Volume 40 Issue 5 May 2013 Nestor Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati Editor: Carol Hershenson P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221-0226, U.S.A. Assistant Editors: Jeffrey L. Kramer and http://classics.uc.edu/nestor MaryBeth Wagner [email protected] COMMUNICATIONS From the Editors The editors of Nestor remind all readers that Nestor is not published during June, July, or August; Nestor 40.6 will be available in September 2013. We wish readers a productive and enjoyable summer and hope to see you during our own research activities. Calls for Papers On 31 May 2013 abstracts are due for a conference entitled Popular religion and ritual in the east Mediterranean from the 3rd millennium BC to the 5th century AD, to be held on 10-11 December 2013 by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Abstracts (250 words in English (and Greek if possible)) containing author(s) name(s), affiliation(s) and contact details) should be submitted to [email protected]; papers (20 minutes) may be in English or Greek, the latter with a translation into the former. Conference topics will include: Household cult and ritual (e.g. foundation rites) Places of popular cult Funerary activity as popular ritual Witchcraft Other types of popular ritual (e.g. ritual acts involving conspicuous food and drink consumption or public gatherings) The emulation of elite cult and other ritual habits by wider social groups On 1 June 2013 confirmation of interest and preliminary titles are due for a conference entitled Textiles and Cult in the Mediterranean Area in the first millennium BC, to be held on 21-22 November 2013 at the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. On 1 August 2013 abstracts (250 words) should be sent to [email protected]. Further information is available at http://ctr.hum.ku.dk/about/conferences/2013/First_call_for_papers_- _Textiles_and_cult_in_the_first_millenium_BC-1.pdf/. Nestor 40.5 104 May 2013 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used in this issue: Κρήτης Μινωιδός Carinci, F., N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio, eds. §20130913 2011. Κρήτης Μινωιδός: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato. Studi oFFerti a Vincenzo La Rosa per il Suo 70° compleanno. Studi di Archeologia Cretese 10, Padova: Bottega d’Erasmo. ISBN 978-88-6125-075-8. Югоизточна България през Георгиева, Румяна, Томко Стоянов, Димчо §20130976 II-I Хилядолетие пр.Хр. Момчилов, Йорданка Статева-Делева, Наташа Чакърова-Кръстева, Росица Христова, and Жулиета Иванова, eds. 2010. Югоизточна България през II-I Хилядолетие пр.Хр. Варна: Книгоиздателство Зограф. ISBN 978-954-15- 0221-1. ARTICLES AND BOOKS Other abbreviations used by Nestor conform to the standard of the American Journal of Archaeology (http://www.ajaonline.org/): Aluia, Simona 2011. “The re-use of tholos B at the Ayia Triada cemetery.” Rda 35: §20130901 137-145. (Abstract, p. 137.) Bahrani, Zainab, Zeynep Çelik, and Edhem Eldem 2011. “Introduction: Archaeology §20130902 and Empire.” Pp. 13-43 in Scramble For the Past: a Story of archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914, eds. Bahrani, Zainab, Zeynep Çelik, and Edhem Eldem. Istanbul: SALT/Garanti Kültür A.Ș. ISBN 978-9944-731-27-0. Bahrani, Zainab, Zeynep Çelik, and Edhem Eldem, eds. 2011. Scramble For the Past: §20130903 A Story oF Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914. Istanbul: SALT/Garanti Kültür A.Ș. ISBN 978-9944-731-27-0. Baldacci, Giorgia 2011. “Banchine protopalaziali a Festòs. Il caso delle strutture con §20130904 riempimento di vasi.” Pp. 313-328 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Protopalatial Benches at Phaistos: The Case of Structures Filled in with Vases,” p. 328.) Nestor 40.5 105 May 2013 Belfiore, Cristina Maria, Paolo Mazzoleni, Orazio Palio, and Antonino Pezzino 2011. §20130905 “Studio petro-chimico di ceramiche tardo minoiche dall’edificio di Haghia Photinì (Festòs).” Pp. 127-137 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Petrochemical Study of Late Minoan Pottery from the Haghia Photini Building (Phaistos),” p. 137.) Borgna, Elisabetta 2011. “Modi di produzione e divisione del lavoro nell’artigianato §20130906 ceramico del TM III: note intorno a un frammento festio.” Pp. 151-174 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Modes of Production and the Division of Labour in the Pottery Workshops: A Note on a LM III Vessel from Phaistos,” p. 174.) Bortolin, Raffaella 2011. “Arnie, miele e api nella Grecia antica.” RdA 35: 149-165. §20130907 (English abstract, p. 149.) Boulotis, Christos 2011. “‘Στρέφοντας πίσω το κεφάλι᾽: Το ταξίδι ενός §20130908 αφηγηματικού μοτίβου από το ‘αγγείο των θεριστών᾽ μέχρι μία σαρχοφάγο από την Τανάγρα.” Pp. 259-284 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “‘Turning the Head Back’: The Travel of a Narrative Motif from the Ayia Triada ‘Harvester Vase’ to a Tanagra Larnax,” p. 283-284.) Caloi, Ilaria 2011. “Changes and evolution in funerary and non-funerary rituals §20130909 during the Protopalatial period in the Mesara plain (Crete). The evidence from Kamilari and from the other