Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren (r575 & 1587) 295 Nun lob', meln' Seel', den Herren (154o) . :75 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort (I653) I8I O Gott, du frommer Gott (1693) I9o . O grosser Gott von Macht (I632) 233 O Herre Gott, dem gotthch Wort (1527) , 46z O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht (i625) 134 O Lamm Gottes unschuldig (1542 & _545) 495 O stilles Gottes Lamm (I738) 392 O Welt, ich muss dich lassen (I539) I67 On a beau son maison bastir (I551) . 379 Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur (I551) 385 Puer natus in Bethlehem (1543 & 1553) 261, 262 Schmucke dich, O liebe Seele (1649). 457 Sch6nster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen (1698) . 372 xiii PAGIt. Singen wir aus Herzensgrund (x589) . 466 Straf mmh nicht m deinem Zorn (I694) 359 Valet will ich dir geben (I614) 328 Vater unser im Himmelrelch (I539) 312 Veni Redemptor gentmm (1531) 2o8 Venus du und dein Kind (I574) .
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