tholos tombs.” Rda 35: 97-110. (Abstract, p. 97.) Caloi, Ilaria 2011. “Le innovazioni tecnologiche nella Messarà: dal wheel-fashioning §20130910 al wheel-throwing.” Pp. 87-102 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Technological Innovations in Mesara: From Wheel-Fashioning to Wheel- Throwing,” p. 102.) Camassa, Giorgio 2011. “Μίνως πρακτικός τε ἅμα καὶ νομοθέτης σπουδαῖος. Le §20130911 leggi cretesi attraverso la lente di Archiloco e le prime fasi della storia di nomos.” Pp. 469-476 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Μίνως πρακτικός τε ἅμα καὶ νομοθέτης σπουδαῖος. Cretan Laws through the Looking-Glas (sic) of Archilocs and the First Phases of the History of Nomos,” p. 476.) Carinci, Filippo 2011. “Strumentazioni per il filtraggio nei contesti di apparato del §20130912 Primo Palazzo di Festòs.” Pp. 103-116 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Tools for Filtering in Prestige Contexts of the First Palace of Phaistos,” p. 116.) Carinci, F., N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio, eds. 2011. Κρήτης Μινωιδός: §20130913 Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato. Studi oFFerti a Vincenzo La Rosa per il Suo 70° compleanno. Studi di Archeologia Cretese 10, Padova: Bottega d’Erasmo. ISBN 978-88-6125- 075-8. Nestor 40.5 106 May 2013 Carinci, Filippo Maria 2011. “Forewοrd: A Minoan Seminar. The Mesara Tholos §20130914 Tombs from the Protopalatial Phases through the Mycenaean Period: New Foundations and Re-Use of the Past.” Rda 35: 93-96. Carleton, W. Chris, James Conolly, and Mark Collard 2013. “Corporate kin-groups, §20130915 social memory, and ‘history houses’? A quantitative test of recent reconstructions of social organization and building function at Çatalhöyük during the PPNB.” JAS 40.4: 1816-1822. Carpinato, Caterina 2011. “Miti minoici nella letteratura cretese del Novecento: il §20130916 Kouros di Nikos Kazantzakis (1955) e il Secolo dei Labirinti di Rea Galanaki (2002).” Pp. 511-521 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Minoan Myths in XXth Century Cretan Literature,” p. 521.) Càssola Guida, Paola 2011. “Dall’alto Adriatico all’Egeo: qualche osservazione sui §20130917 ‘dischi solari’ della Tarda Età del Bronzo.” Pp. 439-454 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “From the Adriadic Sea to the Aegean: Some Observations on the ‘Solar Disks’ of the Late Bronze Age,” p. 454.) Cucuzza, Nicola 2011. “Acqua e vani di culto a Creta nel TM III.” Pp. 373-382 in §20130918 Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Water and Cult Rooms in LM III Crete,” p. 382.) Cultraro, Massimo 2011. “L’ambra nel mondo minoico: contesti archeologici e §20130919 immaginario sociale.” Pp. 225-238 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Amber in Minoan World: Archaeological Context and Social Imaginary,” p. 238.) de Voogt, Alex, Anne-Elizabeth Dunn-Vaturi, and Jelmer W. Eerkens 2013. “Cultural §20130920 transmission in the ancient Near East: twenty squares and fifty-eight holes.” JAS 40.4: 1715-1730. Di Tonto, Serena 2011. “Nuove evidenze dagli scavi nei livelli neolitici di Festòs.” §20130921 Pp. 57-70 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “New Evidences from the Excavations in the Neolithic Levels in Festòs,” p. 70.) Driessen, Jan and Alexandre Farnoux 2011. “A House Model from Malia.” Pp. 299- §20130922 311 in Κρήτης Μινωιδός. (Abstract, p. 311.) Nestor 40.5 107 May 2013 Duhoux, Yves 2012. “¿La Lengua del Lineal A es Anatolia?” Estudios Clásicos 142: 7- §20130923 24. (Spanish and English abstracts, “Is Anatolian the language of Linear A script?” p. 7; translation of Duhoux, Yves. 2004. “La langue du linéaire a est-elle anatolienne?” Pp. 207-228 in Antiquus Oriens: Mélanges OfFerts au ProFesseur René Lebrun. Vol. 1, Mazoyer, Michel and Olivier Casabonne, eds. Paris, L’Harmattan, Collection KUBABA, Série Antiquité V, ISBN 2-7475-7416-4. §20060326.) Falconer, Steven E. and Patricia L. Fall 2013. “Household and community behavior §20130924 at Bronze Age Politiko-Troullia, Cyprus.” JFa 38.2: 101-128. (Abstract, p. 101.) Flouda, Georgia 2011. “Reassessing the Apesokari tholos. A funerary record: §20130925 preliminary thoughts.” Rda 35: 111-121. (Abstract, p. 111.) Galanakis, Yannis 2013. “Early Prehistoric Research on Amorgos and the §20130926 Beginnings of Cycladic Archaeology.” AJa 117.2: 181-205. (Abstract, p. 181.) Garcia, Dominique, ed. 2011. L’Âge du bronze en Méditerranée: Recherches récentes. §20130927 Collection les Hesperides, Paris: Éditions Errance. ISBN 978-2-87772-467-8. Girella, Luca 2011. “Alcune riflessioni su Ahhiyawa e Creta.” Pp. 405-418 in Κρήτης §20130928 Μινωιδός. (English abstract, “Some Notes about Ahhiyawa and Crete,” p. 418.) Girella, Luca 2011. “The Kamilari project publication.” Rda 35: 123-136. (Abstract, §20130929 p. 123.) Grave, Peter, Lisa Kealhofer, Pavol Hnila, Ben Marsh, Carolyn Aslan, Diane Thumm- §20130930 Doğrayan, and Wendy Rigter 2013. “Cultural dynamics and ceramic resource use at Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Troy, northwestern Turkey.” JAS 40.4: 1760-1777.
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